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—=sSBB Pinance Personal Loan Ap PERSONAL INFORMATION. iven Name_ CHRIST Pe b- idle Name surname___ A] GArP7 Gender ALALE cop ey ek 7 (990 Manta status SWB ee Province Distriet UA [ERA VE village WW AASLit A= Office No Mobile Ph. Thooloo? emait__CA, hs yagi Feadepiotatress 207 Bera UN ATOLLMEWT ATSO BANK DETAILS CLOSE RELATIVE/COLLEAGUE/SPOUSE Name: SALTER Al YA-P/ Retationtip BROTHA employer FISHERIES WEST occupation: ZECH Ni CA OFFICER mronen:_ 72236 277) vecsvon ROE UPNG Pot BEM AGREEMENT {do apree and delare that all te information provided are correct ad trv in ovary particu “OURISTD PHEAAL YAO) Wfoifaa CONTACT SALES EXECUTIVES: PhiipRex Paula Ph rizeesie 7293829 mall: sbbfinncet mal com 1 Serey Pen 71496123 LOAN REQUIRMENTS / CHECK UST tonto EW Coma on ten YE Strat Samper ES ei coon. oa ‘ate nput Cootemation 2/ [e122 Employ Contrmasontener__ 12 suanatrntos YS psp MOANDETAIS 3 900-02 loan Amount See No.of Fortights_ 6 pe ag hls amt. par Fortnight 157) ‘otal Repayable K_340) . 2 Loan Amount K. Less 5% Fees Balance Payable K Top Up/Addltional Loan Loan Amount ‘APROVAL Less 5% Fae, ut standing Balance K nce P toon Amount Pid. EMPLOYMENT DETAILS Employer: __/ SF Fite No Designation Work station: ZEL Rumaac Years of Service: 6 IRREVOCABLE SALARY DEDUCTION AUTHORITY To the Paymaster of _ q File No hereby ‘2uthorise you to deduct the sum of K. er fortnight for fort nights untlthe balance of K__ is id infull and pay tto SBB Finance Limited, Accounttt 7011380990, BSP Walgani rive. This Authority is irevocable bby me and MUST NOT be altered in any way regardless of whichever/ whatever the circum stance may arise in the future. | also authorise that Cease Deduction and any ather alters tion from this agreed deductible amount ofthis loan will nly be authored and issued by 588 Finance in writing. DEDUCTION CODE Po. Box 942 2SBB Pecmra see “4 = 323-7984 /3237952 Finance Email: sbbfin@gmalicom &)_Allenforcements expenses SB8 Finance reasonably incurs when exercising its right should default under this contract, h) And all other costs and damages incurred by SBB Finance or fees payable as a result of a borrowing breaching may be obligation under this contract as a result of false or misleading, representation, warrant or statement made in connection with this contract. i) SBB Finance may debit the amount of any expenses, costs or damage referred above of the loan amount if anys incurred. The amount must be paid on demand. | certify that the Information given on the Loan Application is true and correct and | authorize SBB. Finance may check my personal details, credit history with concern authorities including commercial banks. ‘The Borrower certiy that the information provided in this agreement is true and correct in every particulars and is no way falsified. Part C- Acknowledgment of Borrower CHRIS DPHEL-AUEAN of TEL [Lom Ltd Acknowledge that | have carefully read and understand the contents of this contract and understand the terms and conditions set out in this contract. | understand that by singing this contract is legally binding contract and ! become legally bound by the terms and conditions therefor ay signed ard seated bythe pares hereon te URSA or_olt [/ | 20 ay Affix stamp here 1's Signature Sign for and on behalf of SBB Finance Limited. > 2.0.80 942 Port Moresby, National Capital istic 2sBB Se---— =a Phi 323 7954 /3297952 Finance Email : Loan Contract Agreement DAT The oan Agreement ths Agreement made asot tis TRO or ap Jul fro 20 the “Effective Date”) by and among between: Borrowerts) CHA/S(8 AUB L PH YAMlocated at__ $F UING Pr BEN AH cde. ST hee aw STO [Address] ("Borrower"), and enderts]_S fb locatedat_MONAN Hoe, bortek , Love! 2 Sucfo.f wire crketT NCD, AAT Mokesby [Address] (“Lender”) Part A- Loan The borrower refer to this Loan Agreement therefore agrees to repaid the amount including interest and fees (as detailed below) for a total loan amount of K_.3 8400 4@ which will be repaid over 2b Fortnightly installments of K <# each fortnight commencing on O83 Jap | %2 , until loanis fully repaid, a). The Borrower must repay the loan and pay the interest on the loan and any other amount debited under this contract and pay all fees as provided below. b) The Borrower must advise SBB Finance of changers to Home Address ©) The Borrower must pay the installments on the dates and in the manner in this contract 4d) The Borrower shall repay in form of either direct bank transfer or cash payment. Part B- Default The Borrower shall be deemed to have committed a default under the loan agreement if; )_ Fails to repay any money due or fails to comply with the obligation of the contract; or b} Declared bankrupt or become subject to receivership under the law ©) Inthe event of Resignation/ Termination of employment, all final entitlements, POSF/ NASFUND Savings and others to be transferred to SBB Finance Ltd to offset balance. 4) If the Borrower defeulted S88 Finance, He/ She must repay on demand, the outstanding balance of the loan and other monies payable under this contract. €) If the Borrower shall default in obligations, He/She must pay to $88 Finance on demand in additional to all other monies due and interest on all outstanding from the due date until payment plus the default interest of 50%. The penalty shall be applicable and charge on full outstanding balance of loan and accrued on daily balance. f} Enforcement expenses may become payable if the Borrower defaults, eg R0.Bonbaz fis Port Moresby, National Capital District ad foe 2 et Finance __|_fhuiubingynateom : PART D~ Default Interest a) If the Borrower shall default in obligations, He/She must pay to SBB Finance on demand In additional to all other monies due and Interest on all outstanding from the due date until payment plus the default interest of 50%. The penalty shall be applicable and charge on full outstanding balance of loan and accrued on dally balance. Part D - Acknowledgment of Borrower LHASA LALYAel of Teliltom L7b Acknowledge that | have carefully read and understand the contents of this contract and understand the terms and conditions set out in this contract. understand that by singing this contract is legally binding contract and | become legally bound by the terms and conditions therefor Signed and Sealed by the parities here on the, PROP op olet [20 22- Bolrowel’s Signature Sign for and on behalf of SBB Finance Limited. Bemobile Limited Level One, Telikorn Rumana Building, Kumul Avenue, Port Moresby PO, Box 1055, Waigani 121, NCD, Papua New Guines 219 January 2022 ‘The Lending Officer SBE Finance PoBox 942 Port Moresby NCD ATT: THE LENDING OFFICER RE: EMPLOYMENT CONFIRMATION ~ MR> CHRISTOPHER AIYAP! ‘This etter serves to confi that Mr. Christopher Aiyapiis employed by Bemobile Limited 2s Graduate Engineer within ‘echnical Engineering Department. Please refer below employment details, Employment Start Date: 19 March 2020 Employment Number: 1559 Fortnightly Gross: 994.84 ‘Annual Salary 25, 885.00, Superannuation Membership # 9853660 ‘This eter has been issued al the request of Mr. Christopher Aiyap forthe purpose of loan application. Loan deductions «wil be made direct to SBB Finance should his loan application is successful ‘Should you require further information, do not hesitate to contact the undersigned on phone +875 7600164 or ema Esewa.Yawag@telikom,com.pq er Yours faithilly, ‘@ 7600 3556/1555 3 ___@ ea SunncES Ea ea = ce eat eau anne laa ealeenicleale ee 2 are cesnee ee Ee pameeaeatn Bain i se ac rer ot rea heer be ae peewee see ere coe cece eee He ad "tress [rset ts ta re oe sr ieee [rss eat [ese nso ueetie le ereeeeee eae Etre ee ee eee FES a pare eaten em fee tee tae eer ear eeiere bee [Em fete Lox ESS eee Sema ate fa Ee teeters : eure BEMOBILE LIMITED Pay Advice Slip Employee: sso ‘CHRISTOPHER ALYAPE Department: TED ‘TECHNICAL ENGINEERING Mowry Rate: 13,84 Pay Rett PAY 262021 09-Dec-2021 te. 22-Dec-2023, EARNINGS rr nate amount ‘COMMENTS HoRMAL PAY ITEM 84.00 1104 se4.01 OvERTINE @ 3.5 20.00 17.76 35529 ovERTINE @ 2.0 27.00 23.08 402.66 ‘TAXABLE BENEFTTS/ALLOWANCES NON-TAXABLE BENEFITS peoucrions ur gAS=UND 600 5068 i sanz weADoTL 0.00 PAYMENT SUMMARY Gross Pay 4,752.76 tess oe 339.95 ‘Toto! Deductions 59.69 NET PAY 1,353.32 PAID BY BANK Dank DEPOSITS. ecm BsPBC 1S? - WAIGANE BANKING CE¥.6001005735203 (caRasTOPER AIYAPD sasaaz ‘BEMOBILE LIMITED Pay Advice Slip Employee: asso ‘CHRISTOPHER ATYAPE Department: TED ‘TECHNICAL ENGINEERING Hourly Rater Pay Ret: os-Dec-2021 to 22-Dec-2021 EARNINGS. unr RATE amount comments, NORMAL PAY ITEM 4.00 ss 94s oventive 1.5 20.00 17.76 35.29 ovenTiME @ 2.0 17.90 23.469 402.66 ‘TAXABLE BENEFITS ALLOWANCES NON-TAXABLE BENEFITS pepucrions. E-ASFUND 600 50.60 [EMPLOYER'S SUPERANNUATION CONTRIBUTION PF ssn23 eF-ADT 0.90 PAYMENT SUMMARY Gross Pay 41,752.76 lees ae 339.95 Total Deductions 59.69 NET PAY 1,353.12 PAID BY BANK BANK DEPOSITS Bax asPBc 2850 - WAIGANA BANKING Cen 001005795289 ‘CHRISTOPHER AIvapE 39.2 BEMOBILE LIMITED Pay Advice Slip Employee: 1559 ‘cHRasTOPHER AIYAPI Department: TED ‘TECHNICAL ENGINEERING Wourly Rate: 43,84 pay Ref PAYOL 2022 23-Dee2021 to 8-Jan-2022 eanNaNes nor RATE amount comments NORMAL PAY ITER 72.00 1104 952.69 OVERTIME © 15 31.00 17.78 590.70 OveRTINE @ 2.0 8.00 23.68 PA NORMAL 12.00 rey ery ‘TAXABLE BENEFITS/ALLOWANCES, [NON-TAXABLE BENEFITS epucrions. er-SFUND 80 50.58 ENPLOYERS SUPERANNUATION CONTRIBUTION. Nr 45.74 Ner-ADOT. 0.00 Gross Pay 3,735.00, tes as 333.73 ‘otal Deductions 59.69 NET PAY 4,341.58 PAID BY BANK BANK DEPosTTS. ce asec ISP - WAIGANT SABAING C=N0001005795292 ‘iRISTOPHER AIVAPL assis

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