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CSIRO Semantic Segmentation Instructions

2D Image Segmentation

Summary of Task
● Please draw tight masks around the following classes:
○ Asphalt / Concrete, Dirt, Mud, Water, Sand, Gravel, Terrain (Other), Grass, Tree Trunk, Tree Crown,
Vegetation (Other), Fence, Building, Other (Structure), Pole, Vehicle, Rock, Log, Object (Other), Sky
● Mask all pixels

● Labels & Attributes Table [Table of contents for labels and attributes]
● Labels & Attributes Description/Examples [Describe the labels that you want us to provide. Please provide both
positive and negative cases with plenty of images]
● Common Errors [What are common errors and how should we resolve them?]

Labels & Attributes Table

Category [optional] Labels Attributes [optional]

Terrain ● Asphalt / Concrete

● Dirt
● Mud
● Water
● Sand
● Gravel
● Terrain (Other)

Vegetation ● Grass
● Tree Trunk
● Tree Other
● Bushes / Shrubs

Structure ● Fence
● Building
● Other (Structure)

Stuff ● Pole
● Vehicle
● Rock
● Log
● Object (Other)

Other ● Sky

Labels & Attributes Description/Examples

Labels/Attributes Description Example

Asphalt / Concrete Concrete or Asphalt Terrain, often

used for public roads or footpaths
● Asphalt (or Bitchumen)
● Concrete Roads
● Concrete footpaths
● Concrete terrain of any kind
● Non-terrain concrete
structures such as buildings
● Loose gravel roads or

Dirt Hard Packed Dirt or Soil Terrain.

Includes dirt areas covered in leaf
● Hard packed dirt
● Loose soil
● Dirt covered in leaf litter
● Dense leaf litter
● Mud
● Sand
● Loose gravel terrain

Mud Muddy Terrain, often found on and

near riverbanks or other bodies of
● Muddy terrain
● Other mud
Water Any noticeable body of water in the
terrain, including but not limited to
creeks, rivers, and lakes

● Lakes
● Rivers
● Creeks
● Pools

Sand Terrain composed of loose sand

We define “sand” here as being very

loose, “beachy”-style sand; hard
packed surfaces or any surface that
looks like it wouldn’t immediately
deform underfoot similarly to sand
should not be segmented as sand.

● Sand
● Dirt, any hard packed surface

Gravel Terrain composed of loose gravel

● Gravel paths
● Other gravel surfaces
Terrain (Other) Any other surface that reasonably
qualifies as terrain, but doesn’t fall
under the above categories.

Most common examples expected:

Boardwalk, bridge, other wooden or
rubber terrains.

Grass All grasses, curated or natural. Low-

cut or tall grass is included.

● Naturally short grasses
● Curated lawns
● Higher grasses in fields (e.g.
picture 3)
Tree Trunk The main body of a tree trunk, POSITIVE EXAMPLES:
consisting of the central column and
large branches.

For this project, we are interested in

tree trunks segmented. For trees far
in the distance where the individual
trunks are not discernable against the
general backdrop of vegetation, we
require use of the Tree (Other) Class

● VIsually distinguishable,
foreground tree trunks
● Large (i.e. too large to be
easily moved or brushed
past) branches stemming
directly from the trunk

● Minor children branches
● Leaf cover of tree
● Out-of-focus, blurry tree

Tree (Other) This class is for segmentation of non-
tree trunk portions of trees in the

- The tree crown / foliage
- Smaller, less distinct
- Distant or blurry trees which
can’t be cleanly segmented
into non tree trunks / blur
into the background

- Foreground, distinct tree
trunks and large branches (As
defined in Tree Trunk class)

Bushes / Shrubs This class is defined to include Positive Examples:

bushes, shrubs and ferns which do
not fit into either “grass” or “Tree

- Shrubs
- Bushes
- Ferns

- Low or high grasses
- Distant vegetation between
tree crown & ground (See
negative example)
Negative Examples:

Fence Fences of any style, including but not

limited to chainlink or picket fences.

Segment Chainlink Fences as a

solid object
● Chainlink Fences
● Picket Fences
● Steel Fences
● Other Fences

Building Buildings intended for human use and

occupation, indoor or outdoor. This
category is intended to be fairly
● Houses
● Office buildings
● Sheds
● Undercover areas
● Gazebos
Structure (Other) Any structure which doesn’t fit into
the previous two categories.

Pole Vertical poles of any size

● Signpoles
● Power poles
● Road Marker Poles

Vehicle Vehicles of any make design or

● Cars
● Trucks
● Motorcycles
● Quadbikes
● All other vehicles
Rock Large rocks, manmade or natural

● Large rocks
● Boulders
● Pebbles, other small rocks

Log Large branches or tree trunks that are

no longer standing, and are lying on
the ground.

● Logs
● Tree stumps, tree trunks

Object (Other) Other objects which do not fit any

other “Stuff” category

● Signs
● Termite Nests
● Chairs
● People
● Etc.

Sky The sky, label in between tree crown

where possible but prioritise covering
tree crown over sky class
Common Errors

Edge Case How to Handle It Example

Dirt vs. Grass If an area is largely dirt with the

occasional small tuft of grass, just
segment the whole region as dirt

Dirt vs. Gravel For areas which have sparse gravel

scattered over dirt, segment regions
with no gravel as dirt, and segment
regions with moderate gravel
coverage as gravel

Dirt vs. Sand We have a strict standard for “Sand”;

if it’s not distinctly loose, fine, white
sand, please classify as dirt.

Tree Stumps Segment as tree trunk, not as log

Vegetation such as lilypads covering If a body of water is covered with a

water terrain thin layer of vegetation such as moss
or lilypads, classify it as water, not

Chainlink Fence: Segmenting the If a chainlink fence is transparent,

fence segment the fence as a block - do not
segment what is visible through the

Tree Other being segmented as Tree (Other) is its own distinct class!
vegetation: other Please do not segment as
“Vegetation: Other”

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