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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 13:Computing Research Project

Submission date December 19th 2020 Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyễn Hữu Thiện Student ID GCD18399

Class GCD0702 Assessor name Phan Thanh Tra

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature

Grading grid

P6 P7 M4 D3
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Assignment 2
Computing Research Project

Name: Nguyễn Hữu Thiện

Class: GCD18399
Table of Contents
Acknowledgement ................................................................................................................................................. 6
LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts ............................................................ 7
P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the computing research
project. ................................................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1) Project proposal ......................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1.1) Project vision ....................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1.2) The requirement .................................................................................................................................. 7
6.1.3) The deliverables ................................................................................................................................... 7
6.1.4) Success criteria .................................................................................................................................... 8
6.1.5) Specify the deadline ............................................................................................................................. 8
6.1.6) Authorization ....................................................................................................................................... 8
6.2) Research process ........................................................................................................................................ 8
6.3) Reflect on the research process ................................................................................................................ 11
6.3.1) Roles of literature review .................................................................................................................. 11
6.3.2) Reflect on research method ............................................................................................................... 12
6.3.3) How I chose participations and the importance of it? ...................................................................... 13
6.3.4) The role of my tutor to create more effective research ..................................................................... 13
P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes. ......................... 14
7.1) Alternative research approach................................................................................................................. 14
7.2) Time management plan ............................................................................................................................ 14
7.3) Getting materials ...................................................................................................................................... 14
7.4) Research method ...................................................................................................................................... 15
References ............................................................................................................................................................ 16
Table of Figures
Figure 1.Gantt chart of the project planning ............................................................................................................ 8
Figure 2.Research processes.................................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3.Work Breakdown Structure ..................................................................................................................... 10
Figure 4.Literature review process ........................................................................................................................ 12
Figure 5.Survey data.............................................................................................................................................. 13
Thanks to Ms. Phan Thanh Tra for providing support and the knowledge I needed to complete this research “How
Home Security and Safety IOT device will protect your home?”. As well as everyone else on the research team and
participants for the survey.

This report below will be general view of the achieved results from the research, which we can also learn the mistake
we made from this and propose a better solution for future research project.
LO4 Reflect on the application of research methodologies and concepts

P6 Reflect on the effectiveness of research methods applied for meeting objectives of the computing
research project.
6.1) Project proposal
6.1.1) Project vision
Our topic in this research project is home security, in IOT term it would be a “smart home”. Home security is a very
important feature of home automation and maybe the most crucial one. Home security made a drastic change in the
past few decades and continue to advance much more in the coming years. Previously home security systems meant
having an alarm that would go off when somebody would break in but a smart secure home can do much more than
that with IOT devices such as unlocking doors or adjusting temperatures via a mobile app or a sensor. With all the
benefits that IOT brings, we want to improve home security in our country Danang with high quality IOT product in
affordable price. By getting people to use these products, it will be the standard for every home. In many cases, it
does offer advantages that make our life easier but it sure has some bad sides we should consider and that is what this
research is looking for.

The reason why we are conducting this research and project is we want our home country Danang a safer place with
advanced technology built in their own home. From our research “How Home Security and Safety IOT device will
protect your home?”, most of the IOT products related to home security are very expensive, not easily affordable by
the people. That is why we decided to improved one of the products that is on the market and modify it to make it
cheaper and still working as intended. We believed that this IOT product will help people’s home safer while ensuring
an affordable price for people to buy it and also making more people interest in home’s security. That is what we want
to accomplish upon the completion of this project.

6.1.2) The requirement

In our previous report, I have met all the requirement during the scientific research such as:

• Selecting the right participants for the survey: People who in contacts with modern technologies and have
basic knowledge about automated products
• Questions related to the subject
• Analyze the feedback from survey
• The report covered literature review, initial hypothesis, primary research, secondary research and analysis
of the research.
• The report is 44 pages long and it contain the data for the research.

6.1.3) The deliverables

The deliverable is an IOT product that came from our initial hypothesis a new type of sensor called Perimeter & Entry
Alert Sensors. It’s still in intermediate prototype phase but we handed it out to the people that participated in the
survey during our research so they can test out the quality of the product before we finalized it and deliver it to actual
customers as a product.
6.1.4) Success criteria
Below are the successful criteria that I set to evaluate whether my project is successful or not:

Successful criteria
Successfully plan out the project schedule ✓
Studied the research methodologies ✓
Conducted primary and secondary research ✓
Conducted a survey for the project with 100 participants ✓
Analyzed the data gotten from the survey ✓

6.1.5) Specify the deadline

As for deadline, we made a Gantt Chart to specify our deadline of the project.

Figure 1.Gantt chart of the project planning

6.1.6) Authorization
As for authorization, this report will be sent to Ms. Phan Thanh Tra our tutor for approval.

As for the participants from the survey, their information will be confidential and all respondents who answered the
questions accepted that the contents of the survey have been used to research and develop related to the product. Their
feedback will help build the product as intended.

6.2) Research process

Scientific methods: For this project, I have chosen one of the most popular search methods that could offer
productivity during the process of implementation.

Population research: I can come up with a plan for conducting surveys for them by choosing the correct and
appropriate sample size and sampling method for the research project to get opinions on the subjects being
Secondary research: in the secondary research process, existing documentations and research papers were used as a
reference for the primary research. Since it makes use of existing data, unlike primary research where data is collected
first-hand from organizations or companies, or where a third party may collect data on their behalf. What were in the
documents are how home security has helped us and how far has advanced since it first started.

Primary research: After finishing up secondary research, primary research is a form of research design in which the
researcher is directly involved in the process of data collection. In other words, the researcher collects the appropriate
data samples directly instead of relying on the already existing data in the study context. As such, we learned the
disadvantages and advantages of home security bring to us, we successfully conducted a survey research from people
around that has knowledge about the topic and gain feedback and idea to build the product.

In addition, all of the above phases can be separated into comprehensive research processes that may be equivalent to
the research phase. The following figure means that the research project also included the description of the object
and problem, research design Population research for sample size and data collection from certain items, or process
consideration. Surveys and data analysis and then the conclusion and project termination were eventually completed.

Figure 2.Research processes

The following figure shows the project's work breakdown structure into different sections that are understandable to
the readers. As seen in the figure, I can then take each of those chunks of work and further break it down into its key

Figure 3.Work Breakdown Structure

6.3) Reflect on the research process
6.3.1) Roles of literature review
• Literature review permits the interpretation of recent literature within the lightweight of the latest
developments within the field; this helps in establishing the consistency in information and connection of
older materials.
• The progress of data within the field is mapped and the way the dialectics of contradictions between varied
thoughts inside the sphere helped establish facts is known throughout the course of reviewing the literature.
This helps in hard the impact of the latest data within the field.
• The literature is primarily scrutinized to spot gaps within the information of the sphere. This gap is more
explored throughout the analysis to determine new facts or theories that add price to the sphere.
• The conception of conducting a scientific and systematic study necessitates scrutiny of existing information,
thus, facilitating the requirement for literature review
In addition, the literature review provided me with a historical context for the research for two key reasons. First of
all, I wanted to know what was written about my research so that I could present something unique and valuable to
the field in which I studied when I came to write about my research importance, so I could be sure that I was
contributing, even in a small way, to the current understanding of the field. The second reason why the historical
context for my research was important was because it showed my reader or examiner that I already knew how to read
and translate theoretical concepts into my own words in order to understand the subject I was researching.

Figure 4.Literature review process

6.3.2) Reflect on research method

As I described in the research paper, I will use survey method as an approach to data collection and analysis using
tools such as visualization and graphs for this project. It was a great way to gather information from multiple people
to evaluate or get the right feedbacks for the project. Another benefit from using this method is that I can setup the
questions online using Google Form and send it to the survey participants and get the result easily.

As for the results, the site compiles all the answers and put in a pie chart for easier understanding:
Figure 5.One of the survey data presented

6.3.3) How I chose participations and the importance of it?

It’s important to find to right participants for the survet. Here are the criteria when choosing participants:

- People who in contacts with modern technologies and have basic knowledge about automated products. We
will get good feedbacks from these participants since they will know what the good and the bad are.
- People that owned or live in a house that want to improve their security.
- People that want to learn more about IOT technologies.

As for participants amount, we will take a sample from the Danang population which will be the range from 50 to
100 people.

6.3.4) The role of my tutor to create more effective research

During the duration of my research, every week on Monday and Friday I usually discuss my work with my tutor Ms.
Phan Thanh Tra. Her feedback helped me understand more of what I am researching and more methods of doing it.
She also keeps track of what I was doing to prevent me from going out of topic, researching material that are unrelated
to the topic. Thanks to her that I was able to complete the research perfectly and on time.
P7 Consider alternative research methodologies and lessons learnt in view of the outcomes.
7.1) Alternative research approach
After finishing up the research and look back, our method to gather data wasn’t the best. Not only that, I didn’t have
enough experience to be able to evaluate all the materials that obtained from all primary and secondary studies when
I do my research but this is expected as this is my first research project.

Therefore, I have plans to change the way I do my research in future project.

7.2) Time management plan

For an accurate duration calculation, such activities may be too broad or complicated. If more than 10 percent of the
project schedule is taken up by an operation, you might want to split it into many separate tasks. To simplify these
operations into smaller more manageable tasks, you can use a work breakdown structure. Doing this helps you to set
goals and to predict the length of the tasks with greater accuracy. For building transparency, a work breakdown
structure is also useful, since you can delegate unique tasks to assigned project participants. Frequent update to the
project on a weekly basis is also a good thing to adapt to. Try to leave some open time before the deadline in case
risks happen so there is enough time to mitigate or eliminate it instead of working overtime to make it in time for the

Below are some steps that I can do to management time better in future project:

• Start your tasks early.

• Set limits for what you’ll say yes to.
• Give yourself breaks.
• Prioritize your tasks.
• Schedule your tasks and deadlines.
• Organize your workplace.
• Learn your patterns of productivity.
• Use technology to help keep you accountable.
• Focus on one task at a time.

7.3) Getting materials

It can often be a tough job to compile references when doing secondary research. It is also a good idea to start with
search engines such as Google when doing research, and general descriptions such as those I can find on Wikipedia
or on articles. I can expand this by digging up books in libraries or check credible sources.

Here are some guidelines I can follow next time when I do secondary research:

• Ideas or concepts discussed during the brainstorming sessions for Secondary Research can hold the key to
future secondary research. So, make a note of each and every conversation held at different stages of the
creative process
• Cross-verify the credibility of any data gathered from the Internet
• Online data can be modified without a prior notice, so if you use websites as the source of your secondary
data, take screenshots for future reference
• Go through the appendix and references to check the credibility of reports and statistics
• Pay more importance to detailed references, as that data is deemed more credible
• There is no point in spending too much time on copying or summarizing secondary research data, as it gains
value only when this data is critically reviewed by the researcher, and actionable results are drawn

7.4) Research method

As for research method, we did survey method to gather data from the outside and we analyze it to see which idea
can benefit the project. For this part, we did great in my opinion as we carefully select participants that know around
the topic which is “smart home/ home security”. Questions in the survey was also on point, avoiding questions that is
similar to other questions or questions that are not even related to the topic. We can expand this further by doing more
method such as interview or experiment.

For interview we can ask experts that know thing ways around home security technologies and devices. The
interviewer (which is not necessarily the researcher) could adopt a formal or informal approach, either letting the
interviewee speak freely about a particular issue or asking specific pre-determined questions. This will have been
decided in advance and depend on the approach used by the researchers. A semi-structured approach would enable
the interviewee to speak relatively freely, at the same time allowing the researcher to ensure that certain issues were

As for experiment, we can send the prototype product to a specific group (e.g., members of the project or participants
from the survey) to test the product and give feedback on it after a week or two of using it.


This research project “How Home Security and Safety IOT device will protect your home?” is the first research
project I have ever done. It has it flaws but with this I can learn my mistakes and do better next time. This research
has fulfilled it aims and goals so I’m still considering this is a success. Thanks to Ms. Phan Thanh Tra and every
member in the team for making this possible. With this I have gained some experiences and skills. Next time I do a
research project I will guaranteed that the result will be better.
Available at:
[Accessed 19 Dec 2020].

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