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Qualification BTEC Level 5 HND Diploma in Computing

Unit number and title Unit 13: Computing Research Project

Submission date Date Received 1st submission

Re-submission Date Date Received 2nd submission

Student Name Nguyen Duc Dung Student ID GBD18501

Class Assessor name Phan Thanh Tra

Student declaration

I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.

Student’s signature Nguyen Duc Dung

Grading grid

P6 P7 M4 D3
 Summative Feedback:  Resubmission Feedback:

Grade: Assessor Signature: Date:

Internal Verifier’s Comments:

Signature & Date:

Computing Research Project
How to increase the efficiency of some IoT products
applied in agricultural irrigation?

Student name: Nguyen Duc Dung

Student ID: GBD18501

Teacher: Phan Thanh Tra

Table of content

Table of content .............................................................................................................................................. 4

Table of Table ................................................................................................................................................ 6
Table of Figure ............................................................................................................................................... 6
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................... 1
I. Project’s proposal. .................................................................................................................................. 2
1. The vision of “Wawhere” project. ....................................................................................................... 2
2. The requirement. ................................................................................................................................. 3
3. The deliverables. ................................................................................................................................. 3
4. Success criteria. ................................................................................................................................... 4
5. Specify the deadlines. .......................................................................................................................... 7
6. Get authorization. ................................................................................................................................ 8
II. Process of Research. ............................................................................................................................... 8
1. Evaluate the strengths, limitations and problems. ............................................................................... 8
1.1. Preliminary study of IoT system for irrigation in agriculture. ..................................................... 8
1.2. Qualitative research: .................................................................................................................... 8
1.3. Quantitative Research: Prepared questionnaire surveys using Google Forms. ........................... 9
1.4. Research process. ......................................................................................................................... 9
2. The roles of Literature review. .......................................................................................................... 10
3. The project plans. .............................................................................................................................. 12
3.1. Project communication. ............................................................................................................. 12
3.2. Work break down structure (WBS). .......................................................................................... 14
3.3. Project cost planning. ................................................................................................................. 14
3.4. Project update planning. ............................................................................................................. 15
4. Meeting with tutor. ............................................................................................................................ 16
5. Choosing participations. .................................................................................................................... 16
6. Present research result. ...................................................................................................................... 17
Conclusion .................................................................................................................................................... 19
References .................................................................................................................................................... 20
Table of Table
Table 1 - literature review action. ................................................................................................................ 12
Table 2 - Communication methods .............................................................................................................. 13
Table 3 - Cost of elements. ........................................................................................................................... 15
Table 4 - Costs for project implementation .................................................................................................. 15

Table of Figure
Figure 1 - Wawhere system. ........................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 2 - Deadline of Project. ....................................................................................................................... 7
Figure 3 - Research Process ........................................................................................................................... 9
Figure 4 - WBS............................................................................................................................................. 14
Figure 5 - Pie chart sample. .......................................................................................................................... 18

During this Assignment I, I completed my study with the topic "How to increase the efficiency of some
IoT products applied in agricultural irrigation?". At the end of the main research, I have given many results,
conclusions, reviews and recommendations to help people have a more positive outlook on the current
irrigation IoT products in Vietnamese agriculture.

In this Assignment 2, I have evaluated, discussed and gave many solutions, works in the process of
implementing a research project to help better in my research process to help improve and accumulated
experience doing research reports for the next time.

Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
I. Project’s proposal.

1. The vision of “Wawhere” project.

IoT is the base of intelligent farming in agriculture. It will lead to improved nutrition, food
hygiene and protection, and the value of agricultural products.

Smart farming is a broad concept that applies, amongst other things: IoT, Big Data and advance
computational technology, to food processing and farming practices implementing 4.0 technologies.

Data processing, management visualization and systems are the most important technologies in
smart agriculture. Sensor data analysis encourages transparency in agricultural operations, as
farmers collect useful information on field results, greenhouses and so on.

And the difficulties in regulating the quality of irrigation of crops making farmers invest a lot
can be listed today in our country's agriculture. For example: the farmer would have to keep the
water hot and hot one day during the dry season and can still water without impacting the quality of
the sun. The use of IoT in agriculture is therefore the best way to allow farmers more time to study
and develop farming, while reducing the number of people working for jobs. Software that we can
conveniently access.

Figure 1 - Wawhere system.

With the research topic “How to increase the efficiency of some IoT products applied in
agricultural irrigation?”, The above study included “How to improve existing IoT devices and

Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
upgrade them to become should be smarter” from which to study insights. Based on the data,
research can give better solutions and recommendations. And for this research project, I will
implement the following main issues:

• Discuss and evaluate the value of agricultural irrigation that IoT may provide and identify
possible issues for the general population in such IoT goods. Will consume less office electricity
than we can automate.
• Run surveys and data analyzes to find helpful input and functionality that can be used for our
IoT products in agriculture.

Enhance the performance of IoT instruments now, gather input from people who have used the
IoT model in agricultural irrigation or have not used it to solve together.

2. The requirement.

Surveying the outside of the market with a large scope makes it easy to see that, besides the IoT
products for agricultural irrigation of big brands, nowadays, farmers' inventions on IoT irrigation are
also appeared quite a lot.

However, the features of current products still have many limitations or the technology is too old
to increase productivity. For example, many products can respond to automatic capabilities, but the
introduction of applications of smart smartphone devices is almost absent or very sketchy.

In order to get a fast sale, many businesses keep labeling IoT devices to attract more people
interested in agricultural irrigation to buy their products, but the feature is not much compared to the
price is too high.

Grasping this loophole of Vietnamese consumers and especially in smart irrigation, many
manufacturers keep labeling IoT devices in their products. So, we decided to solve this problem
through the survey and research to market Wawhere products - irrigation in agriculture applying IoT
so that people could feel about the products themselves.

3. The deliverables.

The products in this research project are:

Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
✓ Research process flowchart.
✓ Research model diagram.
✓ Table of comparison rates.
✓ Number of products used for research.
✓ Research Methodology: Qualitative Research and Quantitative Research
✓ Cost: The cost table to create the IoT product.
✓ Product evaluation results: Solutions to product development, distribution, feasibility,
features and cost.
✓ IoT Application: solving problems that exist with current IoT agricultural irrigation

4. Success criteria.

No. Criteria Description Image Result Status

Completed by • Project charter

1 100%
November 5 • Risk Plan

Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
• Cost
Completed by • WBS (Work
2 100%
November 5 Breakdown

• Survey Plan:
Survey at least
100 people
Completed by • Analise survey
3 100%
November 6 data
• Built IoT
Survey Result

Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
• Demo product:
Completed by
4 demo Wawhere 100%
November 7
product in class

Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
Completed by • Finish
5 100%
November 7 Assignment I

5. Specify the deadlines.

• First milestone: Inception - Completion of project plan on October 1, 2020

• Second milestone: Planning - Completion of work order, handover of tasks to each department
and risk assessment: October 15, 2020
• Third milestone: Executing:
- Customer research and survey: Completed on November 1, 2020
- Design of IoT products: Completed the entire design of the Wawhere project on
November 18/2020
- Testing: Completion of Wawhere test by November 31, 2020
• Forth milestone: Delivery and maintenance commenced on December 1, 2020

Figure 2 - Deadline of Project.

Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
6. Get authorization.

This report will be specifically and seriously checked and moderated. The questionnaires in this
when sent to Wawhere customers have been seriously researched and completely consistent with the
criteria set forth. And everyone who responded to the question knew that the content and answers in
the survey were used and served to research and develop related products. All are confidential and
do not have any illegal action.

II. Process of Research.

1. Evaluate the strengths, limitations and problems.

1.1.Preliminary study of IoT system for irrigation in agriculture.

Interview (n = 15): personal interview with the most voluntary and objective purpose and based
on interview results in order to build questionnaires and research models in the most appropriate

1.2.Qualitative research:

After building the questionnaire in accordance with the implementation of the project, we will
continue to conduct a direct survey for the purpose of (n = 25) to check the validity of the
questionnaire once. again. From there, adjust later for the most suitable questionnaire.

We conducted qualitative research, primary data filtering, and search research using the
following methods listed:

• Direct observation: observing people's demand for using IoT in agriculture, surveying the
reality of agricultural households in the area and accessible places.
• Personal interview:
- With remote farmers, it is possible to survey via video call or online to get a brief
overview of the situation or directly interview (if possible).
- Conduct online interviews (if available) to collect data specifically and accurately.
- Priority to directly interview.

Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
1.3.Quantitative Research: Prepared questionnaire surveys using Google Forms.

Quantitative research is conducted to gather quantitative information about factors influencing

assessments of existing agricultural irrigation IoT products on the market and the solutions and
features that customers want to include. The result was a database to test research models and
hypotheses, to test Wawhere products - whether irrigation in agriculture met the needs of current
users and the desired improvements. be upgraded.

People surveyed: all individuals and organizations who have a passion for IoT in agriculture
in general and IoT in agricultural irrigation.

1.4.Research process.

Figure 3 - Research Process

Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
Secondary research is used in the report as a basis for the formation of research measures
and principles for the assessment of findings, but there are also risks in the use of secondary

- Quality of the Researcher:

Study is carried out using techniques primarily controlled by advertisers.
However, when it comes to data obtained by some, this is not accurate. Therefore,
it is important to closely assess the validity of secondary research as the source
of knowledge can be uncertain.
Organizations who are focused in their decision-making processes on
secondary data must take additional measures to determine the validity and
durability of information by determining how information is objectively
presented. Data was compiled, processed and submitted.
- Flawed Information: A researcher sometimes discovers that fake information is
reported by the researcher in a report that is positive. Typically, this arises where a
small part of the study is disclosed, usually for free, so to achieve the maximum
benefit of the study, a full report is also very costly.
- Bad time: Be careful not to rely on secondary, previously well recorded, data. An
outdated knowledge, particularly for enterprises operating in rapidly evolving
markets, may have very little value.
- Not unique to researchers' needs: secondary data is not typically delivered in a
way that satisfies marketer criteria correctly. The findings might not be very
beneficial due to this disparity.

2. The roles of Literature review.

My Literature review gives readers a sense of scholarly study on this topic.

I have in my analysis of documents:

• Show that I am an authority in the IoT sector by presenting an analysis of the present
state of the document.

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Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
• Discovered a paper defect or fixed an organization or career problem. A analysis reveals
how my thesis assists in intellectual discourse.
• Offers a summary of the challenges, patterns and ideas in my study
• I discover new and supplementary subjects as I read and write initial drafts to which point
I am back to looking for and studying new subjects. In my ratings. - In my study.

I did the following in the literature review:

No. Actions Methods

Deploy the work order according to:

Objective: 'What is a basic hypothesis, dilemma or research concern? Who
can help classify my content assessments? ''
Type: 'Why do I suggest a documentary review? I'm checking
Theoretical problems? The methodology? The methodology? Politics?
Policies? A quantitative investigation? Qualitative investigation?
Set out work for Scope: "What is the scope of my paper review?”
yourself. Quality: 'How good am I looking for information? 'Enough wide to do
ensure that I have located all applicable documents and are small enough to
remove documents that are irrelevant?
Analysis: 'Did I analyze the content I've used critically? Do I follow up a
variety of ideas and questions and compare things with the manner they treat
them? ''
Contrast: 'Anti my own judgment, did I cite and address study?

Find out all associated research carried out in a certain time period by the
2 Know the main authors
major writers.

Find the same definitions with multiple meanings and search for identical
Specific terms,
3 definitions with different terms in the meantime. Compare them to identify
patterns and variations for each other.

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Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
Record and meaning Check for stereotypes and structures in a subject like demographic, political
key concepts and historical contexts.

Render my sources a
5 Create a map and link it to my sources.

Be sure to inform the audience after reviewing and assessing my performance

6 Writing
that I'll write an exercise analysis.

Table 1 - literature review action.

3. The project plans.

3.1.Project communication.

Frequency Target Host Spectator


Review project progress and PM

Status method Daily debate possible complications or (Project Project group
delays manager)


Update work Share progress on project
Daily (Project Project group
progress activities every day


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Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
Commit Wawhere source code on
Source code Daily (Project Project group
GitHub for each function.


Discuss tasks to be assigned PM

Discuss work Daily when face-to-face internal (Project Project group
meetings are not possible. manager)

Table 2 - Communication methods

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Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
3.2.Work break down structure (WBS).

Figure 4 - WBS

3.3.Project cost planning.

To assess the cost for the entire process of implementing the research project on IoT Wawhere,
we divide it into two parts:
• Equipment cost.
• Costs for project implementation.
No. Components Price

1 Arduino UNO & Cable 105,000

2 NodeMcu Esp8266 60,000

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Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
3 Soil moisture sensor 17,000

4 Mini water pump DC3-5V 18,000

5 Breadboard 20,000

6 Other 100,000

Total VND 320,000

Table 3 - Cost of elements.

No. Process Work hours Cost per hour Total

1 Built Project charter 72 VND 40,000 VND 2,880,000

2 Built Project management plan 24 VND 40,000 VND 960,000

3 Plan Cost management 24 VND 50,000 VND 1,200,000

4 Plan Risk management 24 VND 50,000 VND 1,200,000

5 Plan Quality management 24 VND 50,000 VND 1,200,000

6 Survey 72 VND 50,000 VND 3,600,000

7 Data analise 40 VND 50,000 VND 2,000,000
8 Testing 20 VND 50,000 VND 1,000,000
9 Check performance 40 VND 50,000 VND 2,000,000
10 System Document 80 VND 45,000 VND 3,600,000
Total VND 19,640,000

Table 4 - Costs for project implementation

3.4.Project update planning.

Time Update.

• Time is shared evenly between the literature review and the secondary analysis portion
in the first part of the report. But the party met at the dawn of reality and allotted a fairer
• In order to focus more on data surveys and data interpretation, time was diverted off
analytical studies.

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Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
• The time for revision was from 2 weeks to 7 days for literature review and secondary

Cost update.

• Both charges that the group has not estimated in advance are the costs incurred in the
testing process.
• The timely improvement in the revenue and investment strategy allows the company to
make the best progress and the needs of the members of the group.
• Such forms of additional expenses, such as data collection and website creation, are
generally included under the Compliance portion.
• Significant cost fluctuations such as Wink and IoT technologies are often triggered by
the introduction of emerging technologies to introduce into the solution.

4. Meeting with tutor.

We will meet with Ms. Phan Thanh Tra every week to discuss progress on the Wawhere project.
Each week we meet with her. She would also evaluate the success of the company at the same time.

The group recently reviewed the whole process and the study privately with Ms. Phan Thanh
Tra. The group has developed a full research paper and associated technical items by a clear time
schedule and the resolving of challenges in the research session with Ms. Phan Thanh Tra. Day
exchanges take place via Zalo and normally take place on Google Meet.

5. Choosing participations.

I choose all ages to participate in my research, everyone can apply and deploy IoT irrigation in
agriculture with ease. Therefore, surveyors of all ages will be able to easily deploy and gain
objective perspectives in Wawhere system maintenance and upgrading.

For all ages participating in the survey requires me to study the questionnaire closely, so I did
this research to explore the questions: Age? Do you know much about the IoT?

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Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
After using Google Form to survey on social networking sites, I have the data to summarize. At
Google Form, I have compiled that data into a chart to easily see the overview and make
conclusions. For calculating the number of samples available, the following formula is as follows:

y = 5n + 20
y: minimum volume of samples to be surveyed

n: number of variables that are observed

6. Present research result.

For the following benefits, the chart used in the Wawhere study report would be mainly Pie
charts in this research project:

• Just one data set remains.

• None of the values are negative in my results.
• There is almost no value that has a null value in the results.

Analysis results in a pie chart has the advantage that the correlation as well as the significance
that the subject wants to evaluate can be easily seen. Readers would be able to clearly see the
difference between the values and make decisions and ratings for each graph in this manner.

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Assignment II - Computing Research Project - Duc Dung
Figure 5 - Pie chart sample.

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It is my first analysis, so there are many weaknesses and weaknesses. I have realized my vulnerability
and expect next time to repair it. In the next report, I will handle and work more comfortably and recognize
the flaws of this study. I would be very pleased and grateful if I get the chance to collaborate with Ms. Phan
Thanh Tra again.

I hope everybody can appreciate the practice and how to do a research paper from this research article
of mine.

Thank you for researching my Assignment.


Nguyen Duc Dung

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Assignment 1 of Nguyen Duc Dung – GBD18501

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