Chpater No.4: Loading and Unloading

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(i) (i)Where the lead for loading or unloading is more than the lead, specified in the following rates, this should be
paid at carriage rates (Chapter-5), for second and third chain of 30 metres length, at the case may be.
(ii) (ii)The rates for unloading metre-gauge wagons will be 2/3 rd the rates, for broad-gauge wagons where the unit for
measurement is specified, as wagon.
(iii) (iii)The rates for unloading materials like sand, stone, ballast etc., from tipping-wagons or tipping trucks, shall be
reduced by 50 percent. There shall, however, be no reduction in the rates for loading.
(iv) (iv)Bricks and tiles shall be properly stacked in vehicles and not dumped. While unloading, these shall be directly
placed into stacks, and not dumped on the ground, and then stacked.
(v) (v)While making measurements for loading, unloading or stacking, suitable deduction shall be made to account for
voids, in the loose stacking, according to the factors, mentioned in the relevant specifications of materials, as given
in chapter No. 3, of the P.W.D. Specifications.
(vi) (vi)The rate of loading, unloading and stacking shall also include the loading, unloading and stacking of
containers, in which the materials are contained. For instance, if 100 tonne of bitumen is loaded or unloaded in
160/200 litre drums, the net weight of bitumen will be 100 tonne and weight of the drum will be over and above
this weight. Nothing extra will be paid, for the weight of the bitumen drums, which are supposed to be carried, in
addition to the bitumen, within the same rate.

(vii) (vii)The following rates do not provide for any special arrangement such as provision of mechanical equipment for
loading purpose. The unloading of heavy machinery or consignments requiring crane work or special
arrangements will be done departmentally or paid for on the merit of each case.

Sr no. Description Unit Rate for Rate for Unloading-from

wagons nontipping trucks or
loading into boats including cleaning 1.5
Wagons metres away from the rail or 6
trucks or metres away from the water
edge and excluding stacking
boats, unless otherwise stated

1 2 3 4 5
4.1 (a)Stone (building or pitching),sand, bajri, shingle, spalls, cum 3 1.75
bricks-bats, brick ballast and stone metal
(b)                Manure or Sludge cum 2.70 1.55
4.2 Coal Tonne 6.35 3.15
4.3. Bricks 22.86 cm size (including stacking) 1000 6.40 6.40
4.4. Tiles including stacking nos.
(i)                  30.48 cm X 15.24 on X 5.08 cm 1000 7.70 7.70
(ii)                22.86 cn X 11.43 cm X 3.81 cm nos.
1000 5.10 5.10
4.5 Cement bags full including stacking Upto 10 bags height nos.
100 nos. 24.00 24.00
4.6 Empty cement bags including stacking 100 nos. 0.50 0.50
4.7. White or (non-hydraulic) lime or kankar or hydraulic lime in Tonne 5.10 5.10
bags including stacking
4.8. White lime or kankar lime in bulk Tonne 6.35 6.35
4.9 M. S bars, structural steel, G.I. pipes And specials, C.I. Tonne 10.25 8.35
manhole covers, steps And other castings and other ancillary
items, Like lead, hemp-yarn etc., including stacking
4.10. (a)200 litres barrel full including stacking Each 1.30 0.80
(a) (b)Bitumen drums full including stacking Each 1.20 0.75

4.11. Small packages of store upto one quintal Including stacking. Qtl. 0.75 0.75
4.12 Timber sleepers (standard size and 1 y Manual labour) 100 nos. 20.50 20.50
4.13.  Packages-containing material
(i) (a)Heavy above one tonne if crane or any other suitabledevice Tonne 28.50 28.50
is arranged by the contractor.
(b)Heavy above one tonne if crane or any other suitable device Tonne 7.50 7.50
is arranged by the deptt.
(ii) Medium 0.50 tonne. Tonne 15.00 15.00
(iii) Light-under 0.50 tonne. Tonne 9.00 9.00
4.14 Rails with fastenings Tonne 7.70 7.70
4.15 Sal ballies-
(i)                  less than 20 cm girth at centre, 4 to 6 metres long 100 nos. 12.80 12.80
(ii)                20-35 cm girth at centre, 6 to 9 metres long 101 nos. 15.35 15.35
(iii)               35-50 cm girth at centre,6 to 10.5 metres long 102 nos. 17.95 17.95
4.16 Shuttering-
(i)      in trucks Truck 12.80 12.80
(ii)                in wagons (broad gauge) load
Wagon 38.45 38.45
(iii)               in Bogies-trucks (broad gauge) Load
4- 76.85 76.85
4.17 Stone sets in to or form wagons, trucks Or boats including wheeled
cum 5.10 5.10
stacking within oneChain of the unloading point
4.18 Petrol 10 litre tins including checking and weighing. 100 nos. 7.70 7.70
4.19 Kerosene oil or petrol 20 litres tins Including checking and 100 nos. 15.35 15.35
4.20 Cast iron pipes including stacking;-
(i)                  cast iron pipes upto 300 mm i/d Tonne 9.75 7.50
(ii)                cast iron pipes exceeding 300 mm but upto 450 mm Tonne 19.50 19.50
(iii)               cast iron pipes exceeding 450 mm but upto 600 mm Tonne 29.25 22.50
4.21 i/d
Asbestos cement pipes including Stacking. Tonne 9.75 7.50
4.22 Stone ware pipes, including stacking Tonne 9.75 7.50
4.23 P.V.C. pipes including stacking Tonne 9.75 7.50
4.24 R.C.C. pipes including stacking- Tonne
(i)                  upto 300 mm i/d Tonne 9.75 7.50
(ii)                above 300 mm i/d Tonne 19.50 15.00
Sr no. Description Unit Rate
4.25. pitching stones, spalls, brickbats, building stone, ballast, stone cum 2.00
(a) metal, sand,
(b)               bajri or
Manure andsludge.
shingle. cum 1.80
4.26. Coal cum 1.30
4.27 White lime or kankar lime in bulk Tonne 1.30
4.28 Timber cum 1.00
4.29 Bricks 22.86 cm size 1000 3.85
4.30 Tiles- nos.
(i)                  30.48 cm X 15.24 cm X 5.08 cm 1000 5.10
(ii)                22.86 cm X 11.43 xm X 3.81 cm nos.
1000 3.20
4.31 Cement bags full nos.
100 nos. 12.80
4.32 Empty cement bags 100 nos. 0-25 AND
4.33 White or non hydraulic lime or kankar or hydraulic lime in Tonne FOR

4.24 M.S. Bars, structural steel, G.I pipes and specials C.I Manhole Tonne 4.50
covers, steps, other castings and other ancillary items, Like
lead, hempyarn etc.
4.35. (a)200 litres barrel full Each 0.35
(a) (b)Bitumen drum full Each 0.25
4.36. Small packages of store upto on quintal Qtl. 0.25
4.37 Cast iron pipes-
(i)                  upto 300 mm i/d Tonne 3.85
(ii)                exceeding 300 mm, but upto 450 mm i/d Tonne 7.70
(iii)               exceeding 450 mm, but upto 600 mm i/d Tonne 10.25
4.38 Asbestos cement, stone ware and P.V.C pipes Tonne 3.85
4.39 R.C.C PIPES-
(i)                  upto 300 mm i/d Tonne 3.85
(ii)                above 300 mm i/d Tonne 7.70


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