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Start with an initial population of individuals

Evaluate the fitness of all individuals

select fitter individuals for reproduction
PRN Name Question_1
C. Simulated Anealing answer Question_2 answer recombine
3.Mutation between aindividuals
randomly perturbs candidate
2018BTEIT0002Madhura Vaibhav RC:Shorter
D. Evolutionary Algorithm D. EvolutionaryAlgorithm What are stochastic operators? solution mutate individuals
Distance, Higher fitness 2. Mamdani performs
evaluate thedefuzzification while Sugeno
fitness of the modified doesnt
2019BTEIT0020Aadit Patil D: Fitness rule changes on each step C:Shorter Distance, Higher fitneWhat is Fuzzy Inference System?State types of FIS and Key Differences between 3. Output member
generatefunction is present in Mandani but Sugeno dont have any
a new population
Till termination condition not met

What is the form of Fuzzy Logic?

A. Two-valued Logic.
B. Crisp Set Logic.
C. Multi-valued Logic. Fuzzy Logic Architecture:
2018BTEIT0007Yogesh Hasabe D. Binary Set Logic. C. Multi-valued Logic. State the steps of General/Simple Genetic Algorithm. Architecture contains four parts :
● RULE BASE: It contains the set of rules and the IF-THEN conditions provided by the
experts to govern the decision-making system, on the basis of linguistic information.
Recent developments in fuzzy theory offer several effective methods for the design
and tuning of fuzzy controllers. Most of these developments reduce the number of
Consider the following: fuzzy rules.
(a) Evolution ● FUZZIFICATION: It is used to convert inputs i.e. crisp numbers into fuzzy sets. Crisp
(b) Selection inputs are basically the exact inputs measured by sensors and passed into the control
(c) reproduction system for processing, such as temperature, pressure, rpm’s, etc.
(d) Mutation ● INFERENCE ENGINE: It determines the matching degree of the current fuzzy input
Which of the following are found in genetic algorithms? with respect to each rule and decides which rules are to be fired according to the input
A. (b),(c) and (d) only field. Next, the fired rules are combined to form the control actions.
B. (b) and (d) only ● DEFUZZIFICATION: It is used to convert the fuzzy sets obtained by the inference
C. (a),(b),(c) and (d) engine into a crisp value. There are several defuzzification methods available and the
2019BTEIT0020Yogita Bansod D. (a),(b) and (d) only A. (b),(c) and (d) only Explain Fuzzy logic Architecture with diagram? best-suited one is used with a specific expert system to reduce the error.

c)Between 0&1, Between 0&1 Diagram: -Evaluation function (environment)

2018BTEIT0001Kirtee Jamdade c)
b)Either 0 or 1, either 0 or 1
fuzzy logic a)Either 0 or 1, between 0&1 What are the components of genetic algorithm? -Termination
-Flexible conditio
building blocks for hybrid applications
2019BTEIT0020Pooja Patil d) fuzzy
D: grandrule
child b) fuzzification What are the benefits of Genetic Algorithems? -Substantial history and
Steady-Generational GArange of use
2018BTEIT0001Sudhanshu Dhage c) Both IF-THEN-ELSE rules & IF-THEN rules C : offsprings What are
solving types
it by of genetic algorithm?
a GA? could be then encoded as chromosomes.
2018BTEIT0001Sourav Tiwary d) None of the mentioned
c.Masking b) IF-THEN rules 5.Search on population of points 5.Search on a single point
2018BTEIT0006Pranil Deshmukh d.Segregation c.Masking Difference between Genetic Algorithm and Traditional Algorithm.
a i)
One–point crossover on x2 and x1:
x2 = 8 7 1 2 6 6 0 1
x1 = 6 5 4 1 3 5 3 2 ⇒ O1 = 8 7 1 2 3 5 3 2
Fitness propogation selection derived by Holland as the optimal trade-off between ___ and _____. O2 = 6 5 4 1 6 6 0 1
a.Explanation and Exploration ii)
b.Explanation and Exploitation wo–point crossover on x1 and x3
c.Explration and Exploitation x1 = 6 5 4 1 3 5 3 2
2018BTEIT0005Vaishnavi Kapratwac.
Associativity c.Exploration and Exploitation Eplain fuzzy logic and boolean logic with example x3As
● = 2fuzzy
3 9 2logic
128 5 ⇒ O3
works =6592
on precise as1well
232as imprecise data
2018BTEIT0002Atharva Dev d. All of the above d. All of the above Give advantages and disadvantages of fuzzy logic system O4most
so = 2 3of4 the
1 3 5 8 5accuracy is compromised.
a. True viewer convertstime
the crisp input value into a linguistic variable
2018BTEIT0000Shivansh Jha b. False
C: Higher Profit, lower fitness b. False Explain Fuzzification with an example. like
n thefavourable
selected simplest temperature
population [6, 6, 6,for
asuniform the3].human
5, 4, body,
It might hot
even 5, 4, 3, 2]. Hence the fittest candidate is
2018BTEIT0003Piyush Shinde D: Highest
C. Both A and B d.Both A and B more
off likely
process, to where
be selected
exchange of for
fuzzy the
set next generation.
having atwo parents.
group For example, we
of membership
2018BTEIT0030Suraj Kale D. None of the above C. Highest Explain Defuzzification. may swap
values genes
on the unitat positions
interval a, d and
reduced to af single
of parents x2quantity.
scalar and x3:
x2 = 8 7 1 Algorithm
A Genetic 2 6 6 0 1 (GA) is a heuristic search algorithm used to solve search and optimization
x3 = 2 3 9 This
problems. 2 1 2algorithm
8 5 ⇒ O5is=a2subset7 1 2 6of2 evolutionary
01 algorithms, which are used in the
A 4- input neuron has weights 1, 2, 3, 4. The transfer function is linear with the constant of O6 = 8 3 9 2 1Genetic
computation. 6 8 5 algorithms employ the concept of genetics and natural selection to
proportionality being equal to 3. The inputs are 5, 7, 10, 30 respectively. Output will be: provide solutions to problems.
A.120 b)The
These new population
algorithms haveis:better intelligence than random search algorithms because they use
How would you describe what Genetic Algorithms are? O1 = 8 7 1data
historical 2 3 to
53 2 the search to the best performing region within the solution space.
B. 213
C. 420 O2
GAs= are 6 5 also
4 1 6based
6 0 1 on the behavior of chromosomes and their genetic structure. Every
D. 507 Suppose a genetic algorithm uses chromosomes of the form x = abcdef gh O3 = 6 5 9 2 1plays
chromosome 2 3 2the role of providing a possible solution. The fitness function helps in
with a fixed length of eight genes. Each gene can be any digit between 0 O4
providing= 2 3 4the 1 3characteristics
585 of all individuals within the population. The greater the function,
2018BTEIT0003Anup Kolhe D.507 and 9. Let the fitness of individual x be calculated as: O5
the = 2 7 1the
better 2 6solution.
2018BTEIT0005Vaibhav Jadhav B. Not Allowed f (x) = (a + b) − (c + d) + (e + f ) − (g + h), O6 = 8 3 9 2 1 6 8 5
C. Fuzzy-genetic and let the initial population consist of four individuals with the following 5.Benefits
Now apply of thethe GA technology
fitness meet
function f (x) key problem
= (a+b)−(c+d)+(e+f )−(g+h):
2018BTEIT0007Pankaj Korke D. None of the above C.Fuzzy-genetic When to Use a Genetic Algorithm
chromosomes: requirements
f (O1) = (8 + 7) − (1 + 2) + (3 + 5) − (3 + 2) = 15
Parameters that affect GA
x1 = 6 5 4 1 3 5 3 2 f (O2) = (6 + 5) − (4 + 1) + (6 + 6) − (0 + 1) = 17
A: initial population x2 = 8 7 1 2 6 6 0 1 fA(O3) = (6 + 5) − (9 + function
2) + (1 +that
2) −maps
(3 + 2)
fitness function is a the= chromosome
−2 representation into a scalar value.
B: selection process x3 = 2 3 9 2 1 2 8 5 fAt(O4)
each = iteration
(2 + 3) −of (4the
+ 1)algorithm,
+ (3 + 5) each
− (8 +individual
5) = −5 is evaluated using a fitness function.
C: fitness function x4 = 4 1 8 5 2 0 9 4 fThe
(O5) = (2 + 7) − (1 + 2) + (6 + 2) − (0 + 1) = 13
individuals with a better fitness score are more likely to be chosen for reproduction and be represented in the next generation.
2018BTEIT0000Aayush Shah D: all of these d. All of the above a)i) Cross
What the fittest
is a Fitness two individuals using one–point crossover at the
Function? fThe
(O6) = (8 +function
fitness 3) − (9 + 2) + (1
seeks + 6) − (8 the
to optimize + 5)problem
= −6 that is being solved.
middle point. The overall fitness has improved.
ii) Cross the second and third fittest individuals using a two–point
crossover (points b and f ). c)he optimal solution should have a chromosome that gives
iii) Cross the first and third fittest individuals (ranked 1st and 3rd) the maximum of the fitness function
using a uniform crossover. max f (x) = max [(a + b) − (c + d) + (e + f ) − (g + h)] .
Characteristics of Fitness Functions b)Considering the new population by above crossover, arrange in decreasing order
and compare.
genes can only be digits from 0 to 9, the optimal solution
A Measure quantitatively c)By looking at the fitness function and considering that genes can only should be:
B Slow to compute be digits between 0 and 9 find the chromosome representing the opti- xoptimal = 9 9 0 0 9 9 0 0 ,
C Measure Correctly mal solution (i.e. with the maximum fitness). Find the value of the and the maximum fitness is
2018BTEIT0001Yadnesh DeshpandD Fitness Function should be fast to calculation A, D maximum fitness. f (xoptimal)
selection = (9 + 9)
pressure − (0will
more + 0)be+ the
(9 +Convergence
9) − (0 + 0) =rate.
36 GAs are able to identify optimal or near-
2018BTEIT0003Yash Dhondugade A:true Explain tournament selction technique for chromosome selection optimal solutions over a wide range of selection pressures.
Q. What are normally the two best measurement units for an evolutionary algorithm?
1. Number of evaluations
Q. Choose the correct statement 2. Elapsed time
1. A fuzzy set is a crisp set but the reverse is not true 3. CPU Time
2. If A,B and C are three fuzzy sets defined over the same universe of discourse such that A ≤ B and B ≤ C and A ≤ C 4. Number of generations
3. Membership function defines the fuzziness in a fuzzy set irrespecive of the elements in the set, which are discrete or continuous A: 1 and 2
A: 1 only
B: 2 and 3
B: 2 and 3
C: 1,2 and 3 C: 3 and 4
2018BTEIT0005Parth Raina D: None of these B: 2 and 3 D: 1 and 4 D: 1 and 4
2017BTEIT00072 D. Statement I is incorrect but Statement II is true
2018BTEIT0003Shubham Jadhav C. Trapezoidal or traingular fuzzifier Ans:- A (Both I & II true) 4.Difference 3. Compliment: degree_of_membership(Y)= 1 – degree_of_membership(A)ifference
2018BTEIT0006Avinash Kapre D. All of the above D: All of the above then what wil be the degree of membership of Y in all above cases. 4. Difference:
graph coloringdegree_of_membership(Y)=
and partitioning min(degree_of_membership(A), 1- degree_of_membership(B))
2018BTEIT0007Ruturaj Patil D. EX-OR
C: Rule evaluation → Fuzzification → Defuzzification D: EX_OR Explain different application types of Genetic Algorithm faster. It is done by Aggregation of data and changing it into more meaningful data
2018BTEIT0008Aniruddha Patil C.Medium sized→ Defuzzification → Fuzzification
D: Rule evaluation A:Fuzzification → Rule evaluati What are the applications of Fuzzy Logic by forming partial truths as Fuzzy sets.
2018BTEIT0006Vaibhav Kale D.Population size doesn't matter
C. Both A. and B. C:Medium sized What is the purpose for applying the mutation step in genetic algorithms? The purpose
membership of mutation
value between 0in GAs
and is to space
1. Input introduce diversity
is often referred into
to asthe
the sampled
universe ofpopulation.
discourse orMutation operators are used in an attempt to avoid local minima by preventing the population of chromosomes from becoming too similar to each other, thus slowing or even stopping convergence to the global optimum
2018BTEIT00078Sneha Lahariya D. None of the above B. Defuzzification What is a membership function? universal set (u), which contains all the possible elements of concern in each particular application.
which of the following operation is responsible to jump from one hill to another hill? A.Mutation B.Cross Over C Fitness
function D.Natural selection.

2016BTEIT0001Piyush Chauhan C. Syllogistic Reasoning B.Cross Over what do you mean by Defuzzification? Defuzzification
The purpose ofismutation
the process
is toofperiodically
obtaining arefresh
single number from the output of the aggregated fuzzy set.
the population.
D. ADispositional
2017BTEIT0007Shubham Ghawas D. Reasoning neural network with pre-processing
single layer feed-forward A. Qualitative
d) Reasoning
A single layer feed-forwardWhat is a Mutation and why is it programmed into the algorithm?
2017BTE00063 RAM DANDEKAR What is the fuzzy approximation theorem (FAT)?
neural network with pre-processing to resemble the response of the continues system.

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