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Laiza Joy B.



Auguste Comte is a French philosopher who is known as the founding

father of sociology as he was the first to recognize the need for a distinct science

of human society. He believed that society is like a physical world possessing

operative laws that can be proven empirically. His desire was to unify sociology

with all other sciences, given that it has the potential to improve society and

direct human activity.

Given that Comte grew up in the aftermath of the French Revolution,

where society was marked by violent conflict and feelings of alienation brought

on by the emergence of modern science, technology, and the industrial

revolution, Comte remained firm and steadfast in his positivist belief that in order

to address this dilemma, an in-depth scientific understanding of society and

systematic investigation of human behavior were deemed necessary. This has

led Comte to develop his theory of the law of three stages, which society has

gone through in the past: the theological, metaphysical, and scientific phases.

These stages depict the evolution of the human mind alongside the evolution of

society and era. And with all of these ideologies, theories and teachings that he

had provided, I think the most commendable aspect of him was his great vision

of how sociology could unite with all other sciences to improve society, as well as

his rigorous adoption of scientific methods and analysis as a basis for

investigating society and as the ultimate groundwork for all innovation and

systematization in the new science, which had a remarkable impact on how we

live our lives in today’s modern society.

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