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Name ______________________

Unwind by Neil Shusterman Book Test

1. Why does Connor run away alone?

a. His family disowns him
b. His brother, who isn’t being unwound, won’t join him
c. Ariana backs out at the last minute
d. CyFi ditches him at the bus stop
2. How do Connor’s parents find out where he runs away to?
a. They know Connor’s hideouts very well.
b. They can track him via his cell phone.
c. Lev turns him in.
d. The truck driver betrays him.
3. Why do Connor and Risa get into a fight in front of Lev?
a. They were breaking up.
b. Connor abandoned a baby.
c. They disagree on tithing.
d. They were trying to see if Lev would run away when they weren’t looking.
4. What does Connor take off of the doorstep of a neighborhood house?
a. a storked baby
b. trash
c. canned food
d. clothes to wear as a disguise
5. How do Risa and Connor make the crowd at the school start running so they can escape?
a. The fire alarm is set off.
b. They pretend to be Clappers.
c. They pretend to be cops.
d. They set off the sprinklers.
6. What does Sonia make all the Unwinds write?
a. A confession
b. A last will and testiment
c. A letter to someone they love
d. A story about AWOL unwinds
7. What kind of truck transports the Unwinds to the jet?
a. 18-wheeler
b. Ice cream truck
c. Explorer
d. Jeep
8. Who can CyFi see sometimes?
a. The Unwind whose brain was transplanted into his skull.
b. His biological mother who storked him.
c. Humphrey Dupree, the Admiral’s son.
d. Visions of the future.
9. What is the Graveyard?
a. A collection of old, retired jets
b. Where the 1% of Unwind leftovers are dumped
c. A literal graveyard of storked babies who were neglected
d. A civil war monument
10. How many rules did the Admiral give the new refugee Unwinds?
a. Twenty
b. None
c. Three
d. Ten
11. What was in crate #2933?
a. The unwinds who suffocated on the journey
b. The dead Goldens
c. Emby
d. Humphrey
12. Where does Risa end up working in the Graveyard?
a. Medical Unit
b. Laundry
c. Dishwashing
d. Mechanical Department
13. What does Risa study in the Study Jet?
a. Criminology
b. Anatomy texts
c. Physics
d. English Literature
14. What is Connor’s job in the Graveyard?
a. Mechanic
b. Laundry
c. Dishwashing
d. Medical Unit
15. How does Connor try to force Roland to confess?
a. He beats him up.
b. He blackmails him.
c. He tells the Admiral.
d. He locks him in a crate.
16. Who does the Admiral “adopt” as a spy after the Goldens are murdered?
a. Risa
b. Connor
c. Roland
d. Lev
17. Why do Connor, Risa, and Roland have to fly the helicopter to the hospital?
a. The Admiral has a heart attack from the heat.
b. Emby has an asthma attack.
c. Risa needs an insulin injection.
d. Cleaver is dying.

Match the following characters with their correct description by writing the letter in the blank.

18. Connor _____ a. A ward of the state who is also a classically trained pianist
19. Risa _____ b. The leader of the unwind refugees who unwound his son
20. Lev _____ c. Also known as the “mouth-breather”
21. Admiral_____ d. A teacher who helped Connor and Risa escape the school
22. Hannah_____ e. A troubled teenager whose parents signed off for him to be unwound
23. Roland _____ f. A young boy who was set apart from his siblings to be unwound
24. Emby _____ g. A manipulative and conniving unwind refugee

Answer the following question using your knowledge of dystopian societies as well as the events that
occur in your book. Use SPECIFIC references to events and characters in your assigned novel.

Name ______________________

Unwind by Neil Shusterman Book Test KEY

1. Why does Connor run away alone?

a. His family disowns him
b. His brother, who isn’t being unwound, won’t join him
c. Ariana backs out at the last minute
d. CyFi ditches him at the bus stop
2. How do Connor’s parents find out where he runs away to?
a. They know Connor’s hideouts very well.
b. They can track him via his cell phone.
c. Lev turns him in.
d. The truck driver betrays him.
3. Why do Connor and Risa get into a fight in front of Lev?
a. They were breaking up.
b. Connor abandoned a baby.
c. They disagree on tithing.
d. They were trying to see if Lev would run away when they weren’t looking.
4. What does Connor take off of the doorstep of a neighborhood house?
a. a storked baby
b. trash
c. canned food
d. clothes to wear as a disguise
5. How do Risa and Connor make the crowd at the school start running so they can escape?
a. The fire alarm is set off.
b. They pretend to be Clappers.
c. They pretend to be cops.
d. They set off the sprinklers.
6. What does Sonia make all the Unwinds write?
a. A confession
b. A last will and testiment
c. A letter to someone they love
d. A story about AWOL unwinds
7. What kind of truck transports the Unwinds to the jet?
a. 18-wheeler
b. Ice cream truck
c. Explorer
d. Jeep
8. Who can CyFi see sometimes?
a. The Unwind whose brain was transplanted into his skull.
b. His biological mother who storked him.
c. Humphrey Dupree, the Admiral’s son.
d. Visions of the future.
9. What is the Graveyard?
a. A collection of old, retired jets
b. Where the 1% of Unwind leftovers are dumped
c. A literal graveyard of storked babies who were neglected
d. A civil war monument
10. How many rules did the Admiral give the new refugee Unwinds?
a. Twenty
b. None
c. Three
d. Ten
11. What was in crate #2933?
a. The unwinds who suffocated on the journey
b. The dead Goldens
c. Emby
d. Humphrey
12. Where does Risa end up working in the Graveyard?
a. Medical Unit
b. Laundry
c. Dishwashing
d. Mechanical Department
13. What does Risa study in the Study Jet?
a. Criminology
b. Anatomy texts
c. Physics
d. English Literature
14. What is Connor’s job in the Graveyard?
a. Mechanic
b. Laundry
c. Dishwashing
d. Medical Unit
15. How does Connor try to force Roland to confess?
a. He beats him up.
b. He blackmails him.
c. He tells the Admiral.
d. He locks him in a crate.
16. Who does the Admiral “adopt” as a spy after the Goldens are murdered?
a. Risa
b. Connor
c. Roland
d. Lev
17. Why do Connor, Risa, and Roland have to fly the helicopter to the hospital?
a. The Admiral has a heart attack from the heat.
b. Emby has an asthma attack.
c. Risa needs an insulin injection.
d. Cleaver is dying.

Match the following characters with their correct description by writing the letter in the blank.

18. Connor _e____ a. A ward of the state who is also a classically trained pianist
19. Risa _a____ b. The leader of the unwind refugees who unwound his son
20. Lev _f____ c. Also known as the “mouth-breather”
21. Admiral_b____ d. A teacher who helped Connor and Risa escape the school
22. Hannah_d____ e. A troubled teenager whose parents signed off for him to be unwound
23. Roland _g____ f. A young boy who was set apart from his siblings to be unwound
24. Emby _c____ g. A manipulative and conniving unwind refugee

Answer the following question using your knowledge of dystopian societies as well as the events that
occur in your book. Use SPECIFIC references to events and characters in your assigned novel.

25. OPEN-ENDED – answers will vary

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