Question 02

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In[3]:= f[x_] := Log[1 + x] - Cos[x];

Plot[f[x], {x, - 1, 2}, PlotStyle → {Thick, Red},

AxesLabel → {x, y}, Filling → Axis, FillingStyle → {Pink}]

-1.0 -0.5 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0






In[5]:= a = N[0];
b = a - (f[a]) / (f '[a]);
i = 1;
output = {{a, b, f[a], f '[a]}};
While[i ≤ 6, If[f '[a] ≠ 0, a = b]; b = a - (f[a]) / (f '[a]);
i = i + 1; output = Append[output, {a, b, f[a], f '[a]}]];
TableHeadings → {Automatic, {"a", "b", "f[a]", "f'[a]"}}], 8]];
Print["Approximate value of the root=", b];

a b f[a] f'[a]
1 0. 1. -1. 1.
2 1. 0.88606174 0.15284487 1.341471
3 0.88606174 0.88451094 0.0020234667 1.3047923
4 0.88451094 0.88451062 4.2278845 × 10-7 1.3042468
5 0.88451062 0.88451062 1.8540725 × 10-14 1.3042467
6 0.88451062 0.88451062 0. 1.3042467
7 0.88451062 0.88451062 0. 1.3042467
Approximate value of the root=0.884511

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