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1. Mariella has been offered to judge in a variety show. She is very excited because it was
her dream. Unfortunately, it is terribly unfair to other contestants because her sister is
part of the show and will perform on the day that she will judge. Should she accept the
offer and allow herself to benefit from an unfair situation or think about the other

It is best to think about the other contestants because there are still many opportunities that
will come and at this point it is also best to support her sister. If she will judge her sisters
performance, it will be hard for her to judge fairly for she is her sister. Her emotions, feelings
and sympathy towards her sister will affect the way she judge and affects also the way how
contestants will think of her as judge.

2. Ericka was supposed to tell a certain guy that her best friend had a crush on him.
Instead, she ended up hooking up with the guy. And to make matters worse, she lied to
her friend about it. Should Ericka keep on lying to her friend or just continue her
relationship with the guy? What's she supposed to do?

A real friend tells the good and bad things even if it cost their relationship. Ericka should tell
the truth to her best friend because lying about things just makes things worst. And if she
chose to tell her best friend as early as she can there is a possibility that she can save her
relationship with the guy and with her friend. A real friend forgives and understands as long as
they are honest and sincere.

3. You are stumped on an important ethics test and you have the perfect opportunity to
cheat without getting caught. What will you do and how will you explain your

I will trust my knowledge and be honest. Cheating doesn’t make us knowledgeable or smart.
Cheating is always wrong no matter what our reasons may be. So I will trust myself and answer
the ethics test the best way I can. If I fail then I can learn from my mistakes and improve my
score next time and if I passed I will be proud of myself for doing the right thing.

Search for cases which highlight that a good rational moral decision is not always
executed. Explain your given cases and submit your word file here in the

Decisions where people are harmed in either case are more interesting. Ibsen
wrote a play called “An Enemy of the People” in which the most important
industry in a town is a mineral spa. A doctor discovers that the water is actually
toxic and must decide whether it is better to alert the public so that they no longer
visit the spa, destroying the town's economy, or to remain silent, preserving the
well-being of his community while knowing that the water is actually harming
customers' health. Another intriguing moral choice is whether to decide in your
own self-interest if other people are harmed. Is it appropriate, for example, to get
a divorce because you are unhappy if you know your children will be devastated?
A moral decision is one made in such a way that one's actions or inaction conform
to one's morals. A moral decision is typically referred to when the choice made is
not the choice that would be valid according to some rationale, such as greater
comfort, financial reward, lower cost, or elimination of some problem. Unusually,
morals exhibit a high degree of culturally and socially acquired variation. This is
common for morals derived from religious rules governing followers' behavior. It
can also be found in places where social stratification is enforced. Violations of
morals, like violations of laws, have negative consequences. The penalty, rather
than a fine or imprisonment, is loss of self-esteem. If the action is discovered by
the group that shares the moral, the consequences may range from reduced
status to more serious punishment.

When a shopper returns to her car outside a grocery store, she discovers another
shopping cart with one bag still inside. The bag contains everyday paper products
that would not be harmed by time spent outside on that sunny day. The moral
choice would be to take the bag into the store's customer service counter and
inform them that it had been left behind. The moral of the story is that one should
not take what does not belong to them. Our shopper not only does not take the
bag, but he or she also takes the time and effort to walk back into the store.

Write a reflection paper about the personal dilemma: “How did I decide and what did I actually
do during my most important moral experience in the past year?”
From the most important moral experiences in the past year, I faced a lot of
moral and ethical dilemmas, which forced me to choose between to do the right thing
or the bad thing, to stand firm about my principles in life in any kind of situation may I
in. Having that hope that I choose the right decision that will nurture me to be better
and will hopefully guide me in future decisions.
Decision making plays an important role in our daily lives that will also connect
to our actions towards our decision. Some decisions are not important whereas others
are important, that when carefully carried out, can change the situation of our lives.
Accepting what was or will happen, understanding the suffering or the situation I may
in, and rely on God. Those are some of the actions I did during my most important
moral experience in the past year.
Moral experiences have played such a big part in shaping who I have become.
Through the years I have always been able to change negative situations into positive
ones by the grace of God.

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