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Generic Name: Amikacin ■ Brand Name: Amikin ■ Drug Classification: Antibiotic, aminoglycoside ■ Date:

3/19/2022 ■ Frequency: Every 12 hrs ■ Mechanism of Action: ■ It binds to bacterial 30S ribosomal
subunits and interferes with mRNA binding and tRNA acceptor sites, interfering with bacterial growth. ■
Indications: ■ Short term treatment of serious infection due to susceptible strains of gram-negative
bacteria. ■ Contraindications: ■ Concurrent use of nephrotoxic agents or diuretics. ■ Side Effects: ■
Diarrhea ■ Hearing loss ■ Spinning sensation (vertigo) ■ Dizziness ■ Allergic reactions ■ Nursing
considerations: ■ Note indications for therapy and C&S results. Assess weight, hydration status, U/A,
renal and LTFs. ■ Obtain audiometric assessment with high doses or prolonged use. ■ Advice to report
lack of response or adverse side effects. Consume adequate fluids to ensure hydration. Generic Name:
Potassium Chloride ■ Brand Name: K-Lyte ■ Drug Classification: Electrolytes ■ Date: 3/19/2022 ■
Mechanism of Action: ■ Potassium is accumulated by cells using an energy-dependent mechanism that
pushes sodium out of the cell. ■ Indications: ■ Indicated in drug induced hypokalemia,, nausea,
vomiting, and diarrhea

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