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Patient’s Name: N.

L Age: 2 y/o Gender: Male Admitting Dx: Dengue, Fever Generic Name: Zinc Sulfate ■
Brand Name: Orazinc, Zincate ■ Drug Classification: Inorganic compound ■ Date: 3/19/2022 ■
Frequency: Once a day ■ Dosage: 5ml ■ Mechanism of Action: ■ Zinc inhibits cAMP-induced, chloride-
dependent fluid secretion by inhibiting basolateral potassium (K) channels, in in-vitro studies with rat
ileum. ■ Indications: ■ This medication is a mineral used to treat or prevent low levels of zinc alone and
together with oral rehydration therapy (ORT). ■ Contraindications: Copper deficiency ■ Side Effects: ■
Nausea ■ Stomach upset ■ Heartburn ■ Nursing considerations: ■ Monitor progression of zinc
deficiency symptoms (impaired wound healing, growth retardation, decreased sense of taste, decreased
sense of smell) during therapy. ■ Lab Test Considerations: Serum zinc levels may not accurately reflect
zinc deficiency.

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