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the equation and then cal~ulate a'= P]./F'2 portion then the value of Et must be used,
If a~ a assume a different value of P2, and the value .of Et corresponding to Fer
calling it Pz.
and repeat, Repeat as must be the same , essentially, as the
necessary until a = a. Pt and F2 are value used in calculating it,{successive
then the critical load combination~* The trials). If local instability is present
margin of safety is then Eeff would be used instead of Et. The
procedure is, of course, much simpler
M.S. = Pi/P1 - 1,0 (or P2/P2 - 1,0) for the special case where there is no
step {EI1 = EI2),~.- "'P""' l';:,.=-t>•
If Fer is in the plastic range for either · .(? i. ..r= t"'fC
. Per= Crr'EI/L2 . .. e.'i: "'trTC Co T
4.D ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~"T"~~~..-..,,t......::'-To~~~.-~~-.

,cEI p

L >1
0 50 100 . 150 200
~ k1 is the larger of the two springs

Fig, C2,27a Constant Section Column Having Elastically Restrained Ends

Note that interpolation for C "between is< 1,0 assume a slightly larger va-
the lines" is ·non-linear. For an exact lue for Per and repeat steps (2)-(4)1
value here, or for k1L/EI > 200, Per can if > 1,0 assume a smaller value,
be found by successive trials, as follows
5.Repeat steps (2)-(4) until the equation
1.Use the figure to get an approximate is satisfied and Per is as assumed,
value of C and calculate Per•
rhe value used for E must cor-
2, Get the corres.ponding.values of J, L/j respond to Et for Fer when F0 r
COF and SF (= 4SCEI/L). is in the plastic range, or to Eerr.
3, Enter the values in the following To check a column's adequacy under
buckling equation {see . Ref, 4 for a given load enter its values of SF and
derivation of the equation).~ COF in the equation, If the left side is
< 1.0 it is stable1 if> 1,0 it is un-
SF" {COF'f j((k1 + SF){k +SF))= 1,0 stable, See A:IJ •.l.3a. for SC and COF .values.
The: k/k1 curves··1n'the above'···r1gure we~e
4,If the left side of the equation generated using the buckling equation •
.... If k1 =ca (fully fixed) the buckling equation 1~
SF'+ k = O, so for stability L/j< L1'f a.nd SF-+ Ft> 0

.§. m - 1
+'IT" m

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