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Design a conversation activity (speaking skill) based on either “Learning a musical
instrument” or “Planning a trip to any holiday destination”

Name of the Topic: Planning a trip to any holiday destination


Time Duration 1 hour

Age 13 years

Level Intermediate

Language known Malayalam/ Indian

At the end of each stage of the lesson, the students

Objectives will be able to:
 (Warmer)
- get ready for the class
-be comfortable with each other as
well as the teacher

 (Pre-Speaking)
– observe the video closely and predict the topic

 (While Speaking)
-observe and listen to the video
– work in pairs
-speak correctly using the starting phrases

 (Post Speaking)
– speak about a topic using the phrases taught
with about 80% accuracy
- pronounce words correctly
-speak grammatically correct sentences
The name of the game is ATLAS. The teacher
Warmer instructs the students to sit in a circle. The teacher
(5mins) then says the name of a place. The student sitting on
her right has to say the name of a place that begins
with last letter of the place that the teacher has said.
This goes on till everyone has had a turn. The teacher
can help the students in spelling out the words if the
students get stuck.
T- Delhi
S- Imphal
Context Setting or Pre Speaking
(10mins) The teacher shows the video to the students. After the
video the teacher asks a few questions.
T- What did you see in the video?
S- Tall buildings, beaches, desert, people, tourists
T- Do you think this place is in India?
S- No
T- Which place/country do you think the video shows
T-Good. Today we are going to plan a trip to Dubai
and speak about it.
Teacher then writes the topic ‘Planning a trip to
Dubai’ on the board.

Actual Content or While-

The teacher shows a video on ‘How to plan a trip to
(35mins) Dubai?’ The teacher instructs the students to watch
the video carefully as the answers to the questions she
would be asking later on would be in the video.
The students observes the video carefully. The
teacher then divides the class into pairs. She then
writes the ‘WH’ questions on the board with the
starting phrases. The students take note of the
questions and starts framing the answers with the help
of the starting phrases after discussing with each
other. After the activity students will have to come
and speak what they have discussed and written.
T-Where are you going?
S- I am going to ______________________ (specific
place){in this case Dubai}
T-With whom are you going?
S- I will be going with my _____________
(family/friend/s /on my own)
T- When are you going?
S- I will leave on the _______________ (specific
T-How do you plan to get there?
S-I plan to take a ________________
(plane/boat/car/bus/bike) from ______________
(place from where they are going)
T-How long will your stay be?
S-I will be there for
T-Where will you stay?
S-I will be staying at the ______________(name of
T-What will you do there?
S-I will eat_____________ (local
I will take the __________________
(bus/metro/taxi/rent a car)
I will see the _________________ (students can
name the important landmarks)

The teacher drills all the questions with the starting

phrases at least two times.

Students are asked to speak about a vacation that they

want to take. They should be able to speak using the
Recaptulation or Post Speaking Starting phrases that have been taught and drilled.
For example:
(10mins) I am going to Kovalam with my family.
I will be leaving on the 2nd of April.
I will be going by car.
I will be staying for 3 days.
I will be staying in Hotel Sea Face.
I will eat the local food there, like, fish, Kerala
appam, tapioca South Indian Thali.
I will go to the beach, Aruvikara Dam, local markets.
I will travel there by car.
Your lesson is designed very well with appropriate activities that rightly work
on enhancing the communication skills of the learners.


1. One or more student/s is/are not participating or engaged in the lesson.

Many a time students tend to ‘tune out’ when a lesson is going on. There could be
a number of reasons for the same. It could be because the lesson is monotonous or
repetitive or the lesson is too hard or at times the students feel that his/her opinions
do not matter.
In order to help a student or students to actively participate in the lesson a number
of solutions can be brought in.
a) The teacher should base a new lesson on prior knowledge of the students.
The responses can be written on the board. This in itself would make the
lesson more interesting to the students as they would be aware of what the
teacher is talking about.

b) There should be less of teacher talk and more of student interaction while a
lesson is being carried out. Thus, activities can be brought in during a lesson.
For example, the teacher could pose a question to the students and ask them
to pair up and discuss amongst themselves. Each pair is given 5 minutes
after which they would get a chance to talk about what they have discussed.
The responses are written on the board and discussed as a whole class.

c) If a particular lesson is difficult for the students, the teacher could divide the
class into groups. Each group is given a topic based on the lesson. They
would need to research on the topic that has been given to them. The teacher
then divides the class into new groups that would include a member from
each topic. The group then discusses and completes a worksheet given to

Increasing student participation can have a positive effect on classroom learning.

Thus allowing the students to be engaged and focused on what they are learning.
Your points are valid.

2. A group of students come into the classroom after the lesson has begun

When a group of students or a student walk late into class, there is a disruption in
the class. The teacher’s chain of thoughts is disrupted as well as the attention of the
other learners in the class. Quite often the latecomers become disruptive talkers
and also interrupts the teacher to explain or repeat what she has already discussed
or explained earlier.
To avoid disruption a few solutions can be thought off. For example:
a. The teacher could place a few chairs either near the front door or at the back
door. Anyone who comes late can seat themselves here. The teacher will
avoid talking to them or hearing an explanation from them. They will not be
allowed to sit in their usual seats till the lesson is over or till the teacher has
finished explaining a particular point. The students could also continue to sit
there till the end of the class. This will prevent them from disrupting the
class. Any queries that they have can be discussed after the class is over.
This helps in the smooth progression of the class.

b. A simple assignment/activity can be done at the beginning of the class. This

assignment can be in relation to what was taught in the prior class. The
assignment is written on the board and is collected after the attendance is
called out. Those who arrive late and are unable to complete the activity lose
points. The points collected at the end of the week or term would result in a
reward. This would help the students to be on time from the next class.

These are some of the solutions that a teacher can use to prevent students from
arriving late to class.
It is very important for the teacher to set expectations at the very beginning of
the year or term. This makes the learners feel responsible about their action.
Establishing rules and policies at the start will help them understand the
consequences of their action better. You can use attendance policies to
counter the situation.
7 One student is causing disruption (acting out)
When a student causes any kind of disruption in class it has to be remembered that
the teacher needs to keep herself calm and talk to the student in a positive tone as
well as politely. Getting frustrated or angry will only make matters worse.
A few solutions can also be thought of by the teacher.
a) The teacher could assign a task for the students, totally aware that the
student is acting out. The student can then be called to the teacher’s desk and
given a pep talk while also assuring him/her that they could open up to the
teacher. The teacher can politely tell the student that such behaviour is
unacceptable and how they can improve.

b) A teacher can create an area in the class where a student can sit quietly and
gather his/her thoughts and calm down. Once the student has calmed down
they can return to his seat. The teacher at this moment should have a positive
attitude and body language. The teacher could help the student catch up on
his missed classwork.

c) The teacher can keep worksheets or some sheets of paper for the students
ready to write about what made them behave in such a way or what rules of
the class were broken. The students will then need to come up with solutions
or alternative behaviours which complies with the rules of the classroom.
This can then be discussed with the teacher. This helps the students to take
responsibility of their actions such that the negative behaviour can be
When a teacher disciplines using encouragement and kind words it has a more
positive effect rather than reprimanding or rebuking the students. The aim of the
teacher should be to make the student feel good about themselves as well as their

Your points are valid. Thank you for working on the assignment. Pertinent
parts of your answers are marked in blue.


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