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PHYSICAL REVIEW A 71, 062334 共2005兲

Multipartite entanglement in a one-dimensional time-dependent Ising model

Arul Lakshminarayan1,* and V. Subrahmanyam2,†

Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, 600036, India
Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, 208016, India
共Received 7 September 2004; published 24 June 2005兲

We study multipartite entanglement measures for a one-dimensional Ising chain that is capable of showing
both integrable and nonintegrable behavior. This model includes the kicked transverse Ising model, which we
solve exactly using the Jordan-Wigner transform, as well as nonintegrable and mixing regimes. The cluster
states arise as a special case and we show that while one measure of entanglement is large, another measure can
be exponentially small, while symmetrizing these states with respect to up and down spins produces those with
large entanglement content uniformly. We also calculate exactly some entanglement measures for the nontrivial
but integrable case of the kicked transverse Ising model. In the nonintegrable case we begin on extensive
numerical studies that show that large multipartite entanglement is accompanied by diminishing two-body
correlations, and that time averaged multipartite entanglement measures can be enhanced in nonintegrable

DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.71.062334 PACS number共s兲: 03.67.Mn, 05.45.Mt

I. INTRODUCTION entanglement production in this case linked the classical

Lyapunov exponent with the rate of entropy production 关10兴.
The strictly quantum-mechanical property of entangle- In this case it has been generally found that chaos encourages
ment has attracted much attention recently, mainly due to its entanglement 关11–16兴, and that complete chaos leads to a
role in quantum protocols such as teleportation, dense cod- universal distribution of the eigenvalues of the reduced den-
ing, and other processes that involve transfer of quantum sity matrices giving rise to a universal entanglement that
information. Entanglement has thus been thought of as a re- depends only on the Hilbert space dimensions 关14,15兴. An
source for quantum information processing, and perhaps early study that addressed the role of nonintegrability in
quantum computing. While there is an understanding of what many-body entanglement used the Harper model 关17兴, while
entanglement is, measures of the same are not so obvious, or later works used the quantum baker map 关18兴, the Frenkel-
well established. Kontorova model 关19兴 and disordered spin chains 关20兴.
Entanglement as quantum correlation has also been re- While the relation between entanglement and chaos or
cently studied with the help of a slew of well-known models nonintegrability is subtle even in bipartite systems, it gets
from condensed-matter physics, such as the Ising and the even more so in the case of many-body systems. It has been
Heisenberg models 关1–7兴. Mainly, two-body correlations claimed that opposite effects have been observed in this case,
characterized by the concurrence 关8兴 have been studied in namely a decrease of entanglement with chaos 关20兴. How-
these systems. Also these were concerned mostly with sta- ever, in the case of one-particle states it has been observed
that the average of all the two-body correlations present in
tionary state properties, especially ground states. The en-
the system does increase with chaos 关17,19兴, while near-
tanglement content of a spin chain, consisting of many spins,
neighbor correlations decrease with chaos, where the near-
could be potentially much more than those that are present in ness of the neighbor depends on a kind of quantum correla-
two-body correlations, and nonstationary states are of poten- tion length 关17兴. Thus it would seem that chaos in these cases
tial interest in small chains, such as those that may be real- can encourage distant entanglement, even of a two-body
ized in ion trap experiments. The difficulty is in defining type. However, most studies have addressed two-body en-
proper measures of global entanglement content in such tanglements, and not global or multipartite entanglements.
chains. Also it is important to note that much of the work has The exceptions are recent works of Scott and Caves 关18兴 that
centered around those models that are completely integrable, make use of a measure due to Meyer and Wallach 关21兴,
mostly solvable by the Bethe ansatz or by the Jordan-Wigner called here the Q measure, and indeed show, using the ex-
transform 关9兴. amples of a quantum kicked rotor and the quantum baker
Two-body or bipartite entanglement in pure states and its map, that an increase in chaos entails larger global entangle-
relation to chaos has been investigated more thoroughly ment.
mainly due to the von Neumann entropy of the reduced den- Admittedly, global measures of entanglement are only
sity matrices being an unambiguous measure of entangle- now beginning to be explored and it is likely that the various
ment. One of the first works to find that chaos leads to larger proposed measures quantify different aspects of entangle-
ment in multipartite states, aspects that need further elucida-
tion. We now briefly recapitulate the definitions of the differ-
*Electronic address:;http:// ent entanglement measures used in this paper. We emphasize that throughout this paper we will deal exclusively with pure

Electronic address: states.

1050-2947/2005/71共6兲/062334共12兲/$23.00 062334-1 ©2005 The American Physical Society


A. Concurrence states. It is of course zero for completely unentangled states.

The concurrence in two qubits i and j that are in the joint It must be noted that the direct generalization of the residual
state ␳ij is given by the following procedure 关8兴: calculate the tangle in Eq. 共1兲 is conjectured to be positive 关22兴, and is not
eigenvalues of the matrix ␳ij˜␳ij, where ˜␳ij = ␴y 丢 ␴y␳*ij␴y the same as the n tangle for n ⬎ 3.
丢 ␴ y , and the complex conjugation is done in the standard
computational basis. The eigenvalues are positive and when C. Meyer and Wallach Q measure
arranged in decreasing order if they are 兵␭1 , ␭2 , ␭3 , ␭4其, the The geometric multipartite entanglement measure Q 关21兴
concurrence is Ci,j = max共冑␭1 − 冑␭2 − 冑␭3 − 冑␭4 , 0兲. This is has been shown to be simply related to one-qubit purities
such that 0 艋 Ci,j 艋 1, with the concurrence vanishing for un- 关24兴, which makes their calculation and interpretation
entangled states and reaches unity for maximally entangled straightforward. It also seems to have the potential for being
ones. The entanglement of formation of the two qubits is experimentally measurable. This is defined as

冉 冊
known to be a monotonic function of Ci,j and hence concur- L
rence is itself a good measure of entanglement. In the case of 1
many-qubit pure states, we study concurrence between any Q共␺兲 = 2 1 − 兺 Tr共␳2k 兲 .
L k=1
two qubits by tracing out the others qubits, and studying
the resultant density matrix. Thus this is a “two-body” From the unit trace of density matrices, it follows immedi-
correlation. It is known that in typical states multipartite ately that for qubits 1 − Tr共␳2k 兲 = 2 det共␳k兲. Thus we get that
entanglement is shared among many qubits rather than in a L
pairwise manner 关18兴. We use the following two measures to 1
Q共␺兲 = 兺 ␶k . 共3兲
study multipartite entanglement. L k=1
This measure is therefore simply the average of the tangle
B. Residual tangle and N tangle between a given qubit and the rest, averaged over this “fo-
If two qubits i and j are in a pure state 兩␺典, the concur- cus” qubit. The relationship between Q and single spin re-
rence reduces to 兩具␺兩␴y 丢 ␴y兩␺*典兩. The state 兩␺*典 is such that duced density matrix purities has led to a generalization of
its components in the computational basis are the complex this measure to higher dimensional systems and taking vari-
conjugates of those of 兩␺典. It was found that the square of the ous other bipartite splits of the chain 关25兴. In some ways, for
concurrence ␶i,j = C2i,j is a more natural measure and is now many states, the n tangle and the Q measure seem to be
called the tangle 关22兴. We can also define the tangle between measuring quite “orthogonal” aspects of entanglement, as we
one spin 共say the kth兲 and the rest of the spins if the overall see below, even though we can and do construct GHZ-type
state is pure. This is because in this case, the Schmidt de- states that maximize both these measures.
composition gives two unique eigendirections to the rest of It needs to be stressed that it is not true that nonintegra-
the spins corresponding to those eigenvalues of the reduced bility in general produces more entanglement for arbitrary
density matrix that are nonzero. There will be at most only states. There are very simple operators, trivially integrable
two such values as the nonzero eigenvalues of the two parts ones, that can create maximally entangled states out of par-
are identical. Thus the rest of the qubits can also be effec- ticular unentangled initial states. However, apart from being
tively thought of as a two-state system. The tangle between true only for particular initial states, the entanglement will
spin k and the rest, the one tangle, is ␶k,共rest兲 = 4 det共␳k兲, where oscillate in time and can be completely destroyed once again.
␳k is the reduced density matrix of the kth qubit 共we will also An example is provided by the Hamiltonian H = SAx 丢 SBx of
call this simply ␶k, not to be confused with the n tangle two spin-half particles. With ប = 1 we get
introduced below兲. This was used to define a purely three- exp共− iJSAx 丢 SBxt兲兩11典 = cos共Jt/4兲兩11典 − i sin共Jt/4兲兩00典,
way entanglement measure in a pure state of three qubits as
␶1,共23兲 − ␶1,2 − ␶1,3 . 共1兲
where the states are in the standard S diagonal basis and 兩1典

This quantity, called the residual tangle, is independent of the is the state with eigenvalue 1 / 2. The two tangle is simple to
focus qubit, in the above this being the qubit numbered 1 calculate and is
关22兴, and hence stakes its claim as a pure three-way entangle-
␶ = 兩具␺兩␴Ay 丢 ␴By兩␺*典兩2 = sin2共Jt/2兲, 共5兲
ment measure. The construction used here to define the re-
sidual tangle was generalized to N qubits in Ref. 关23兴, effec- which follows on substituting the above state. The quantity ␶
tively defining a measure of multipartite entanglement, the n is unity for maximally entangled states and is zero for unen-
tangle as ␶N = 兩具␺兩␴y 丢 N兩␺*典兩2. This is evidently the tangle for tangled states. Thus after a time t = ␲ / J, the spins will be
N = 2, for N = 3 this is the residual tangle, while for N ⬎ 3 and maximally entangled, whereas after twice that time they
odd this vanishes. Thus this measure is used only for N even, would be totally unentangled once more. Generalizations of
with the exception of N = 3. It has been shown to be an en- such Hamiltonians, and states, to larger spins and to larger
tanglement monotone 关23兴 and hence is a candidate for mea- numbers of qubits also yield similar results, and is elaborated
suring multipartite entanglement. It is maximal 共unity兲 for upon later below.
GHZ-type states, but can also be maximum for states such as In this paper we study issues related to entanglement shar-
the product state of two groups of four spins in the 4-GHZ ing in spin chains that can range from the integrable to the


nonintegrable, but which nevertheless involve only nearest- romagnetic phase with nonzero expectation values of the Sx
neighbor interactions and are translationally invariant. This is component of the spin, while for J ⬍ 2B the system is para-
in contrast to models which have been studied so far, which magnetic with vanishing Sx spin expectation value, the point
are essentially single body dynamics, such as the Harper or J = 2B being a quantum critical point.
the quantum baker map, that have been mapped onto many The variant mentioned above involves applying a tilted
qubit systems by means of an isomorphism of the Hilbert external field impulsively at regular intervals of time 关27兴.
space. This implies that the interactions need not be nearest The operator that evolves states from one application of the
neighbor and can in fact involve all to all interactions. In field to the next is the quantum map or propagator whose
particular the model we study is a kicked Ising model of spectral properties determine the time evolution. The Hamil-
which the kicked transverse Ising model is a special case. tonian is

冉 冊兺
The kicked transverse Ising model is integrable and we solve L ⬁ L
H = J兺 +B 兺 ␦ k−
it using the Jordan-Wigner transform, and thereby study the
关sin共␪兲Szn + cos共␪兲Sxn兴,
entanglement generated by this evolution. The zero-field ver- n=1 k=−⬁ T n=1
sion of this is trivially solvable and a class of states that
follow in this case have been previously studied as the “clus- 共7兲
ter states” 关26兴. We show that while the cluster states have while the unitary quantum map is 共the time T between the
large entanglement as measured by one entanglement mea- kicks sets the time scale and is set to unity兲

冉 冊 冉 冊
sure, Q measure, it has an exponentially small 共in number of
spins兲 n tangle. We also show how symmetrizing the states
produces those that have large entanglement according to U = exp − iJ 兺 SxnSn+1
exp − iB 兺 关cos共␪兲Sxn + sin共␪兲Szn兴 .
n=1 n=1
both these measures. We also emphasize that the kicking is
unlikely to be a crucial aspect for the issues discussed here, 共8兲
and on the contrary is more suitable for implementations in When the field is transverse 共␪ = ␲ / 2兲, due to the noncom-
say ion-trap experiments. mutativity of the components of the spin operator, the above
We numerically study the nonintegrable case and compare is not equal to exp共−iHI兲, and gives rise to genuinely differ-
it with the integrable one. We find that while nonintegrability
ent dynamics. However, it has been shown that this “kicked”
does discourage two-body entanglement, multipartite en-
transverse Ising model is integrable 关27兴 and there are sug-
tanglement is increased on the average. In fact this entangle-
gestions to show that it also undergoes a quantum phase
ment comes at the cost of two-body correlations. Again, non-
transition and belongs to the same universality class as the
integrability is not required to produce maximally entangled
usual transverse Ising model 关28兴. In this integrable model
states, but produces states that retain large entanglement
too the key is the Jordan-Wigner transformation, and we
without disentangling. Thus we study the time-averaged en-
solve the problem exactly as opposed to the assumption of
tanglement measures starting with the vacuum 共all spin
the thermodynamic limit in Ref. 关28兴. For 0 ⬍ ␪ ⬍ ␲ / 2 it ap-
down兲 state and study it as a function of the strength and tilt
pears that the model is nonintegrable and capable of showing
of the external field. It is seen that the parameter space cor-
mixing behavior in the thermodynamic limit 关27兴.
responding to nonintegrable chains is capable of having sub-
Define the following unitary operators:
stantial entanglement.
II. KICKED ISING MODEL Uaa共Ja兲 = 兿 exp共− iJaSanSn+1
兲, 共9兲
The model with which we principally study these issues
in this paper is a variant 关27兴 of the transverse Ising model, a L
variant that is at once both dynamically interesting and easier Ux,z共B, ␪兲 = 兿 exp兵− iB关cos共␪兲Sxn + sin共␪兲Szn兴其. 共10兲
to implement with present day quantum technologies. The n=1
usual transverse Ising model has been studied in the context
of both entanglement and state transport. It is an intriguing Here L0 = L for periodic boundary conditions and is L − 1 for
model that is integrable due to a mapping via the Jordan- open chains, and ␪ is an angle of tilt of the magnetic field in
Wigner transformation, from interacting spins to a collection the x-z plane. The letter a can be x or z. For the most part we
of noninteracting spinless fermions. The relevance of this will consider the operator
model to many physical systems has long been appreciated, U = Uxx共Jx兲Ux,z共B, ␪兲. 共11兲
and it is a well studied model, with a quantum phase transi-
tion separating ferromagnetic and paramagnetic phases at This series of unitaries are quantum gates on nearest-
zero temperature as a parameter is varied. The Hamiltonian neighbor pairs of qubits and on individual qubits. Ion-trap
for L spin-1 / 2 particles is quantum computing provides one way of implementing the
above. The two-qubit operator Uxx may be implemented as
phase gates and the single one, which involves rotations, is
HI = J 兺 SxnSn+1
+ B 兺 Szn , 共6兲 implemented via a single Raman pulse. Thus these quantum
n=1 n=1
maps may be experimentally implementable within these ar-
where J is the local exchange coupling strength and B an chitectures in the immediate future. For further details and
external transversal field. For J ⬎ 2B, the system is in a fer- references we refer the reader to Ref. 关28兴. The tilted field


changes the character of the dynamics, the Jordan-Wigner 1

transformation does not reduce the problem to one of nonin- 兩␺5共␲/Jx兲典 = 关兩11111典 − ␲
ˆ 共兩11100典 + 兩10101典 + 兩10000典兲兴.
teracting fermions, and there are features of quantum nonin-
tegrability. This has been studied to some extent in the works 共16兲
of Prosen 关27兴, where he has shown different parameter re-
The operation ␲ ˆ on the states stand for all the five cyclic
gimes where there is nonergodic to fully ergodic and mixing
permutations of this one. For these states we have assumed
dynamics in the thermodynamic limit. This model with the
periodic boundary conditions on the spins with L0 = L. We
tilted field is then one of substantial richness which deserves
see, however, that open chains also give rise to similarly
to be further studied in itself. We will use it as a simple and
entangled states. It has been established earlier that these
realizable model to study the entanglement issues that were
states with L ⬎ 3 are not locally convertible to generalized
discussed in the introduction. It is also worthwhile to men-
GHZ states by means of local operations and classical com-
tion that time evolution can be done with fast numerical
munication. In some sense that has been termed persistence,
algorithms, with a speed-up factor of the order of 2L / L to
these states possess higher entanglement content than these
evolve a state one time step, exactly as the fast Hadamard or
N-GHZ states or macroscopic superposition 共cat兲 states
the fast Fourier transform.
which are 兩0典 丢 N + 兩1典 丢 N. Persistence is the minimum number
of local measurements that render the state completely dis-
III. ENTANGLEMENT IN THE INTEGRABLE CASES entangled for all possible outcomes 关26兴. In terms of a mul-
A. Zero field
tipartite generalization of the Schmidt numbers, these states
seem to again have larger entanglement than the GHZ.
The simplest nontrivial special case of the models in this To calculate the Q measure we find the single qubit re-
paper is an extension of what we discussed in the introduc- duced density matrix ␳k which is
tion to many qubits. Thus we first discuss the set of states

冢 冣
兩␺L共t兲典 = Uxx共Jx兲t兩1典 丢 L . 共12兲 − 具Szk典 具S+k 典
Here for simplicity we have taken the state with all spins up ␳k = , 共17兲
rather than down. This set of states has been discussed earlier 具S−k 典 + 具Szk典
关26兴 and when t / Jx = ␲ , 3␲ , 5␲ , … the states are interesting 2
examples of seemingly highly entangled states. We say where the first element is 具0兩␳k兩0典, etc., and the angular
“seemingly” as it is not clear that all measures of multipartite
brackets are expectation values corresponding to the full
entanglement will be large for these states for instance we
pure state ␺ we are interested in. The purity is easily ex-
show below that the n tangle vanishes for these states; when
pressed in terms of these expectation values from which we
the number of qubits is larger than 3. For the case of three
get the entanglement measure as
spins, such states are local unitarily equivalent to the GHZ
state. Expressing the initial state in the Sx basis we can easily L
time evolve, and converting back to the standard Sz basis we Q共␺兲 = 1 − 兺 共具Szk典2 + 兩具S+k 典兩2兲
arrive at L k=1

1 iJt 0

兩␺L共t兲典 = L/2 兺 exp − 兺 共2ak − 1兲共2ak+1 − 1兲
2 ak=兵0,1其 4 k=1

冊 4

= 1 − 兺 共具Sxk典2 + 具Sky典2 + 具Szk典2兲.

L k=1


冉 兩1典 + 共− 1兲ak兩0典
冑2 冊 . 共13兲
For the states under consideration 兩␺L共t兲典 we may explicitly
calculate these to get
The states 兩␺L共␲ / Jx兲典 are of special interest. For instance, for 1
L = 2 we have seen in the introduction that this is essentially 具Szk典 = cos2共Jxt/2兲,具S+k 典 = 0, 共19兲
one of the maximally entangled Bell states. Also up to an
overall phase and hence
1 Q共␺L兲 = 1 − cos4共Jxt/2兲. 共20兲
兩␺3共␲/Jx兲典 = 共兩111典 − 兩100典 − 兩010典 − 兩001典兲, 共14兲
Thus this measure of entanglement for this class of states is
which after a local phase change 兩0典 → 冑−1兩0典 , 兩1典 → 兩1典, and independent of the length of the chain L, and periodically
a ␲ / 4 rotation 共Hadamard transform兲 on each spin becomes reaches a maximum at t = ␲ / Jx , 3␲ / Jx , …, as indicated ear-
the GHZ state 共兩000典 + 兩111典兲 / 冑2. Similarly, up to overall lier, and this maximum is the highest possible. At t
phases we get = 0 , 2␲ / Jx , … the state is completely unentangled and there-
1 fore in this simple time evolution we have large entangling
兩␺4共␲/Jx兲典 = 共兩0000典 − 兩1111典 − 兩1010典 − 兩0101典兲, and disentangling oscillations. The periodic boundary condi-
2 tion can be replaced by an open chain, in which case the
共15兲 entanglement content as measured by Q is


1 The rest of the matrix elements follow from Hermiticity

Qopen = 1 − cos4共Jxt/2兲 − sin2共Jxt兲, 共21兲 of the density matrix. For the class of states given by 兩␺L共t兲典
we can calculate these expectation values in a straightfor-
implying again maximal entanglement at times that are odd ward manner, exploiting the translational symmetry of the
multiples of ␲ / Jx. Notice that for open chains there is mar- states. We get that if j ⫽ i ± 1 the density matrix is diagonal,
ginal dependence of Q on the number of spins, and for L in fact
= 2 this simplifies to sin2共Jxt / 2兲, which we have already de-
␳ij = ␳i 丢 ␳ j, j ⫽ i ± 1. 共24兲
rived as the two tangle for this state in the introduction.
If for these states there is high entanglement content as Here ␳i and ␳ j are the single spin-density matrices as given in
measured by Q, the two-spin correlations as measured by the Eq. 共17兲. Thus there is no concurrence between spins that are
concurrence are of interest. For L = 2 the 共square of the兲 con- not nearest neighbors. For the case when j = i ± 1 we get that
currence coincides with Q, but for a higher number of spins,
具00兩␳i,i±1兩00典 = 具01兩␳i,i±1兩01典 = 具10兩␳i,i±1兩10典
we find that while nearest-neighbor concurrencs persist and
oscillate in time, all other concurrences are perpetually and 1 3
strictly zero. Also the times at which the nearest-neighbor = sin2共Jxt/2兲,具11兩␳i,i±1兩11典 = 1 − sin2共Jxt/2兲.
4 4
concurrences vanish are periods when the multipartite en-
tanglement content as measured by Q is maximized, indicat- 共25兲
ing that two-body correlations are being distributed more The only nonzero off-diagonal matrix element is
globally. To calculate the concurrence between any two
spins, say at positions i and j, of the chain, we need the −i
具00兩␳i,i±1兩11典 = sin共Jxt兲. 共26兲
two-spin reduced density matrix, which is 4

具ab兩␳ij兩cd典 = 兺
具s1s2 ¯ a ¯ b ¯ sL兩␺典 For density matrices such as we have, with all vanishing
off-diagonal elements except the corner ones, it is easy to
find the concurrence in terms of the matrix elements of the
⫻具␺兩s1s2 ¯ c ¯ d ¯ sL典, 共22兲
density matrix itself. The positive square roots of the eigen-
where a and c are fixed states at position i 共0 or 1兲 and values of the matrix ␳i,i±1˜␳i,i±1, arranged in nonincreasing
similarly b and d are at position j. This matrix can also be order, are 兩b兩 + 冑a共1 − 3a兲 , a , a , −兩b兩 + 冑a共1 − 3a兲, where a
written in terms of spin-expectation values as = sin2共Jxt / 2兲 / 4 and b = 兩sin共Jxt兲 / 4兩. Thus in this case we get

具00兩␳ij兩00典 = 冓冉 冊冉 冊冔
− Szi
− Szj , 冉 1
Ci,i±1共t兲 = max 0, 关兩sin共Jxt兲兩 − sin2共Jxt/2兲兴 .
冊 共27兲

具00兩␳ij兩01典 = 冓冉 冊 冔 1
− Szi S+j ,
Thus we can explicitly calculate the concurrences at all
times, as we see that times at which Q is a maximum,
namely at t = ␲ / Jx , 2␲ / Jx , …, all the concurrences vanish,

冓 冉 冊冔
including nearest-neighbor ones. In fact there is a period of
1 time around when Q reaches its maximum that there is no
具00兩␳ij兩10典 = S+i − Szj ,
2 two-body entanglement at all. We get that Ci,i±1 = 0 if
兩tan共Jxt / 2兲兩 ⬎ 2 or if t = 2␲k / Jx , k = 0 , ± 1 , ± 2 , … .
具00兩␳ij兩11典 = 具S+i S+j 典, In Fig. 1 is shown the entanglement measure Q and the

冓冉 冊冉 冊冔
nearest-neighbor concurrence as a function of time. This fig-
1 1 ure is independent of the number of spins in the chain, as
具01兩␳ij兩01典 = − Szi + Szj , long as L ⬎ 2. The concurrence is dominated by other types
2 2 of entanglement. It has been conjectured that 关22兴
具01兩␳ij兩10典 = 具S+i S−j 典, ␶i − 兺 C2i,j 艌 0. 共28兲

冓 冉 冊冔

1 As we have shown earlier, the average of ␶i is nothing but the

具01兩␳ij兩11典 = S+i + Szj ,
2 entanglement measure Q, and from translational invariance

冓冉 冊冉 冊冔
of the states under discussion, this is also equal to any ␶i. For
1 1 this class of states the inequality is easily seen to be rigor-
具10兩␳ij兩10典 = + Szi − Szj , ously true. This difference is interpreted as the generalization
2 2

冓冉 冊 冔
of the residual tangle, entanglement not present in the form
of two-body correlations. In Fig. 2 is plotted this residual
具10兩␳ij兩11典 = + Szi S+j , tangle, which is dominated by the tangle of individual spins
2 with the others, and not by the concurrence.

冓冉 冊冉 冊冔
Although both Q and the residual tangle are maximum for
具11兩␳ij兩11典 =
+ Szi
+ Szj . 共23兲 states such as 兩␺4共␲ / Jx兲典 the n tangle measure, as previously
2 2 stated, vanishes for these states. We may calculate explicitly


feature, and in particular for the states at t / Jx = ␲ , 2␲ , …,

such as those in Eq. 共16兲, the n tangle vanishes. We note in
passing that one class of states for which both the n tangle
and the Q measures are high are easily obtained from the
states discussed here so far by symmetrizing with respect to
the “up” and “down” spins. Thus we consider initial states
that are N-GHZ states, with the dynamics of nearest-
neighbor coupling,

1 1
兩␾L共t兲典 = Uxx
冑2 共兩0典 + 兩1典 丢 L兲 =
冑2 共1 + 丢 k=1␴ 兲兩␺L共t兲典.
t 丢L L x


The last equality follows since the time evolution commutes

with the operator ␴x that flips spins in the standard basis. For
these states 具Szk典 = 具S+k 典 = 0 for all k, implying that the single
spin reduced density matrix is maximally mixed, and the
measure Q is unity for all time t. The n tangle though
changes from the maximal value of unity at zero time 共the
N-GHZ states兲 and oscillates with exact returns to unity at
multiples of ␲ / Jx.

␶N共␾L兲 = 兩cosL/2共Jxt/2兲 + iL/2sinL/2共Jxt/2兲兩4 . 共31兲

Thus for this class of symmetrized cluster states, the n tangle

does not decrease exponentially with the number qubits and
can have the maximal value at nonzero times. We remind the
reader that this measure requires that the number of qubits L
be even.
For L = 3 the state ␾ is
FIG. 1. The Meyer and Wallach measure of entanglement Q and
the nearest-neighbor concurrence for the state 兩␺4共t兲典 as functions of 1 i␶/2
兩␾3共␶兲典 = 兵关e + cos共␶/2兲兴共兩000典 + 兩111典兲
共scaled兲 time. Plotted are the numerical 共points兲 and the formula 2 冑2
共solid line兲. Periodic boundary conditions were used.
− i sin共␶/2兲关␲
ˆ 共001 + 110兲兴其, 共32兲
this measure for the states in Eq. 共13兲, and we find that where we have written the scaled time ␶ = Jxt, that may be
1 simply viewed as a real parameter. For three qubits the re-
␶ N共 ␺ L兲 = sinL共Jxt兲. 共29兲 sidual tangle provides a global entanglement measure 关22兴.
For the state 兩␾3共␶兲典, the one- and two-spin reduced density
Thus the n tangle decreases exponentially with the number of matrices are simply ␳1 = I2 / 2, where I2 is the two-
qubits for the cluster state, it seems to be a rare entanglement dimensional identity operator and

冢 冣
1 + cos2共␶兲 i sin共2␶兲/2 i sin共2␶兲/2 − sin2共␶兲
1 sin2共␶兲 sin2共␶兲 − i sin共2␶兲/2
␳12 = . 共33兲
4 sin 共␶兲
− i sin共2␶兲/2
1 + cos2共␶兲

The other matrix elements of ␳12 follow from Hermiticity of similarly 兵0 , 0 , 1 / 4 , 1 / 4其. Thus the concurrence vanishes be-
this matrix. Due to translational invariance these are the only tween any two qubits for all values of the parameter 共time兲 ␶.
relevant operators. The spectrum of ␳12 is 兵0 , 0 , 1 / 2 , 1 / 2其, The tangle between one qubit and the other two is ␶1
independent of the parameter ␶, and the spectrum of ␳12˜␳12 is = 4 det ␳1 = 1, thus the residual tangle is ␶1 − C1,2 2 2
− C1,3 = 1.


Thus we have a continuous one-parameter family of states,

of which the GHZ state is a special case, that have maximal
entanglement, as measured by both Q and the residual tangle.
Note that in the case of three qubits the residual tangle is also
maximized for all time, a feature that generalizes to a higher
number of qubits, while the n tangle oscillates as indicated
For L = 4 the state is
兩␾4共␶兲典 =
冑2 cos 共␶/2兲共兩0000典 + 兩1111典兲

− sin共␶兲␲共兩1100典兲
2 冑2
冑2 sin 共␶/2兲共兩1010典 + 兩0101典兲. 共34兲

FIG. 2. The residual tangle for the state 兩␺4共t兲典 as a function of
scaled time. Plotted are the numerical 共points兲 and the formula
While Q共␾4兲 = 1 for all ␶, the n tangle is maximized for ␶ 共solid line兲. Periodic boundary conditions were used.
= ␲, in which case the state becomes proportional to 兩1010典

冉 冊
+ 兩0101典, which is local unitarily equivalent to the 4-GHZ l−1
= exp i 兺 c†ncn c†l , Szl = c†l cl − .
state, by say flipping the first and third spins. However, for a
S+l 共38兲
larger number of qubits, the state that maximized the n tangle n=1 2
is apparently not the N-GHZ state. For instance, for L = 6 and
8 we get The operators cl and c†l obey the usual fermion anticommu-
tation rules. The interaction term in Uxx reduces to a combi-
1 nation of nearest-neighbor fermion hopping, pair-fermion an-
兩␾6共␲兲典 = 关000000 + ␲共101000 + 100100 − 110000兲
4 冑2 nihilation, and creation terms on a lattice,
+ 1 ↔ 0兴, 共35兲
Uxx = exp − 冋 冉兺iJx
共c†l − cl兲共cl+1† + cl+1兲

1 l=1
兩␾8共␲兲典 = 关00000000 + ␲
ˆ 共00010001 − 01100110
4 冑2
− 共− 1兲NF共cL† − cL兲共c†1 + c1兲 , 共39兲
+ 10101010 − 00001111 + 01000100兲 + 1 ↔ 0兴.
where NF = 兺i=1
c†i ci is the total number of fermions. The last
There is a total of 32 terms in each state and we have tem- term is due to the periodic boundary condition. The magnetic
porarily dispensed with the ket notation. field term in Ux,z共B , ␲ / 2兲 becomes a chemical potential term
for the total number of fermions. The eigenstates of U will
B. Transverse field have a definite even or odd fermion number, since N f com-
We now turn on an external field in the transverse direc- mutes with U, and we can find the eigenstates in the two
tion. This model, the kicked transverse Ising model, has been sectors separately.
studied recently as noted above and is also an integrable case Now, the second step is to Fourier transform through
关27,28兴, and the Jordan-Wigner transformation can be used L
to diagonalize it. In this case we have cq =
冑L 兺
exp共− iql兲cl , 共40兲
兩␺L共t兲典 = 关Uxx共Jx兲Ux,z共B, ␲/2兲兴 兩␺L共0兲典,
where t is an integer time, the number of kicks. We now where the allowed values for q are 共taking L to be even兲
proceed to diagonalize the operator, indicating the key steps. ␲ 3␲ 共L − 1兲␲
It maybe noted that unlike the treatment in Ref. 关28兴 we do q= ± ,± ,…, ± , NF even, 共41兲
not assume the thermodynamic limit, and in this sense the L L L
way we solve this problem is also different, though the tech-
nique is the same as that for the usual Ising model in a 2␲ 4␲ 共L − 2兲␲
transverse field. q = 0, ± ,± ,…, ± , ␲, NF odd. 共42兲
In the kicked transverse Ising spin chain treated here, the
Ising interaction is in the x -direction and the magnetic field The lattice momentum q labels the momentum creation and
is switched on at integer times along the z direction. The first annihilation operators that also obey the fermion anticommu-
step is to replace the spin variables by Jordan-Wigner fermi- tation rules. The unitary operator U has a direct product
ons through a nonlocal transformation 关9兴: structure in terms of these fermion variables:


U = e−i共BL/2兲 兿 Vq,
NF even, 共43兲
冋冉 冊 册
V0 = exp − i B +
Jx †
2 0
c c0 , 冋冉 冊 册
V␲ = exp − i B −
Jx †
2 ␲
c c␲ .

The eigenstates of U are direct products of eigenstates of Vq.
=e−i共BL/2兲V0V␲ 兿 Vq, NF odd, 共44兲 The operators V0 and V␲ are diagonal in the number basis
states. For Vq, the four basis states are 兩0典 , 兩 ± q典 = c±q†
兩0典 ,
兩−qq典 = c−q
† †
cq兩0典. The eigenstates of Vq, for q ⫽ 0 , ␲ are given
Vq兩 ± q典 = e−i共Jx/2+B兲兩 ± q典, Vq兩 ± 典 = e−i共Jx/2+B兲e±i␪q兩 ± 典.

Vq = exp − i 关cos共q兲共c†qcq + c−q

c−q兲 + sin共q兲 Here the eigenstates 兩 ± 典 are given by 兩 ± 典 ⬅ a±共q兲兩0典
+ b±共q兲兩−qq典. Using
⫻共cqc−q + c−q
† †

cq兲兴 exp关− iB共c†qcq + c−q

c−q兲兴, 共45兲 cos共␪q兲 = cos共B兲cos共Jx/2兲 − cos共q兲sin共B兲sin共Jx/2兲,
we have

and a±共q兲 = −1 冑 冉1+

cos共Jx/2兲 − cos共␪q ± B兲
sin q sin B sin共Jx/2兲
冊 2
, 共48兲

±sin共␪q兲 + cos共Jx/2兲sin B − cos q cos B sin共Jx/2兲 −i2B

b±共q兲 = a±共q兲 e . 共49兲

This then completely solves the kicked transverse Ising m

1 1
model. Let us consider an initial state with m 共even兲 fermions 具Szl 共t兲典 = − + 兺 兩␩q兩2 + 兺 兩␨共l − li兲兩2 − 兩␩共l − li兲兩2 .
兩␺共t = 0兲典 = 兩l1 , l2 ¯ lm典 where li denote the sites occupied by 2 L q i=1

fermions 共corresponding to Slz = 1 / 2 in terms of the original 共54兲

spin variables兲. The off-diagonal matrix element of ␳l
through time evolution with U is
In the above we used two more auxiliary functions defined
i␲兺c†ncn †
具S+l 共t兲典 ⬅ = 具␺共t兲兩e cl 兩␺共t兲典 = 0, 共50兲

as the time evolution mixes only states with even number of

fermions. The diagonal matrix elements of ␳l depend on
具Szl 典 ⬅ 具␺共t兲兩c†l cl兩␺共t兲典 − 1 / 2. This can be calculated from the
time-evolved operator,

q cqVq = ␨qcq − sgn共q兲␩qc−q ,

cq共t兲 = V†t 共51兲
t †

where the expansion coefficients are given as

␨q = 兩a+共q兲兩2e−it␪q + 兩a−共q兲兩2eit␪q , 共52兲

␩q = a+共q兲*b+共q兲e−it␪q + a−共q兲*b−共q兲eit␪q . 共53兲

FIG. 3. The measure Q for the kicked transverse Ising interac-
tion, when the initial state is the vacuum state and L = 10, and the
The diagonal matrix element can be expressed in terms of parameters are Jx = ␲ / 2 , B = ␲ / 3. Shown are the results of the nu-
the Fourier transforms of the above functions; after some merical calculations 共points兲 and using the formula 共solid line兲. Pe-
manipulations, we have riodic boundary conditions are assumed.


FIG. 6. The n tangle as a function of time. The parameters and

tilt angles of the external field are the same as in the previous figure.
FIG. 4. 共Color online兲 The time-averaged Q as a function of
system parameters for the kicked transverse Ising model. L = 20 in
this case, and the averaging is done over a thousand kicks, by which Q关␺L共t兲兴 = 4 x共1 − x兲, x = 兺 兩 ␩ q兩 2
L q
time the average is stationary.
2 = 兺 兩a+共q兲a−共q兲sin共␪qt兲兩2 . 共58兲
␩共l兲 = 兺 ␩qcos共ql兲, 共55兲 L q
L q⬎0
As illustrated in the example 共Fig. 3兲 the oscillations of Q
are now much more complicated. The advantage of having
2 an easily computable formula such as Eq. 共58兲 is that we can
␨共l兲 = 兺 ␨qcos共ql兲.
L q⬎0
study the entanglement measures as a function of the inter-
action strength and transverse magnetic fields more compre-
In particular for the initial unentangled state 兩␺L共0兲典 hensively. In order to do that we time average Q over suffi-
= 兩0典 丢 L, as a special case we can calculate 具Szl 共t兲典 at any site ciently long scales and plot this as a function of Jx and B in
using the above, Fig. 4. This figure shows some interesting features, espe-
cially the large Q parts, which correspond to Jx = ␲. Note that
兺 兩␩q兩2 − 1/2.
both the lines B = 0 and Jx = 0 have been discussed previously,
具Szl 共t兲典 = 具␺L共0兲兩Sz共t兲兩␺L共0兲典 = 共57兲 the latter case turns off the interaction and produces no en-
L q
tanglement, while the former is the zero-field case for which
Here the q summation extends to both positive and negative the cluster states were realized.
allowed values. Hence using translational symmetry the en- The case when Jx = ␲ , B = ␲ / 2 simplifies considerably, as
tanglement measure Q is given in this case by in this case a±共q兲 = 1 / 冑2 and ␪q = ␲ − q. Thus Q can be calcu-
lated more explicitly and results in

FIG. 5. The entanglement measure Q as a function of time, for FIG. 7. The sum of the two-body tangles as a function of time,
different tilt angles of the external field. The parameters are Jx for various tilt angles of the external field. The parameters are Jx
= 0.1, B = 0.1, L = 10. = 0.1, B = 0.1, L = 10.


FIG. 8. The entanglement measure Q as a function of time, for FIG. 9. The n tangle as a function of time for various magni-
various magnitudes of the external field. The parameters are Jx tudes of the external field. The parameters are the same as that of
= 0.1, ␪ = ␲ / 4 , L = 10. the previous figure.

Q共t兲 = 再 1 if t ⫽ kL/2
0 if t = kL/2
冎 k = 0,1,2,… . 共59兲
兩␺L共t兲典 = 关Uxx共Jx兲Ux,z共B, ␪兲兴t兩␺L共0兲典.
The case when ␪ is different from both zero and ␲ / 2, as has

Thus either the state is maximally entangled by the measure been noted earlier, constitutes a nonintegrable model. The
Q or is not at all entangled. As in the zero field case, if the Jordan-Wigner transformation no longer renders the problem
initial state is an N-GHZ state itself, according to the Q into one of noninteracting fermions. Here we study the influ-
measure it remains maximally entangled, as in this case also ence of the entanglement content of the states 兩␺L共t兲典, again
具Szk典 = 具S+k 典 = 0 for all times. As in that case the n-tangle mea- when the initial state is the “vacuum” state. Once more the
sure is now significant, although not maximal in general. In time t takes integer values. Since the Jordan-Wigner trans-
the case B = ␲ / 2 , Jx = ␲ both the Q measure and the n tangle formation does not help, many of the results in this section
are unity and represent highly entangled states, which appear are done purely numerically, with the help of the fast Had-
to be in the nature of cluster states discussed previously for amard transform.
the zero-field case. Incidentally, this point is also on the criti- We start with a given exchange coupling, and strength of
cal line Jx = 2B of the 共unkicked兲 transverse Ising model. the external field, while varying the angle of tilt of this field
from zero to 90°, both these extremes being integrable. In
Figs. 5 and 6 we see the result of this for a particular case.
We note that the ␪ = 0 case is integrable and is essentially the
zero-field case we have discussed earlier. In this case the Q
We now consider the case when the field is tilted in the measure of entanglement reaches the maximum value of
x-z plane, that is, the unitary operator is a slight modification unity and drops back to zero periodically. With a nonzero tilt
of the transverse Ising case: angle we see that while the maximum drops from unity, the

FIG. 10. The time-averaged entanglement Q and n tangle as a function of the tilt angle, for two magnitudes of the external field. The
parameters are Jx = ␲ / 4 , L = 10.


propensity to untangle also decreases considerably, thereby

providing on the average larger entanglement than for the
zero-tilt case. Increasing the angle of tilt further
decreases the typical value of entanglement produced. The
n-tangle measure shows more complicated behavior, with an
intermediate angle producing states that have a large n
The increase in the average multipartite entanglement as
measured by Q is accompanied by decreasing overall two-
body correlations, as captured by the pairwise concurrence
among the qubits. This is illustrated in Fig. 7 where we show
the sum of the two-body tangles 共or the square of the con-
currences兲, between a given qubit and the rest of them. Due
to translational symmetry the sum is independent of the fo-
cus qubit. This figure shows the rather substantial concur-
rences that are present in the integrable cases 共both ␪ = 0 and
␪ = ␲ / 2兲, compared to the nonintegrable ones. Thus like the
GHZ state that has no two-body correlations, such as the
concurrence, these appear to be highly entangled states with
small concurrences. The entanglement present in the state
appears to be predominantly not of the two-body type. In fact
we noted this previously for the cluster states that when Q
was the maximum possible the concurrences identically
Thus it appears that both the Q and n-tangle measures are
sensitive to the nonintegrability of the spin chain and from
this preliminary data it is plausible that entanglement is en-
hanced on the average. We have found this to be the case for
other values of the parameters, not shown here. We can hold
the angle fixed and vary the magnitude of the external field.
Both Figs. 8 and 9 are of this kind. In this case it is seen that
small values of the magnetic field are enough to prevent the
states from completely disentangling. Larger fields also bring
down the average along with the fluctuations, until for suffi-
ciently large fields the chain seems to reach smoothly an
entanglement plateau. The n tangle again shows more com- FIG. 11. 共Color online兲 The time-averaged Q and n tangle as a
plicated behavior, and can be substantially large in compari- function of external field parameters for the kicked transverse Ising
son with the integrable cases. model. Jx = ␲ / 4 and L = 6 in this case.
In order to see the effect of the angle and field strength
more comprehensively, we again time average the entangle-
ment measures. This averaging is done over a large number transition at B = Jx is seen as a fold in the surface plot of this
共1000兲 of kicks such that the average is stationary. The figure. The high entanglement spots fall in approximate hy-
results of this are shown in Fig. 10, where it is seen that perbolas in the B-␪ space. The time-averaged n tangle is also
the Q measure increases sharply with the angle for a fixed shown in Fig. 11, where the hyperbolic region of high en-
magnitude B of the field, and then decreases smoothly until tanglement is also visible, but not so close to the small field
the transverse field is reached. The sharp increase is observed and tilt angle values as for the Q measure.
in the case B = Jx, while smoother behavior is seen otherwise. From the results presented so far it appears that entangle-
The n-tangle measure shows similar characteristics, except ment can be enhanced in nonintegrable regions of the spin
that in one case the transverse field case also has a high chains, but there could be integrable regions such as for the
average entanglement value. zero tilt angle case which could produce large entanglement.
We next study the time averaged entanglement measures We have not shown results for the residual tangle in these
as a function of field strength and tilt, for a fixed exchange cases, as this measure is practically identical to Q, this in
coupling Jx. The averaging is done over large enough times turn implying that the sum of the concurrences is nearly
to ensure stationarity of this quantity, and is shown in Fig. vanishing. In other words, two-body correlations as mea-
11. Only six spins are considered here as for each field con- sured by the concurrence are a rare commodity in these spins
figuration time evolution is done one thousand times, before chains. More work needs to be done, especially with differ-
calculating the average. However, the case of larger number ent initial states, for a better understanding of the implica-
of spins is qualitatively similar. The principal features seen tions of nonintegrablity on the entanglement in spin chains.
for the Q measure is that there is enhanced entanglement for The kicked transverse Ising model in a tilted field is a natural
both small, nonzero, field strengths and tilt angles. The sharp example to explore this further.


V. SUMMARY entanglement can be enhanced in the nonintegrable cases;

We have studied the Q, the n tangle, the residual tangle, however, it is quite likely that this entanglement is not in the
and concurrence measures for a spin chain that is capable of form of two-body entanglements. A more detailed study of
showing both integrable and nonintegrable behaviors. The the nonintegrable case needs to be carried out to fully assess
model is the kicked Ising model, kicked with a field that the impact of nonitegrability on multipartite entanglement.
could be transverse or tilted to the exchange coupling direc- The entanglement measures Q and the n tangle have been
tion. The integrable cases correspond to the zero, parallel, calculated for random states and it has been shown using
and transverse fields. In the zero or parallel cases the states quantized chaotic maps that these are realized for states
generated from the vacuum state are essentially the “cluster” evolving under conditions of quantum chaos 关18,25兴. The
states, for which we have derived the entanglement measures random state entanglement measure Q for instance is an
and shown that while the Q measure is large, the n - tangle overestimate for the kicked Ising model even with a tilted
measure can be exponentially small and the concurrences can magnetic field, most likely indicating the effects of transla-
vanish. We also point out that symmetrization produces tion symmetry, placing strong constraints on the “random-
highly entangled states that are capable of both large Q and ness” of these states. Future directions are many, including a
large n tangles. more detailed study of states that has been shown here to
In the case of the transverse field, we solve the time evo- have both large Q and n tangles, especially from an informa-
lution by means of the Jordan-Wigner transformation ex- tion theoretic viewpoint. Another is the evaluation of the
actly. This enables calculation of many quantities analyti- issues studied here with other multipartite entanglement
cally, of which we have displayed the Q measure and pointed measures, for instance, the distance to the nearest completely
out the combinations of field strength and exchange cou- unentangled state 关29兴.
plings that lead to states with large entanglement. The
Jordan-Wigner transformation does not help in the case of ACKNOWLEDGMENT
the tilted field and is an nonintegrable case, that has been
previously studied from a fidelity point of view. We have V.S. would like to thank The Institute of Mathematical
studied this case numerically and shown that time-averaged Sciences, Chennai, for hospitality.

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