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Task: Use these scripts as a template or guide to practice writing
imagery or visualization scripts for athletes in your sport.

Sport: Powerlifting

Find yourself in a comfortable seated and laying position on the
floor. Begin by taking a big inhale through your nose and a large
exhale through your mouth.

Repeat this again 5 times.

Feel your body sink into the floor and the tension leave your
brow. Feel yourself become heavy. Take a moment to let yourself
sit in silence.
Imagine yourself walking along a path or a trail. It is a path that is

It is a beautiful day, and you feel happy and relaxed.

Imagine taking this trail in with all of your senses.
Imagine what it looks like.
Imagine the sounds.
Imagine the smells.

Imagine the feeling of your feet soft on the ground as you walk.
Continue your deep breathes as you walk, taking in the nature
around you.
Take time to enjoy your walk. Take time to feel at peace and
serene on this solo walk.
Spend the time here that is necessary for you to rejuvenate and
care for yourself.
When you are ready, begin to open up your senses back around
Hear the sounds of the room that you are in and feel the floor
beneath you.
Know that you are now ready to resume your day and that you
can return to this trail any time that you need to. Gently stretch
and open your eyes feeling focused and refreshed.


Imagine you are in a normal day of training. Hear the
sound of your music playing through your earbuds, as you
block out the world around you.

Imagine securing your belt and you step onto the

platform. Feel the belt tight against your abdomen.
Imagine stepping up to the bar, feet spread wide with your
toes angled slightly outward.

Imagine creating a soft bend in your legs as you let the

tension build through your upper back, quads, and
hamstrings. Feel your belt growth tighter against you as
you inhale through your diaphragm. Feel yourself stable
and rooted to the floor.

Imagine yourself bending down and pulling the slack out

of the bar, rooting your shins to it as you take your final
inhale. Look ahead at the room in front of you as you flex
your quads and upper back, pushing into your hips, and,
your weight, down into the floor.

Repeat this motion again and again for 8 repetitions

maintaining your breath, posture, and balance.
See yourself step up to the barbell rack on the platform,
the crowd around you and music blaring.
Grasp the bar with your hands and take a deep breathe.
Focus your attention inward, looking down, as you slowly
breath into your lower belly, pressing firmly into the fabric
of your belt, and hold.

Pull your shoulders down and back, pinching your shoulder

blades together. Feel your body mold to the bar as you set
up your un-racking stance. Feet slightly wider than hip-
width, toes angled slightly out. Feel yourself gently release
your breathe. Breathe in deeply once again as you evenly
push off of your feet and take 3 small steps backward.
Release another breathe. Shift your gaze forward.

At the sound of the referee yelling “SQUAT,” sharply take a

deep breathe into your belt as you bend at the hips and
knees, descending into the hole. Feel the tension your
quads and glutes grow as you hold, waiting for the
command to rise. Gaze strong. Feeling as though you could
burst from the floor.
“RISE.” Feel yourself press your weight down into the floor
as you shoot your body upward. Locking out at the top to
hold. Feel the sense of accomplishment take hold as you
hear “RACK”.
Push yourself into the rack and release the weight off of
your back.

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