Seminar 1. LAT. 21. Review Material of Lectures 1 (Your Notes and Moodle) - Answer The Following Questions

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Seminar 1. LAT. 21.

Review material of Lectures 1 (your notes and Moodle).

Answer the following questions:
1. What is Linguistics and its aims?

2. What are the subdisciplines of linguistics, what do they study? Give their

3. Language as a system and structure. What are the functions of language, its units?

4. Semiotics and sign system?

5. What does Pragmatics study?

6. What does Text linguistics study, its appearance and concepts of understanding?

Chomsky,N. Syntactic Structures. The Hague/Paris: Mouton. 1957.

De Beaugrande, R.A. Text linguistics. In: Verschueren, J. e.a. (eds.) 1995.Handbook of Pragmatics,
Manual. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 1995. pp. 536-544.

De Beaugrande, R. and Dressler, W. Introduction to Text Linguistics. [online].Available at:

<>, retrieved: 2002.

. D.Crystal. The English language encyclopedia. – Cambridge University Press, 2019. – 473 p.

Galperin, I. R. Stylistics (Second edition), Moscow: “Higher School”. 1987.

Labocha, J. The object of Study of Text Linguistics. Textology. Jagiellonian university. Cracow.

Гальперин И.Р. Текст как объект лингвистического исследования / И.Р.Гальперин. – М:

Высшая школа,1981 – 354 с.

Бевз О.П. Інтерпретація тексту: теорія і практика = Text Interpretation: Theory and Practice:
посібник для студентів іноземної філології. Умань: Видавничо-поліграфічний центр «Візаві»,
2014 – 128 с.

Паращук В. Ю та ін. Reading and Analyzing English Texts. Кіровоград, 2004. - 201 с.

Seminar 1. Practical Part.

Consider the following three extracts:

Text 1 SCIENTISTS have created the world's first synthetic life form in
a landmark experiment that paves the way for designer
Text 2 Congratulations! We thank you for the confidence you’ve placed
in our company when choosing our IW6 loudspeaker for
wall/ceiling mounting.
Text 3 Good morning. Thank you, David, for that kind introduction.

Each of these texts is different, and one of the first tasks of a linguist is to
describe these differences in a systematic way. For any text analysis, we
should be able to identify what is known as Genre, a term which refers to
a specific text type, often involving a text which has a specific purpose and
a place in the communication system of a particular culture. The genre
labels that we could use to describe examples 1-3 include ‘Article on
science’, ‘Instruction manual’ and ‘Public speech’. The following table
sets out some ways in which each of these labels can be assigned to each
example, especially by looking at the language used in each example:
Кожен із цих текстів різний, і одне з перших завдань лінгвіста — систематично
описати ці відмінності. Для будь-якого аналізу тексту ми повинні бути в змозі
визначити те, що відомо як жанр, термін, який відноситься до певного типу
тексту, часто включає текст, який має конкретну мету і місце в комунікаційній
системі певної культури. Позначки жанрів, які ми могли б використовувати для
опису прикладів 1-3, включають «Стаття з науки», «Інструкція з експлуатації» та
«Публічне слово». У наступній таблиці наведено деякі способи, за допомогою
яких кожна з цих міток може бути призначена кожному прикладу, особливо якщо
розглядати мову, яка використовується в кожному прикладі:

Genre Comments
Text 1 Article on The text announces a new discovery and refers to
science scientific experts who have made this discovery.
Text 2 Instruction The text describes a technical product and addresses
manual the reader of the text who has chosen the product.
Text 3 Public speech The text politely addresses a previous speaker and
suggests that the speaker is about to address a wider
These are not the only things that can be said about each of these texts, but
they are sufficient here to give us a starting point. If you look closely at the
comments I have made, you will notice that I refer to specific pieces of
linguistic evidence that can be identified in in each case. This evidence is
referred to collectively as Register: this term refers to the specific
configuration of language features that we can associate with any
particular text. Traditionally, these features are analysed in terms of three
different variables: Field (What is the text for? What it is about?), Tenor
(Who is involved in the text? What is the author’s relationship to the
addressee, and what is their attitude to each other and to what is being
said?) and Mode (How is the text organised? How is the text set out, etc.).
This information serves to formalise the comments I made about genre in
the above table, so that we get a more detailed analysis, as set out in the
following table:
Це не єдині речі, які можна сказати про кожен із цих текстів, але їх достатньо, щоб
дати нам відправну точку. Якщо ви уважно подивитеся на коментарі, які я зробив,
ви помітите, що я посилаюся на конкретні лінгвістичні докази, які можна
ідентифікувати в кожному випадку. Ці докази спільно називають реєстром: цей
термін відноситься до конкретної конфігурації мовних функцій, які ми можемо
пов’язати з будь-яким конкретним текстом. Традиційно ці ознаки аналізуються з
точки зору трьох різних змінних: Поле (Для чого текст? Про що він?), Тенор (Хто
бере участь у тексті? Які відносини автора до адресата і які їхні ставлення один до
одного і до того, про що йдеться?) і Mode (Як організовано текст? Як викладено
текст тощо). Ця інформація служить для формалізації коментарів, які я зробив
щодо жанру у наведеній вище таблиці, щоб ми отримали більш детальний аналіз,
як наведено в наступній таблиці:

Genre Register
Text 1 Article Field: The text deals with a new discovery, using terms relating to
on science and research such as scientists, synthetic life forms, experiment and
science neologisms such as designer organism. The specific field is likely to be
biology. Note also the implicit semantic field of ‘novelty’ (new,
landmark, pave the way, world’s first.)
Mode: This text is likely to be the first sentence in a breakthrough
story in a current affairs magazine or newspaper. The press often uses
capitals for the first letter or the first word in their articles, as can be
seen here in: SCIENTISTS. Notice that the text uses typically
journalistic terms to refer to a scientific breakthrough,
such as landmark experiment, pave the way. These expressions would
probably not be used in a more technical context.
Tenor: The text is written for general readers, not specialists. It is
likely that the author/s is/are journalists. There is a degree of
evaluation, even ‘hyperbole’, in the use of certain expressions (new,
landmark, pave the way, world’s first).
Text 2 Instructi Field: On an explicit level, this text names and describes a technical
on product (explicit use of proprietary terminology and abbreviations, IW6
manual loudspeaker. Also note the use of heavily pre-modified noun groups:
wall/ceiling mounting, which are typical of many technical texts. It is
likely that the following text deals with issues about safety and other
technical aspects of the product. Implicitly, the purpose of this
particular part of the text is to establish that the product has come
into the owner’s possession though a wise act of ‘consumer choice’
(and this is in fact referred to in terms of confidence and choice.
Mode: This extract is a typical introduction from a technical manual.
It is likely to be the first ‘move’ (‘congratulate the reader’) in a text
which is likely to turn to other, more technical, topics (how to use
the product, how to carte for it, how to obtain service etc.)
Tenor: The text addresses the reader directly, and narrows down the
readership of the text to one person: the owner of a new product. But
the text also takes the point of view of the producers or
manufacturers, and attempts to establish a rapport with the consumer.
The use of exclamation marks and contractions (you’ve) introduce a
note of informality. The text also uses flattering language to the
owner (initial emphasis on congratulations, confidence and choice).
Text 3 Public Field: This extract has no explicit topic, rather it is made up of a
speech greeting and refers to the previous discourse (another person’s
Mode: The text involves ‘turn-taking’, that is to say a hand-over from
one speaker to another. This text is a typical staring point in
dialogues (involving a formulaic greeting). It has two parts: a formal
greeting, a polite reference to the previous speaker which also signals
the beginning of a monologue (a public speech).Since the previous
speaker is singled out, we can assume that there are other people in
the audience.
Tenor: The greeting and a reference to the previous speaker (note
that the speaker is ‘named’ as an act of politeness) suggest that the
speaker has assumed the role of ‘main speaker” and is not about to
embark on a monologue.

The next table summarises what is meant by ‘Field’, ‘Tenor’ and


Field What is going on, what the text is doing, what the text is about. This can
include issues such as: Explicit and implicit purpose, Angle of
Representation ( technical vs. common- sense taxonomies and terminology,
semantic roles, metaphor), etc.
Що відбувається, що робить текст, про що текст. Це може включати
такі питання, як: явна та неявна мета, кут репрезентації (технічні
системи та термінологія здорового глузду, семантичні ролі, метафора)
How language or text plays a part in the interaction, including the ‘channel’
(or form) it takes. This can include issues such as: Explicit and implicit
Mode signals in the text (conjunctive cohesion, lexical cohesion, referenc...),
Degrees of interactivity (exchange structure, interruptions, overlap), etc.
Як мова чи текст відіграють роль у взаємодії, включаючи «канал» (або
форму), який він приймає. Це може включати такі питання, як: явні та
неявні сигнали в тексті (кон’юнктивна згуртованість, лексична
згуртованість, посилання...), Ступені інтерактивності (структура
обміну, переривання, накладання) тощо.
Who is engaged in the interaction, and what their relationship is.
This can include issues such as: Social roles (distribution of speech
Tenor functions, power relations), Social proximity / distance (level of formality /
personal involvement), Speaker persona (tone, modality, affect), etc.
Хто бере участь у взаємодії і які між ними стосунки.
Це може включати такі питання, як: соціальні ролі (розподіл мовних
функцій, владні відносини), соціальна близькість/відстань (рівень
формальності/особистої участі), персона оратора (тон, модальність,
афект) тощо.

Examine the following text extracts. You have three things to do with each
a) Identify the Genre associated with each text (i.e. ‘what type
of text is this?’)
b) In each extract, identify the ‘formal’ (linguistic, tangible,
visible,) clues which you feel are characteristic of this text type (a
word, a construction, an expression...)
c) Analyse each text in terms of Register. In other words, set out what
you think the functional context is likely to be for each extract using the
three dimensions: Field, Mode, Tenor.

Text Extract Genre Field Mode Tenor

A) The The text This text is likely

announces a new to be the first The text is
Science discovery and sentence in a written for
body of a
newspaper refers to place breakthrough general readers;
article participants:
man where have made story spoken or journalist-reader
discovered (Article on this discovery. written, it might relationship.It is
in the science) The text deals with also be a radio formal formality
Dolomites a new discovery, broadcastin, a scale and the
on the using terms current affairs social distance
Austro- relating to science magazine or ias maximum
Italian and research such newspaper. (authoritative-
border as mummified Notice that this informative
completed a body, discovered. text uses reporting).
controversia The specific field typically
l journey is likely to be journalistic terms
yesterday to biology or and numbers to
an Italian antropology. refer to a
museum.... scientific
It is informing the breakthrough
readers. such as 5,300-
discovered ...

B) Lightly On an explicit
level, this text This extract is a The text
names and typical addresses the
the cylinder
introduction from reader/worker
head Instruction describes a a technical directly, and
retaining technical products
manual manual. It is likely narrows down
bolt threads (such as cylinder
and under head, retaining to be the first the readership
the head bolt, engine oil). ‘move’ or `step` of the text to
with clean The words are for doind it and one person: the
engine oil typical of many then to turn to owner of a new
and screw technical texts. It is other, more product.
in the bolts likely that the technical steps or But the text also
finger following text deals actions, how to takes the point
tight... with issues about use this product, of view of
safety and how to finish it establish a
correctness of this etc. rapport with the
process and the consumer who
next actions. doing it.
The purpose of this
particular part of
the text is to give
an instrustions.
The text starts
C) Once After reading we This extract is a
upon a time, can immediately typical politely as all
there was a tale say what kind of introduction from fairy tales.
little girl text it is and what a fairy tale book. It suggests that
who lived it is about. This technical manual. the speaker is
with her extract has no It is likely to be about to address
mother in a explicit topic, it is the first ‘step’ in a wider
tiny house in made up of a the reading. Also audience, that is
the middle of introduction of it can be perhaps why
a BIG faity tale. It show spoken or in a participants are
forest... the story about book. The fairy adult
Red Riding Hood. tales often uses (parent/teacher)
It is capitals for the and child
telling/reading a beginning or in relationship.Soc
story to a child. the middle part as ial distance is
can be seen here closest. The
in: Big or once formality scale
upon a time. is from neutral
to formal.

D) The text deals with The text involves The text is

Whatever Adverti- a one type of ‘turn-taking’, written for
you want sement advertising. It is that is to say a general readers
for your likely that the hand-over from and customers.
repairs, following one person to The text
it'll cost sentences deals another as addresses the
less at B & with more advertising often reader directly,
Q.... information about do. This extract and narrows
it. So, it is is a typical down the
informing potential introduction of readership of
customers. advertising, the text to one
The purpose of this because it is the person: those
text is to repairs promotion of who make
and establish that goods or services repairs.
the product will for sale or in low Participants are
come to the prices. It is likely vendor-
customer though a to be the first customer
wise act of ‘step’ for relationship.
‘consumer choice’ consumer to The social
(and this is in fact choose their distance is
referred to in terms company. maximum and
of confidence and It is the written formality scale
choice. form and this is is formal. The
likely to be the advertising also
first sentence in a takes the point
breakthrough of view of the
story in the Net consumer and
or in brochure, a attempts to
current affairs establish a
magazine or rapport with
newspaper. This them.
type of text often
uses short
sentences with
allure because
it'll cost less.

E) Many The text This extract is an The text is

learner announces a introduction from written for
drivers tend driving. The text a technic of general readers
to put too Article addresses the driving. and drivers who
much driver and This text is likely can read it or
pressure on describes a correct to turn to other listen. The text
the technic. It deals more dangerous addresses the
footbrake, with actions effect of fast participants on
and so lock relating to people drive on a roads the roads
the wheels. on the roads. Note and will tell more directly, but
But every also the implicit technical and narrows down
driver should semantic field of professional rules the readership of
remember ‘car and road’ for avoiding it. the text to one
that the (footbrake, It is likely to be person: drivers.
amount of wheels, road the first ‘step’ for It is formal
brake surface). On an drivers to go formality scale
pressure he / explicit level, the slower.This text and the social
she can specific field of is a introduction distance ias
apply safely this text is driver`s in a story spoken maximum
depends on behaviour. It is or written, it (authoritative-
the state of likely that the might also be a informative
the road following radio reporting).
surface.... sentences deals broadcastin, a
with names and current affairs
descriptions of magazine or
traffic rules. newspaper.
names and
describes driving

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