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Desiderata is the plural of the word desideratum meaning something that is needed or wanted.

It is from the Latin word Desiderare to long for, wish for, demand, or expect.

Around IN THE 1920s, a poem was written by Max Ehrmann entitled Desiderata.

In my own interpretation of the poem Desiderata,

No one can have and live a perfect life,

but there are things we can do to make our life significant.

Here are 3 points that I want to emphasize on my concept of my material self that is also related to the

1. You as an individual. Everyone is unique in every aspect. There is no one in this world that is identical
in how they think, act, or speak. Focus on your own growth because everyone has their own time and
pace. You may see others as an inspiration and not jealousy.

2. You as a part of A community. Your family will be your greatest believer in the beginning until the end
that is why you must value them. Your friends are your supporters next to your family. It is okay to keep
them few as long as they are all true. It is better than having friends who are only there for you when
they benefit from you.

3. Lastly, you as the author of your own story. Our life is not determined in the moment we are born. It
is set up by God or fate but we get to decide how we want it to be. As everyone has their own time and
pace, everyone has their own destination to reach. But before reaching that destination, we go on a
journey. The destination is beautiful but the journey also has its own beauty.

To sum up these 3 things, we face obstacles that lead failures and successes, we encounter people that
stay and go, and we get to experience things that will forever be kept in our hearts. And that is what
makes living DELIGHTFUL.

According to William James, the material self is composed of two things which are the bodily self and
the extracorporeal self or the things that is not limited to our body which may include other people,
places, objects, or events.

Here is my list of my material self that I value from greatest to list to better understand the video.

1. Body and Mind

A healthy body and mind is a healthy person. You need to take care of it for you to continue your
journey with the persons around you acquiring treasurable memories along the way.

2. Family and Friends

These are the people you share your bond with. They are the persons who stay and shares with your joy
and sadness.

3. Moments and Time

Simple instances in life are worth keeping especially if you are with the people you want to be with.
These instances are priceless.

4. Achievements and Learnings

Some say that achievements and life lessons are the most valuable things you could acquire in life.

5. Objects, Things, and Possessions

Money and material objects is necessary for living. They can be a source of temporary but not true

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