Internship Journal Week 5

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This week was a good week for me although it was a bit repetitive to what I have been

doing in previous weeks! I have come to learn that repetition is needed to master a task. This

week I continued working with the Breast and Cervical Cancer Program (BCCP) and the Early

Hearing Detention Intervention Program (EHDI). A couple weeks ago I was lucky enough to

attend a training on the Breast and Cervical Cancer Program. During the training I learned the

importance of the forms that are used which help diagnose and treat patients. This week I got to

take the information that I learned during the training and bring it to life. The forms are

extremely important and must be filled out perfectly because the program uses funds provided

from the state. If the forms are not filled out correctly, proper funding may not be given.

Although it became tedious at times, I assured myself that this was good form me because my

future career will require skills such as these. Additionally, I am glad that I work with a group of

people that make me feel like I can ask questions if I need. I have found myself a bit timid at

times when it comes to asking questions, but I have learned that it is essential to getting a job

done correctly.

This week, I continued my routine calls of calling parents and making sure that their

children have received their initial as well as follow up hearing screening if they did not pass up

front. This task is very repetitive as well, but it has truly allowed me to develop exceptional

communication skills. Calling parents can be hard at times because you don’t know what the

mother or child is experiencing on the other side of the phone. For example, this week I called a

mother to follow up on her son’s initial hearing screening. She ended up telling me that her son

passed away. This was very difficult for me to hear but I had to learn how to respond on the spot!

I assured the mother if she needed anything at any point, we will always be there to provide any
care that she may need I know this communication skills will also be important in my future

career, so I am glad that I am developing them now.

Day Time In Lunch Time Out Hours Worked

Monday, 8:00 AM 12:00-1:00 PM 5:00 PM 8
February 7,
Tuesday, 8:00 AM 12:00-1:00 PM 5:00 PM 8
February 8,
Wednesday, 8:00 AM 12:00-1:00 PM 5:00 PM 8
February 9,
Thursday, 8:00 AM 12:00-1:00 PM 5:00 PM 8
February 10,
Friday, February ----- ----- ----- -----
11, 2022
Total Weekly 32
Total Hours to 157

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