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Arianna Escobar

Pros of using technology in the classroom

I believe technology can advance learners by providing them with software that can be used to
improve a certain lesson or topic. Technology can also help to advance learners by providing
them with age appropriate and level appropriate work. I believe that technology allows learners
to develop a broader scope of the world around them because the internet is an endless void of
new information, and if there was a topic that I needed them to have more insight on, they
could definitely look it up and gain details on said lesson. I do not believe that teaching with
technology provides students with the skills and abilities to interact and function in the real
world. Yes, it definitely has some perks to it, and may help to develop some skills related to this,
but I do not whole heartedly agree with this. I believe that working face-to-face and working in
groups with peers helps to develop interaction skills in order to function properly in the real

Cons to using technology in the classroom

I believe that the use of technology will for sure affect the students who do not have access at
home. There are teachers who have switched all of their classwork online, and have not kept in
mind those students who do not have internet or technology access at home. I would not
penalize these students for work they cannot do on the computer, for it is not their or their
families' faults that they do not have access at home. I believe technology will not lead to a
“loss” of skills such as handwriting and logical thinking, but I do believe they will affect these
skills. If they are using the computer for everything, their typing skills will improve but I would
definitely take significant breaks from technology in order to keep up their handwriting skills
and fine motor skills. They will need logical skills in order to use both technology and non-
technical work. I believe that technology in the classroom will indeed lessen and decrease the
teacher-student relationship. I would agree that screen time limitation would definitely be
needed. It is very easy for children to be stuck on the computer for hours, and in turn would
affect relationships with not only the teacher, but other students as well.

How I personally feel about technology in the classroom

I believe that I depend on technology for multiple things. I use technology in order to get my
news, as well as plan lessons. I also look for inspiration using technology platforms for my
classroom. I also depend on technology in order to communicate with my colleagues, peers,
and loved ones. I believe that technology heightens my ability to engage with a broader
community, rather than taking away from my social interactions. I learn a lot using my
availability to technology, and in turn, I feel like I gain information which helps me to be more
informant and less ignorant about things going on around me. I believe my school district or
professional setting is embracing the use of technology rather than balking the idea. They are
actively providing students with chromebooks in order to give students access to technology at

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