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Iniconye 4x AssiqnyenT - 2 SuBMITTED To: So Tarp weet ‘Dahiye. Svusmitted BY: Aout Ror wo - 193012 CLASS - BBA. - 6" Sem. A What ave the steps followed by ausessors for e-filing STR and STR-Y | Alco diccuss th advantages and chisad vantages « Steps fe file TPR1 and ETRY Online Ascescee can gubmit LTR! and LTR us forms by uploaeling XML en the officiel website oY a enune Submission The below menkened stepe Should be able ae fhe asceccee | ¥ Login to e-filing application Go te ‘e-file’ and click 0” “Pepare f Sbait TTR Online? ¥ Choose the drome Tax kev form TR 4 ox ITZ US and entes the assessment ge ¥ Comphee tre details and tren click en ‘Semi and select “De (Diptad Signet Centsficare) , in ese itl available Mors dice en the ‘Submit? boiten: & Once tre sebmrission Is clove , acknowledgement alefail displayed XK Chie en the Link fe view oF tare a prntort clanowlgyewen® or TTR V pm # Sn case assessee wish fo use OSC, assessee will have be Sis ch in the e-file applicahen. Sory fey onto tne @-filng website gf te Ineme Lax depastment andl update the “Profle Settings’ sectren. Undey o ndley fine secon, assessee need fo Select Scanned with CamScanner ‘Repreter Digital Synaie’ Certificate and download the ITD & Fiteng Dse Management vbdily Assessment Yeay Dodl-aa, * Jt os oor thy + note that for Tso DE by LRL @Y cn be filed vsing Single Advantages ef (1) Convenient and seore 67 ng g Refeen ? line CransecHon. Available anytime, aiagaere Higher Data accvraty- Faster processing of Reps and 9 E-frling a Refuen bs popes SL saves wicker Refndl ¢ frees. and environment. Disadvantages of efly Peforn ! a) Complicated Sofpware @) Security (2) Limited space pr aelelihonel infoernatson Scanned with CamScanner Qa Whet r Inconre Tax ® Describe the ute of Sree fax in India. that av ni oce dure ¥: intern ‘ + dhe «the bas Anel procedure of Chacgrof b f ol havg com) ™ J g a JM "7 ' 9 Jncome Tae: Jcome lex is an éenportant ebrrect tax It is & prominent anol mash sag freamt a ea Of The government, J ze bf he gavernmart Invonme Tix, 1S an important trol fo Gehiewe balanced soe - ecomomye (fourth by poorieling concessions. andl dneemtives In ineorne fx f Navious evelopment porperes History of dreomne Tae_tn Indes! e frst time iv 160, by tr) Sn Jneties, Unis tee was Untrecluced fev 1h betes sustained by the Wilson tr order fo meet dhe account 4 the Mulitary mutiny ¢ 1857. Sw James Govermmené 9° @) In B66, a deporte Yarome Tax Act was passed. Tus Act yemeaned 0 pxe ep te (97, with warlovs Amendments fem ime to dame. Thx Ack was passed and gyain Gh was whith pasced in (G92. Tris Ack 196 |-6 2 wrtr (2) Jn 1418, a new Income vteplaced by anothes new Aet yornaained on pre op fo dhe assessment year numerous amendments complicated on (4) Tne Iniome Tas Act y 14a heel berome ve accom i manumerable auvend ments Tre Government Prelia, therefore referred it fm the Law Comnnssion in [956 wilh a view fo simply yg and pr the prevenbon 0 Panodmmirin Scanned with CamScanner Mimistyy af law ,in congo ttahon with the Law Coramiscon, the Income Tax Act, 46) wee pamed: (8) The Income Tax Het, 1461, hea been bioynt tne free with effect rom jt April , Fb (4) Since lage several amendments gf fret nature have nance Act wery ge ben made on dhe Income Tax Act by the Fi various (7) Gecides this, amrenclments pare alto bein rade Arend ments Acts, pr instance , Tawahon laws Arnerdment Het, 1845 Dreeet Tuer Arerclmene Ack, (987 ; Divect Tones ow Ace (488 and 19789 ek: the Income Tax Act, 1761, whith came inh id anel se-arnerded d bolh foe the (a) As a matter Jf feet, fosee on 1% Apel , (96d, hes been amende purelely. Je has, Prenprre , Become very compels administering authoxiles and (he dex payers Basis and Procedure d Charging Snuwme Tax Basis and (sete ¢ —L-—_ Tre. following basie principles are the basic 7d tax! chang income x «oan annuel tax on income ar ue erable in the next polo or wakes appli able to that to) Intome te @) Income gm previout (ge Assessment year at the yate dain exteplions fo fare agsessment Fl However, frcve Qe Cee tuk, Scanned with CamScanner (3) Tor ) Ton gles ave prod by the annua Ploane Ack (4) Tar " 1 Charged em entry pouiom ae At fined in corlsors HO) cd tt toled baton of OY pun wath tye prunsita® f pu Th tare 4 pa (5) Tre ten Ve charg compuled in attordance Jo be deducted at fhe unre f Gi) Gnome to 6 tn advan Ot peoted onde poongins y poe Aide an auseene and the ter pry frfah tno 4 fer Lorapubyy te by bien, fo lowing produ M under tach of jqsed A thers dye abure fv Ayal, ON A thy. deduetort premieitle Toe bali. (0) Classify pne intern. f deduct from the tne uniir euch under the AK th cept ¥ tat head of hed ¥f ncene ne Ut path heal or Me agen fn I dnisene hu in(uanr. gece ceabye wire of arnunt left under euch g f a gesode inven J it cabled He Guest Tote: () Tobl g tHe Myese asecceabl. wantin (3) Feera the (vse Toted Intnrne , tes auived ot, deduct the deduthone prsmniscible under seetvene foe to bo of the Ae for the debe) incorar» Ta. Palente eft oft ghfrading aabted tot Told Iruvrnt comp tow Movable deductions be (Uy) Tru raven of runt or payeble then wbetated on tne pole invome auaccig do the ralet presi Atk for fhe telrvant toes rad yeat avd the “ under diffeant Behions of the Al. a y ye Frvame gates peretionl Scanned with CamScanner bs Grume Ta a © Tay A K 1g 6 arged on be ineome of the preva gear, Do you fott ia SY filly ame worth thie Shrlement If not, what ave the exeephions a ewrous = Income tex 6 anaes om the lnlere gm Pp year aveing gre essessrnnt Yyeay However, Prove ave dn the plomoy cases MAE Lerten exetphens to pri yule « yp | do Bx dn phe Same ge Qsceccee ue ltable fo be assessed Ba whith he beams the éncome: posiness» In the ree] o yon -tes polenrh Cary ig ssoome devwed fore cavtgiay foes Shipped at a port in Andie , wll be gmount paid 1) Income a non-vresiclent pon supple) Shipping business an . per” J hive stocte, mail ox goods taxecl O79 tre ge J pes earring Mh the e well be deerned or payee on Qatwount g such camias (see na) fo be fhe bron. (2) Income a persens heaving Inca. leave dur the cucsent- after eb expiry, and that he hos no present phe Pokal (nvm J indwidoed, for Pe pore fom tne expig J ane previo’ yeav av vp MMe probeble olake J hus dtparkoee En the same Garerantne when an cnelivielvel may assessmmnt year 08 shoetly menor J yeluming 4° Sndva, suth per that asse ssmen& we peor Sndia Sroll be charged we tax ye" (Gee m™) Scanned with CamScanner a} etivtdeaht oy d= 1) Frome _g avr assoctation g}_praons an athficrd jondral poser foumed po Powre > tumere any AOP or GOF 5 demed a parbevlan esonh © or an aun prea qurrelicad penser ae eoinrisned ov tcenporarel fs porpace and 6 lekely # be assolved 7 INE peared av eambneded PY Ke & syene, tre dodanie” é Posteo ewent oy Assesemure YAY On assessment gy pre prvewrend such poe Capt at 2 PY ox Onrediately apter cel from Phe pete tao fm dae “ih lisse Boy, ¢ a such asesee fo y an ment yee Yeas pr that asses? ge a tak arent year Shall be thes jeable be fax OF ‘ (Se na) w) Teens for_g) property ave €42 che an oars’ (rkely to trons fer hy peperly of getly perser pow Ine peel pe hd the de Qverd tax the fotad inceme the oPy fhe premeus oe J tre Qcressmient year commences pre ceeclag ondey t l me Same Arreramenh y ¢ date when the Assess offre to far in Bee 1 shall be chinese wv) On dhscenbroance @ besinest ov profession: un _cuscenme™ene Snes OS PI Ascorkruane Ja ¢ He Coot Y tne period from pe which busmess ex profession, Me TT d exprge of dhe premiers year fx Pre asressmennte geas 0 ¢ He business ov professien ye disconnnred up & fx eter be Gd goth discenhwone vay be chevged do tax en the Same (See. 116 ) Assessment yeur Scanned with CamScanner y jn Ueme by Hew is the westlenee of ASsessers determined fe on tak tax purposes 2 Explain she tneidente. wesicl ence lgbrling « -~) The tesidene gan indlividvel is clefecmmed 07 the basis 4 fre gules Stated hevewnder! U) Resident (orclinannly Resselent) | af 1s Saul fe be vresieltnt in Brdia in ong P basic condibens: eviews An individe eur if he satisfies OY ome Z fae prlowieg G@) he is in Gndia on te parviove iylay ft a peed g 182 days ov mete, ox v at least B65 olays dung fre (b) he hes been in Sndio wn Grdio. for four geet preceding tre predeve Fad and at least bo days ayy tre preses ee Erwephens * (i) An indindvel no rs 0 utizen ¢ brdie and leaves India (nm any prions weet pr the purpose Z emplegraen Badia Bhip mush bave Si t or ao a remot Ff fre Cred gi On feegeel on Sndic. for o* leat 62 ays doors the prenost year rapondl of Indian ong, de pode , wemis fe Pda in foe frenees Yee, for at leaar 12 dage devs in) og cioen gf Pode 7 © foe who it hag outs must ove shyed in Bridie he Tae previous yur instead fo days: Scanned with CamScanner pn. Not brelinae ily Reardent- An indirdvad 1s said de Grdlia in any d the premovs yer f meardent on Prdlia on rine oot phat gear, ov Le ‘Mot Ordinayily Beselent’ In fa) he hes been a none pre ten postove yet precedligg fnew sewer yout preced ov periecls amounhyy alays o* len ge Leen ig paar mall re, (b) he has, key tn Areia for o pored J sw hunderd and puingy mime in, Men-vesrden Et 5f an indindudl sabs wcler the neod addi the fies nome g jhe aforcsard baste +Resident” ihe Ws satd Jo trons alared Y ep conali horns ave. cond be pon -RessdenE Gn pris Cast, prrolwant: Sueoenee of 74% and enciclea® of CX! af stale bys yestelentrof # Relanensrip beporen gesiclentt preidente g des 2 pepe ps and alee on place and tne of 2% om er de percls gual ox weceiph Stal gd Incom® ZT. dacidene fax or last 4d Resrdent (ordinag, J. ta The joteb income gf.any prover eet of & person one Is a vesidente tnelveligg oll tnueme fom derived whieh! aan SOUL Scanned with CamScanner in Gndia In such gewt ex gepwed ov arisen la : la) rc veceived or deemed fr be receiveel b eee behalf Gg such person , poneinr any where? ly whexe 5 oF () acceves ov arises ov 1 deerned fo excexve oF arse fo him tr Andi dunng such gent , im olttide whe thee geccivee anywhere ov (0) auewes of aeres to hi rare agg “er ge g dot Oretinarily Kesislen Resident! eee I. Pneictence of Max On Ce a poste whe IS ne feted (tome a any previous ad g ‘plore Orcinarlly Resident’? includes all wrcome from whatere® Sovrets devved which! @ recewed or deemed or om enod¢ g och perior ory where } oF cleemed fo acesue oF avise po him eve anywhere jor Prdia un seh year by amen fo be vecewed in whether acesed ov ie) acerves oY arises ov I in dndie dung Buch yee, whethes 7 Anclia from & busine se on Anda. (c) aecsves OF arises db him outside confyoltecl in or 4 profesrer? eure pi. Gocicence gf foe on Come, f MnaBeecknt ermd be be veceived 07 Prdia or such year by e587, whether acesved anywhere, ov Mon Resident t: @ * veceiwed ox de oy on benolf af such p oe ue dtemed fo accre ov aest p> him B) acevver ov astse on Prclia away Buch yea, whermer yeelved anyone Scanned with CamScanner 5 QE. Following ave the parce laes J Pe Wneome of Som Naresh Sharma fr the Previous Yeat ode! ! 1). Profit from business on Enstand wecewed Im» Andie [p00 ol. Frcome from ovse property én Pavistan weceved 000 m Anda 3. Bncome prom hovse properly in Bang ac th a bane frere ech deposited 4. Profit from bosiness tn Ondonesia aepoaired én a bent Gov there, fru buvnese 15 Conroned (107 Prdta : 5. Brcome accaved Bhopol but recived on Sngapr «. Paofik from business bn Pndie vey bntome rout into Indio b,000 Ise 1 fast ontend fe der tne previous yer eo,000 ge pop mncome Of Assessment Year Peoria, y feom fhe above parettar, compre the Gri Naresh Shawne for te fen () Reaeent (b) Aor -ovdlinacily Ress dent (2) Men-sesident Scanned with CamScanner Computation yids Toled Ancorne (for tre Assetarrant Your goa'ea3) ner wm oxainuty — Qessdent Resident EO Ressdent 1. Paofsr faora business | England veceved in Andie IQ,ove [2 0v0 a. Pnewme from house properly tn Pakistan gecened en Pndia oor for 1. Income fiom hovte poopetly in Bangladesh deposited ino bank see gneve, 4. Poofik from @ businese tn Indencrie iz phere Ps deported wn a bon from dndio 5,000 ponnem us Conleolled Biome accwed en Bhopel bub bor received tr Singapore 6. Fegah row business Prdlia (Sins a. Poot untaxed foreign incon’ boosh inh Indie dung fre preston year Goose Totel Frome YYyoro Scanned with CamScanner ae Ceylon ber fem boomest fier Indic and pemrtred be IY,oe8 pee fof encore if Ae 18 Kechon Cal's | Bb) snatily Kendint, and Scanned with CamScanner ARNeReA GaNe Ae Wey padteng drdrant — Caodent nek lgowe Agyoww Gvenp? Spero? fer Scanned with CamScanner Ad elle. QA. fell wing are the taxable intomes gf Shi Rajan Chand for The Previovs Year Woxe-qi! 1 Income prom Salery acewed and zeceived cn India Coompered) 2. lope gf a berel boaness Gr Melbourne Bezece 8. Dindend electated on Perth bet tecetved 17 eco Freda . 4G. Fneeme + tome from fransfer J 2 lery fem capitol a assee in Indha S. Pntecest om debenhres gf 6 company at Mancheshy , whith wer received on Arca 6 oc0 fo Inteeerr ecerved sors Sri Pritp ja nore, on Ine loan parweled hina pot 4 besinees Carle on in Pndlie soso 1. Regaby seceived 7 Germany from She Kailash @ resident yn Fria fos jecbrrvead Services peovieled fax a beaness Cariecl en in Germany alo,os° 3 Fees from an Fndlion company Cavfiyg bucines ap tonden pr Pechnid Serivces eendeed ae Condon having been disectly depoosted by gme Company in 30,200 hrs banle guomt m Andie Sri Ratan hand's Gooss Tord Frome for Me Compute re C1) Renidenr, (a) Vor- Astessrmenr Year Wal Rd, if he ordinarily Retdint, Gnd (ti) Nen~eadent. nnn ne Scanned with CamScanner Compuloion v4 Gee Te? Preorme Chor are fee aine your eal ae) envoy von Ronin Rendinr Renan / aiepdte — Qejoes 90,0 b Bree Neome fave cakoey acered f secaved ey Pov ebran 9 Don e RKP heded bomen ar Mellevine Bo, owe BR. Divelendl declared in Perth bet Seceved i Ardia Yor Your Y Preerme frernr captial game form dine fransle J vases in Ardia aber? £ Baterear om Pebenbues J o Company at maoneboder, bet veegin! b,e00 Ejous en Aria caved froma ner sexdoy or loom ported Je Jum for perder Bre C. Bateree? #e6 desimen carted ty gee vivecl mn Genmany fiom a, Keyally weuratenrde of Prelinger prehmuad Service? en Germany oove forded ~ awn Pda Conyory ger busirwse ah Condon BY den je. Fees from carryy fechrcal seater tendered at lin fy tepesited an done cetcoen? dicectly depasived om a © ae én Prada Gave Tote Irae ee Scanned with CamScanner

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