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Every day, every people has to start their day with a cup of hot coffee.

Coffee has
been part of daily lives for studying before exams and when getting ready to work. Without ado
ubt, coff ee is a must have to start a day and had been a trend for a long ti me. It
never getso l d . C o ff e e i s m o r e t h a n j u s t a d r i n k : I t ’ s a c u l t u r e , a n e c o n o m y ,
an art, a science and
a  passion (Guerrero, 2017). Coffee is one of the world’s most popular beverages (Gunnars,2018
). Coffee is the second most sought-after commodity in the entire world, with an industrythat
is worth over $100 billion across the globe (Business Insider, 2018). And because of
itshealth benefi ts, people tend to be more in love with coff ee (Sti erwalt, 2019).
According toMenke (2018), the coffee market is currently experiencing considerable growth
in economiesaround the world, with the rise in urbanizati on and the demand for
quick, quality
productf u e l i n g  
t h e   e x p a n
s i o n .  The rise in popularity of coff ee sh
ops today is partly due to the rise in popularity of coff ee itself (Linn, 2017). Coff ee
shops are so popular because they're more than just a place to eat (Tawoma, 2018).
Multiple studies indicate that pets are powerful forms of stress relief,lowering not only
blood pressure but also harmful stress hormones like corti sol, which
isa s s o c i a t e d   w i t h   d e p r e s s i o n   a n d  
a n x i e t y   ( G r i m s h a w ,   2 0 1 6 ) . When
thinking of ways to reduce stress in life, usually techniques like
meditati on, books come to mind. But getting a new best friend can also have many stress relie
ving and

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