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Bajracharya, Jiwak. (2020). Instructional Design and Models: ASSURE and Kemp. Journal of
Education and Research. 9. 1-8. 10.3126/jer.v9i2.30459. Retrieved from

Mobile Devices (Smartphones, Tablets, etc.)

The over exposure to using mobile devices has created some concerns over the years.
From physical aspects to psychological aspect, experts listed quite a lot of problems that could be
encountered because of this over exposure. My fear is that the future generation will have
youngsters who don’t have patience anymore. I personally experience the growing impatience of
my siblings as well as my cousins, nephews and nieces. This is along with their inability to part
with their mobile devices. It might have been rooted from the negligence of our guardians in
guiding them to the proper use of these devices, however, I will also blame it to the early
exposure to these devices.

My point in here is that, a youth growing without patience is very alarming. Imagine
having group of employees who struggle completing woks just because they outgrew patience.
Also, imagine not having a good conversation with youngsters just because talking seems to be a
hard chore for them. This growing impatience also contributed to other behavioral aspects like
easily agitated or feel saturated or worst depressed.

I believe that patience is indeed a virtue. This concern on the growing impatience caused
by the over exposure to these devices is really alarming. With the thought of the probability of
total lost of such virtue over the future generation to come is very disheartening.

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Driven by Excellence

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