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Recipient: NOAA CEO

From: Reeves Farrell

Subject: Ocean Acidification Initiative Proposal

Mr. CEOTo whom it may concern,

My name is Reeves Farrell, and I am the head of am an undergraduate student at Clemson

University.the global warming department within the NOAA. I am emailing you regarding the
issue of ocean acidification. I understand that the NOAA has played a big role in deterring the
effects of climate change on our oceans, however I think more can be done to help. In a follow
up memo, I will detail how I believe the NOAA can institute a global initiative to reduce the
burning of fossil fuels, as well as providing alternative, renewable energy sources. Unfortunately,
it takes influence to make these sorts of changes, however I believe that the NOAA can make the
first push to solving a global crisis.

I also understand that taking on this role is not a cost-effective plan. In my memo, I will be
detailing ways that funding can be provided so that the NOAA can handle the role of starting and
sustaining such a large movement. My hope is that this will eventually become sustainable
through government funding.

As I am sure you know, ocean acidification will not go away as long asif humanity does not
change. This is a time sensitive matter; however, I believe that with your supporthelp, we can
save our oceans and our world. I would love to have the opportunity to discuss this with you in
person or over Zoom. Please let me know if you would be available for a meeting sometime this
week. You can contact me either by email or by my phone number listed below.

Please let me know if you have any questions,

Reeves Farrell
Global Warming Department Head

To: NOAA Administration
From: Reeves Farrell
Date: 4/6/22
Subject: Ocean Acidification Solutions
Reference: Prior email to CEO

The Problem
The world has faced many ramifications due to climate change, however none are as dangerous
as ocean acidification. Countless ocean habitats are being destroyed and many marine species
have become endangered due to the increasing acidity of our oceans. This problem has become
increasingly dangerous over the last twenty years, and without immediate action, may be a
permanent change. This memo will outline just a few ways that the NOAA can further contribute
to saving our oceans and planet via renewable energy sources, as well as a plan to get the nations
of the world to follow. This proposal considers the budget needed for such an initiative, with
both private and government funding options discussed.

The Solution

As mentioned above, I believe that introducing increased renewable energy sources will
contribute to solving the disaster of ocean acidification. Most of the rising acidity in the oceans is
due to carbon dioxide runoff from non-renewable energy sources. The science behind cutting out
fossil fuels and adding renewable energy shows that it will reduce CO2 runoff in our oceans,
however, it is very difficult to get other nations to make such a drastic change. The plan I
propose will allow nations to adjust their energy sources over a ten-year period, allowing
sufficient time to save our oceans and prevent disagreement among nations.

Obtaining Funding for the Project

The first step in this process is to garner private funding to begin the initiative. The NOAA
already has many private supporters, so announcing a new initiative to save our oceans by 2032
would be a good way to begin receiving more funding. Targeting those who already support the
NOAA should include some benefits for the supporters, whether it be by prizes or other
supporter rewards. Once the funding from the private sector is acquired, talking to larger nations
will seem more reasonable. The first place to start would be contacting officials of the U.S.
government and proposing the switch to renewable energy by 2032. By displaying such a large
support of funding, hopefully the government officials will consider this a serious issue.

Contact the United Nations

Whether or not the U.S. is immediately on board, the next step would be to take this conversation
to the UN, stating why this needs to be a global initiative. By demonstrating the need for solar,
wind, and waterpower, hopefully other countries will begin to make the switch. If the U.S. has
decided to pursue our plan, it is hopeful that they would advocate for this movement.
Additionally, for any countries that follow in the plan, please notify them that the NOAA will
take additional funding to support the initiative.

Informing the Public

At this point, it would be fair to assume that many countries will not be on board. Making this
switch to renewable energy is difficult, however I think it is imperative that the urgency of this
matter is stressed. Not only should government officials be aware, but citizens should too. That’s
why I believe remaining funding should be allocated to making this information more public.
Whether this is by increased advertising or by interactive information on the internet, I think
making a global reach is possible. By keeping citizens aware, it is possible for them to make
lifestyle changes, including providing donations to organizations that fight climate change or
contacting their own local officials regarding this issue

I believe it is imperative that you send out a company wide email describing the plan for the new
initiative. The sooner you send this out, the sooner company employees can begin the search for
funding. I also think this will allow for more people to collaborate on the ideas I have presented.
I would suggest sending out this email sometime this week to begin the process. If you have any
personal contacts who you believe could aid the project, I would also suggest contacting them.
I know that the NOAA is aware of the urgency of this situation; it is time that the world
understands. I truly believe that this movement could lead to a brighter future for our planet, but
we must start now. I urge you to begin contacting officials and locals about this matter, and
stress that we can make a difference. More changes will need to be made in the future; however,
this is a great starting point for our world. I think that the NOAA has the reach to be able to
successfully lead and start this initiative. The NOAA understands this problem better than any
other organization in the world, and I think that if the NOAA broached this problem to the UN,
there is a real chance change will happen.

Thank you for taking the time to consider the information presented. I know that we can all make
a difference if we work together. Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns.

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