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Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 2001 28; 485±491

Quantitative study of bite force during sleep

associated bruxism
K. NISHIGAWA, E. BANDO & M. NAKANO Department of Fixed Prosthodontics, The University of Tokushima,
School of Dentistry, Tokushima, Japan

SUMMARY Nocturnal bite force during sleep associ- ure the maximum voluntary bite forces during the
ated bruxism was measured in 10 subjects. Hard daytime. The mean amplitude of detected bruxism
acrylic dental appliances were fabricated for the events was 22á5 kgf (s.d. 13á0 kgf) and the mean
upper and lower dentitions of each subject. Minia- duration was 7á1 s (s.d. 5á3 s). The highest amplitude
ture strain-gauge transducers were mounted to the of nocturnal bite force in individual subjects was
upper dental appliance at the right and left ®rst 42á3 kgf (15á6±81á2 kgf). Maximum voluntary bite
molar regions. In addition, thin metal plates that force during the daytime was 79á0 kgf (51á8±
contact the strain-gauge transducers were attached 99á7 kgf) and the mean ratio of nocturnal/daytime
to the lower dental appliance. After a 1-week maximum bite force was 53á1% (17á3±111á6%). These
familiarization with the appliances, nocturnal bite data indicate that nocturnal bite force during brux-
force was measured for three nights at the home of ism can exceed the amplitude of maximum volun-
each subject. From the 30 recordings, 499 bruxism tary bite force during the daytime.
events that met the de®nition criteria were selected. KEYWORDS: bruxism, nocturnal bite force, maximum
The above described system was also used to meas- 1 voluntary bite force

research is to examine the nocturnal bite force that

occurs during bruxism using a newly developed bite
Most previous research attempting to measure and force detector.
evaluate sleep associated bruxism has utilized polysom-
nographic methods (Reding et al., 1968; Solberg &
Materials and methods
Rugh, 1972; Rugh & Solberg, 1975; Clark et al., 1979,
1981; Okeson et al., 1994; Okua et al., 1995; Ikeda et al.,
1996; Lavigne et al., 1996). Surface electromyography
tracing of masticatory muscle activities, especially that Ten adult volunteers (eight males and two females)
of the masseter muscle, has been an essential compo- participated in the present research project. The mean
nent in these recordings. Bruxism is commonly con- age of these subjects was 28á9 years (range: 23±
sidered to be the main contributor to dental attrition, 36 years). All of the subjects presented complete den-
periodontal disease and temporomandibular joint dis- tition, except for the third molars. All subjects under-
orders (Clark et al., 1981; Attanasio, 1991; McNeill, went examination by questionnaire, which revealed
1992). This nocturnal behaviour is comprised of rhyth- that ®ve of the subjects were aware of their current or
mic, yet forceful, mandibular grinding as well as past nocturnal bruxism habit. Three subjects exhibited
prolonged muscular clenching of the dentition. One of intermittent unilateral clicking of temporomandibular
the primary areas of concern with respect to bruxing joint. None of the subjects had undergone treatment for
behaviour is the creation of high bite force between the temporomandibular disorders (TMD) or bruxism
upper and lower dentitions. The purpose of this (Table 1).

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Table 1. Demographics of subjects

Aware of TMD
No. Gender Age bruxism symptom

1 Male 30 )
2 Male 27 +
3 Male 30 )
4 Male 36 )
5 Male 28 +
6 Male 23 + *
7 Female 27 +
8 Male 26 ) *
9 Female 33 + *
10 Male 26 )

*Intermittent clicking on right TMJ.

Recording system

Hard acrylic dental appliances were fabricated for the

upper and lower dentitions of each subject (Fig. 1).
These dental appliances ®xed ®rmly on dentitions with
four ball clasps. The occlusal surfaces of both dental
appliances were designed as simple planes that contact
uniformly at habitual jaw closure.
Then miniature strain-gauge transducers (LM-50-
KAM186, Kyowa Electronic Instruments Co., Tokyo,
Japan) were mounted at the right and left ®rst molar
regions of the upper dental appliance and thin metal
plates that contact the strain-gauge transducers were
attached to the lower dental appliance. The strain-
gauge transducers and metal plates were adjusted to be
parallel to the occlusal plane. By placing these trans-
Fig. 1. Upper and lower dental appliances containing miniature
ducers, the upper and lower dental appliances made
strain-gauge transducers.
contact only at the central projections of the strain-
gauge transducers during clenching and any lateral
excursion of the mandible. Thus, the total vertical acquisition system was 50 Hz. This system can record
component of bite force was registered by these two bite force continuously for up to 23 h.
strain-gauge transducers.
Output levels of left and right side strain-gauge
transducers were adjusted almost same magnitude
during clenching at habitual jaw closure position. Total The following procedure was used to record bite force
thickness of these dental appliances was 7 mm at ®rst data for all subjects.
molar regions where the strain-gauge transducers were Maximum voluntary bite force during the daytime
mounted and this vertical dimension was exceeded was also measured using these dental appliances. Each
physiologic rest position of these subjects. subject was asked to bite down as hard as possible on
Bite force was detected as a two-channel signal, which the dental appliances. The voluntary bite was repeated
was acquired using a dynamic data logger (PCD-1000 A, three times with 5 min rest interval between repeti-
Kyowa Electronic Instruments Co., Tokyo, Japan) and tions. The maximum bite force was obtained as the
then transferred into a computer (PC-9801nx/c, NEC, highest amplitude of total output from the left and right
Tokyo, Japan). The sampling frequency of the data strain-gauge transducers.

ã 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28; 485±491


Fig. 2. Calibration of the sensor.

Nocturnal bite force was recorded at the home of The result of regression analysis showed high linear-
each subject for three nights. Recording equipment was ity between these two signals (Fig. 3). The capacity of
carried in subject's bedroom and the subjects were this strain-gauge transducer is 50 kgf. As bite force was
instructed in the use of bite force recorder. Insertion of detected as the total output of two strain-gauge trans-
the dental appliances and activation of the recording ducers, the linearity of the total recording system was
system was started just before going to sleep and con®rmed up to 100 kgf.
stopped immediately after wake up. In order to
familiarize the subjects with the recording environ-
ment, all subjects were asked to wear both the upper
and lower dental appliances during every night for
1 week prior to recording. Recording was performed
continuously for three nights and the ®rst and last
30 min of the data collected for each night was
excluded from the analysis.



A jaw force meter (MPM-2401, NIHON KODEN, Tokyo,

Japan) was used for instrument calibration. One subject
was asked to wear the dental appliances. The sensor
unit of the jaw force meter was ®xed in place between
the strain-gauge transducer and the lower dental
appliance (Fig. 2). The subject was then asked to bite
down on the sensor unit and the output signals from Fig. 3. Results of calibration. High linearity was observed
the jaw force meter and the strain-gauge transducer between the output signals of the jaw force meter and the
were compared. strain-gauge transducer.

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488 K . N I S H I G A W A et al.

Fig. 4. An example of a bite force signal that was de®ned as a

bruxism event.

De®nition of a bruxism event Fig. 5. Histogram of bruxism event amplitude. The horizontal line
represents the peak amplitude of the bruxism event and the
Nocturnal bite force was calculated as the total output vertical line represents the frequency in each range.
from the left and right strain-gauge transducers.
Previous studies conducted by the present authors
reported a de®nition of bruxism events that involved
surface electromyography of the masseter muscle
(Okua et al., 1995; Ikeda et al., 1996). In the present
study, a bruxism event is de®ned according to the
criteria described below, which modify the previous
Amplitudes of the bite force signal above 5 kgf
were selected as bruxism events. If the interevent
interval of two events was 2 s or less, these events
were linked and treated as a single event. If the
duration of the event was less than 2 s, the event was
rejected. Any bite force signal that satis®ed all of the
above criteria was de®ned as a bruxism event.
Figure 4 represents a typical bruxism event that
satis®es all of the criteria. A total of 499 bruxism
events were detected during the data recording period Fig. 6. Histogram of bruxism event duration. The horizontal line
(137á3 h). represents the duration of the bruxism event and the vertical line
represents the frequency in each range.

Peak bite force and duration of bruxism event

Maximum voluntary bite force and maximum
The ranges of peak bite force and duration for the 499
nocturnal bite force
bruxism events are shown in Figs 5 and 6. The mean
peak bite force of all bruxism events was 22á5 kgf (s.d., Table 2 shows maximum voluntary bite force, maxi-
13á0 kgf) and the duration was 7á1 s (s.d., 5á3 s). The mum nocturnal bite force and other parameters of
highest amplitude of all bruxism events was 81á2 kgf bruxism events for all subjects. Maximum nocturnal
and the longest duration was 41á6 s. Figure 7 shows the bite force was evaluated as the highest peak amplitude
scatter plots of the correlation between peak bite force of the bruxism events during all recordings for each
and duration of bruxism events. Simple regression subject. The average maximum voluntary bite force was
analysis revealed no correlation between these two 79 kgf and the mean amplitude of the highest noctur-
parameters (R2 ˆ 0á19). nal bite force was 42á3 kgf. The mean percentage of

ã 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28; 485±491


maximum nocturnal to maximum voluntary bite force

was 53á1% (range: 17á3±111á6%).
The highest nocturnal bite force, observed in Subject
7, was 81á2 kgf and this amplitude was equivalent to
111á6% of the maximum voluntary bite force during
the daytime for this subject. Table 3 shows the corre-
lation matrix between maximum voluntary bite force
and parameters of bruxism event. Signi®cant correla-
tions were observed between maximum nocturnal bite
force and the number of bruxism events, peak ampli-
tude and the duration of bruxism events.

Very few studies have examined bite force during
bruxism (Gentz, 1972). In the majority of previous
bruxism research, surface electromyograms (EMG) of
the masticatory muscle have been adopted as the
Fig. 7. Scatter plot of bruxism events. The horizontal line repre- primary means of detecting bruxism (Reding et al.,
sents the peak amplitude and the vertical line represents the 1968; Solberg & Rugh, 1972; Rugh & Solberg, 1975;
duration of the bruxism event. Clark et al., 1979, 1981; Okeson et al., 1994; Lavigne
et al., 1996). One reason for this technical trend is the

Table 2. Maximum voluntary and

Maximum Maximum Number of Mean peak Mean
nocturnal bite force and other
voluntary bite nocturnal bite bruxism amplitude duration
parameters of bruxism event in each
No. force (kgf) force (kgf) %MVC episodes/h (kgf) (s)
1 99á7 64á5 64á7 11á5 25á1 7á1
2 97á7 45á6 46á7 4á3 22á2 7á2
3 92á3 64á6 69á9 4á1 26á7 10á2
4 90á4 15á6 17á3 0á5 10á2 3á6
5 76á0 38á2 50á3 0á5 12á4 3á6
6 73á7 46á0 62á4 7á5 16á2 7á3
7 72á8 81á2 111á6 3á6 33á3 6á3
8 70á0 19á2 27á4 1á0 12á5 4á2
9 65á3 27á5 42á1 1á6 12á9 4á1
10 51á8 20á1 38á8 0á3 14á8 4á8

Mean 79á0 42á3 53á1 3á6* 22á5* 7á1*

*n = 499.

Table 3. Correlation matrix of

Maximum Maximum Number of Mean
maximum voluntary and nocturnal
voluntary nocturnal bruxism peak
bite force and other parameters of
bite force bite force episode/h amplitude
bruxism event
Mean duration 0á489 0á713* 0á623 0á725*
Mean peak amplitude 0á362 0á939** 0á529
Number of bruxism episode/h 0á545 0á630*
Maximum nocturnal bite force 0á409

*P < 0á05, **P < 0á0001 (n = 10, Fisher's z transformation).

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490 K . N I S H I G A W A et al.

simplicity of the EMG measurement. The unique dental appliance, all bite force was ef®ciently registered
feature of the present study is the use of bite force to by the two strain-gauge transducer units.
detect bruxism. One advantage for this system of De®nition criteria of the bruxism event that was
measuring of bite force is the signal reliability. The adopted in the present research was developed by
EMG amplitude of masticatory muscle activities during modifying previous EMG criteria (Okua et al., 1995;
bruxism is generally evaluated as the ratio to the Ikeda et al., 1996). The 5-kgf threshold level was
maximum voluntary contraction activity (%MVC). As employed in order to reject the effects of minor muscle
this is a relative evaluation, if the MVC level of a subject contractions, which are assumed to be insigni®cant in
is small, the amplitude of a bruxism event might be clenching and grinding. The 2-s duration rule was
estimated as being higher than the actual value. employed for the purpose of eliminating minor muscle
Trenouth (1979) analysed nocturnal tooth contact contractions as a result of swallowing. As bruxism
patterns for the evaluation of bruxism and commented events sometime occurs as a closely linked series of
that the EMG signal is affected by factors such as muscle contractions (Reding et al., 1968), the 2-s
electrode position, posture, skin resistance, anxiety, interval linking rule was adopted. The amplitude and
muscle bulk and the degree of ampli®cation. As the bite duration of bruxism events (Figs 5 and 6) exhibit
force signal is more stable and is quantitative, the histograms similar to those obtained in previous
evaluation can be performed using absolute magnitude research concerning masseter muscle EMG activity
between different recordings and different subjects. (Ikeda et al., 1996). This ®nding shows that the char-
One drawback of the bite force measurement, how- acteristics of bite force signal possess a qualitatively
ever, is the requirement for dental appliances to be similar tendency to the integrated or root mean square
inserted into the mouth, thus altering the oral envi- masseter EMG signal.
ronment. Clark et al. (1979) reported that the insertion As the bite force detector records the total output of
of full arch maxillary stabilization splint resulted in the strain-gauge transducers mounted on the left and
decrease of nocturnal masseter EMG activity level in right molar regions of the dental appliances, the bite
52% of TMD patients while other patients showed no force in this research can be taken as a measure of total
change or increase of activity level. Manns et al. (1983) jaw force. Gibbs et al. (1981) studied the maximum bite
evaluated the effect of the different vertical dimension force of 20 adult subjects without missing teeth using a
splint (1±8á15 mm) for the masseter muscle activity of gnathodynamometer capable of evaluating total jaw
TMD patients. He concluded that the use of occlusal force. The average maximum voluntary bite force of
splint with a vertical height exceeding the physiologic these subjects was 74 kgf, which is similar to the results
rest position did not encourage a hyperactivity of jaw of the present research (Table 2). Gibbs et al. (1986)
muscle. To avoid the temporary effect of the sleep also hypothesized that bruxism patients may possess
environment change that in¯uence bruxism, all sub- hypertrained masticatory muscles and may exhibit
jects were asked to undergo a 1 week period of stronger bite force. In the present research, no signi®-
familiarization with the dental appliances. To evaluate cant correlation was observed between maximum
the exact relationship between these dental appliances voluntary bite force and frequency, peak amplitude or
and the nocturnal bite force, the simultaneous meas- duration of bruxism events (Table 3). These bruxism
urement of jaw muscle EMG activity before and after parameters exhibit signi®cant correlation with maxi-
insertion of bite force detector will be required. mum nocturnal bite force, suggesting that severe
The highest magnitude of bite force signal observed bruxism patients may have a strong nocturnal bite
in the present research was 99á7 kgf. The total capacity force.
of the two strain-gauge transducers is 100 kgf and the The mean ratio of maximum voluntary bite force and
calibration study revealed high linearity between bite maximum nocturnal bite force was 54á5%. A 81á2 kgf
force and strain-gauge transducer output (Fig. 3). nocturnal bite force was recorded for one subject, the
Occlusal surfaces of upper and lower dentitions were amplitude of which is equal to 111á6% of the MVC of
shaped as ¯at planes and these dental appliances made the subject during the daytime (Table 3). Excessive
contact only at the central projections of the strain- muscle contraction is generally inhibited by the con-
gauge transducer during any excursion of the man- sciousness of the central nerve system (Ikai & Steihaus,
dible. In addition, by attaching metal plates to the lower 1964). It can be surmised that during sleep this

ã 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28; 485±491


inhibitory control does not function and nocturnal bite IKEDA , T., NISHIGAWA , K., KONDO , K., TAKEUCHI , H. & CLARK , G.T.
force may have a higher amplitude than MVC during (1996) Criteria for the detection of sleep-associated bruxism.
Journal of Orofacical Pain, 10, 270.
the daytime. As most of the previous polysomnographic
LAVIGNE , G.J., ROMP , P.H. & MONSTPLAISIR , J.Y. (1996) Sleep
studies of bruxism adopted EMG measurement, precise bruxism: validity of clinical diagnosis criteria in a controlled
evaluation of the maximum magnitude of bruxism polysomnographic study. Journal of Dental Research, 75, 546.
could not be performed. As the present study employs a MANNS , A., MIRALLES , R., SANTANDER , H. & VALDIVIA , J. (1983)
quantitative measurement of bite force, nocturnal bite In¯uence of the vertical dimension in the treatment of myo-
force during sleep-associated bruxism associated brux- facial pain±dysfunction syndrome. Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry,
50, 700.
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MC NEILL , C. (1992) Current Controversies in Temporomandibular
the amplitude of MVC during the daytime. Therefore, Disorders. Quintessence Publishing Co. Inc., Carol Stream, IL.
nocturnal bruxism is potentially harmful to oral health OKESON , J.P., PHILLIPS , B.A., BERRY , D.T.R. & BALDWIN , R.M.
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ã 2001 Blackwell Science Ltd, Journal of Oral Rehabilitation 28; 485±491

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