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Artifact #3

Natalie Belingheri

College of Southern Nevada

EDU 201

Susan Bridges

April 10, 2022


Written Summary of Your Educational Philosophy

In my opinion, teachers are some of the most influential people. In a way, they shape the

future generation. Through their selflessness, patience, nurture, and knowledge, they help teach

our children. I would love to know that I have made a difference in the world through teaching. I

love being able to help others and use my strength to help others. It is so rewarding to help

someone finally get something accomplished that they've wanted for so long. My third-grade

teacher really inspired me to become a teacher. She made learning fun for my whole class and is

super enthusiastic about learning. This inspired me because I really want to be able to provide

that same type of learning environment for students. It made learning so easy, and I actually

wanted to go to school. I had an experience with my students that I teach over at my local dance

studio. I am a dance teacher, and it is so rewarding when my students tell me, "Miss Natalie!

Look what I can do!" or "Miss Natalie, I did it!" Seeing them so excited about their success

makes me feel so happy. My unique skill set that will serve me in this profession is that I am

good with groups of kids and keeping them engaged and excited to learn. My field observation

helped me understand the teaching environment better because I watched a live classroom with a

teacher teaching a large group of first graders. I even had the opportunity to work with students

one-on-one with reading. It was a great experience.

Progressivism, as defined by our textbook, is "the aim of education should be based on

the needs and interests of the students" (page 134). I took this as meaning that the child matters

more than the subject matter, which I agree with. I believe that the students' needs are

fundamental for reaching their full potential. This, however, does not mean that I do not think

getting the standardized curriculum isn't essential. I believe all of the students must learn the

required curriculum. Also, I think that some students learn in different ways and require different

types of assistants and learning methods. I agree with the book that students' interests and

personal growth are essential. Yes, the subject matter is important. But if the child is struggling

end does not understand the subject matter, how effective would just shoving it into their heads

be? Each student is a little bit different and needs to be in the right mindset to learn the required

information so that they can succeed. One of the statements from the philosophic inventory that I

strongly agreed with was number nine, which says that "teachers should be facilitators and

resources who guide the student inquiry," which I think is greatly stated. Teachers are the

connectors between the students and the material. The teachers guide the students to be able to

understand the curriculum.

The psychological orientation that most closely fits my current beliefs about education is

humanistic psychology which emphasizes personal freedom, choice, awareness, and personal

responsibility. It focuses on achievement, feelings, actions, motivation, and the needs of humans.

A historical event that set the stage for how I think about children in schools was the 1970s when

an equal opportunity arose. Specifically, Title IX of the Education Amendments Act stated that

"no person in the United States shall, on the basis of sex, be excluded from participation in, be

the night the benefits of, or be subject to discrimination under any education program for activity

receiving federal financial assistance". I believe that every child in school should be treated the

same and be held to the same expectations. There should not be discrimination against race,

gender, disability, culture, Etc. We are all human beings.

As far as instructional strategies go, I will implement many different strategies. Everyone

learns a little bit differently, and each person has their preferred learning style. Some students

learn better with hands-on learning, some learn better visually, some learn just by listening, and

some in different ways. I will make sure to mix up the different ways I teach so that every

student has the opportunity to learn to the best of their ability. When approaching student

learning, I will teach in a way that benefits the group. If students need additional help after that, I

will make sure to provide them with the resources they need to get the most out of their learning

experience as well. There is so much student diversity and variability, and I think it's important

for the class to know each other's different cultural differences and respect each other. However,

just because students differ in their culture, this does not mean that their ability to learn is less or

greater than another student. Every student should be presented with the same opportunity to

learn. I still believe that every student is equal and should be held to the same high standard

when it comes to assessments. I would want the best for each of my students.

Some characteristics and skills that I need to possess to continue my teaching career

would be to further my patience and organization skills. I consider myself to be a fairly patient

person, especially when dealing with little kids. However, being a teacher, I will be dealing with

kids every day I work. Patience is a vital attribute that teachers need to have. Organization is also

very important for teachers. Having an organized classroom allows the classroom to have a better

flow and allows the students to have a clean, comfortable learning environment. To achieve my

goals and the requirements for teacher licensure, I will first get my bachelor's degree and major

in elementary education. I will then complete the district or state-approved teacher preparation

program required by the state. I will also pass the Praxis exam before submitting my state

teaching license application. I want to ensure that I am a qualified teacher.


Works Cited

Parkay, F. W. (2020). Becoming a teacher, 11th edition. Pearson.

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