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Lesson 39: Doctrine and Covenants 101

In late 1833, mobs attacked Church members in Jackson County, Missouri, and forced them from
their homes. When news of the violence reached the Prophet Joseph Smith in Kirtland, Ohio, he
grieved for the Missouri Saints and pled with the Lord to return them to their lands and homes.
On December 16–17, 1833, the Lord revealed to the Prophet why He had allowed His Saints to
suffer. This revelation, which is recorded in Doctrine and Covenants 101, also included counsel
and words of comfort regarding “the redemption of Zion” (D&C 101:43).

July 23, 1833: Under threat of mob violence, Church leaders in Missouri signed an agreement
that all Mormons would leave Jackson County by April 1, 1834.
October 20, 1833: Church leaders in Missouri announced that the Saints intended to remain in
Jackson County to defend their property rights.
October 31–November 8: Mobs attacked Mormon settlements in Jackson County, burning
homes and forcing the Saints to leave the county.
November 25, 1833: The Prophet Joseph Smith learned that mob violence had expelled the
Saints from Jackson County.
December 16–17, 1833: Doctrine and Covenants 101 was received.

Doctrine and Covenants 101:1–21

The Lord explains why He allowed the Saints to suffer and offers counsel and comfort
Scenario: Imagine that you have a friend who believes that God won’t help him or her anymore
because of poor choices he or she had made. Look for doctrine and principles as they study
Doctrine and Covenants 101 that will help you understand how the Lord feels about us, even
when we sin.
My answer:
Doctrinal Background:
Due to mob violence in July 1833, Church leaders in Missouri agreed that all Mormons
would leave Jackson County by April 1, 1834. In August 1833, Church leaders in Kirtland, Ohio,
advised the Saints in Missouri to ask the government for help and protection. After meeting with
the governor of Missouri, Church leaders in Missouri hired lawyers and prepared to defend their
rights and property, after which mobs attacked the Saints and violently expelled them from
Jackson County in November 1833.
Read the section heading for Doctrine and Covenants 101 silently, look for the hardships the
Missouri Saints experienced.
Read Doctrine and Covenants 101:1–3, 6–7
Question: Why does the Lord allow the Saints to be persecuted.
My Answer:

Read Doctrine and Covenants 101:9

Question: What truth can we identify from verse 9 that can help us when we suffer the
consequences of our sins?
My Answer:

Doctrine and Covenants 101:10–21: The Lord said He would punish those who persecuted the
Saints. He also promised to gather His people and establish Zion and her stakes.
Doctrine and Covenants 101:22–34: The Lord counseled the Saints to gather to and stand in holy
places in preparation for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. The Lord also described some of
the blessings the righteous will receive after His Second Coming.
Question: In what ways do the Church members experience persecution today?
My Answer:
- we are being mocked because of the changing philosophies of the

Doctrine and Covenants 101:35–38

Task: On the given verses, look for what the Lord promised those who faithfully endure
“persecution for [His] name”
My Answer:

Building Personal Testimony:

Question: How do you endure in faith?
My Answer:

Doctrine & Covenants 101:39–42

The Lord referred to the Saints as “the salt of the earth” (verse 39). Just as salt loses its
savor when mixed with impurities, becoming contaminated by the sins of the world can prevent
us from being an example and blessing to others.

Doctrine and Covenants 101:43–75

The Lord gives the parable of the nobleman and the olive trees and admonishes the Saints
to continue to gather
Task: Summarize the parable of the nobleman and the olive trees

My Answer:

Doctrine and Covenants 101:76–101

The Lord counsels the Saints to seek ways to return to their homes in Missouri
* The Lord declared that He had “established the Constitution of [the United States] by the hands
of wise men” (see verse 80) and that the Saints should rely on the laws of the land and seek
“redress,” or relief, from the government

Question: Why is moral agency, or the ability to choose and act for ourselves, essential to God’s
plan of salvation?
My Answer:

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