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1opiu: Explain the 0uies
o linonia
Systn ord Hnmuat ManuC.

Dipai Pd
344d Sem s
Stction l8)
ipa Pon dy ,R98L o-

Xplan he ouHia) ok fnonci a 645tim andnono

inannü sysm d systum Mau oLow th
uncy bctn inanuol Harna
pantiupanh Such

Cladurs, inuuytos and boeuowings

hnanual Susim Op euali at nau o n c and 9eobal

Jhey on sul o ompu , las el ulalid

nc in shtullos lcdsd o
powe oniut and
ulasu inkaçe belmaun Inwto oncL lap osi h ,
n oh nOudh ngnucl Sys Cn enoWn wh

mchan nandal Mediun

monuy) whi heu iu an
alloali on OAund iAto
he udy aulay
(knanda madh,
busiun , bane ) ho
u ize th poCenüalL ictia mo ancl
plau then
in us o 9 t b i ou hen Jhn who
mach ann m nenown osnanio Systn
Hon d a , and nanu aLL ard dium 0
en chan1 In in anuial 3ysum

1 hu enu a d mMctium of enown Ucuu dO0 wihi qood

nnd SMuia Co b tnchantedL an alltunou

Siçoi Pand ,QIG8ol

mondmn inoncio SYS may i n c u d Dank PwbG'C
Secco 0 puUolL Sec ) , inaniol Mankilh

nanioL InstaumCnh , and hncanio

Hin Cw
cio ysimy allow Jundn o b allp Lalid ,1nwsid
OL moucl betu economi SuD,

Jh Cu cti uu clualh anc tomponiu o Shan

h no ciaiL uck,

K 1he
componn o} inandal sys m
Gnania Tnstituaon
Finanda instituiom puouidu nndal
euwoM o mumbo and ULi . Tt aho Cumtd
C nanioL i mudi a s n
becaa y AcC aiy

micd ma bet nnN SauuM an bououeA

Pank OL nan ual i l l m e cdiaan that nc mona to

bO wy to 9enal wwwm and atepl depoviC<

Jhay a ypicall Atjulalied neauyas h ptLoui cl-
max k t SCobi on onSUmA- ptut cCiOABaney
Anonu and loan COmponia,
Insunand Omp ania
Poi osks
Lommeuüal a n
Dipo Ponduy , (99L oM

ann al Payo
opMoli u Bonk
tal manotd coopujatu bonb
mnamm land aduutopmnt ank

on-bana hnanua inshtuoM

Non- onk inania instituuoM
ouitou nanua Suuiun Gk inutmat, AM poOi
an maxkut

y aly do no hau uul Pan kinj Ganse

Danknanu o 1nshtuto in udL

Gnan and Lo-n

Lnsmn ompaniey .
Mutual fund
Lommoc tugdo
O hnanio Makuh

HnanuL Maei
Stcuhy , ommo ai hc ,anc
uqib itmy ou Ladid
al ) up Juynhm Supp and um anc

he un m aku typiLol means th nsh tuto oyaqoti

tnchges opossibie bu and Seiu O Su Cm.

fhmgAy Makel
he pimo mok 0L inibiaul maskut) qemauy
ne o to nu i s u o stolks 1 honds O . oh nanio

in saw-MuK
ipa Pandu, RIBL OA
ne pum C4 motkut i di i c u c Iato tuwO Semunh

)monu mael
Vy tapitat mak

6e con day Nauh

stLonclay aqkt ut y to amaton
Ininnuol instuumuk pLOwsy sSud
Mnandal Inst unmu
Hnanuol instumunh a
nariot amch uy kincl
Thuy n
Cudu mon cdunu O ouoAns
nip inumst
initut in an
nityanel tenlactA
Cosh Tnstumenh
A cosh instumuti
Ual u dumi nc
c ul4 by mankh
Thuy may in dud seuuh, loay , and clupo
iuati Tnstunt
A dmivol ins tumcaln n c con a t
hat cluyu us Ual ad O 0 mo L

mdu\ nhhy lin Cuding oun

me ,inaux ,atu
diRi pornaM Q49 LOM

FinancaoL Seyu a
oud bya la
numbe Or huinm o hol Cnu0m pam he nan ain duuy
he in ud uddL unionM | hanM uduCacl tompany
InSucn Ompaunie ,sto buo bnaj) anc nut n

X on clusion

Lndian inania
syslim Ottilouo h Mall
an voLme 0OX
Sauings huough h puouision O
Vauo inaniol insluumna
ard dcnc moni i zalon
oung5.nqs. T aid in
inuosinq thu
notiono p
Output O lountuy y
peoidig undh to
wwtomey to enpano h u
1t he ton omiu duto
pmint and uaisinq tn stancland oh
uing 0 pOPA and puom oliyh
duuopmunt o h
Neabu Seion O
Soub hauough unal Cluulpmu
hanp Ond o- O
punatiu souciy h u d th
impota qod about Tncion inondal
Sipaei Pand R IABLOM

inan Gal Makelh

Finanuat Maupe,uom ha name i t s k ,
au a
Hbe omaaitplacL hat PAOUHdL4 an uun

O h Sa Ond panchaa o oal such as bondn

Stoch LAg Lhanqe 1and di Uaiuu.oon , fhey

dL Callud b clneunt namey ,nuuding Wal ste
anc Capital nakit but a O hem ShL mea ONL

and he Some hing Simpy pul, bwimy and inwstay

Ccn go inanciol mauk to u o u m Oncto 9eous th

buim nd to t a h m0u monuy, s p e u
o sto tMo landy ut y
imoqin abank n h u
an indduidua Mauntaijy a Saunqs a t o n t .The hana
CCn UaL huu monuy and h mone O} O dpositoy
to loan fo
Ofk Inddu dualy ane 0onigaaoM and

na ar it
dhe clpo sitosy thum seluls oho eau Cuud t*hun moy
oudhmsugn iuet hain paicl to .
hhonksouy anoinania Manil Ma benut
both H dLpo siee and h duhto .

ypes o Hnardal Maneel

hek a u So momy mayuli cnel

oun u ome to a t LAaye altnouLy

e 0, thuj
Dipati Paundy, A19Lou

Uauy in si2e
Somu d Smaul whi somu 0h uy a i naaon ly1

enowSuch an t h . ( u Yane Sot Exhane) (NYSE) m a

ad FiioM of dollo o a ca y a n

a Some typy of hnania

Ihe Stotk makut ua dy snay o}

PLsG tompaniy, Eath sho tomy vith a
tnustau mabu mone i h u stoc Uhn uy p0m
Nellin th maykut

o to
buy shouk. he u o thallngu n in hoosin
heuigt Stouk that nul ta Mon a
t in wtoay

Jhou aL Uaiouy indi hat inwtau ton w to moni

hou thu stoth
maikt i doinq such os th
Do On
Tndual Aat JLA)
an t h SqP 5o0 .Unn
500. Unen
ShO es a uouq hC al a
Satc o a
hiqhu puu h InntosL
he so

(l Bond Mank t -
he Bond Maned oj
pcui fonduy,Ri4GL 04

O se aL mo N to
C m paiy ad h qownn unt
nan a psojtt O inuytmni.

n a honcl
mael,inutO buy omdyuom a m pa
a om pay utny he mount ok h Bondy kthin
0q PAo,puy i u C

) ommo diher Haxkt

he tomm od ha manhut wh adu
and inwmto buand Sel nat wal wnoma 0a

Lommod n Sudh as Caun ,oL ,mmat and qold

A SPeu ma
uad Su
h u pw nPLudi tabu

hu u mmod ie utuu mauht wuin

ituns that a o bL dilund at a 9
ut hmu n
aluod idinhijtd anet Seauo

Sucn C maHkul inuoluuy duivauy oL

toiaa who yalu u baad on t h manaut Uau

the t bi asdel
ut u iON d abo in t
Lommo ihey mank

MapuU ui UotlA
Opai Pondy R194LO221

Functions o he Moah
he eo O o} inonual m a u in m
SuCLem an
Stunn O n ccon omy Connot
H anL
ow impoant {unao
or inni
PuK Sauunqs into mou
poduutiu a
mame Mennoad in me
aboul, a
sau qS auouut
it hec has mon
Showd not ey in
jut h a t mo Si in
the UO
nu, inanda man kth Gk banka Opun t
and up o
tompani tha udd c
CL home
busi un L0an. oan,studut
Q0o Studn
20an 0

U Deminy he puu o swiiu.

om hu Inutou aim to mak
Setwuh .Houw e L
Nho L pu n
,untbu qooclh ancl uuian
dimind by he law
dumane puan o{ SLCu ane
iey a diiuu minc
nanci Moula b

D M akutin ond a amea uqpic

uyen and Slln Can hatnet
de cid to a d secuihn anyhme
.huy C
ipoi Pondu ,R19 LOA
Sccuhc) 0 mahu
nandd ma kh to SuL h w

ntmaK a huy elbi

i Lone th wst o
In incndal maykh, Ubiou
ype o intoumeuton sjanadi nq se h can buaqid
ithout t h md to Spend.

* Concon

hnan u a Hanlaui pu{om

Uau oun uncG om in any
Coun 4 ohich qi an opp 0uTonu to t h Dm paru
CLnd a d y ou buin an Sing th
ania Instuumuta and u
anual seuu hy
plays a
u u o oA in th alupcaTon O t h Gmitec

L4O aucu labl in th

a a an nl mecliauy e l u Scuuy and tm

nto by mobiizinq h unds betwun thn Ond

hupy in th dunmihal on
o paiy o secuin'e,

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