History of Esl Timeline-2

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The Shaping of ESL in the

American Education
System: A timeline
organized by most
significant events

In the year 1830, due to high
numbers of immigration, the
United States decided to
implement a "No Uniform
Language Policy" in order to 1889
ensure that people of all APA's proposal mandate
cultures and languages feel was implemented in
welcome. Wisconsin and Illinois. This
mandate enforced that
English was to be the only
language used in the
1920 education system.
"Sink or Swim" was
introduced into the school
system and would be used
until 1960. This set of policies
ensured that students were
held back until they had a 1923
specific mastery level in Meyer vs. Nebraska was
English. decided by the U.S.
Supreme Court. This law
makes it legal to teach
foreign languages within the
1930 education system.
Almost all of the United
States had dismissed
Bilingual Instruction within
schools. The largest
influence for this change
was contributed to heavy
Brown v. Board was decided
and removed segregation
from the education system.
This opened up a lot of
opportunity for racial
1960 minorities.
Bilingual education was
reinstated within the United
States education system. The
reason for this change was
due to Cuban immigrants
who requested bilingual
education for their children.
Civil Rights Act, Title VI
stated that no student shall
be discriminated against
based on their race,
national origin, or color.


The Shaping of ESL in the

American Education
System: A timeline
organized by most
significant events

The Bilingual Education Act
was introduced in the United
States. This act allowed for
federal funding in schools for
ESL students to receive an 1974
equal education. Lau v. Nichols was decided.
The decision of this case
allowed the Equal Education
Opportunites Act to be
introduced into the U.S.
education system. This act
1974 ensures that every student
Serna v. Portales Municipal shall receive an equal
Schools was decided in education, regardless of the
favor of Mexican children language they speak.
having the right to a
bilingual education. Not only
did this decision allow 1978
Rios v. Reed was decided
bilingual language courses,
after a school in New York
but also bilingual culture
was found to only be
educating in English. This
raised concern about
1981 bilingual students having
access to Spanish within
Baker-de Kanter Report was
schools. This decision
done by the U.S.
implemented bilingual
Department of Education to
test the effectiveness of
bilingual education in
schools across the United
In Texas Castaneda v.
Pickard was finalized with
the argument being that
bilingual students needed
equal resources and
1987 instruction. The outcome of
Gomez v. Illinois was this case is that students
decided. The outcome of shouldn't be tested on
this case was that State success without the proper
Education Agencies were resources to succeed.
required to guarantee that
bilingual student needs were 1994
met in schools across the Title VII was enacted. This
nation. title emphasized the
importance of ESL programs
in schools. By doing so,
school received more
funding for this program and
ensured that it would be
upheld at a local and state


The Shaping of ESL in the

American Education
System: A timeline
organized by most
significant events

The "No Child Left Behind
Act" was brought into play.
This act is still enforced to
this day. The title "No Child
Left Behind" is fairly self-
explanatory. The act has Conclusion
made it so all students must Overall, there are a lot other
receive equal opportunity events across the nation that
and they must all excel, shaped ESL in the American
regardless of how long it Education System. It is
may take.
important to note that all of
the events discussed in the
timeline were considered
the most significant in terms
of ESL within the education
system. The most fascinating
part about shaping events
surrounding ESL is that a
majority of the events were
court cases, some of which
are more famous than
others. This honestly goes to
show how it takes a village
to speak up for the overall
"Education is the well-being of others. ESL in
the education system will
most powerful always be relevant, as it truly
is about unity, connection,
weapon which and understanding amongst
you can use to all different ethnicities,
races, cultures, religions, and
change the languages. Without such
relationships, students all
world." -Nelson across the United States
would be much less well-
Mandela rounded. This would, in turn,
lead to less immigration and
exposure to different cultural
and ethnic backgrounds all
throughout the United
States. Stressing the
importance of ESL in the
education system has
changed the U.S. for the


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