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February/March 2022 Formal ASB Meeting

David Wang

April 14th, 2022

Club Coordinator


Position Assessment:

As I look back to the past few months of February and March, it feels like time has gone by in a

flash. Although I believed that the spring semester would be long and drawn out, I am so

surprised that it is already the middle of April! As the Club Coordinator of RHS, I have worked

with both the Leadership class and club advisors in the past few weeks to prepare for 8th grade

welcome day and get ready for the end of the year. At the start of February, we sent an update to

our clubs regarding future events as we headed into the craziness of the spring. Over the last few

weeks, I have also checked in with club advisors and club presidents on how their clubs are

doing, and I helped the CSF club in particular set up a booth for incoming 8th graders interested

in CSF at 8th grade welcome day. Although we did not have a Club Committee meeting in

March or April, we are getting ready for our May meeting to prepare for the 2022-2023 school

year. In this meeting, we plan on providing information on how to update club constitutions and

budgets so that our clubs can continue existing for the next school year. If any clubs do not

provide these forms and documents, we will move them into the inactive clubs list. Overall, in

the months of March and April I was able to connect with many of the various clubs and

organizations on campus through frequent check-ins. Many of our beloved clubs provide great

assistance in our activities, helping make our high school truly spectacular. Hopefully, we will be
further along in our journey to bring back and revive clubs here at Ripon High School in the

coming school year!

Standing Committee:

This year, I am a part of the Pride Tribe Standing Committee in Ripon High. The Pride Tribe's

main goal for the future is to help spread and keep the spirit strong at Ripon High School with

various members of the student body participating in sporting events, club events, and showing

spirit in RHS. In addition, I have been working closely with the Publicity and Spirit Standing

Committee, in which I have helped spread the word using a variety of different techniques to

both inform the student body and get them involved in events that Leadership hosts here at Ripon

High School. I felt that our spirit within RHS was great during the spring! In the future, we will

be able to do much better by coming up with enjoyable spirit days. I hope to continue working

with the spirit committee and increasing the level of spirit participation within our school!

Special Committee:

The two major Special Committees I am currently working on are the Challenge Committee and

the College Reveal Committee. In the past few weeks, I have been collaborating with our

Leadership class in order to prepare posters and publicity as well as coordinate how we will be

promoting school involvement for our Appreciation week in May. I have contributed to poster

and decoration ideas that we will be using in addition to traditional methods of publicity that we

have always used in the past. The Challenge is one of the most important events of the spring
semester, and I hope to contribute all that I can towards giving back to our wonderful

community. In addition to this committee, I am also a part of the special committee for the

annual College Reveal on May 10th. I am so excited to honor our seniors as they embark on the

next step in their journey of life. I hope that we can give our graduating class the support and

encouragement they deserve after four hard years of high school. In the future, I hope to

implement new ways to get our student body involved in our events and activities. Although I

wasn’t able to be a part of too many Special Committees these past two months, I will make a

pledge to be a part of numerous other committees soon!

Mentorship Evaluation:

Like many of us this past year, I have recognized the need to emphasize creating strong

connections within our class early and to have better working relationships and friendships. With

my Mentorship partner Ava, we have not been able to talk much these past few weeks. I regret to

say that I have not been the best mentor partner in February and March. However, in the times

we were together, we did discuss these past few weeks on why we both enjoyed the Leadership

program and what it meant to both of us as we approach the final stretch of this wonderful year.

We discussed classes outside of Leadership, and will hopefully schedule future dates where we

can talk and help each other out with assignments. Although we weren’t able to meet often, we

still were able to bond with each other both in class and outside of class. I see such a great

opportunity in this mentorship program, and I wished that I had someone in my first year of

Leadership that could have guided me the same way. The kind of bonds we develop in

Leadership should be more commonplace in the Leadership world, and particularly with new
students and Freshmen. I have already made the next year’s mentorship pairings, and I hope that

next year’s class will be great! In the next few weeks, I hope that I will be able to work with my

mentorship partner more and participate in other fun activities outside of Leadership!

Concerns that I would like to be addressed:

A concern that I have had for the past few weeks has been the elevated levels of stress that we all

are facing as we approach the end of the school year. With AP tests on the horizon, we need to

figure out a way to de-stress and take a break from it all. Although Spring Break is around the

corner, I know that many of us will not get a break at all. The moment we get back from break,

we will be hit with everything all at once. From the Modesto Conference to Tribe Awards to the

End of the Year Rally, the next month will be packed with excitement and sadness. However,

when everything is all said and done, we will be in a much brighter position. I have felt

exhausted many times in the past week alone, and I hope that we can all take a few moments of

our day to simply relax and realize that we are doing enough already. I am so glad that I have

such good friends and teachers who are supportive of what I do, and I hope that I can help lend a

hand to others who may need it in the coming weeks. It will be extremely difficult, we will cry

and laugh, but in the end, everything will be worth it. I hope that we can all stay positive through

everything and finish off the year with a blast!

​Positive Comment:
In the past few weeks, I would like to give a positive comment to the seniors in our wonderful

Leadership program. Faced with a mountain of stress between preparing for events, managing

challenging courses, and receiving stressful acceptance letters, the seniors have all been

supportive of the entire class. I cannot imagine the stress that the seniors must be facing while

waiting for college acceptances, and I am definitely not ready to do so myself. In the midst of all

the chaos, however, the seniors have remained positive, helping out the Freshmen and providing

guidance to Juniors who will be applying to college next year. We all need to spend time giving

each other the appreciation we deserve, and I hope that next year, we will be amazing seniors as

well. We have done so much already, and we need to applaud all that we have done so far and

realize that everything we do is going to pay off in the future. We are united as members of RHS

Leadership, and this year, we will succeed!

One change that I would like to see:

One change that I would like to see at this moment would be to form stronger bonds between our

Leadership family. As we head into the end of the year, we might lose some of the bonds we

formed with each other at the beginning of the year. Particularly with the Mentorship program, I

haven’t been able to spend as much time with my mentor partner as I would have liked to.

Although we only have a few more weeks left with each other, I hope that we can continue to

form strong bonds with each other by taking the time to help each other with simple tasks that

can make a large difference. When everything is stressful and seems to be going wrong in life, I

hope that we can be the light at the end of the tunnel for each other. This will be a difficult ride

from now until the end of the year with only a few weeks left, but I know I can count on my
amazing Leadership family to be there for me. Leadership is such a large part of our lives, deeply

entrenched in our beings, and therefore we should welcome each other into our lives as friendly

supporters. Leadership is here to benefit our minds, enrich our souls, and prepare us for the

future. As we enter into the final stretch of the 2021-2022 school year, I hope that we can all

support each other lovingly with all our might!

​My Impact:

In the months of February and March, I made an impact by providing homework assistance to

students of all grade levels at Ripon High School. By helping my peers with homework and

classwork, I have been able to develop a greater bond with them while teaching important lesson

material. In the past weeks, I have also been able to create a more positive learning environment

in all of my classes by spreading positivity. It is my hope that we can stick together as a united

student body even though so much from the outside world is trying to divide us. With AP Exams

and Finals coming up in a flash, I hope that I can continue to provide the assistance that is

necessary in order to succeed in all that is demanded of us as high school students. As we have

found out in the last three chapters of our Book Study, life is only a test. We are the only ones

who can grade ourselves on how well we do on this test. If we are to make a true impact on the

lives of our student body, we must grade ourselves harshly on the test of leadership that is

thrusted upon us. Will we be mindful of the hate that spreads like wildfire in our world? Will we

create change for the community that has taken care of us for so long? I believe that we can, and

in doing so, we will find out what it truly means to be a leader.

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