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14-th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing

Cloudy Knapsack Problems: an Optimization Model for Distributed Cloud-assisted


Harisankar Haridas Sriram Kailasam Janakiram Dharanipragada

Dept. of CSE, Indian Institute of Technology(IIT), Madras,{ksriram,djram}
Abstract but not all. We identify a new class of formal problems
called cloudy knapsack problems to model this optimization
Cloud-assisted approaches for both peer-to-peer systems challenge. The problem setting is similar to online knapsack
and mobile apps require optimized use of elastic cloud re- problems except that while deciding on inclusion of each item
sources. Due to budget constraints, a subset of the tasks has into the knapsack, only a limited knowledge of the current
to be selected for offloading considering context parameters status will be available. Thus decisions has to be made with
like device battery level and task variability. This leads to only a cloudy view of the current state of the knapsack and past
the challenging problem of context-sensitive task scheduling items. Different variants of the problem can be defined based
on elastic resources with a limited global view, which is not on the nature of the limited views corresponding to different
addressed by existing works. We identify a new class of for- global view synchronization mechanisms.
mal problems called cloudy knapsack problems to effectively
model the same. Abstracting out the problem formally can spur Abstracting out the optimization challenge as cloudy knap-
future independent works related to different variants of the sack problems could spur future independent research works
problem and corresponding bounds and optimal algorithms. providing lower bounds and optimal algorithms for different
We illustrate the global view related issues through simula- variants. We discuss lower and upper bounds for a variant
tions, identify some theoretical bounds for a variant of cloudy of the problem and identify several open problems. Online
knapsack problems and discuss several open problems. knapsack problems are actively studied in areas like keyword
ad bidding[11]. Existing solutions for the online knapsack
I. I NTRODUCTION problems could be adapted to give solutions to their cloudy
Recently, several works([4], [10]) have proposed cloud-
assisted mobile apps to improve the response time as well In Section II, we discuss the decision making challenge
as battery life of mobile devices. Several works have also in detail. We study the distributed decision making problem,
explored cloud-assisted approaches to improve the properties identify the formal problems and prove bounds for a variant
of peer-to-peer systems(e.g., [8], [7]). Emerging augmented in Section III. The related works are discussed in Section IV.
reality apps have a high task generation rate(e.g., of the We conclude and discuss future works and open problems in
order of frames per second) as well as high computation per Section V.
task(e.g., object recognition from image frames). For popular
apps with hundreds of millions of users, offloading of the II. D ECISION MAKING CHALLENGES
possible tasks will be limited by cloud budget constraints. For
co-operative peer-to-peer applications with a donation-based We consider two cloud-assisted applications which will
model, the budget constraints can be severe. be used as examples in the remaining sections. First is an
augmented reality app which includes a subsystem to detect
With limited budget, for each task generated, a decision has characters present in incoming image stream. The detected
to be made on whether it has to be processed in the client(peers characters can be used to provide value-added services like
or mobile devices) itself or in the cloud. The decision on a translation or suggestions. The character recognition task for
task can depend on the context like current battery level of the each image can be performed either in the mobile device or
device as well as the cost of processing it in cloud. Context and on the cloud. Henceforth, we use mOCR to refer to this cloud-
task characteristics across all the clients have to be considered assisted application.
in order to derive maximum value within the cloud budget.
Maintaining a central scheduler for making the decisions will Second example application is a cloud-assisted peer-to-peer
be infeasible for a popular application with high cumulative live streaming service. Specifically, we consider an application
task generation rate. Hence this decision-making has to be per- similar to the passive assistance-based streaming proposed in
formed either at the clients or at intermediate servers. However, Clive[7](Section IIIA in the paper). Each peer receives frames
this distributed decision making is a challenge because only a of the streaming media from other peers using a mesh-based
partial view of the global state will be available. This setting overlay. A copy of the streamed content is also stored in a
is characterized by distributed decision-making to handle large cloud-based storage like Amazon S3. If a peer does not obtain
volume of low-latency requests, a certain duration for spending a frame(from other peers) within a certain threshold period
the budget, and resources that can be scaled dynamically within before the frame’s playback time, it will request a copy of
the available budget. To the best of our knowledge, existing the frame from the cloud storage. Henceforth, we refer to this
works in literature address one or more of these characteristics, application as Clive-P.

978-1-4799-6201-3/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE
14-th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing

Budget constraints on cloud usage: For a non- Different mechanisms like periodic broadcast, polling or gossip
commercial peer-to-peer application with a donation-based combined with prediction techniques can be used for view
model, the budget available for cloud usage can be severely synchronization ([2], [9]). Generally, obtaining a more accurate
limited. Hence a subset of the candidate tasks can only be view will incur more overhead in terms of network and device
offloaded to the cloud. Large user base and high processing resource usage. Different mechanisms can be abstracted based
required per task can also lead to budget constraints in even on the distribution of error in the global views they provide.
some commercial mobile apps. WhatsApp, a messaging ser-
vice with modest processing requirements, requires a 11000 A. Formal decision making problem
core cluster in its cloud backend1 . This is because of its large
active user base consisting of hundreds of millions of users. System model: Each task(j) generated can be associ-
A compute-intensive app like mOCR of similar popularity can ated with a weight(wj ) corresponding to the cloud resources
require millions of cores if all its tasks are offloaded to the consumed by it and a value(πj ) corresponding to the user
cloud. Hence the offloading decision making for such an app experience improved if the task is offloaded. These weights
will need to consider the budget constraints also. and values can be dynamically assigned after the task is
generated based on the task characteristics and client context.
Challenges: First, we discuss the feasibility of a cloud- For example, in the case of mOCR, the value assigned to a task
based centralized scheduler to select tasks to be offloaded. can be a function of the task’s estimated energy consumption
For applications with hundreds of millions of users, the cu- and the current battery level. In case of peer-to-peer applica-
mulative task generation rate can be very high. This issue is tions, tasks which remain unprocessed even after assistance
compounded in case of multimedia applications like mOCR from other peers(e.g., missing frames in Clive-P) will only
where the task generation rate per device can be of the order be considered for offloading. Maximum budget(B) can be
of frames per second. This can lead to scalability bottlenecks defined as a constant for a fixed time period(e.g., donation-
for a centralized scheduler. Further, for many applications, based model) or relative to the total number of tasks(e.g., a
most of the tasks(say 90%) can be processed at the client commercial app with estimated revenue per task). In the latter
side(peer or mobile device) itself. In case of low latency tasks case, budget can be defined in terms of β = N B
where β is
like OCR or video streaming, the additional latency of 100- application-specific and N is the total number of tasks.
150ms involved in contacting the remote scheduler for each
task will increase the average latency significantly. Next, we The above model assumes a task-level monetary price for
discuss the challenges for a client-side scheduler to make the cloud usage. This directly corresponds to the cases where the
offloading decisions. The potential benefit from offloading a app provider uses a higher level service like Storage-as-a-
task can depend significantly on the context which can vary Service(as in Clive-P) or Platform-as-a-Service(PaaS) from the
significantly. In the case of mOCR, the benefit from offloading cloud. To model a lower level service like Infrastructure-as-
tasks increases if the phone is having low battery level. The a-Service(IaaS), additional factors like delay in starting and
cost involved in processing different images in the cloud can stopping instances may have to be considered.
also vary drastically. In the case of Cloud-P, the benefit from Cloudy knapsack problems: The goal of selecting items
downloading a video frame from cloud improves if many which maximize the overall value within the budget constraints
recent preceding frames were not rendered to the user. The can be expressed as:
overall task rate can also vary drastically at times during PN PN
interest spikes. Because of the importance of context and the Maximize j=1 πj xj subject to j=1 wj xj ≤ B, xj ∈
variability in the task rates, decision-making by individual {0, 1}
client schedulers while maximizing overall value addition is
challenging. where xj is an indicator variable denoting whether task
j is offloaded to cloud. If a central scheduler was feasible
for decision making, this optimization could be modelled
III. D ISTRIBUTED DECISION MAKING WITH PARTIAL as an online knapsack problem([5], [11]). Each task(j) with
VIEW corresponding weight(wj ) and value(πj ) will correspond to
Since a central scheduler with global view is not feasible, items to be considered for filling in a knapsack with maximum
the offloading decision of each task has to be made in a capacity B. Decision of each task(item) has to be made without
distributed setting. Decisions could be made either at the knowledge of the future sequence of tasks(items). Deciding
clients or using a hierarchical scheme. In both cases, only an to process a task in the cloud will correspond to putting
inexact view of the current global status will be available at corresponding item in the knapsack.
decision-making time. The global status when deciding on a The online knapsack problems assume that an exact view
task will include knowledge of the amount of budget consumed of all past events will be known while deciding on an item.
till now, total value added till now and total number of items The solutions can use the up-to-date global view to improve
considered till now. their performance. Deeparnab et al.[11] proposes an almost
The degree of inexactness of the global view(while decid- optimal algorithm for a particular online knapsack problem
ing on a task) will depend on the particular view synchroniza- setting. In the algorithm(ONLINE-KP-THRESHOLD), an item
tion mechanism used by the application as well as the scale. j is included in the knapsack if wjj ≥ Ψ(zj ) where Ψ is a
function on the fraction of knapsack filled when item j is
1 considered(zj ). Such solutions are not possible when an up-
whatsapp-scaling.pdf Accessed: May 2014 to-date global view(here, that of zj ) is not available.

14-th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing

To address above issue, we identify a new class of problems x 10
called cloudy knapsack problems. The problem setting is 8.4

Total value in knapsack

similar to online knapsack problems where the goal is to 8.2
choose items to be put in a knapsack such that the total value
of the knapsack is maximized without exceeding its capacity.
The decisions have to be made as soon as items arrive without 7.8
knowledge of future items. However, when the decision on 7.6
an item is made, an exact global view will not be available.
The exact values of the fraction of budget consumed or the 7.4
number of items considered till now will not be available. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Staleness in Global View (in percent)
While deciding on item j, only an inexact(cloudy) value of zj ,
Y (zj ) will be available, where Y (zj ) need not be equal to zj .
Fig. 1. Variation of total value obtained in the knapsack for different values
Within the class of problems, different variants can be defined of staleness in global view(smax )
with different restrictions on the relationship between (cloudy)
view(Y (zj )) and exact view(zj ). A variant of the problem with
a bounded error is defined below. Different variants can be used
to model different cloud-assisted applications with different items were drawn from uniform distributions(0,1). We ob-
view synchronization mechanisms. served that the fixed choice algorithm performed poorly when
high variability is present. To improve the performance, we
In a CLOU DY KP/rz /∗ variant of the problem, developed an adaptive version of the algorithm where β used
to calculate r was calculated adaptively based on current global
∀j : zj − rz ≤ Y (zj ) ≤ zj + rz , rz ≥ 0 (1) view. Specifically, while deciding on each item, the β used in
where rz is a parameter. Note that only the bounds(rz ) (2) was calculated as (remaining budget)/(remaining number
of the error is fixed and its distribution is assumed to be of items) which is same as (initial budget - budget used)/(N
arbitrary(∗). In the next section we theoretically analyze an - number of items processed). For the same input distribution
existing online algorithm in CLOU DY KP/rz /∗ setting and mentioned, total value obtained by the adaptive algorithm was
provide a theoretical upper bound for it in the setting. Further 48% better compared to the fixed choice algorithm. This shows
possible problem variants within the class are discussed in the the importance of global view in decision making.
future works section(Section V). The adaptive algorithm uses “budget used”(b) and “number
Different solutions to online knapsack problems are eval- of items processed”(n) which are part of the exact global view
uated based on their competitive ratio with the corresponding while decision making. Next we simulated cases where only
optimal offline solution having full knowledge of the item a stale global view is available to the algorithm. In different
sequence. For an online knapsack algorithm(solution) A with simulations, the observed values of both the view quantities(b
competitive ratio c, the following condition should be true. For and n) differed from their actual values by a percentage
any item sequence σ, if A(σ) denotes the total value obtained staleness which was uniformly drawn from (0,smax ). The
by A and OP T (σ) denote the total value obtained by the of- results obtained for different values of smax are shown in
fline optimal algorithm, OP T (σ) ≤ cA(σ). The performance Figure 1. When staleness was between 0 and 3%, the total
of an algorithm(solution) for the cloudy knapsack problem can value obtained reduced by 5.6% compared to the case when
also be defined in the same manner(as its competitive ratio with an exact view was available.
the optimal offline algorithm).
B. Preliminary results on a problem variant
Effect of cloudy view: Using simulation results, we illus-
trate the need for current global view while decision-making In this section we theoretically study the
and the impact of a cloudy view. Marchetti et al.[5] proposes CLOU DY KP/rz /∗ setting(defined in (1)) when the
a fixed choice online knapsack algorithm for cases where the upper and lower bounds of the value-to-weight ratio
values and weights of items follow uniform distributions(0,1). are known(L ≤ wjj ≤ U ) and the weight of each
An item is inserted into knapsack if the item’s value to weight item is significantly smaller compared to size of the
ratio is greater than r, where r is calculated as knapsack(∀j : wj ≪ B). Note that here the item value and
weight distributions can be arbitrary(within the U, V limits)
( unlike the previous setting where a uniform distribution
√1 , 0 < β < 61
r= 6β (2) was assumed. We theoretically analyze the ONLINE-KP-
3 1 1 THRESHOLD algorithm of Deeparnab et al.[11](which is
2 − 3β, 6 ≤β < 2
near optimal for the particular non-cloudy online setting) in
the CLOU DY KP/rz /∗ setting. Based on the analysis, we
β is defined as (total budget)/(total number of items(N )) derive loose upper and lower bounds for the performance of
which is required to be less than 21 . We simulated the algo- any algorithm in the cloudy setting. In the original algorithm
rithms with 1 million randomly generated items and a budget we replace zj (fraction of knapsack filled) with Y (zj ) as zj is
of 0.25 million. To evaluate the effect of high variations in the not available in the cloudy setting. The resulting algorithm is
item characteristics(deviating from the expected distributions), shown below.
20% of the items had values and weights drawn from expo-
nential distributions(with mean of 8) and those of remaining Algorithm ONLINE-KP-THRESHOLD-rz

14-th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing

Ψ(z) ≡ (U e/L)z (L/e) Hence, algorithm A will attempt to put all items till the
knapsack is filled upto z̄. If z̄ > Z, then all the items can
When the j th item arrives, if item can be fitted in knapsack,
π be put into the knapsack without exceeding its capacity. Thus,
put item j iff wjj ≥ Ψ(Y (zj )).
algorithm A will perform as good as the optimal algorithm
We prove an upper bound of the competitive ratio of the and the claim in the theorem will be trivially satisfied. We
algorithm in the cloudy setting. now consider cases where z̄ ≤ Z.
By partitioning the input sequence into those items which
Theorem 1. For any input sequence σ, if OP T (σ) is the
appear before z̄ fraction is filled and afterwards, we can express
maximum achievable value(obtained by an optimal offline
P as
algorithm) and A(σ) is the value obtained by ONLINE-KP-
THRESHOLD-rz , then,
P = πj + πj (10)
OP T (σ) U
  U e 2rz T T
A(σ) ≤ ln L + 1
j∈S S ∗ ∧zj ≤z̄ j∈S S ∗ ∧zj >z̄
Proof: Let Z denote the fraction of the knapsack filled Since ∀j : L ≤ wjj , πj ≥ Lwj . Also for items in S, from
after execution of ONLINE-KP-THRESHOLD-rz (henceforth eq(8), πj ≥ Ψ(Y (zj ))wj . Using these inequalities in eq(10),
denoted by algorithm A). Let S and S ∗ denote the set of we get
items picked by the Algorithm A(selected by A and fitted in X X
knapsack) and the optimal offline algorithm (OP T ) respec- P ≥ P1 ≡ Lwj + Ψ(Y (zj ))wj
tively. Let W = w(S ∩ S ∗ ) and P = π(S ∩ S ∗ ) denote the j∈S S ∗ ∧zj ≤z̄ j∈S S ∗ ∧zj >z̄
total weight and profit of the common items picked by both (11)
algorithms. Similarly,
OP T (σ) = π(S ∗ ) π(S\S ∗ ) ≥ P2 ≡
Lwj +
Ψ(Y (zj ))wj
= π(S ∩ S ∗ ) + π(S ∗ \ S) j∈S\S ∗ ∧zj ≤z̄ j∈S\S ∗ ∧zj >z̄
= P + π(S ∗ \ S) (3) (12)
As P ≥ P1 , eq(7) can be modified as
Since Ψ(z) is a monotonically increasing function, using eq(1),
we get OP T (σ) P1 + Ψ(Z + rz )(B − W )
Ψ(Y (zj )) ≤ Ψ(zj + rz ) ≤ Ψ(Z + rz ) (4) ≤ (13)
A(σ) P1 + π(S \ S ∗ )
For each item j not selected by algorithm A, its is less than
Ψ(Y (zj )). For items(j) selected by algorithm A, but did not fit Considering eq(12), eq(13) can be modified as
in the knapsack, (wj +zj B) > B. i.e., zj > (1− Bj ). For these OP T (σ) P1 + Ψ(Z + rz )(B − W )
wj w
items, Ψ(zj + rz ) > Ψ(1 − B + rz ). As wj ≪ B, rz > Bj . ≤ (14)
πj A(σ) P1 + P2
Hence, Ψ(zj + rz ) > Ψ(1) = U ≥ wj . Combining both the
classes of items not picked by algorithm A, and considering From definition of Ψ(z), we get Ψ(z̄ − rz ) = L. As z̄ ≤ Z,
eq (4), we get ∀j ∈ (S ∗ \ S), we get z̄ − rz ≤ Z + rz and Ψ(z̄ − rz ) ≤ Ψ(Z + rz ). Hence,
< Ψ(Z + rz ) (5) L ≤ Ψ(Z + rz ) (15)
From eq(3) and eq(5), we get From equations (15) and (4), (11) can be modified as
OP T (σ) ≤ P + Ψ(Z + rz )w(S ∗ \ S) X
P1 ≤ Ψ(Z + rz ) wj
≤ P + Ψ(Z + rz )(B − W ) (6) T
j∈S S∗

as w(S ) ≤ B. = Ψ(Z + rz )W (16)
Now, A(σ) = P + π(S \ S ∗ ). Using (6), we get
OP T (σ) P + Ψ(Z + rz )(B − W ) Using (16) in numerator of (14), we get
≤ (7)
A(σ) P + π(S \ S ∗ ) OP T (σ) Ψ(Z + rz )B
For each item j in S(picked by A), ≤ (17)
A(σ) P1 + P2
≥ Ψ(Y (zj )) (8) From (11) and (12),
Since ∀j, L ≤ when Ψ(Y (zj )) ≤ L, algorithm A will
 
wj , P1 + P2 1  X X
attempt to put item j into the knapsack. In this case, from eq(1) = Lwj + Ψ(Y (zj ))wj 
and because Ψ(z) is a monotonically increasing function, we B B
j∈S∧zj ≤z̄ j∈S∧zj >z̄
get Ψ(zj − rz ) ≤ L. Substituting the value for Ψ(z), we get  
 (zj −rz ) 1  X X
Ue L ≥ Lwj + Ψ(zj − rz )wj 
. ≤ L B
L e j∈S∧zj ≤z̄ j∈S∧zj >z̄
zj ≤ z̄ ≡ rz + (9) = L∆zj + Ψ(zj − rz )∆zj (18)
ln( ULe ) j∈S∧zj ≤z̄ j∈S∧zj >z̄

14-th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing

where ∆zj ≡ zj+1 − zj = wj /B. As ∀j : wj ≪ B, ∆zj ≈ 0. The online knapsack problem has been studied by [5], [11]
Eq(18) becomes under different assumptions on input distribution, knowledge
Z z̄ Z Z about the number of items, range of weights, and values.
P1 + P2 Unlike our setting, these works do not restrict the view of
≥ + Ψ(zj − rz ).dz
B 0 z̄ the knapsack during decision making.
Z−rz ! Ue
eln( ULe )
Cloudy knapsack problems is an effective way to model the
Substituting (19) in (17) and simplifying, we get distributed optimization required for large scale cloud-assisted
 U e 2rz applications with budget and context constraints. We illustrated
ln U

OP T (σ) L +1 L the effect of cloudiness in global view through simulations and
≤ (20)
A(σ) 1 + F (Z) theoretical results. Insight into the relationship between the
Lrz ln( ULe )( ULe )
rz cloudiness in global view and the value addition can also lead
where F (Z) = Ψ(Z) . Since F (Z) ≥ 0, to design of novel peer-to-peer view synchronization mecha-
     2rz nisms suitable for cloud-assisted systems. Further variants can
OP T (σ) U Ue be defined with different distributions for the error like Normal
≤ ln +1 (21) distribution. Lower bounds and optimal algorithms for these
A(σ) L L
variants are open problems. Techniques to handle selfish peers
which try to maximize their private gain without considering
Thus algorithm ONLINE-KP-THRESHOLD-r the overall value addition in this setting is also an open area
 U e 2rzz can of research.
achieve a competitive ratio of ln U

L + 1 L in the
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