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MSRCASC Department of Commerce



Submitted by


Register No. C1937174


Ms. Sai Sushmitha V


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MSRCASC Department of Commerce


I hereby declare that the project entitled - " SRI RAMA VRUDHASHRAMA
TRUST", is a record of independent work carried out by me, under the
supervision and guidance of the mentor Ms. SAI SUSHMITHA.V for the
fulfilment of 5th semester B.COM curriculum, Bengaluru City University.

Place: Bengaluru
Signature of the student:

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I certify that this project entitled "A project report on the Working of
independent work carried out by Mr. BHUVANESHYAM.V
(Reg.No.C1937174), student of 5th semester B. Com, M.S. Ramaiah
College of Arts, Science andCommerce , under my supervision

Place: Bengaluru

Signature of the Guide:

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It is a pleasure to thank many people, who made this project possible .

Foremost, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my principal
DR. A. NAGARATHNA for being my pillar of strength and source of
inspiration in all the time of research and writing of this project. I
would have been lost without her constant support.
My sincere thanks go to all the stakeholders of M.S. Ramaiah College
of Arts, Science, and Commerce , for leading me to work on diverse
exciting projects. Throughout my project writing period, they provided
encouragement, sound advice and lots of good ideas. I could not have
imagined having better advisers and mentors other than my
I would like to thank UGC for giving me an opportunity to do the
minor research project entitled “A Project Report on the Working of
I extend my sincere thanks to the management of SRI RAMA
VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST for the opportunity provided to conduct a study
related to their organization.
I have great pleasure in placing on record my deep sense of gratitude to
my esteemed guide Ms.Sai sushmitha V , Department of Commerce and
management, Bengaluru City University, Bangalore, for her valuable
guidance and encouraging support rendered throughout my project
work. Her nobility and kindness shown to me throughout the progress
of this study need special mention.

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Besides my advisors and mentors, I also thank all the teaching and non-
teaching staff of M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts, Science, and
Commerce, for their encouragement and insightful comments.

Above all and the most needed, they provided me unflinching

encouragement and support in various ways. Their institution has made
them a constant oasis of ideas and passion in education, which
exceptionally inspired and enriched my growth. I am indebted to them
more than they know about themselves.

It is a pleasure to express my gratitude wholeheartedly to my

teachers, friends, family members and well-wishers for their kind
hospitality, inseparable support, valuable advice, guidance and
constructive comments on this project.
Finally, I would like to thank everybody who was important to the
successful completion of the project, as well as express my apology
that I could not mention personally one by one.


Place: Bangalore M.S. Ramaiah College of Arts,

. Science and Commerce


MSRCASC Department of Commerce



1 Profile of the NGO 8-21

1. About NGO 8

2. History 09

3. Importance of the NGO 10-11

4. Location and Overview of the 12

5. Vision and Mission of the NGO
6. Photo Gallery

7. Future Plan

2 Nature of service undertaken by the 16-17


3 Student experience and impact 18

4 Conclusion 19

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1. About NGO

SRI RAMA VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST was formed on 25-07-2007

by 9 Trustees & Registered on 19-07-2007. The main intention of the trust is to
provide accommodation to the 100 senior citizens who have no successors &
successors residing abroad. Nursing Medical facilities are also provided.

SRI RAMA VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST has been set up with the aim of providing
home comforts and peace of mind to seniors seeking peace and calmness. It is
run as a non-profit institution, a social service organization to provide shelter to
people of advanced years who feel stressed out by the daily hassles and troubles
of life. The aim is to make them feel they are truly at home though in a different
residence. Their stay at SRI RAMA VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST will free them from
various worries and pressures and find them a new with all the basic comforts
and care essential for them. They will never feel they have been rejected by

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Craving to establish ourselves as an NGO for Old Age Homes/senior
citizens in India, SRI RAMA VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST is endeavouring
to uplift the socio-economic status of abandoned and neglected senior
citizens residing in various parts of India. They are moving ahead with
the belief that their efforts would help them live a noble and
respectable life.

They have done ground-level research, and have identified the

requirements of older adults suffering due to the complications
concerning changes in the environment and life-related challenges. In
the last few years, the concept concerning nuclear families has
overshadowed the joint family concept. This thing has given birth to
differences in the families on various matters that eventually disturb
the peace of mind of elderly individuals. A vital proportion of the
senior citizens living in the country are facing hardships in spending
their remaining life in a peaceful way.

All the older adults or senior citizens who have gone through heaps of
traumas and sufferings deserve a better place to stay where they can
find the fragrance of love and respect for them. Attempting to hold our
ground as an NGO for senior citizens in India, SRI RAMA
VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST is expanding its network and connecting
with old age homes to serve the senior citizens with their paradise to
make them live their life composedly and gracefully at the same time.

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3. Importance of the NGO for Old Age Homes/Senior

Citizens in India

The necessity for the NGO for senior citizens in India has increased lately
due to the increased ill-treatment and suffering older people have to endure
after they become incapable and helpless. After becoming old, the mental
and physical health of an individual deteriorates. Since they are not served
with essential healthcare needs, they are not much familiar with the
information and knowledge concerning the types of diseases and illnesses
with respect to their physical and mental health.

It's unfortunate that in a progressive country like India, senior citizens do not
get much-deserving respect in their respective families, and also they didn't
get the healthcare facilities, healthy and nutritious food, clothes for
protection as well as covering the body, etc. After crossing the age of 50 or
60, people look forward to emotional support more than anything, and when
they lack this aspect in their life, they feel neglected and ignored. As an
enthusiastic NGO for senior citizens in India, SRI RAMA VRUDHASHRAMA
TRUST is drafting the plans keeping in mind the desires and expectations of
the senior and elderly citizens.

Being an NGO for social welfare in India, they are all set to serve the older
people and senior citizens who live their lives away from the privileges
they must get for the efforts that they've made in the past for their children
and grandsons. They would serve them food with nutritious value and high
quality, healthcare and medical facilities to ensure them with an increase in
longevity, clothes to wear and protect their bodies, place to live

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without any pressure or without any fear of getting disparaging remarks or

ill-treatment by the younger ones, and other life-sustaining factors as well.

The best thing about old age homes that would change the living
environment for senior citizens and elderly mothers is reverberati ambience
loaded with laughable, blissful moments. Several senior citizens and
volunteers from different age groups discuss various topics and keep the
positive vibes alive. Not only this but also the senior citizens would get
pleased with the love and respect they would get by being there

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4. Location and Overview of the NGO

SRI RAMA VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST was established in the year 2006

in Malleswaram, Bangalore. It is a top player in the category
Institutions for aged people in Bangalore. This well-known
establishment acts as a one-stop destination servicing customers both
local and from other parts of Bangalore. Over the course of its
journey, this business has established a firm foothold in its industry.
The belief that customer satisfaction is as important as their products
and services, have helped this establishment garner a vast base of
customers, which continues to grow by the day. This business
employs individuals that are dedicated towards their respective roles
and put in a lot of effort to achieve the common vision and larger
goals of the company. In the near future, this business aims to
expand its line of products and services and cater to a larger client
base. In Bangalore, this establishment occupies a prominent location
in Malleswaram. It is an effortless task in commuting to this
establishment as there are various modes of transport readily
available. It is at 7th Cross, Near Coconut Avenue, which makes it
easy for first-time visitors in locating this establishment. It is known
to provide top service in the following categories: Institutions For
Aged, Charitable Old Age Homes.

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VISION - They are committed to provide quality care and happiness to

their residents, which promote independence while maintaining their dignity and
quality of life.

MISSION - To have a building of their own. They have a land to construct

their own building. They need help from people like us to build a home.

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There are totally 7 workers who work in SRI RAMA

VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST. They have around 31 beds in their NGO
and at present 31 people are residing in this NGO. In future they are
going to expand this NGO by constructing a building in Yelahanka
which will be consisting of 100 beds. So the present NGO which is
in Vyalikaval, Bangalore will become the branch of SRI RAMA
VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST in future and the new building where they
are going to construct will become the main head office of SRI RAMA
VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST. For this they have already started with the
work by executing the plan in Yelahanka.

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It was an immense pleasure that I got this opportunity to work in SRI

RAMA VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST, an Old Age Home. They treated us
like their own children. They shared their life and professional
experience. I was astonished to hear that their children and
grandchildren are working as a CA, doctors, engineers, government
employees but they admitted them in old age home and they don’t
have the time to take care of the person who brought them up and
made them to stand in the position where they are.

Following were the services rendered by me -

 Being the first day in the NGO we met all the people who were
residing in that NGO and had a healthy conversation with them.
They were pleased by spending their time with us.
 The next day we cleaned all the tables and helped them to fold
their clothes.
 We washed all the vessels on the third day of our service.
 On the fourth day we changed all the bed sheets and pillow
covers of all the 31 beds.
 We learned how to do terrace gardening and planted some
vegetable plants on the terrace of the NGO on our fifth day.
 The sixth day of our service was cooking food for all the people
who were residing in the NGO and we served the food to
 On the next day i.e. the seventh day of our service in the NGO
we washed and wiped all the chairs belonging to that NGO.
 We sweeped and moped the floors of the NGO on our eighth

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 As being senior citizens, every person had some or the other

illness like body pains, joints pains, headache, diabetics, feet
swollen, etc. So, on the ninth day me and my friends massaged
their legs, hands, and head and also helped them to change their
 There were 3 fridges in the NGO which were not hygienic. So,
we had decided to clean all the fridges on the tenth day of our
 Then on the eleventh day, we arranged the fridges which was
cleaned by us on the tenth day in their own particular places in
the NGO.
 The very next day, that is on our twelfth day of service we
bought some fruits and vegetables from the market and arranged
them in the fridge.
 We decorated the whole NGO as the actors of Kannada serial
(Paru) were going to visit the NGO on the next day.
 On the fourteenth day , we all had fun with the old age people
and also with the Kannada serial actors who visited the NGO,
with joy and happiness.
 The last day of our service in the NGO we hosted a feast and
took the blessings from all the senior citizens.

Apart from the above mentioned services, we also spent our time with
them where they used to talk about their children and their lifestyle,
education, profession. And also, we served food and helped them with
taking medicines on time every day. By this, we built a strong
bonding in such a short time that they got emotional on our last day in
the NGO.

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Experience and Impact

My experience of working at SRI RAMA VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST

was very much interesting and helpful. In this present generation we
all are involved so much into social media and all other purposes
like business, jobs, etc. that knowingly or unknowingly we forget to
give time to our parents which they deserve, which made me feel
very bad and that was the reason for which I chose to serve at old age
By working here, I learnt how to interact with aged people and heard
their stories from which I felt the pain in them and it encouraged me
to care them more. I felt so attached with them that on the last day I
could not think that I was going to be separated by them, we all cried
and promised to be visiting them often. And I was so glad to see the
happiness in their faces when I massaged their legs, head. I felt so
happy working there and I would surely like to contribute my part of
earnings in NGO’s like this and help them to lead a peaceful life.
I got an opportunity to visit an old age home and serve them. It is a
kind of home for those old people who for some reasons cannot stay
with their grown-up children or those who don’t have any family
member to care of them or those who have become alone and lonely
in their old age owing to circumstances.
I felt very emotional interacting with an old lady. Although she is an
affluent woman, she has to live in the home because both her
daughters are married and well-settled. Her husband passed away
long ago. She said she had opted to live at the Home for many
facilities such as safety, security, lodging and boarding, and the most
important thing-- company of peers.

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Hereby, I conclude that the older ones and the existence of younger
ones are part of the cyclic biological process. Old age people need
care, love and healthy emotional family sharing for satisfaction. Just
as new born babies need growth and success in today's competitive
world, older people need a feeling of belongingness to get by in the
current world. These objectives are to be strategically balanced. Old
age people care should have to increase and the government provides
necessary facilities to that homes. They should be included in the
family running process so that they could feel not ignored.

SRI RAMA VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST are doing a fabulous work for

the senior citizens, for the one who have no body to take care of the
senior citizens at their own place, that is when SRI RAMA
VRUDHASHRAMA TRUST come into picture for them. The trust takes
care of the senior citizens and give them a healthy nutrition food to
them. The trust takes care of them in such a way, that they make sure
that they don’t feel alone and think about their family members who
left them alone. It was a pleasure for me that I got this opportunity to
serve them and spend my quality time with them.

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