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Stage Four: Being Consciousness

by Michael Beckwith

Stage Four: Being Consciousness


4 Simple Tips To Get The Most Out of This Class:

1. Print this workbook out before starting to listen to the recording so you can write down
your notes as you listen.

2. Review the topic outline so you know what to listen for. Make sure you've set aside
private time for this session (minimum 50 minutes) so you’ll be able to focus and fully
receive the benefits of the session.

3. Write down all the interesting and new ideas and inspirations you get while listening —
that way you won’t lose the information most relevant to you.

4. Think of how you can quickly implement the teachings shared in this session.

Preparation Tips:

• Make sure you are in a quiet place where nothing can distract you, and that you are not
driving a car or any other vehicle. Be in a comfortable position so you can fully take part
in any of the exercises or hypnosis tracks that are part of the class.

• Stretch your muscles before starting the class. Stretching loosens the muscles and
tendons allowing you to sit (or lie) more comfortably. Additionally, stretching starts the
process of “going inward” and brings added focus to the body.

• Take a deep breath. Breathing deeply slows down the heart rate and relaxes the
muscles to help you have a comfortable experience during any guided exercises that will
happen during the class.

• We hope you’ll enjoy it!

Stage Four: Being Consciousness

Week 5 - Stage Four: Being Consciousness: As Me

Teaching Points

Unitive Consciousness Uniqueness

Oneness Being Enlightenment

It not a bit ironic, that when it comes to describing the most advanced of the
stages—Stage Four Being Consciousness—there is the least to say!

From Stage Three, practice is directed at dissolving the sense of being a separate
self through meditation and visioning moving into Stage Four.

Discipline to Blissipline
In Stage Four, the practitioner has dissolved the egoic sense of self and continues
meditating not out of necessity/discipline but for the joy of it, as well as to set an
example for others.

As Me

The experience/realization of the Divine or Mystic Mind

The experience/realization of Being One with Spirit

“I am One with the Universal Presence”

The opportunity to experience limitless consciousness beyond oneness.

Stage Four: Being Consciousness

The Movement from Stage 3 to 4 is very subtle. Dissolving a false sense of


Stage are Not linear- regardless of how far you get there is always something to
clear out.

Ever expanding consciousness

3 Kinds of Waking Up

Lines vs Spiral

Buddha had bad days. A Bad Day for the Ego is a Good Day for The Soul

We are not adding we’re subtracting . We don’t lose individuality – it is enhanced,

maintained and express unity through your uniqueness.

Uniqueness is the carrier of infinitude. Uniqueness expresses infinite nature of

reality Snowflake- we don’t melt into one, dissolve, unique design of the
snowflake. When it’s meted and re-frozen, it retains its design.
You are precious, you are needed, and you are significant. Waking Up While

Stage Four: Being Consciousness

In Class Process:

Guided Meditation on Waking Up

Practices to stabilize and grow:

- Daily meditation
- Gratitude Journaling

Stage Four: Being Consciousness

Session Notes

Use the space below to write down any insights that you have during the
session. These will be the important takeaway points from this session.


Stage Four: Being Consciousness

Session Notes
Use the space below to write down any insights that you have during the
session. These will be the important takeaway points from this session.


Stage Four: Being Consciousness

Growth Work

Breaking Down the Walls of Separation

Part I. Daily 4 part exercise:

1. Go into nature, if you have a yard or a park where you can put your feet
in the grass, or touch the grass, leaves, tree, etc. Stop and be in nature.
Connect with your breath, soften with each exhale letting go of any
stress or contraction. Feel your oneness with nature.

2. Think of everyone you are connected to. Think of these beings and all of
those they are connected to. Connect with your breath, soften with each
exhale letting go of any stress or contraction. Feel that you are at One
with Humanity. Dissolving any sense of us and them.

3. At night, go outside, look up at the stars. Connect with your breath.

Invite a deeper fuller, more expansive breath. Soften with each exhale
letting go of any tension or thought of the future. Feel into your
Oneness with the starts, the moon, the galaxy, solar system, the Kosmos.

4. The Presence: Take your highest idea and feeling tone of the Presence
and give yourself permission to feel as one with this Divine

Pt. II Mindfulness Throughout the Day

Be mindful as you move through your day. Become aware of all that you see- a
cat, a tree, other humans. Become aware of your connection, your oneness with
all creation.

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