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(Based on School, NTSE & Olympiad Syllabus)
(For Class 10X Studying Student)
Topic :
Age of Associations in Bengal

The successful political struggle that was led by Landholders' Society or 'Zamindar Sabha' (12th
Indian National Congress (INC) was almost synonymous Nov, 1838).
with Indian freedom struggle. The Indian National
 It was formed in 1838 by Radhakanta Dev.
Congress was the biggest and most well known political
associations of India. However, the congress was not  The main purpose of the organisation was
the first political association. There were quite a few safeguarding the interests of landlords.
political associations that existed before Congress. Most  They used constitutional methods of agitations
of these associations were largely dominated by the to fulfil their demands.
aristocratic people like the zamindars. This was because
 From this organisation the people of India learnt
the aristocratic class had received English, modern
how to voice their demands legitimately.
education that led to a political awakening among them.
The demands of the aristocratic people of these 'Bharat Sabha' or Indian Association:
associations were as following:  Indian Association which was popularly known
 Increasing the Indian representation in the as 'Bharat Sabha' was established in the year
Executive and Legislative Council. 1876 through the patronage of Surendranath
Banerjee and Anandamohan Basu.
 Freedom of press.
 The demands of Indian Association of Calcutta
 Reforms in administration were nationalist in nature, which makes it one
of the most important pre-congress nationalist
 Spread of Education
(1) Bangabhasha Prakashika Sabha :
 They opened branches in different cities to
 This was started by associates of Ram Mohan expand its membership among the masses.
Roy in 1836.
 This organisation was later merged with the
 It was founded by Dwarkanath Tagore and Indian National Congress.
Prasanna Kumar Tagore Hindu Mela or Chaitra Mela:
 It was the first political organisation of the  Hindu Mela was founded in 1867 in Calcutta
Bengalis. by Nabagopal Mitra with the active support
 When the British government imposed taxes from the Tagore family.
on the non-taxable landed properties on the  The Hindu Mela was also known as Chaitra
basis of the law of 1828, the organisation tried Mela. It was largely the product of the combined
to convene a public meeting to protest against efforts of Rajnarayan Basu, Dwijendranath
such imposition of taxes. Tagore and Nabogopal Mitra.
 It was a Social-Cultural organisation.
 But the spirit of Swadeshi that it involved in
 It aimed at receiving the glory of Indian
Civilisation, mobilise the Hindus, especially the the minds of the Bangali's survived, which was
Youth and to cultivate the national language
ideas. subsequently developed during the swadeshi

 The Hindu Mela gradually lost ground unable movement during the early period of twentieth
to cope with the new and complete demands
of the 1880s and 1890s. century.



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