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Basics of Task-2
1.In 2 hours and 45 mins of exam, writing module will be the last task
and you will be given 60 mins to complete both task-1 and task-2.
2.You are supposed to spend 40 to 45 mins on task-2.
3.Task-2(essay) has more score weightage than task-1. So, you
should spend more time on essay to write it well.
4.Before the writing module, you will have reading module and after
finishing reading, you will become tired or lethargic because
reading is a daunting task.
5.That is why, you should begin your writing with task-1.Task-1
contains data with graphs or pictures, so it would be easy for you to
write it without giving burden to your mind. But, for task-2, you have
to thing about ideas and their explanation which is quite hard, so it
would be better to take task-1 first.( do not spend more than 15 to
20 mins on task-1)
6.You are supposed to write at least 250 words in essay;however,
examiner expects you to write more than 250 words.( generally,
260 or 265 words)
7.Your essay should be crisp and clear and easy to understand. You
can write a maximum 300 words in an essay;however,there is no
maximum word limit given in the exam.
8. Do not use contraction words and informal words in the IELTS essay
nor in Task-1. Informal words are not allowed in IELTS WRITING.
9. A contraction is a word made by shortening and combining two
words. Words like can't , don’t, won't and I’ve are all contractions
10.The basic structure of essays: Introduction—> body paragraphs
—> conclusion.


1. Start up phrase or direct topic word expansion ( Paraphrase the

given question)
You can start your intro with a global sentence as well. If you know
how to make a global sentence, only then you should use it in the

• What is a global sentence?

Global sentence is nothing but a general sentence that gives a
basic idea about the topic of the essay.

• Those who have read more than 250 essay are able to write
global sentence. Also, you should be using the global
sentence while writing or practicing the essay.

• For example:
Many people think young people should follow traditions. Others
argue that young people should be free to be individuals. Discuss
both the views and give your opinion.

• Traditions reflect the culture of any country and give an

identity to the people. However, in the era of globalization, the
young population of today tend to follow modern culture instead
of their own. Some people support this view,while others believe
that the younger generation should respect their norms and values
by following their own traditions. In this essay, I will discuss both the
perspectives before forming an opinion.

• The bold sentence above is called a global sentence.( First sentence

is a global sentence related to the essay topic. The 2nd sentence is
made on the thought of the situation. You can absolutely paraphrase
the essay question based on the understanding of the situation
shown in the question. However, it is hard to do when you haven't
read and written plenty of essays.) (You will be seen some examples
of introduction ahead in the pdf in which I have paraphrased the
question by global sentence and situation.) Situation based
paraphrasing is mostly used when the given essay question has only
1 or 2 lines and to reach the word limit(250 words), students need to
make the intro a little bit longer.

2. Question reference:

• What is the question reference?

Responding or answering the main question is called question
reference. ( particularly, the main question is the tail of the essay)

• Do the advantages of this development outweigh the
• Question reference: In my perception, the benefits of this
trend surpass its drawbacks to a major extent.

• Why is it happening? What can be the solutions for it?

• Question reference: There could be many reasons for such an

occurrence;however, a few timely precautions can help to resolve
the situation to a major extent.

3. Thesis statement:

• What is a thesis statement?

Thesis statement is the last line of an intro which basically gives the
direction to the reader about what he is going to read further in the
• Example: My preference will be explained in ensuing paragraphs.


• Nowadays the football supporters behave violently. What is the

cause? How can we solve it?
Intro: Games and sports are an important part of our life which
provide us with abundant entertainment. However, from the past few
decades, the hooliganism in various games has been increased
significantly, especially in football.This has become a serious and
detrimental problem for the society. There are several causes of this
problem; albeit, some measures can be put in place to tackle it. Both
the questions are answered further.

• Some people argue that companies and private individuals, rather

than governments, should pay the bill of pollution. To what extent do
you agree or disagree?
Intro: As environmental contamination has become a grave issue over
the globe, people come up with different opinions to tackle it. Some
opine that industries and private individuals should pay the spending in
curbing pollution, rather than the government. However, I reckon that
both are equally accountable for this problem. My justifications are
explained further.

• Some people say that too much attention and resources are given to
protect wild animals and birds. To what extent do you agree or
Intro: Today, the conservation of wildlife has become an important
issue since some creatures are becoming extinct day-by-day. In this
regard, it is believed by some people that excessive amounts of funds
as well as extreme focus are being provided by authorities and public
in order to save wild species. I, however, reckon that undoubtedly they
are cared greatly, but not ‘a lot’ is being done for them. My preference
is justified further.
Essay types and their structures

1. Discuss both the views and give your opinion (discussion based
• Intro — B1—B2—Conclusion + opinion
| |
90 90
Note: Do not write your opinion in introduction.

2. Do you agree or disagree? (Argumentative essay)

[100% writer’s stand]
• Intro—B1—B2—B3—Conclusion
| | |
100% Other people’s opinion
writer’s position
• For example: Intro—B1—B2—B3—C
| | |
Agree agree disagree(other people’s stand)
• Intro—B1—B2—Conclusion (Partially agree)
| |
50% 50%
writer’s position
Note: You can use this structure “only” when you do not get more ideas
on agree or disagree side or you only get balanced ideas.To not repeat
the sentences,ideas and synonyms, you can use this “optional
structure “.

• For example: Intro—B1—B2—C

| |
(50%) Agree disagree(50%)
• Now, after knowing about this structure, you must be thinking about
“how to write the question reference when I choose this structure?”
• you will be seen some examples of question references for this
structure from my own essays ahead in the pdf:)

3.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(Argumentative

essay) [80% writer’s stand and 20% writer’s stand with some
contrary points]

• Intro—B1—B2—B3—Conclusion
| | |
80% 20% writer’s stand with a few contrary points
Writer’s stand
• For example: Intro—B1—B2—B3—C
| | |
agree agree disagree(20%)
• In this essay type also, you can use that optional structure(50%-50%
stand) or (partially agree) format mentioned above. Only when you
don't have ideas to write the essay with 80-20% stand. However, this
happens very rarely. Most IELTS essays are not that hard.

4. Question based essay [You can be asked anything in this type of

• For instance: What are the reasons behind this trend? Is it a positive
development or negative development?

• Intro—B1—B2—Conclusion
| |
1st 2nd
question’ s answer
• When you are asked questions like below:
1)What are the reasons? Is it a positive development or negative
2) what are the causes? Do the advantages of this outweigh the
• You should write B1 for question 1 which is reasons here. But, you
will take 1 paragraph means B2 for the 2nd question as well. In
question based essay if you are asked these questions given above
you do not need to make 2 or 3 paragraphs for 2nd questions. For
instance, either you will write positives/advantages or negatives/
disadvantages in 2nd paragraph(B2). You do not need to write the
opposite side of your stand.However, if the 2nd questions given
above are asked separately in the essay, they are not called
question based essay and you have to write 3 paragraphs for it.

5. Causes(reasons) and solutions / Causes and effects / Problems

and solutions / Causes and problems.

• Intro—B1—B2—Conclusion
| |
Reasons solutions
or or
Causes Effects
or or
Problems Solutions
or or
Causes Problems

• One body paragraph should have only one main idea. For example, If
you are asked to write causes and effects, then B1 should only
have causes and B2 should only have effects.
6. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?
Do the disadvantages of this outweigh the advantages?
[80%-20% stand]

• Intro—B1—B2—B3—Conclusion
| | |
80% 20%
Advantages Disadvantages
or or
Disadvantages Advantages

• If you do not have enough ideas to write the essay as per the
structure given above, then here also you can take 50-50% stand.

• Intro—B1—B2—C [Optional structure]

| |
50% 50%
Advantages disadvantages

• You will be seen the question reference for this structure ahead in
the pdf:)

7. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

[ Very rarely asked question type in IELTS essay]

• Intro—B1—B2—Conclusion
| |
Advantages Disadvantages
8. Is it a positive or a negative development? [80-20% stand]

• Intro—B1—B2—B3—Conclusion
| | |
80% 20%
Positives Negatives
or or
Negatives positives

• Here also, you can use 50-50% structure,but only when you don’t
have enough ideas to write the essay according to the structure
given above.
• Intro—B1—B2—C
| |
50% 50%
Positives Negatives

9. What is your opinion? OR Give your opinion.

• In this essay type, you should write your opinion in the introduction.
Then, explain your opinion in body paragraphs.

• Intro—B1—B2—Conclusion (100% Writer’s position)

support/explain your opinion

• Intro—B1—B2—B3—C (To a large extent yes/no) [80-20%]

| | | |
80% 20% Towards 80%
• You will be seen examples of this essay type written by me using
both the structures ahead in the pdf.


1. Topic sentence:

• What is the topic sentence?

A simple sentence which gives a clear idea of what you are going to
write in the body paragraph.

Example: 1) Discussing the causes, the prime one is that……

2) The fundamental reason for my inclination is that….
3) Examining the former opinion, supporters claim that…..
Note: Your topic sentence should be crisp and clear.
2. Main point to support your stand.
3. Linker( It is not necessary to use the linkers every time after the
main point, you should use it according to the flow of the essay. And
each body paragraph should have more than 1 main point)
4. Explanation/Example:
(If you don't know how to explain the main point, you can definitely
explain your point by example. However, you are not supposed to do
so in each and every point. 1or 2 points with examples is enough).
Note: One body paragraph should have only one idea. Ex: B1:
Reasons or advantages, B2: Solutions or disadvantages.



1.Concluding linker:
• You should use concluding linkers such as “To conclude” and”In
conclusion”. Linkers like “To recapitulate” can be used only when you
have ability to write 8 or 9 band essays. Do not use linkers like,“To
sum up”, “To summarize”, “To put it in a nutshell”, “Finally”, “In
general”,”In a nutshell”,”Summing up”, in your conclusion. They are
called informal words/linkers in IELTS.
• Students who use “To conclude” and “In conclusion”, also get more
than 7 bands in essay. Remember, only a linker does not decide
your bands in writing task-2. So, do not use any fancy concluding

2. Restate your essay topic

• While restating the topic, you are not supposed to write the same
sentences given in the questions, you have to paraphrase.
3.Main points of B1 and B2
4.Your opinion.
• You should write your opinion in conclusion. Your opinion should be
in favor of what is your stand in intro, means what is your question


Discuss both the views and give your opinion.

• B1: Discussing the former view, supporters claim that…….
• B2: However, proponents of the latter opinion state/voice/believe
•Conclusion: To conclude and offer my position,……..
Do you agree or disagree?
•B1: The primary reason to support my view/opinion is that….
•B2: To add to this/Moreover/Furthermore,……
•B3: However, some people opine/believe that…….

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

• B1: The primary/prime/prominent reason to support my view/opinion
is that…..
• B2: To add to this,……
• B3: However, I cannot overlook the downside/positive side of

Causes and solutions OR Problems and solutions.

• B1: Discussing the reasons/causes/problems, the first and the
foremost one/ the prominent one/ the prime one is that….
• B2: However, some measures/ remedies can be put in place to
solve/ tackle the issue/problem.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

• B1: Discussing the advantages/benefits/merits, the prime one is,

• B2: To add to this,…..
• B3: However, some drawbacks of this situation/trend/development
cannot be overlooked/ignored/denied.

Question based essay:

• For example: 1) Causes 2) Is it a positive or a negative
• B1: Discussing the causes, the prime one is that…..
• B2: Further explaining my viewpoint, as mentioned, I consider it as a

• For example: 1) Causes 2) Do the advantages of this outweigh the

• B1: Discussing the causes,…
• B2: Further explaining my viewpoint,as mentioned, I consider it as
an advantage or disadvantage.

• For example: 1) Causes 2) effects

• B1: Discussing the causes/reasons….
• B2: There are several effects this has caused. The prime one is
•For example: Some people think that economic progress is the only
way to measure a country’s success. While others think that there
are other factors, which can be used to measure a country’s
success. What are these factors? And among them, which one is
more important than others? [18th January,2020]
•Question reference: There are several factors which define the
prosperity of the nation; and I will pick out the most significant one
among them ahead in the essay.
• Thesis statement: Both the questions are answered further.
• B1: Discussing the factors, the first one is….
• B2: The another factor is…
• B3: Furthermore, (factor) is ….
• In this essay, you should write the most important factor in the
• You will be seen this whole essay ahead in the pdf.

Is it a positive or a negative development?

• B1: There are several/many advantages of this change/situation/
trend. To begin with….
• B2: To add to this….
• B3: However, some detriments/negatives/drawbacks of this change/
situation cannot be ignored.

What is your opinion? OR Give your opinion.

• B1: The first reason to support my opinion is that…..
• B2: Furthermore,…



Discussion based essay:

• Question reference: In this essay, I will discuss both the perspective
before forming an opinion.
• Ahead of my perception, both the sides will be discussed.
• Note: In this essay type, you are not supposed to write a thesis
statement. Here, the question reference is the thesis statement

Do you agree or disagree?

• Structure: Intro—B1—B2—B3—C
• Question reference: I totally agree/disagree with this statement.
• Thesis statement: My preference will be explained in the ensuing

• Structure: Intro—B1—B2—C [Optional structure]

•This structure does not have any decided question reference.
Because you have to write it according to the question and your
thought.(This sort of question reference also applies to “to what
extent do you agree or disagree” type of essay) Here, I am gonna
give you the example of it:
•Question: Everyone should become a vegetarian because they do not
need to eat meat to have a healthy diet. To what extent do you agree
or disagree? OR Do you agree or disagree?
•Question reference: I believe that a non-vegetarian diet is as essential
as a green diet since both are equally advantageous for being
• Thesis will be the same as given above.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

• Question reference: To a major extent I support this statement or To
a major extent I agree/disagree with this statement.
• Thesis statement: My opinion/stand/preference will be justified/
explained/elucidated in the ensuing paragraphs.

Question based essay:

• Example: Why is this happening? What can be done to deal with
this situation?
• Question reference: There are several reasons behind this
situation;however, some measures can be put in place to tackle the
• Example : What are the causes? Is it a positive or a negative
• Q.R: There are many reasons for such a change/trend; and I believe
this as a drawback/ merit rather than being an advantage/demerit.
• Example: Effects? Do the advantages of this outweigh the
• Q.R: There are several effects this has caused; and I think this has
more advantages rather than disadvantages.
• Thesis is the same for each one: Both the questions are answered in
ensuing paragraphs.

Causes and solutions/Causes and effects/Problems and solutions/

Causes and problems:
• Question reference and thesis statement would be the same as
given above.

Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

• Q.R: In my perception, the benefits/drawbacks of this surpass its

demerits/merits to a major extent.
• T.S: My preference will be explained in ensuing paragraphs.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages.

• Q.R: The situation has many merits and demerits.
• T.S: Both will be discussed further.

Is it a positive or a negative development?

• Q.R: In my opinion, this has more positives/advantages rather than
detriments/negatives to a major extent.
• T.S: My preference will be discussed in the ensuing paragraph.
What is your opinion? Or Give your opinion.
• In this essay type your question reference will be according to your
• For example: Many countries spend a lot of money in art. Some
people think investment in art is necessary, but others say
money is better spent on improving health and education. What
is your opinion?
• Structure: Intro—B1—B2—C [100% writer’s position]:
• Q.R: I strongly believe that money should be spent on people’s
well-being and education as they are called the backbone of
any nation.
• T.S: My opinion will be explained in ensuing paragraphs.
• Structure: Intro—B1—B2—B3—C [80-20% stand]:
• Q.R: To a major extent I reckon that public funds should be spent on
health and education rather than investing on arts.
• T.S: My preference will be elucidated in ensuing paragraphs.

Sample essays

Many animal species in the world are becoming extinct nowadays.

Some people say that countries and individuals should protect these
animals from dying out, while others say we should concentrate
more on problems of human beings. Discuss both the views and
give your opinion.

• The conservation of endangered animals has become an important

issue which needs to be put in consideration. Because the extinction
of wildlife has been increasing significantly from the past few
decades. Some people support this view of animal
preservation;however,others oppose it by saying that humans have
several problems which should be given more attention. In this
essay, I will discuss both perspectives before forming an opinion.

• Discussing the former view, supporters claim that animals are an

essential part of our ecosystem. If animals will die off, the balance of
life on earth will disrupt. For instance, nowadays, we can hardly see
the bats around us because they are becoming extinct. Such bat
species help to control insects' population. If they die, there will be
no control on the population of insects. As a result, such species of
insects will destroy the crops and we will have nothing to
eat. Moreover, researchers try many experiments and medicines on
creatures and find vaccines to cure severe diseases. Thus, the loss
of any species can affect us directly or indirectly.

• Conversely, the latter opinion has its own arguments. The believers
reason that in many countries people are still facing different issues:
Poverty, unemployment, hunger, lack of education, malnourishment
and terrorism. If the government allocates a proper budget on these
matters and looks after some major problems, individuals can live a
better life. Besides, the environmental deterioration has become a
serious concern for the globe which also requires attention. In many
regions of the world, people are suffering from severe diseases and
due to lack of money they are unable to get proper medical

• To conclude and offer my position, I believe that we should take

some certain steps to save extinct animal species as they are an
integral part of our nature and have always been helpful to humans.
Undoubtedly, human issues cannot be ignored, yet they are solvable
with few efforts. But, it might be too late to protect some animals if
people will not give proper attention to them.
In a number of countries, some people think it is necessary to
spend large sums of money on constructing new railway lines for
very fast trains between cities. Others believe the money should be
spent on improving existing public transport. Discuss both the views
and give your opinion.

• When the question regarding funding the mode of transport crops up,
some are of the viewpoint that it is essential to reserve funds to build
infrastructure for speed trains connecting cities;whereas, the other
group solicits that money should be spent to develop public
transit that is already existing. Therefore, ahead of my stand, both
the opinions would be discussed.

• Analyzing the former opinion, people in favor state that compared to

any other transport options,trains can carry a great number of
passengers and goods at a time. Budget on fast trains would help in
a big way to reduce traffic congestion and build efficient
communication systems between cities. It cannot be denied that
trains are safer, eco-friendly, time-friendly and more comfortable.
Besides this, it is widely accepted that railways have helped in
building economies. The best examples are China and India, where
faster trains have accelerated the pace of economy as the
government has allotted a larger amount to put new railway lines for
fast trains.

• Conversely, those supporting the second view have their own

arguments. Most importantly, the supporters reason that the mass
transit system plays a vital role in interconnecting various parts of a
city. To be true, the highest percentages use this established
communication system. Though trains can improve communication,
the existing roadways, street cars and other options hardly have any
alternative. As a matter of fact, the existing public transport is
designed as per that city’s requirement; and therefore, improving this
would be more than a blessing and so reserving a substantial
amount for this is appropriate.

• To conclude and offer my position, I believe that the amount on

developing modes of transportation must be fairly distributed and
as per the need. The overall expansion in development of the
transport system must be the purpose.

Many countries construct modern buildings to give a good view of

towns and cities. Some people say that countries should make new
buildings with traditional style to preserve their culture as a part of
their identity. Do you agree or disagree?

• From the past few decades, the advancement in architecture has

been increasing dramatically. Therefore, buildings are being
constructed in modern ways to make the cities and towns more
appealing. However, a few individuals are of the opinion that nations
should adopt the conventional ways to make new buildings in order
to give an identity to the place by preserving their culture. I strongly
disagree with the given statement. My opinion will be justified in
ensuing paragraphs.

• The first reason to support my position is that modern style buildings

are need of the day. There is a scarcity of land in most large cities
and to meet the needs of a growing population, tall buildings are
required. These skyscrapers occupy a small area of land while
providing lots of floor space where maximum people can work or
live. Moreover, there would be no need for deforestation to provide
more land. This would be a great step to protect our environment.

• To add to this, contemporary buildings are more durable and stable.

This is because, they are made of materials such as metals,
concrete and glass due to which they are strong enough to survive in
earthquakes and other natural calamities too. Furthermore, building
of traditional style buildings takes longer and requires hiring higher-
skilled designers and workers. This can add significant construction
cost and consequently they would become more expensive for
people to buy and live.

• However, some individuals believe that we should not overlook the

importance of traditional architecture. As such buildings represent
our culture, every country should preserve the already existing
historic buildings. These buildings can boost the economy of the
country by attracting tourists. For example, various forts and
historic places in Rajasthan, India are being used to attract tourism
which has increased the country’s economy.

• In conclusion, it can be eventually commented that buildings should

be built in today’s contemporary styles rather than in older ways.
These modern style buildings are the need of the day and provide
longer durability as well as stability. Albeit, to give an identity to a
place and enhance the tourism industry, historic buildings should be
preserved in every city.

Some people say that the public funds should be spent on

promoting healthy living rather than on the treatment of people who
are ill. Do you agree or disagree?

• It has been rightly said that prevention is better than cure. Therefore,
some individuals reckon that the government should spend public
money on encouraging people to live a healthy life rather than on the
cure of patients. I strongly support this opinion. My preference will be
explained in ensuing paragraphs.

• Spending public funds on developing a healthy lifestyle has several

benefits. To begin with, the foremost advantage is likely to get to the
individuals. Because, many people, today, are following a sedentary
lifestyle and are not aware about its consequences. Having
unhealthy fast food and physical inactivity can cause severe
diseases: Obesity, diabetes and heart disease. If the government
starts some health awareness campaigns, by using public taxes,
masses would become health conscious and lead a better life. For
example, Pulse Polio is an immunization campaign established by
the government of India, to eliminate poliomyelitis in the country by
vaccinating all children under the age of five years, against the polio
virus. Today, India has become a 100% polio free nation because of
this project.

• Furthermore, it is true that most of the expensive treatments have

little chance for patients to survive. Therefore, sometimes it can be a
waste of time and money to invest on them. So, using money to help
more people keep healthy would be a wise consideration.
Apart from this, today most medical doctors neither have time nor
they are paid to teach patients about health through diet and
exercise. And that is why taking the help from pervasive media such
as TV and radio can be more effective for the government to spread
consciousness among citizens.

• However, some people are of the viewpoint that it would be unfair to

not put efforts for the treatment of people who are already sick.
Everyone has the right to fight for their lives even though there is
little hope to get well. Moreover, there are some diseases, which are
not dependent on lifestyle, such as some cancers. Also, people who
are suffering from severe diseases need some special medical
treatment with the latest diagnostic equipment and MRI scans. Since
the government is made by people and work for them, it is the
fundamental duty of authority to establish a perfect healthcare
system to facilitate the individuals to get rid of their health problems.

• In conclusion, it can be reiterated that public money should be

invested on people to encourage them to live a healthy life. Although
it is unreasonable to ignore patients who are already ill, yet the
health budget diverted towards the prevention of diseases would be
definitely worthwhile. This would automatically reduce the cost of
treatment as the nation would become more healthier by doing so.

Some people claim that traditional games had more benefits for
children than modern games. To what extent do you agree or

• Some people are of the viewpoint that the time-honored conventional

games for children offer more rewards compared to the
contemporary kinds. I acknowledge this to a major extent. My
preference will be justified in ensuing paragraphs.

• The fundamental reason for my inclination is that traditional games

attribute cognitive development in children. For instance, when
children play marbles or chess, they would come up with strategies
and tactics to counter their opponents. This encourages children to
learn to resolve their challenges independently. Moreover, unlike the
modern games, which are more virtual, the traditional games make
children meet, interact, and communicate one-to-one or in a team.
This instills virtues as teamwork, art of communication, recognizing
personality types and understanding people by observation.

• To add to this, it is also true that there are social and physical merits
attached to traditional games. These games provide children to
strengthen their communication and cooperation skills on one hand;
while on the other hand, most games require dexterity and quite a
few body movements such as swinging of arms, walking fast,
running, jumping and other stretching. This encourages exercise and
enhances eye-hand coordination.

• However, I would also not overlook the positives of the modern

games. The new-age games can definitely improve attention,
concentration and mental agility. These games are undoubtedly a
great source of learning. It has been observed that by playing
modern games, the brain receives multiple stimulations in both,
audio and visual form.

• In conclusion, it can be eventually commented that indeed the claim

that traditional games have more benefits for children compared to
the modern types hold rational to a major extent . It offers social,
physical and cognitive rewards which are most essential for
development in children.
In the last century when a human astronaut first arrived on the
moon he said: “ It is a big step for mankind”. But some people think
it makes little difference to our daily life. To what extent do you
agree or disagree?

• When a man first landed on the moon nearly half a century ago, he
stated that humanity has taken a giant leap toward the road of
excellence. But some individuals believe that traveling to outer
space has not made any significant impact on human lives. To a
large extent I disagree with this statement. My preference will be
explained in ensuing paragraphs.

• The prime reason to support my opinion is that research of space

prompts us to protect the earth. To be more precise, we can observe
the global environmental condition through satellites which help us to
resolve deterioration in the environment. Moreover, communication
satellites can be used to communicate in remote areas with the use
of satellite phones and to provide internet service in every corner of
the globe. Space navigation technologies will help humans to find
another planets for living. The knowledge about space and other
planets will assist scientists to find other options apart from earth
because it cannot be predicted that how long our planet will be alive.

• To add to this, people can get employment in the space research

sector which in turn affects the economy of the country in a positive
way. For example, Nasa strengthened the U.S economy by creating
new businesses and jobs, supporting critical industries and attracting
students to science and engineering. Furthermore, space
experiments can inspire students to study aeronautics, engineering
and astronomy and so they can make a career in these fields.
Researchers of space can detect the outer space dangers through
special telescopes and satellites which will also protect our earth.

• However, investment on space projects is less essential than other

problems humans have. Today, the world is suffering from various
issues: Pollution, poverty, lack of education, malnourishment, hunger
and terrorism. Therefore, instead of wasting money on space
programs, the government should give more priority to other
problems. Also, space travel can be dangerous. Every astronaut has
to deal with potential risks to their lives. For instance, astronaut
Kalpana Chawla lost her life while returning to earth from the moon.

• In conclusion, it can be eventually commented that lunar landing is a

great step for mankind and space exploration has affected our life in
an affirmative manner. Navigation of the universe cannot only help to
defend our planet but also boosts the nation's economy. The
demerits of it can be negligible if it makes our life more secure and

Environmental problems such as pollution and climatic variations

are increasing nowadays. The governments have taken some
measures at a global level. But they got only a few solutions. Why is
it so? How can this problem be solved?

• Problems regarding the environment are the result of human

activities, which are growing at an alarming rate, these days.
Although some steps are taken by global authorities, no promising
remedies have been found out to tackle the issue. There are various
causes behind this; however, some measures can be put in place to
deal with the problem. Both the questions are answered in ensuing

• Discussing the reasons, the prime one is that people do not follow
the policies made by the government to protect the environment,
such as ban on plastic bags and cut down trees. Although
environmental pollution is a global concern, its impact is not going to
be the same for every country. Therefore, some nations do not place
the environmental issues so high on the priority list. Moreover, when
some steps are taken for the protection of the environment, they
affect adversely on the economy. For instance, despite having many
benefits of solar power, it is still considerably costlier than thermal
• However, it is important to take some steps to mitigate this problem.
To begin with, government of every country should put some specific
fine to those, who break the rules of environmental defense. To add
to this, every country should contribute to save nature, whether it is
affected by its problems or not, as it is a global issue and can be
solved by joint endeavors. Some nations should help other nations
who cannot afford solar power and other renewable sources, by
giving financial support. So that they can also contribute in saving

• To conclude, it can be finally commented that because of some

reasons such as people’s recklessness towards the environment,
some country’s less efforts and impact on economy of some nations,
we have not got many resolutions. Albeit, putting fine on rule
breakers, helping other countries to make them able to buy
renewable resources and joint efforts can definitely help to find
solutions to save the environment.

The percentage of overweight children in western society has

increased by almost 20% in the last ten years. Discuss the causes
and effects of this disturbing trend.

• Over the last ten years, western societies have seen close to a 20%
rise in the number of children who are overweight. There are several
reasons behind this trend; and it has caused various impacts. Both
the questions are answered in ensuing paragraphs.

• Discussing the causes, the prominent one is poor diet. From the past
few years, there has been a prolific increase in the number of fast
food restaurants: MacDonald’s, Burger king, Subway and Pizza hut.
The food in these places has been proven to be unhealthy, and
much of the advertising is targeted at children, thus ensuring that
they constitute the bulk of the customers of these establishments.
Another reason is ready-made meals. This sort of food are quick and
easy option for parents who are working and have not time to cook.
Furthermore, majority of children, nowadays, are following
sedentary lifestyle. They do not like to go out and play outdoor
games. Their physical inactivity makes them overweight.

• The effects of this have been and will continue to be very serious. To
begin with, there has been a large increase in health related
diseases such as diabetes, amongst children. This debilitating illness
means a child has to be injected with insulin for the rest of their life.
Not only this, very overweight children often experience bullying from
other children, which may affect their mental health. The negative
stigma of being overweight may also affect self

• In conclusion, it can be commented that poor and unhealthy diet and

sedentary lifestyle are the reasons for such a trend; and a variety of
negative effects such as health related diseases, bullying by other
children and losing self-esteem, it has caused. I believe that society
must ensure that steps are taken to prevent this problem from
deteriorating further.

Nowadays, an increasing number of people change their careers

during their working life period. What are the reasons behind this
trend? Is it a positive or a negative development?

• It has been repeatedly observed that these days surging numbers

change their career path during their professional journey. There are
some reasons for such a swing; and I believe this as a drawback
rather than being an advantage. Both the questions are answered in
ensuing paragraphs.

• Discussing the causes, the prime is that an incorrect career

decision. Several times people take professional decisions based on
employment prospects and payment,however, they later realize their
own interest and aptitude towards a certain type of work. Therefore,
they change their careers. Another rational explanation is a change
in an individual's lifestyle. This is to say that for instance, some look
for family friendly jobs. Women with small children or those who
have more social responsibilities change careers to suit their
situations. On the contrary, a few others wish to work more hours, so
that they can fulfill their financial liabilities. Such reasons drive
people to change their careers.

• further explaining my viewpoint, as mentioned, I consider it as

detrimental. To begin with, I perceive that such alterations may lead
to lack of expertise in a particular field. It is a fact that it takes a long
time to build skills and expertise in a specific work; and therefore,
when people keep diverting, they fail to reach a skilled level. To add
to this, such swinging can drive individuals to financial instability.
People who keep changing careers, may not be well remunerated
compared to those who are consistent over the years. They also do
not qualify for good retirement work and other professional benefits.

• In conclusion, it can be finally commented that in today’s world an

increasing number of people are switching their careers over the
period of time for comfortable work alike, better opportunities or a
good work life balance. However, my reasons convince that the
disadvantages of such a pattern outweigh its advantages.

Some people think that economic progress is the only way to

measure a country’s success. While others think that there are other
factors, which can be used to measure a country’s success. What are
these factors? And among them, which one is more important than
others? (18TH JANUARY,2020 IELTS EXAM)

• It is irrefutable that economic progress is one yardstick of determining

a country’s success, but there is a range of other known economic
factors such as Literacy rate (LR), Infant mortality rate (IMR), Life
expectancy at birth (LEB), and Environment performance index (EPI),
which can be used to judge the well-being of a nation. This essay shall
delve into all such factors and also pick out the most significant one.
• Economic progress, or in other words, the GDP has traditionally been
the benchmark for determining the growth of a country. The true
measure of success, however, is to determine how much of this
economic growth is reaching the weakest sections of the society. A
successful measure of development should represent the life of an
average person in a country. It should measure the quality of life of
all citizens.

• One important factor is the literacy rate. For example, a country like
Cuba has low GDP but less than 1% of its population is illiterate. As
a consequence, there is less crime and hence people enjoy a
peaceful existence. Another factor is primary health care. This can
be judged by the infant mortality rate, and the life expectancy at
birth. If people receive good healthcare at the primary level, they are
happier. Their productivity of work increases, and they lead a
comfortable life.

• Furthermore, the environmental performance index (EPI) is also an

index of mapping the success. For instance, Costa Rica has a low
GDP, but its people are considered to be the happiest in the world.
This is perhaps because it ranks 5th in the world in the EPI.

• In conclusion, ‘ Literacy Rate’ is the most important factor to measure

the success of a nation, GDP is just a mathematical value,and does
not take into consideration many of the factors that affect a person’s
well-being and thus a nation’s well-being.

[ The essay above is copied from “Makkar essay 2019 edition”

and not written by me.]

At the present time, the population of some countries includes a

relatively large number of young adults, compared with the
number of older people. Do the advantages of this situation
outweigh the disadvantages?
• It has been largely observed that in the recent years, many countries
have bigger numbers of young people compare to the elderly
population. In my perception, the benefits of this situation surpass its
drawbacks to a major extent. My preference is explained in the
ensuing paragraphs.

• The foremost reward of such a situation is the positive impact on the

country’s economy. It is the fact that young people are dynamic,
energetic and enthusiastic; and this helps to contribute to production
and job sectors. They make, what is called, “an active workforce”.
Moreover, with young minds come fresh new ideas. This is to say
that there would be more experiments, innovations and discoveries.
These innovative applications help the country to progress.

• In addition to this, it also cannot be denied that the young minds can
learn quicker and are ready to be moulded. This means that with a
large number of youth, the nation accelerates its progress and can
widen their prospects in many fields. An apt example is India. The
country has geared up its economy in almost every sector due to its
dynamic young workforce. Besides this, the young people are the
earning members in the family units on whom children and the
elderly are dependent.

• Conversely, there are a few detriments to a lesser number of older

people. The country shall lack the experience and other knowledge
to guide the young population. The virtues are predictive insight,
decision making, troubleshooting and training skills we usually
imparted by the seniors.

• In conclusion, it can be eventually commented that some nations do

have more number of young population and this has indeed more
merits for a country to progress, innovate and pouring with new
ideas, than being a negative.
Research has shown that spending much less time in office can
reduce the use of energy (for example gas and electricity). Thus
some companies close for some days a week. Do the advantages
of this development outweigh the disadvantages?

• It has been researched that reducing working hours in offices can

help save the energy resources: Electricity and gas. Therefore, in
most countries, some big companies have resorted to keeping a
day-off at their office promises. In my perception, the benefits of this
trend surpass its drawbacks to a major extent. My preference is
explained in the ensuing paragraphs.

• Discussing the merits, the first and the foremost one is that it can
decrease the office expenses such as electricity bills, water bills and
fuel costs. Furthermore, if employees would get some days off every
week, they would get more leisure time which can improve their
productivity. Besides this, commuting of office workers and
movement of office vehicles will be reduced. Consequently, air
pollution can be lessen at some extent as well as fuel costs can be

• To add to this, in this fast paced life, it has become very important to
spend some quality time with family and friends. Due to cutthroat
competition and materialistic desires, people have become
workaholics and are failing to draw a line between work and leisure.
These day-offs can give them time for themselves and their

• However, this change in work life can affect the employees and
companies. Industries can lose some clients and have to face
some losses as there are many competitors in the market.
Moreover, shortened workweek can reduce the earnings of
employees, especially those who work on daily wages.

• In conclusion, it can be eventually commented that shorter

workweeks can be very beneficial for companies and employees.
This development can reduce office expenditure, increase work
productivity, minimize air pollution, save fuel costs and individuals
would get some free time to spend with family. Although a few
detrimental effects it has on company and employees, they can be

Countries are becoming more and more similar because people are
able to buy the same products anywhere in the world. Do you think
this is a positive or a negative development?

• It is no surprise that in today’s world, the similarities among the

countries are undoubtedly increasing owing to the fact that people
have access to purchase the same products in any corner of the
world. To a major extent I perceive this as rewarding. My preference
is explained further.

• The most important reason for my belief is that this phenomenon,

which is usually called globalization, boosts a country’s economy.
When there is a need for the goods to travel to destinations, it
significantly improves the import-export sector in a country. This
brings the foreign revenue in flux and also creates more
employment. Such businesses help the country in economic

• Furthermore, globalization radically enhances people’s lifestyle.

People are happy and contented when they are able to buy quality
products at their doorsteps and that too at competitive prices. As a
result, the commercial culture gap diminishes globally.

• However, there are a few detriments too. To begin with, it is also true
that the concept of globalization can have a setback for the
indigenous market. For instance, in many countries the international
food chains as KFCs and MacDonald’s take over the traditional
market. This happens for several other products too. Consequently,
the local market may get disturbed.
• In conclusion, it can be stated that indeed with globalization, people
can now buy the same products anywhere in the world. Although
there can be a few drawbacks, such a trend not only improves the
economy of a country, but also makes people happy buyers.

In the modern world, it is possible to shop,work and communicate

with people via the internet and live without any face-to-face contact
with others. Is it a positive or a negative development.

• The feasibility of shopping, working and communicating through the

internet is gradually eliminating the necessity of in-person
encounters. To a major extent I believe that the merits of this
opportunity outnumber its demerits. My preference will be elucidated
in ensuing paragraphs.

• One chief benefit of using the internet as a means of making

purchases, working and communicating would be the lowered
demand for transport, through eradicating the need for face-to-face
contact. Such decreased volume of transportation would result in
fewer harmful gas emissions which could significantly contribute to
creating a cleaner environment. Furthermore, reduced commuting
burden yields more free time for individuals. It could be spent in
various ways such as working, studying and socializing with family
and friends to name a few, which would be more productive and

• Another key merit of using the internet would be the emergence of

state-of-the-art telecommunication applications. These technologies
have made it possible for those with access to the internet to get in
touch and send and receive audiovisual content by pushing just a
few buttons. This presents a stark contrast to the
situation only a few decades ago, when long-distance
communication was possible solely through paper-based letters,
which could possibly take months to reach the recipient.
• There are, however, some drawbacks to online communication, in
particular the possibility that the lack of contact brought by
technological advancements could potentially weaken human bonds.
Taking into consideration that humans are social species, this could
pose a dire threat to our mental health. This predicament, however,
would be mitigated by the extra free time technological
developments create for us . This free time could be spent with
friends and family and in the long run would strengthen our
relationships and improve our emotional wellbeing.

• To recapitulate, the internet is demolishing the need for person-to-

person contact brings about numerous benefits. A more sustainable
environment as well as more free time generated for individuals, a
reduced need to commute in addition to the feasibility of conducting
long-distance communication in the easiest way possible, are all
instances of the above-mentioned merits.

[ This essay is given 8 bands and that is why the candidate has
used “ to recapitulate” as a concluding linker.]

Adult youths are often called up for working for the development of
communities. Do you think they should work voluntarily or should
they get paid? Give your opinion. (100% writer’s stand)

• The development of communities requires the vibrant energy of

young blood. There are many programs requiring voluntary work in
most communities, where the young could help. I firmly believe that
monetary incentives should be there to ascertain the involvement of
the young adults in such ventures. My preference will be justified

• The most important reason for making the voluntary work being paid
is that today's youth need some pocket money to satiate their
material desires. As it is, the youngsters are lured by the glamour of
the consumerist society. This paid voluntary work would give them a
chance to earn some of those things, and needless to say it would
benefit the community. In other words, it would be a win-win situation
for both sides. Moreover , it would reduce petty crime, as some
youngsters resort to unethical ways to get those things. So, an
incentive is needed to increase their compliance for voluntary work.

• To add to this , today's youngsters have very sedentary lifestyles.

They have to be motivated to go out and do some physical activity.
When they are involved in community work, they have a positive
outlet for their pent up energy. Just going to the discos and hanging
out with friends, is such a waste of their energy. If they know they
would be paid for something, they would do it willingly and it would
be channelizing their energy in the right direction.

• Furthermore , this monetary incentive would make them put their

best into whatever work they have to do. Some youngsters may also
find future career options in such work, which would definitely be
very helpful for all communities. Unpaid work would be done half-
heartedly and may not bring the results, which are expected.

• To conclude, it can be reiterated that the youth should be paid if

they do voluntary work. The monetary incentive may be the barest
minimum, but it should definitely be there.
[ The essay above is copied from “ Makkar IELTS 2019 edition”.
But, I have made some necessary changes while writing it. It is
to inform you that you should not write conclusion as given
above, it is too short, albeit you already have many examples of
conclusion from my sample essays. This is rarely asked essay
type in IELTS; however, it is better to know enough about it.]

School teachers used to be the source of information; however,

some people argue that teachers are not as important as before as
the increasing variety of information resources. What is your
opinion? ( 80-20% stand )

• Earlier, Educators were called the information source. Some people

think that teachers have lost their importance in education because
of the wide resources such as the internet. To a major extent I
believe that teachers are as important as before and even more so.
My preference will be explained in ensuing paragraphs.

• The first reason to support my opinion is that in learning and practice

of more complex ideas, the computer is not adequate. It can tell if
the answer is right or wrong but it cannot tell where the student went
wrong. Tasks involving reasoning cannot be taught using computers.
Moreover, teachers add their own knowledge gained through
experience to that of books and other resources.

• To add to this, teachers can stimulate interest and it is an undeniable

fact that interested stimulated people tend to learn more. They can
keep students focused on study. A student studying by himself may
get bored and stop studying. Teachers can provide a faster and
simpler way to present information to the students. They can come
down to the level of a student and so are definitely better than
computers. Furthermore, teachers are role models for students.
They are scholars in action. They not only teach academic subjects,
but also many social skills.

• However, computers and the internet have made possible distance

education and online education. In this regard, computers are a boon
for the handicapped, those living in remote areas and those in jobs.
They can study any time of the day or night because of the
internet. This has made education approachable for many who
cannot for some reason or the other attend a college or university.

• To conclude, It can be commented that teachers are still as vital as

they were before. There is no doubt that modern resources have
changed education from a teacher-oriented one to a student-
centered one, but teachers will always hold their importance and can
never be replaced by any technology.

[ The essay above is copied from “ Makkar IELTS 2019 edition”.

But, I have made some necessary changes while writing it. It is
to inform you that you should not write conclusion as given
above, although it is not short, yet it is not written in the proper
format.This is rarely asked essay type in IELTS; however, it is
better to know enough about it.]


Everyone should become vegetarian because they do need to eat

meat to have a healthy diet. To what extent do you agree or

• It has been controversial whether people should follow a vegetarian

diet or not. Some opine that a plant-based diet contains a large
amount of nutrients and proteins. Therefore, everyone should
become herbivorous because meat is not necessarily important for
them as a healthy diet. However, I reckon that a non-vegetarian diet
is as essential as a green diet since both are equally advantageous
for being healthy. My preference will be explained in ensuing

• It is unquestionable that vegetarian food has immense benefits. To

begin with, vegans are relatively healthier than meat-eaters.
Individuals who solely take plant-based diet are less
likely to become prey of different diseases : Obesity, hypertension,
diabetes, cancer and heart diseases. Moreover, plant sources of
food such as fruits, vegetables, dry fruits and beans provide ample
vitamins, magnesium and folic acid. Also, they are rich in fiber and
easy to digest which impacts positively on our digestive system.
Meat, on the other hand, can be difficult to digest and contains
saturated fat which contributes to higher cholesterol levels. To cite an
example, a vast array of studies from top universities and
independent researchers has found that eating chickens, cows and
other animals promotes cancer in many forms.

• However, I cannot overlook the positives of non-vegetarian food. The

primary reason to eat meat is that it is a rich source of zinc, which is
vital for muscle growth and repair, and the building muscle mass.
Furthermore, there are some professions where daily calories
needed are much higher and this amount of energy can only be
taken from a diet based on meat. Therefore, relying totally upon
vegetarian food is not possible for all. It has been researched that
fish contains ten times more amino acids as compared to fifty grams
of almonds.

• In conclusion, it can be reiterated that vegans should not avoid non-

veg food as it also plays an indispensable role in a healthy meal.
Undoubtedly, meat-free diet provides several nutrients and keep the
people healthy, yet given advantages of non veg cannot be ignored.
If, in my opinion, individuals adopt a balanced diet, they would not
face any deficiency regarding health.

[ You can use the same structure for “do you agree or disagree”
essay type. The structure of both argumentative essays is the
same when you take 50-50% stand.]

Online education and training is becoming increasingly popular in

the business world. Do the advantages of this development
outweigh the disadvantages?

• Enthusiasm for digital technology is at an all-time high,not least in

the workplace as companies around the world turn to internet based
training to keep their employees abreast of all the latest
developments. As with all new trends, there is some debate about
whether this transition is for the best.

• One key reason for this move away from more traditional training
methods is the fact that e-learning offers businesses the opportunity
to reduce their expenditure significantly. Providing face-to-face
training can be exorbitantly expensive, particularly in terms of travel
costs and lost productivity, and online courses can greatly reduce the
expense of keeping employees well-informed and up-to-date.
Computer-based training renders geographical location irrelevant
and this eliminates the need to pay an instructor to travel to your
office or cover the cost of sending your employees to a training
centre. It also minimizes the amount of time wasted. From a purely
financial perspective, there is no doubt that this shift to digital
learning makes perfect sense.

• However, research suggests that the quality and effectiveness of

web-based courses lag behind the efficacy of those delivered in a
classroom setting. People crave interaction and while digital training
courses may offer a welcome addition to a company’s professional
development plan, many educators believe that they should be used
to complement rather than replace instructor-led sessions. Some
subjects matter such as compliance training is well-suited to an
online format whereas management or leadership courses which
are more collaborative in nature, are best taught ‘in person’. Many
companies are starting to implement ‘blended learning’ programs
which aim to combine the best of both worlds.

• In conclusion, although the rise of computer-based education is very

attractive in terms of reducing overheads, for the moment at least,
more traditional training still has its place in the workplace. The
challenge for businesses is to find the right balance between the two.

[ The essay given above is written by my tutor who taught me

IELTS. It is checked by British Council and has got 9 bands.]

In some countries it is illegal for companies to reject job

applicants for their age. Is it a positive or a negative

• Many countries have a maximum age limit prescribed for hiring in a

specific job. The topic is being hotly debated whether it is wrong to
reject a prospective employee on the basis of their age. I think this
development has advantages as well as disadvantages. My
preference will be explained in ensuing paragraphs.

• On the one hand, it is acceptable not to hire an employee after

attaining a specific age. There are ample reasons why companies
refrain from an employee who is beyond a specific age due to
scientific factors. There are some scientific theories which claim that
it is difficult for a human mind to process or store information after
attaining a specific age. As such many companies prefer having
someone younger to take over a specific role because it is easier to
train them and are more open to new challenges.

• On the other hand, many organizations prefer someone who has

considerable experience in a specific area to cater to the needs of
the organization. There are many benefits of having an elder
employee than their younger counterparts as with age comes
experience. Furthermore, they can utilize their learning and
implement their mind in a better manner. Moreover, one should not
be discriminated against anyone on any basis. There may be certain
areas where the age and exposure plays a pivotal role and in no
manner can be substituted.
• In conclusion, there should be no bias towards the person on the
basis of age. One should take into consideration the pros and cons
of hiring a person for a specific post and also consider that age is just
a number and many times the experience is important.

[ This essay is copied from a website. It is meant to give you the

idea that how to write this essay type with optional structure]


• What is collocation?
A combination of words in a language, that happens very often and
more frequently than would happen by chance.
1. Adverb+adjective
• Richly decorated
• Fully aware
• Utterly stupid

2. Adjective+noun
• Regular exercise
• Maiden voyage
• Excruciating pain

3. Noun+noun
• Round of applause
• Ceasefire agreement
• Bars of soap

4. Noun+verb
• Dog barking
• Plane took off
• Bomb went off

5. Verb+noun
• Committing murder
• making my bed
• give a presentation

6. Verb+expression with preposition

• Run out of money
• Burst into tears
• Filled with horror
7. Verb+adverb
• Whispered softly
• Vaguely remember
• Press gently


1. Boost confidence
2. Celebrate achievement
3. Maintain balance
4. Increase amount
5. Imitate accent
6. Improve appearance
7. Offer assistance
8. Place advertisement
9. Protect children
10. Prohibit smoking
11. Reduce chance
12. Set agenda
13. Strengthen ability
14. Decrease significantly
15. Exorbitantly expensive
16. Absorb information
17. Break contract
18. Allocate fund
19. Affect life
20. Adopt attitude

Collocations can increase your scores in writing and speaking

Linking words for Task-2

Adding information:

• In addition to this
• Furthermore
• Moreover
• Also
• Not only….but also
• As well as

Giving examples

• For example
• One clear example is
• For instance
• Such as
• Namely
• To illustrate
• In other words

Results and consequences

• As a result
• Consequently
• Therefore
• Thus
• Hence
• So
• For this reason
Highlighting and stressing

• Particularly
• In particular
• Specifically
• Especially
• Obviously
• Of course
• Clearly
Concessions and contrast

• Admittedly
• However
• Nevertheless
• Even though
• Although
• Despite
• In spite of
• Still
• On the other hand
• By contrast
• In comparison
• Alternatively
• Another option could be
Reasons and causes

• Because
• Owing to
• Due to
• Since
• As

Giving your opinion

• In my opinion
• I think
• I believe
• I admit
• In my view
• I concur / I agree
• I disagree / I cannot accept
Concluding linkers

• In conclusion
• To conclude
• To recapitulate



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