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How to use academic databases: EBSCOhost

1. Access the PHS media center website

2. Select “online databases”
3. Select EBSCO
4. Log in
a. User: poudre_impalas
b. Password: poudre2022!
5. Select EBSCOhost Research Databases
6. Select “select/deselect all” and hit CONTINUE
7. Search key words and phrases related to your research question

● On the left side of screen, find the “limit to” section. Check the box that says “full
● We can adjust the bar to sort by date
● See if the text can be accessed in HTML or PDF. If you’re someone who benefits
from text to speech features, you’ll want to right click the HTML link. The pdf
does not have Text to Speech.
● When you find a source you like, open in a new tab, and on the right hand side of
the page, you’ll see ANOTHER toolbar. You can send the source to your email or
save it to your drive. Before you send it to yourself, be sure to select APA 7th
edition under the “citation format” option.
● In this toolbar, you’ll see that there’s an option for you to cite the source. The
database will do all the citing work for you. When you find the citation, copy and
paste it into your research document.
● Take special care to use the APA citation and not one of the others. You might
have to scroll to find it.

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