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Jessica Hunt 1

Operational Definitions:

Turn-Taking: Parent prompts the child to take a turn, the child will respond with either gestures
or single-word utterances. The parent will complete the loop by responding to the child’s turn by
giving the requested item, praising, etc. This interaction is considered as one turn. If the child
responds to the parent completing the loop without a 10 second break and the parent responds to
the child then this will be considered two turns. If the child does not respond in 10 seconds after
the parent completes the loop, then that will be counted as one turn. The new cycle of turn-taking
will start when the parent prompts the child to take a turn again.

Gestures: Gestures are defined as physical movements that the child makes to communicate
with the adult. When the physical movement is completed, there is a clear and distinct change in
the child's physical movements.
Include: The child taking the adult's hand, giving an object to the adult, taking an object from the
adult, and pointing at an object to have the adult respond.
Exclude: The child reaches for toys the adult is not holding; the child exhibits repetitive physical
movements, such as flapping arms or rocking back and forth, or the child imitating the adult's

Single-Word Utterances: Single-word utterances are defined as the child voicing a single word
that can be understood by the person collecting the data.
Includes: The child making continuous repetition of a single word such as "go, go, go,"
compound words such as "necklace," proper two-part names such as "Big Bird," and ritualized
duplications such as "night-night."
Excludes: Vocalizations that serve as fillers like "mmm," sentences or a phrase combining
multiple words that would be considered a multiple word utterance, or utterances in which the
single word is not understood and would be viewed as a vocalization.

Data Collection Form:

Session #1 Session #2 Session #3 Session #4 Session #5

11-24-21 12-8-20 1-19-21 2-12-21 5-19-21
(5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes) (5 minutes)


Jessica Hunt 2

Data Collection Sheet:

APA Graphs:

Child Behaviors:
Jessica Hunt 3

Jessica Hunt 4

Total Communication During Turn-Taking:

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