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HCBE: 2020-2021

How to teach during a pandemic?


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How to use Google Suite
this school year
How to teach during a pandemic?

Use Google Suite to make distance learning more manageable

Navigating distance learning and in class teaching simultaneously


Images: Student’s create “name masks” instead of “name tents”

Panic buy all of the cleaning products

What is Google Suite? Great, but
“G Suite is a suite what
of does
collaborative productivity
that offers your business

professional email,to offer

calendars, online document
editing and storage,education?
meetings, and much more ("G Suite
Enterprise for Education overview - G Suite Admin Help", 2020)”.
Google Suite offers a specific platform
for Educators.
G Suite for Education offers two categories of Google services:
1. G Suite Core Services
2. Additional Services (like YouTube, Maps, and Blogger) are
designed for consumer users and can optionally be used with
G Suite for Education accounts if allowed for educational
purposes by a school’s domain administrator ("G Suite Enterprise for
Education overview - G Suite Admin Help", 2020)”.
GSuite Core Services: The heart of Google's
educational offering to schools.
How does this
Gmail Google Classroom Google
Lorem ipsum Classroom
apply to our Gmail
Read mail, compose,
reply to, and forward
dolor sit amet,
mail, search mail, and
Houston County
manage mail through
labels. adipiscing elit.

Calendar Title D Forms, Docs,
Managing personal, Services that let users
create, edit, share,
Calendar Slides.
corporate/organizati collaborate, draw, export,
onal, and team and embed content on
documents, spreadsheets,
calendars presentations, and forms
District Mission/ Vision and Access
The following quotes were pulled directly from HCBE’s Vision for Technology Use:

“Houston County is “Teach students to use “The Houston County

committed to the belief technology tools to School System supports
that the effective use of access, analyze and virtual technology
technology will enhance apply increasingly initiatives that assist in
the quality of teaching complex information
and learning, promote providing technology to
to draw conclusions support learning across
engagement of
students, and support and make informed
the system, both at
the increase of student decisions.”
school and home.”
How GSuite Supports H.C.B.E’s District Mission:

“Promote engagement of students.” “...access, analyze and apply…” “...at school and home.”

GSutie offers a variety of GSutie applications, like Google GSutie offers Google
applications that seemingly Classroom and Google Docs, Classroom and Google Drive.
integrate current and immersive allow teacher’s the ability to These programs can be
technology with academic access student work as their accessed from a variety of
lessons. Because students actively working, analyze devices and will allow students
would have the ability to student progress at any time. to access to to their current and
authentically Teachers can use this access previous classroom content.
communicate/share their as non-formal assessments to With these programs students
content to a larger platform, guide student learning before learning is no longer confined to
teacher's lessons would any summative or formal the classroom. It can take place

become more engaging assessments are taken. at home as well.

Vision for Technology Use:
The following quotes were pulled directly from HCBE’s Vision for Technology Use:

“Students will “Students will utilize “Students will meet

effectively utilize communication the challenge of an
interconnected systems and ever-changing global
technology to real-time web-based society and economy
analyze, collaborate, applications to using technology
process, and receive communicate with resources, including
instruction/informati administrators, BYOD.”
on. teachers, parents,
and fellow students.”

How GSuite Supports H.C.B.E’s Technology Use Vision:

Collaborative Communication Tech Resources

GSuite applications like Google Google Suite provides access

Applications from GSuite, like Meet, Google Chat, Gmail, and to hundreds of educational
Google Docs, and Google Google Classroom, allows a applications teachers and
Slides allow users to “co-edit variety of ways for students to students can instantly
documents, spreadsheets, and communicate with peers and download. each application
presentations in real time.” teachers. Video chat one-on-one offers another opportunity for
So, no matter the distance, or or whole group, Google Meet students to learn how to use
class size, students can makes both possible. Students technology resources. This
collaborate instantly and can post questions and send allows students the
effectively. messages to their teacher on opportunity to explore what
Google Classroom, or collaborate resources best support their
through email or chat with Google individual learning needs.

Chat and Gmail.

Houston County’s Three-Year Technology
Plan July 1, 2017 – June 30, 2020
The information on Following slides
the following slides also include direct
report information quotes from the
that was pulled interview I
directly from conducted with our
Houston County's country's Director
Three-Year of Technology,
Technology Plan. Brian Trent.

Click the computer

screen to read the
document in its
Age and Grade Level Ranges
Appropriate for using GSuite:
● According to HCBE’s technology guidelines, “all employees and students in grades
3-12 are provided a system email account, Houston County School System. (Houston
County School System, 2020)).

● Because G Suite for Education accounts are provided by the district, Google is able to
sign up children under the age of 13 (COPPA prevents Google from allowing children
under 13 to sign up for a consumer Gmail account). Many schools are enrolling
students in G Suite as early as first grade. ("Free Google Apps for Education: What’s in
it for Google?", 2020).
Technical Support
● HCBE offers a variety of technical support for parents, teachers, and staff. we are extremely
fortunate to have onsite technicians who keep our school’s technology updated and running.
imprelenting GSuite wouldn’t require much of a change in the process of technical support. PD
would just be offered and centered around GSuite, which is provided for free by Google.
(Brian Trent).
● Schools across the county already use chromebooks, almost exclusively, so the technology we
already possess can run the software with no problem.

HCBE Tech Support

Click the computer can be broken
screen to be taken down into two
to our districts branches
Technology Support
Website 1. CIS
2. Technology
Technical Support Available to HCBE Teachers and
Training teachers on
Collaborating Working with the use of
Leading small
with teachers teachers group sessions technology within
to one-on-one to their classrooms,
with teachers
demonstrate develop and and professional
lessons deliver administrators, learning on
integrating technology and providing technology
integrated one-on-one integration during
technology. individualized system and school
lessons professional
learning days.

Install and maintain Troubleshoot, 14000 trouble
technology in the tickets are
schools (servers,
repair and processed each
Create and computers, replace items year through our
maintain employee printers, labs, Helpdesk database
and student projectors,
and the technician

network, email interactive boards, necessary. is the first line of

VOIP (voice over thin client, support for all
internet protocol), software, etc). technology needs
user folders and in the schools.
helpdesk accounts.
Cost of Implementing GSuite.
In order to determine this answer, I reviewed HCBE’s Technology Implementation Plan.
I also went to technology services and interviewed the Director of Technology Services for the
county, Brian Trent.

The following is the cost of our previous program, Microsoft Office 365:
● “FY 2018 Microsoft Office Enterprise Subscription Annual Cost of ESplost Funds:
$120,000/yr.- Implementation and maintenance of Office 365” (Houston County School
System, 2020).
● “FY2018-2020 Costs of refreshing teacher, administrator and support staff work stations.
Qty: 2600 – SPLOST $2,350,000” (Houston County School System, 2020).
● “FY 2018-2020 costs of refreshing academic and CTAE computer labs, 30 computers in
each lab Qty – 2550 $1,950,000 FY 2018-2020 costs of adding mobile academic labs
Qty-46 - if funding is available $690,000 FY2018-2020: Costs of adding 4-6 additional
student classroom devices such 13” laptops or IPads if funding is available. $2,000,000”

(Houston County School System, 2020).

Cost of Implementing GSuite.
“GSuite is free for our county and actually ends up saving us money.”- Brian Trent

● Like I mentioned before, the technology our school’s have, can run GSuite
applications and extensions already. No need to buy new technology, programs, or
● our school already has funds allocated for personal development and learning.
they would just need PL for GSuite.
● Google will also send an expert to train staff for free.
● Free online training is also available.
Potential Funding:
● “More than $20 million has been invested in network infrastructure
and classroom technology tools/devices over the past 5 years to
enable our district/schools to support next generation digital
learners” (Houston County School System, 2020).
● “This investment has been possible thanks to county voters
approving a one-cent Education Special Purpose Local Option
Sales Tax (E-SPLOST)” (Houston County School System, 2020).
● Title One Schools receive additional funding, which is used to
improve/ enrich programs that support student achievement.
Is GSuite Effective in the
● Classroom?
Due to the fact that GSuite is relatively “new” to being implemented in classrooms, it
was hard to find an exact percentage of how numerically “effective” GSuite is.
Although, even if GSuite had been around for decades, measuring its effectiveness in
a numerical format would be difficult. That’s because the effectiveness of the program
itself lies in the teachers ability to use it. Sure, anyone can make a psychical handout
a Google Doc, but that isn’t using GSuite effectively.

● Using the applications to teach students how to communicate with people outside of
their peers, taking them on virtual field trips, or allowing them to dissect frogs digitally,
would be enhancing their education with applications available through GSuite. .

Google Suite provides the opportunity for success by providing teachers with a

variety of resources to support students learning.

How GSuite can be Effective in the Classroom?
Student Engagement Constant Feedback
Quizlet Google Classroom-
EdPuzzle Gradebook.
Digication Google Doc- realtime
Using GSuite apps
Collaboration together can help Access/ Availability
Gmail multiple aspects of Students can access
Google Classroom student learning, their work (Google
Google Docs making GSuite Drive) on on phones,
Google Slides effective in computers, tablets.
enhancing student
Varied Resources learning. Parent Involvement
Google Translate Google Classroom
Vocabulary.com Gmail
Text Equation Editor Google Meet
Implementation Process for GSuite:
● Implementing GSuite for our country, will be a simple process after our last
semester. We were running both programs parallel; introducing Google Suite while
continuing to our previous technology platform, Microsoft Office 365. There were
opportunities available for Google Training, but nothing was mandatory.


● March 2020, Covid-19 shut our school down and our country, so we made the
switch to digital learning. Our country made Google Classroom the mandatory
online platform for all distance learning. The learning curve was intense and
catristophic. however, in true teacher fashion, we came together and got the job
done. Thanks to Covid, implementing Kotter’s change model was expedited.
Implementation Process for GSuite:
Create Urgency Coalition Vision for Change Communicate Remove Obstacles Wins Create Urgency

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Obstacles were
Covid-19 Once the fear Teacher’s Admin saw the
forcefully During our Lorem
caused plowed through time of digital ipsum
was begin positive shift in
Google when teachers learning, dolor sit
eliminated, exploring student/teach
made the “small wins”
Classroom teachers took Google er amet,
switch in march. were
to become to social media extensions communicatio
They learned established
mandatory to share their and see the n and student uer
and created when students
county success with opportuniti collaboration. adipiscing
under pressure. turned in
Google es for Decide to
wide. Now, they have work, elit.
Platform. student create a plan
Extreme Encouraging engageme to continue
time to slow submitted Aenean
urgency. down, make work correctly, commodo
others and nt and using Google
resources or ligula eget
building binds. communic Platform .
personal to their collaborated
ation. dolor.
teaching style. with teachers
or peers

Potential Limitations of GSuite:
● “The district upgraded to Microsoft Office Pro Plus Education Enterprise software in June
2016. This suite provides students and teachers up to 5 free copies of Office that they can
download and manage on any device” (Houston County School System, 2020).
○ Switching entirely to GSuite would mean ending our use of Microsoft Office Plus.
This would take away the free downloads Microsoft provided to teachers and
● HCBE has to comply to CIPA protocol in order to receive funding needed to pay for internet
access. This basically means students cannot use GSuite uninhibited. They’d need
permission to download apps, access websites, and use second party sites that run
GSuite Add Ons.
● Teachers are already trained in Microsoft Office programs, as are students. The switch
would require additional training and professional learning.
Potential Limitations of GSuite:

● GSuite opens up more platforms for student communication and

collaboration. Where there is more collaborating and communicating
online, the more difficult it is to monitor student behavior.
● Students will need access to the internet at home to extend at home
● Students needs access to technology that can run GSuite at home to
extend at home learning.
● To use G Suite during a lesson, teachers will have to have the ability
to book a limited number of computer carts.
Using GSuite to Enhance Student Learning

Google Suite can be used to

support and extend student
learning. It can improve student
collaboration and help increase
student engagement. G Suite offers
application that can help students
to create authentic work and share
that work with a community beyond
their classroom.
Using GSuite to Enhance Student Learning
● Students can use GSuite to extend lessons beyond displaying their understanding of basic
content knowledge. Students no longer have to write 5 paragraph essays to show their
knowledge of plot development. GSuite offers applications where students can create a movie
to show the same understanding of the content.
● Giving students the opportunity to choose how to display their knowledge through a platform
they choose, will increase student motivation and engagement.
● GSuite offers tools that allow students to communicate and collaborate through a variety of
platforms. Which, in turn, reinforced students reading and writing skills (writing process)
through authentic student communication.
● Google Classroom, Google Docs, and Google Slides all allow students to communicate with
one another as they work. collaboration can be done while students are in the classroom or at
home, at the same time.
● Students can extend their communication beyond the classroom, by creating a Google Site.
this would allow others, outside of the classroom, to see student work; extending/promoting

their local communication to global communication.

Using GSuite to Enhance Student Learning
● G Suite offers applications that would allow students to experience and create authentic
work. Students learning about the Anne Frank and the Holocaust could take a virtual tour
of the annex. This provides an authentic learning experience, and promotes students to
generate their own questions that they wouldn’t have asked by reading a description of
those locations. students could then post their questions to their group, in google
classroom, and students could respond. students also have the ability to follow their
scientific inquiry by interviewing family members of holocaust survivors, via Google
Meet. Lessons that were previously “read this story” and “write your opinion” don't
promote projected based or high level thinking skills. Opening up those lessons, like the
one above, help extend student learning.

● GSuite offers a variety of applications that help teachers differentiate their lessons. Apps
like translation apps, reading apps that allow teachers to select the lexile level of the
readings, or have students show their understanding of content through a multitude of

In order to complete this project, I had to do so much research on our county’s
technology. I had NO idea how much when into the decisions that were made. I
honestly will be complaining a lot less once we return to school. I had no idea how
many “annoying rules” we had to follow in order to comply with guidelines that, in turn,
allow us to keep our funding. i also went to our BOE and interviewed our Director of
Technology. He was awesome and so helpful. The amount of decisions he has to
make on a daily basis, blew me away. Also while researching GSuite, I started to see
how organically the information I’ve been learning during my classes this summer,
came together. Talking about how to use technology to create authentic learning or
integrating technology to support higher level thinking, was a much easier process
now. I think my biggest takeaway from this assignment was that, whatever technology
you use in a lesson, needs to be done with purpose. The technology alone doesn’t
make the lesson effective.
Free Google Apps for Education: What’s in it for Google?. (2020). Retrieved 13 July 2020, from

G Suite Enterprise for Education overview - G Suite Admin Help. (2020). Retrieved 13 July 2020, from

G Suite Basic edition - G Suite Admin Help. (2020). Retrieved 13 July 2020, from

Houston County School System. (2020). Houston County School System Three-Year Technology Plan (pp. 1-23). Perry
Georgia. Retrieved from https://content.schoolinsites.com/api/documents/a729f94ab51142469fa842469f433026.pdf

Technical Support. (2020). Retrieved 12 July 2020, from


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