415 Evidence

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By Isabel Moreau
The Evidence Number Corresponds to the
Outcome Number
Self Leadership
Evidence #10

This is for evidence 10. I used a photo of the students performing the activity
that we did called Social change pipeline. Cammy and I were able to lead a
project from start to finish to teach the students about the social change
Evidence #12
This is for outcome 12. I decided to use a
photo of me texting my students in our
group chat. One of my goals for the
semester was to be approachable for my
students and so I would create office
hours in the library to help them where I
always had a good turn out.
Leadership Theories
Evidence #43
For outcome 43 I have included a
photo of an EDC 312 assignment I
completed about construviusm. This
is something that I have learned
about the importance of in
classrooms and how it relates to the
psychology of learning.
Evidence #44

For evidence 44 I included a picture of the email explaining my practicum placement for
student teaching in the fall. During student teaching I was able to implementing
constructivism in the classroom. Unfortunately I can not include pictures of the
classroom or the students work because it is against school policy.
Inclusive Leadership/ Diversity and its
Application to Leadership
Evidence #86
For outcome 86 I have
included a reflection I did
on Title IX in CSV 302. We
watched a film called The
Hunting Ground which
was very informative
about Title IX and
explained the importance
of it.
Evidence #97
For outcome 97. This is my inclusive
leadership statement that I came
up with this semester. This allows
me to be an ethical and fair leader.
It also opened my eyes on how to
be an inclusive leader as a peer
Critical Thinking
Evidence #104
For outcome 104 the evidence I used
is a picture of the five conflict
resolution strategies I learned about.
This is significant to learning because
I had never thought the strategies
and how I used them in my life.
Evidence #105
This is for outcome #105. I chose to
include a photo from the URI website
that shows that I was President of my
sorority. This is significant to learning
because as chapter president I have
to deal with a lot of conflict and used
many of the five conflict resolution
strategies in order to help mediate
the situation and find a solution.
Interpersonal and Organizational Concepts
and Skills
Evidence #127

This is for outcome 127. I decided to use a screenshot of a post I posted in our
chapters Facebook page. In this post I announced when chapter will be and
who was required to come. This is significant because it helped me plan,
organize, and lead our weekly chapter meetings and ensure that the chapter
members would be in attendance.
Evidence #153
For outcome #153 I have included
a picture of our group contract
that we made the day of small
group reveal. This was the first
activity I did to help establish
relationships with the students as
a mentor and it helped set
expectations for the semester.

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