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Author Thomas Booth worked for 10 years as an English-language teacher in Poland and Russia. He now lives in England, where he works as an editor and English-language materials writer, notably of course books and vocabulary textbooks. Course consultant Tim Bowen has taught English and trained teachers in more than 30 countries worldwide. He is the co-author of works on pronunciation teaching and language-teaching methodology, and author of numerous books for English-language teachers. He is currently a freelance materials writer, editor, and translator. He is a member of the Chartered Institute of Linguists. Language consultant Professor Susan Barduhn is an experienced English-language teacher, teacher trainer, and author, who has contributed to numerous publications. In addition to directing English-language courses in at least four different continents, she has been President of the International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language, and an adviser to the British Council and the US State Department. She is currently a Professor at the School for International Training in Vermont, USA. 2x 2g ye | #% ecgwaeae m3 © 8 £ Fteme «a am yw & a fe (> w= -@ Wl % as Ke DIN Random House | Penguin US Editors Alison Singer, Jenny Sikes Editrial Assistants Jessica Cawthra, sarah Edwards Ilustraters Edwooa Burn, Oenise Joos, Michael Parkin, emma Westing ‘ule Producer Lis Hammond Managing Editor Daniel Mills Managing Art Editor Anna Hal Project Manager Christine Sirayan Jacket Designer Natalie Geawin “Jacket Ealtor Clare elt, Jacket Design Development Manager Sophia MTT Producer, Pre-Production Luca Frassinet Producer Mary Slator Publisher Andrew Macintyre ‘Art Director Karen Se Publishing Director Jonathan Mé Dk india Senior Editors Vinesths Moki, Ani Kakar ‘Senioe Art Editor Chnaya San Projet Editor Antara Metra, Editors Agnisesh Das, Nsha Shaw, Seetha Natesh, ArtEditors Namta, veena Sharm, Suk Sot, Ship Jain Assistant Elitors Ira Pundeer, Ateendriya Gupta, Sneha Sunder Benjamin, ‘nits Yodo Assistant Ar Editors Rosh Kapur Meenal Goel, Priyansha Tuli, AanchalSinghat Iastraters vy Roy. Arun Patirayl Bhar Karakoti, Rahul Kumar Managing tor Pakshalia Jayaprakash Managing Art editor Arunesh Talapatra Production Manager Panea) Sharma Pre-production Manager Balvant Singh Senior DTP Designer Vishat Bhatia, Neeraj Shatia DTP Designer Sachin Gupta Jacket Designer Surabhi Wadhwa Managing Jackets Ealtor Saloni Singh Senior OTP Designer [jackets] Harish Aggarwal Puplched nthe Unved States bj OK Pablining DAs De of Pegum anaam Nose Le sonar orga n016 aru inary toby ay ens econ mechan Reale record fortis took ranging oreaueaona es For dt Printed andbound in chine mages © Dering Kindesey Lied [AWORLD OF IDEAS: ‘SEE ALL THERE IS TO KNOW ‘ Contents How the course works 8 Introducing yourself 2 New language Using “to be" with names Vocabulary Names and letters New skill Saying your name Vocabulary Countries 4 Talking about yourself 16 New language “To be" with ages and nationalities Vocabulary Numbers and nationalities New skill Talking about yourself Vocabulary Family and pets 78 Things you have 20 New language Possessive adjectives, ‘this’ and "that" Vocabulary Animals and family New skill Talking about who things belong to Using apostrophes 2 New language Possessive apostrophe Vocabulary Family and pets New skill Talking about belonging Vocabulary Everyday things 2% (I Talking about your things 26 New language "These" and those” Vocabulary Possessions New skill Using determiners and pronouns [REED Negatives with “to be” 46 New language Negatives with “to be" Vocabulary "Not" New skill Saying what things are not Vocabulary Jobs 30 [EET More negatives 50 New language Present simple negative Vocabulary Daily activities Talking about your job 32 Newskill Saying what you don't do New language Using "I am’ for your job Vocabulary jobs and workplaces New skill Describing your job Telling the time 36 New language Times of day Vocabulary Words for time New skill Saying what the time is Vocabulary Daily routines 38 Simple questions 54 New language Simple questions Vocabulary Jobs and routine activities New skill Asking simple questions ‘Answering questions 58 New language Short answers Vocabulary Jobs and routines New skill Answering spoken questions Describing your day 40 New language The present simple Vocabulary Routine activities New skill Talking about your daily routine (BED Asking questions 60 New language Open questions Vocabulary Question words New skill Asking for details Describing your week a New language Days and prepositions Vocabulary Days of the week New skill Talking about your weekly routine [DY Vocabulary Around town 64 Talking about your town 66 New language “There is’ and “there are” Vocabulary Towns and buildings New skill Describing a town The things | have 38 New language Using “have” Vocabulary Household objects New skill Talking about possessions (I Using “2” and “the” 70 New language Definite and indefinite articles Vocabulary Places in town New skill Using articles [EJ What do you have? 92 New language “Have questions Vocabulary House and furniture New skill Asking about household objects Orders and directions % (EQ Vocabulary Food and drink 96 New language Imperatives Vocabulary Directions New skill Finding your way ‘Counting 98 Joining sentences 8 New language Using "and" and "but" Vocabulary Town, jobs, and farnily New skill Joining sentences Describing places a New language Adjectives Vocabulary Place adjectives and nouns New skill Describing places New language Uncountable nouns Vocabulary Food containers New skill Talking about food Measuring 102 New language Measurements Vocabulary Ingredients and quantities New skill Talking about amounts Vocabulary Clothes 106 Giving reasons 4 New language ‘Because Vocabulary Places and jobs New skill Giving reasons Vocabulary Around the house 36 [EJ At the shops 108 New language Using "too" and “fir Vocabulary Shopping and clothes New skill Describing clothes (ES Describing things m2 New language Opinion adjectives Vocabulary Shopping and materials New skill Giving opinions Vocabulary Sports 16 Vocabulary Abilities 18 What you can and can't do 140 New language ‘Can, Vocabulary Talents and abilities New skill Saying what you can and can't do n't’ and ‘cannot" WM ralking about sports 18 New language “Go” and “play” Vocabulary Sports New skill Talking about sports [RES Describing actions 144 New language Rogular and iregular adverts Vocabulary Hobbies and activities New skill Describing activities (EJ Vocabulary Hobbies and pastimes 122 Free time 128 New language Adverbs of frequency Vocabulary Pastimes New skill Talking about your free time Likes and dislikes 128 New language “Love,” “ike” and "hate Vocabulary Food, sports, and pastimes New skill Talking about what you like Vocabulary Music 12 Expressing preference 734 New language Using “favorite” Vocabulary Food and music New skill Talking about your favorite things Describing ability 146 New language Modifying adverbs Vocabulary Skills and abilities New skill Saying how well you do things Wishes and desires 148 New language “Would” and “want” Vocabulary Leisure activities New skill Talking about ambitions Studying 152 New language Adverbs and articles Vocabulary Academic subjects New skill Talking about your studies Answers 156 English for Everyone is designed for people who want to teach | i wisrses sere themselves the English language. Like all language courses, it covers the core skills: grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening, speaking, reading, and writing, Unlike in other courses, the skills are taught and practiced as visually as possible, using images and graphics to help you understand and remember. The practice book is packed with exercises designed to reinforce the lessons you have learned in the course book. Work through the units in order, making full use of the audio ‘COURSE BOK available on the website and app. . PRACTICE BOOK Unienumber The books divided into units ach practice Book un tests Practice point very unt the language aught inthe coursebook begins vt a summary of ninth the same mabe the key practice pons Negatives with “to be” Fa EA HEN ONG TE Lentvommacpininane cme gf teine hoes E a acta A 3) © ae na) ay) toe) ‘Modules Esch unt iebroken down into rodles, which should be done in order. You can take break trom learning ater completing any module. ie quesnons lary | By Vocabul: ea ° Practice modules Each exercise is carefully graded to drill and test the language taught in the corresponding course book units. Working through the exercises alongside the course book will help you remember what you have learned and become more fluent. Every exercise is introduced with a symbol to indicate which skills being practiced Module number Every module is identied With a unigue number so you can easily locate answers and related audio, Yh sete titreason | Ong Eramine target language in eabife English contexts ‘Apply new language rules In diferent contexts LUSTENING Test your understanding, of spocen English ‘VOCABULARY Cement your understaneing of key vocabulary SPEAKING Compare your spoken English ‘to model audio recordings. ‘Exercise instruction Fvery exercise ‘sintroduced with brief instruction, telling you what you need todo, ‘Supporting graphics Visual cues are gven tahelp you ndestand teeeeses ii — eee, | 0 ae oft = oosteascarm. © Ef totes | SUpPartng audio This yo shows a thane arse the rere 7 oe f= aucatoae | tlle ensovads eno them . | ia a “a) -_— after completing the exercise. space for wrtng You re ecnunged twit our Speaking exercise This yb nccates tower the boot or et you tou ay youranra ot fee ios thes cpu theo moc recordings ned nou au es, Sample answer Te fs Listening exercise Ths symbol indicates that you shoud ste to an aul track ‘order to answer the questions inthe exercise question of each exercise is answered for you to help make ‘the tak easy to understand Ta) STEN TO THE AUDIO, THEN NUMBER THE PICTURES INTHE ORDER 2 Sia earn TNC OUT @ LOUD USING *GO" OR “GOES” 10 On Audio Englsh for Everyone features extensive supporting audio materials. You are ‘encouraged to use them as much as you can, to improve your understanding of spoken English and (o make your own accent and pronunciation more natural Each fe canbe Played paused and repeated as offen as you Fk, unl you ae confident you understand what has been said. LISTENING EXERCISES This symbol indates that you should listen to an suo trackin arder to answer the questions in the exer wt) SUPPORTING AUDIO ‘This symbol indicates that extra audio materials available fer you to isten to ‘ser completing the module Answers ‘An answers section at the back of the book lists the correct answers for every exercise. Turn to these pages whenever you finish a module and compare ‘your answers with the samples provided, to see how well you have understood each teaching point yO answers Find the answers to every txercise printed at the back ofthe book. 2.14 Oren © washing machine O kere O vaste © reigetor Oink © plate 2924 © Does the house have yar? © Does the chen ave ager? € oe ilk house hve big page © doyouhswea so? © Does sary faves (© owt she ne babe athe? © Door Mane hae sn {© opackand Maren ave Tv? © Docs ice taherhave sk dene 29.3 —__________|__ Exercise numbers Octavia Mateh these numbers Ora tothe unique idencfier jerry 2 the toprlet corner Occin ofeach exerese, eco 29.44 ‘Audio Ths symbol Ove.180 indicates thatthe © No.1cont answers camalso be Oven 1d0, listened to. Ove. 40, © No.icont, 295-4 T:Doyou hie any chs 4 bayou hve a ehigetor? 6 Does hehave avenger 9. Dothey ave arehigeato? 2964 © Yer she docs © vere does u i Introducing yourself a? New language Using ‘to be" with names You can greet people by saying “Hello!” or “Hi!" ‘Aa Vocabulary Names and letters Introduce yourself using “I am." You may also need to spell out the letters of your name. Be New skill Saying your name 1.2 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO, THEN NUMBER THE PEOPLE IN THE ORDER YOU HEAR THEM SPEAK ‘1.1 REWRITE EACH SENTENCE IN ITS CONTRACTED FORM My name is Gary My name's Gary. @ | am Natalie. 5 og s © My name is Sue. — eo eo © lam Ryan. fi Carl @ My name is Mia. ani o 9l@ © Myname is Amelia. *) t J USE THE CHART TO SAY 12 GREETINGS OUT LOUD 4 Charlotte Hil Lam : Carla. Charlotte. q Fatima. «) . J 1.4 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND SPELL OUT THE NAMES YOU HEAR RACC-H-E-L _H-A-R-P-E-R eo0ooo0o 8 @eeeee00 t J 1.5 SPELL OUT EACH PERSON'S NAME, THEN SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD 'm Marina, eo I'm Mario, M-AcR-I-N-A, a e a o My name is Terry, ° ‘My name is Yasmin Khan, a a e My last name is Singh, ° am Jacob, a a Vocabulary 2.1 COUNTRIES WRITE THE COUNTRY NAMES FROM THE PANEL. UNDER THE CORRECT FLAGS SS = ‘lll fi ° ° = ial o o ‘ 7 Wy Oo ° o = Dew LATS GT © is} Oo oO © @ ® H i 8 8 9 Republic of ireland Greece Singapore France Russia Thailand Argentina South Africa Furkey- Mexico New Zealand Mongolia China Poland India Brazil Egypt Canada Japan Slovakia Australia Netherlands Philippines Portugal Austria South Korea Spain United Kingdom Pakistan Czech Republic Indonesia United Arab Emirates Germany United States of America Switzerland ~) 5 WE Talking about yourself It’s useful to know how to say your age and 9? New language "To be" with ages and nat onaities where you come from. You can use the verb AaVocabulary Numbers and nationalities "to be" to talk about these topics. Be New skill Talcing about yourself Aa| 3.1 WRITE EACH NUMBER AS A FIGURE Three = ———3 _ =€e@sisty-two = Qéightyfive = Forty-seven = @ twenty-one = O Fifty = © Ninety = Qseventy-one = Q Seventeen = © Twelve = @ Eighty-four = O Thirty-three = *) FJ 3.2 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CHANGING THE FIGURES TO WORDS. Pamela is 42 years old. © Marcel is 80 years old Pamela is forty-two years old. © Chloe is 31 years old. © Claire is 21 years old. @ Heidi is 52 years old, @ Dan is 36 years old. © Zach is 16 years old. @ Eleanor is 28 years old. Charlie is 10 years old Rebecca is 43 years old. «) 16 t J 3.3 USE THE CHART TO CREATE NINE CORRECT SENTENCES AND SAY THEM OUT LOUD I am twenty-three years old. & Hib twenty-three thirty-two years old. sixty-eight *) Alfonso Oave @ Mia and Leo © Chantal Q@ Amir and Aamna eo: O Max Owe © My sister 87 years old. He 72 years old. She 12. They 66 years old. She FJ 3.4 FILLIN THE GAPS WITH THE CORRECT FORMS OF “TO BE” French, I i 90 years old. They 24 years old. | 47 years old. He 38 years old. We 4 years old. She conan, Japanese. | @ from Italy. i i from Pakistan. ish. AM from New Zealand, ill from Canada. Vocabulary | Aa| PABLO’S FAMILY WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL IN THE CORRECT PLACES ON PABLO’S FAMILY TREE t fh granddaughter grandmother o sister f= f Bate mother ° i-* & 4 W i] daughter wife brother ° PABLO grandson *- 4 so ° 0 son-in-law grandfather . ° a ’ uncle o o a | “) UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES aw eam PETS AND DOMESTIC ANIMALS WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL. guinea pig parrot dog chicken snake cat rabbit fish tortoise pig horse ») WS things you have Possessive adjectives tell you who something (such as New language Possessve adjectives; “this’ and “that” a pet) belongs to. "This" and “that” are determiners. Ala Vocabulary Animals and family They point outa specific object or person. Br New skill Talking about who things belong to FJ 5.1 FILL IN THE GAPS USING THE CORRECT POSSESSIVE ADJECTIVES ——_Her__(She) fish is called Nemo. oe (They) snake is called Sid. o (They) dog is called Beth, © Buster is (i) monkey. e (He) tortoise is 50 years old. o (You) parrot is from Venezuela. o (She) cat is called Tabatha. ° (\) cat is called Sam. o (They) monkey is from Morocco. o (We) lion is from Kenya. ms oe (She) pig lives on a farm. e you) rabbit eatsigrass © (He) horse is called Prancer. Otere is {it) bed. © (We) chicken lives in the garden. » FJ 5.2 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS It is she horse. Ie is her horse. © Edis | horse. © Ziggy is you parrot. @ Rex is you dog, © Cookie is he cat. © Maxis we monkey. © Nemois she fish @ Its we chicken. @ itis she rabbit. @ Itis we sheep, Fido is | dog. aa @ Hiss is they snake. wey ¢ v7 «) 20 | 5.3 FILL IN THE GAPS USING “THIS” OR “THAT” A That ee ee | rs o fa ee lherabbie i) ht is his snake. e Ta» sits ball. ° fF is my horse. ) b ~) 5.4 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER (is) (monkey) This} {his © (is }( His} (called ){ Harold. } (snake } This is his monkey. © ( caled_} (fish) (is } (their J (Bob.) © {years }(_cat_) (old } (12) (is } (Her ) (their (is) (_ this cow. } ©(_ our }( Barney }( is _}|_ rabbit. ) ~“) 5.5 USE THE CHART TO CREATE 12 CORRECT SENTENCES AND SAY THEM OUT LOUD This is her cat. Using apostrophes In English, you can use apostrophes (’) to show @P New language Possessive apostrophe belonging. You can use them to show who owns Aa Vocabulary Family and pets something, such as a pet, and to talk about your family. He New Skill Talking about belonging 6.1 REWRITE THE PHRASES USING AN APOSTROPHE WITH es The son of Christopher = Christopher's son. o ai The dog of Joe and Greg = ra. . e aah The granddaughters of Dolly = 7 e sft ‘The house of Sue ° Mm LL The snake of Pete and Aziz = MW *) 6.2 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND MATCH THE PAIRS ° @( Franks ss) ( Samssister ° Charlotte is Sam's grandmother. ° 6.3 READ THE ARTICLE AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Sam lives with seven people. True (7% False (1) © Esme is Sam's grandmother. True [| False [| @ Sam's mother is called Helen. True [") False |) © Sam's sisters go to university. True [] False [) @ There are two animals in the family's home. True [] False [J @ Ted's snake is called Bouncer. True [] False [J \ 6.4 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS if This is Rogers’ house. This is Roger's house. @ That's my grandparents car. il © | am Sallys! granddaughter. © Samantha is Barrys’ new wife. if Hien @ These are Pete and Omars' cats. * ‘< sb @ Where is your parent's house? me it ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION fascinating look at everyday life with the Douglas family G amPonstas tives with seven other people at his home in London, Esme and Alf are Sams grandparents. They have 1 grandchildren. Sam's mom, iscalled Annie; she works in the pub next Ralf and he's a mechanic. ‘Sam has two sisters and. one brother. His sisters are called Helen and Rebecca, They go toa school near their house. Ted is Sam's Sally is Sooty is They are This is our My. ~) Fred's brother. He's 20 and goes touniversity, ‘There are two animals in the Douglas family’s home. Bouncer is Sam’s dog and Hiss is Ted's snake, — 6.5 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, FILLING IN THE GAPS (Fred) sister. (my brothers) cat. (Tammy) parents. cd (children) snake. « (parents) house is small *) 2B Vocabulary 7.1 EVERYDAY THINGS WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES sc FN wallet ~ o ® @ coins dictionary pencil passport ° camera |Dcard 2 y awailet earphones | ( 7 bottle of water map yy apple notebook o @ © tablet toothbrush sandwich letter mirror sunglasses keys newspaper hairbrush necklace book glasses laptop umbrella magazine pen WT Talking about your things @P New language “These” and “those” Aa Vocabulary Possessions Be New skill Using determiners and pronouns FJ 8.1 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORD IN EACH SENTENCE You use “these” and “those” when you are referring to more than one thing, To show who owns a thing, you can use determiners or possessive pronouns, This / These is my phone. This /These are my mom's glasses. @ That / Those are Samantha's keys. @ This / These is Tom's umbrella. @ This / These is my dog. © That / Those are Pete’s books. XM This is my sister. © That / Those is your newspaper. @ This / These are my tickets. © This / These are Marge’s earrings. This / These are his daughters. © That / Those is my teacher. © That / Those is your watch. *) FJ 8.2 REWRITE EACH SENTENCE IN ITS OTHER FORM. These are my sisters. These are my letters. This is my purse. Those are Greg's keys. That is my cat. ‘These are my sister's pencils. That is your dictionary. This is Dan's house. Those are Stan's books. eoo0eo000000 Those are my brothers. 26 8.3 REWRITE THE SINGULAR, 8.4 REWRITE THE WORDS, NOUNS IN THE PLURAL CORRECTING THE SPELLINGS apple = apples © diarys @ bookes e 2 ae @ __ pencil = = e fish _ © brushs © penciles © __brother = — @ boxs O lettres o diary = © __necklace = © newspaperes © __brush = h = LL ess = O doges O glasss o box = ° © notebookses © passportes oO sister = @ _umbrella = © toothbrushs © magazinees © __ttop = ~) “) [B= wesvonnvrarecirensesions | SBS wea 66 2 = § sb 6 _ Le 27 8.6 MATCH THE DETERMINERS 8.7 REWRITE CHANGING THE TO THE PRONOUNS DETERMINERS TO PRONOUNS wy These are her pencils é 4 ) These pencile are hers o ins > mine @ Thisis his dog. f. ‘ aE oe > Ce) |emnem a ine © Those are my books. t e mash ko © Thatis your fish. ft ef ° CD —_—____* at ° These are their bags 0m Cm) femme ait © These are our boxes. ° our its «) E y 8.8 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND MARK THE SENTENCES YOU HEAR Those books are mine, ‘Those books are John's. © That purse is hers. That purse is Stacey's. @ That dog is yours. That dog is Clare's O This key is his. This key is hers. @ These sandwiches are theirs. These sandwiches are Dan's, © This newspaper is theirs. This newspaper is hers © That bag is his. That bag is hers. © That necklace is Linda's. That necklace is hers. Those children are theirs. Those children are ours. @ Those sandwiches are ours. Those sandwiches are Emma's 00 00 00 00/oO Ho Be oo oo ae 8.9 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, FILLING IN THE GAPS USING "THIS” AND “THESE” ‘These __are my pencils. a ks. o are my bo% a isyourdos. | e C ags. ° areherbags. | @ ° are their boxes. |. ° ismy toothbrush. | @ is his diary. is your apple. are my apples. are your glasses. are Kevin's keys, 6e0o0CcOlmUlUlU8 is my dad's car, a *) 8.10 WRITE THE DETERMINERS AND PRONOUNS FROM THE EMAIL IN THE CORRECT GROUPS —— = | Sublet: A now pat | Hi Somantha How are you? Thank you for your email | have ‘some big news: | have a new dog, His name is Rex and he is very big. | take him for a walk in the evening with my girlfriend Jane. Jane has a dog, ‘00, but hers is very small. His name is Fido. Jane's dog likes mine! We goto the park with our dogs every day. I's fun, Let’s meet soon, | tim am of 29 a) Vocabulary al 9.1 JOBS WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES mone fe 4 oh te os at ak te 4 “he df of ® cleaner waiter artist electrician businessman mechanic judge sales assistant teacher gardener receptionist dentist scientist construction worker engineer pilot vet _ fire fighter nurse chef actor _ hairdresser businesswoman doctor farmer police officer waitress driver 31 WD Talking about your job You can use the verb “to be" to describe your job. 19 New language Using Iam’ for your job The verb "to work" gives more information Aa Vocabulary Jobs anc workplaces about where you work and who you work with. Be New skill Describing your job EK G j 10.1 REWRITE EACH SENTENCE IN ITS OTHER FORM. Jam an actor. We are actors. ° They are-actors They are actors. _ o They aredoctors. _ @ __Heisavet. @ Youare a teacher. ° We are police officers. ° We are hairdressers. © _You are a farmer. © _lamamechanic. o You are waitresses. ° You are cleaners. @ _lamagardener. © __Sheisa chef. © We are artists. | 10.2 FILLIN THE GAPS WITH THE CORRECT VERBS AND ARTICLES —— isa doctor. od? We hairdressers. actor. ° tf They farmers, teacher. OM, You vet. chef. ° f 1 waiter engineer. ° } She_______nurse. “) | 10.3 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORD IN EACH SENTENCE | Theyis/ are gardeners. J @Olam/isavet. @ She is / are a businesswoman. © We is / are doctors. They is / are teachers. @ He is / are a mechanic. Olam /isa driver. @ We am / are receptionists. © They are /is waitresses. @ She is / area police officer. @ lam/isajudge. @ Youis / are a nurse. @ We am / are farmers. © She is / area sales assistant. © lam/area chef. ~) |Aa| 10.4 MATCH THE PICTURES TO THE CORRECT LABELS hospital | theater o ted ° laboratory school restaurant . «) I work or/ in an office. @ He works on / in a doctor's office. @ We work on / in a farm. © My dad works on / in a building site. © My sister works on /in a café. Fg 1 (CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORD IN EACH SENTENCE © We work on /in people's gardens. @ Dan works on /in a hospital. @ | work on / ina restaurant. © We work on / ina school. © Chris works on / in a supermarket. *) 33 t J 10.6 LOOK AT THE PICTURES AND SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL ‘ o { e : fric__is a waiter. Abby Julie He works in a restaurant. She She d " Simon Adam Max He He He a td a : waiter police officer park nurse rT [ hairdresser sastaurant engineer a | potcesaion host Tf a beauty salon gardener farm She construction site farmer «) 34 | Aa| 10.7 FILLIN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL Peterisa___ teacher - )and he works with children __( Mt Osamisa (BY) and she works with © Gabriella isa ah ) and she works with © Danisa i and he works with thew @ Johnisa fp he works with bit ) ) and he works in a >. doctor crops theater patients chef childrer teacher animals food vet farmer actor © Tomisan *) [ y 1 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS O Alberto isa... 2% contractor. ["] gardener. [7 waiter. [| chef. [7] actor. [7] @ Simon is a. © Susan and Pam are... contractor. | gardener. (| teacher. |_| chefs. |_| hairdressers. |_| gardeners. |_| Osueisa. © Douglasis an... nurse. [] chef. [] teacher. [] actor. ["] farmer. [1] police officer. (1 OdJohnisa.. @ Dannyis a... scientist. ("| businessman. |) doctor. |_| contractor. (| architect. [| farmer. [| 35 WD telling the time There are two ways of saying the time. You can use hours gg New language Times of the day and minutes, or you can say the minutes first and state Aa Vocabulary Words for ime their relation to the hour. |Aa| ‘11.1. MATCH THE PICTURES TO THE CORRECT TIMES ° ° ° ° ° It’s half past eight. It’s seven fifteen, It’s four thi It’s a quarter after six. It’s midnight. (tsa quarter to nine. It's seven fifty. It's five forty-five, It's three thirty. «) Be New skill Saying wiat the time is E y 11.2 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND MARK THE CORRECT TIMES © 535) 35) woo o a ° Or. 36 FJ ‘11.3 REWRITE THE TIMES USING FIGURES It’s a quarter to six. = —845 _} @irsnine o'clock. = @ It’s a quarter past eleven. = © it'saquartertoeight. = @ It's eleven o'clock. = @ its half pasteleven. = = @© Weight twenty-four — = @ W’snine twenty-five. = @ It’s half past three. = @ It'sa quarter after ten. = It’s a quarter to three. = © It’s eleven twenty. = © Ws five twenty-five. = sO It’sone fifty-five. = @ It's three forty-nine. = @ tts quarter to seven. | = It's two fifteen. = @ It's six forty-five. = ”) t J 11.4 LOOK AT THE PICTURES, THEN SAY EACH TIME OUT LOUD. I's a quarter past nine. a) 0 Ga) a © (09:45) © (3:15) a a o © (6:30) a a © (10:20) © (08:22) © (1730) © (125) 37 Vocabulary 12.1 DAILY ROUTINES WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL. UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES 2 © a . 2,0 el a a , f m fet mm Ab = — om ff eA startwork clear the table wash yourface wake up gotobed cook dinner -gotewore — irona shirt leave work get dressed dothedishes have dinner gotoschool —_walk the dog buy groceries take a shower dawn havelunch getup brush yourteeth go home day fiinishwork dusk brush your hair take a bath have breakfast night 39 Describing your day Use the present simple tense to talk about the things a? New language The present simple you do regularly: for example, when you normally Aa Vocabulary Routine activities go to work or eat lunch. Be New skill Talking about your daily routine | Aa| 13.1 MATCH THE PICTURES TO FJ 13.2 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT THE CORRECT SENTENCES WORD IN EACH SENTENCE oO Re ee She eats / gat dinner in the evening. 7:20am, J @ | wake / wakes up at 6:30am. OR’. @ He gets / get up at 6am. o i Mesoan © She have / has a shower at 7am. : ne Q They have / has cereal for breakfast. eo ts Q ae the bus @ He have / has a shower before breakfast. im ——@§_§|_—<_ @ She leaves / leave home at 7:15am. @ [ sranon ues 7 @ The bus go / goes every half hour. : f ca | | @ tget/ gets to work at 8:30am, hh) Qe start / starts work at 9am. ° al Peel © She take / takes an hour for lunch. @ | go / goes to the sandwich shop for lunch ° Marion has breakfast @® They eat / eats lunch in the canteen 7am. U y @ He finish / finishes work at Spm. O f \ | | © They go/ goes home on the bus. 28 fe 730m. ® He wash / washes his car every weekend. © | watch / watches TV after dinner. e \4 Gt Marin gets to work @ They go / goes to bed at Ipm. 8:30am, Co) © He sleep / sleeps for eight hours. *) ~) 40 | 13.3 FILLIN THE GAPS BY PUTTING THE VERBS IN THE CORRECT FORM ( leat She ) Olgo 1 @thae = He Olwakeup = She Olstat = It @ I wash = He @lleae = He @lwatch = She Qigetup = She Ol finish = It *) Ry 13.4 FILL IN THE GAPS BY PUTTING THE VERBS IN THE CORRECT FORM Cs ; > | W He_ finishes (finish) work at Spm. Q fib | (drive) to work. ° o es He (get) up at 6:30am. e & | (have) lunch in the park. e ba He (have) breakfast at 7am. @ 4 \ (work) eight hours every day. ° fl She (leave) home at 8am. @ ss He (go) to bed at 10:30pm. *) t J 13.5 SAY THESE VERBS OUT LOUD \ a eo wakes a o leaves a goes gets \e @ has \ e e washes 2 0 watches | @ (0 finishes ae *) a Describing your week You can talk about your usual weekly activities using the present simple with time phrases. Time phrases are often formed using prepositions and days of the week a? New language Days and prepositions Aa Vocabulary Days of the week Be New skill Talking about your weekly routine FJ 14.1 FILLIN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS “ON” AND “IN" ‘ o ? | go to the movies the weekend. @ 22€= Lin goes swimming the evening, © “ oe 4 Joe starts work at 6pm —___ Mondays. @ & * Alex goes fishing the weekend. © Yee. | Youwatch tv the afternoon, eo St He eats lunch at Ipm Fridays. o x Harry plays tennis Wednesdays. © Ey Sam goes to the gym ___ the morning. —_ *) | 14.2 MARK THE SENTENCES THAT ARE CORRECT | play soccer on Mondays. eae © You read the newspaper in Sundays. Oo | play soccer at Mondays. o You read the newspaper on Sundays. oO @ | work from Monday to Thursday. Oo @ Peter goes to work on the weekend. a | work of Monday to Thursday. Oo Peter goes to work from the weekend. a @ My sister go swimming every day. Oo Jennifer goes to a café for Fridays. o My sister goes swimming every day. o Jennifer goes to a café on Fridays. Oo © We go to the gym on Saturdays. [1 @Sam and Pete work to 9am from Spm. ] ‘We go to the gym at Saturdays. Oo ‘Sam and Pete work from 9am to Spm. oO «) a2 t J 14.3 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, FILLING IN THE GAPS eave early for work 0%. Mondays. @ Laura goes shopping _Tuesdays. Pam works _ Monday _Friday. | Peter gets up at 8am _ Mondays. e Iwork athome __ Thursdays. a We goto the gym _ Thursdays. @ I play soccer_ the weekend a Jane swims __ Monday _Friday. \ @ They work Monday Thursday. o o ° e °o © Tom goes to the cinema_ Fridays. ae © Gerald reads abook___ the weekend. a ° o e © Johntakesabath Fridays. a ° ® We go to bed at 9pm_ Mondays. |. @ Lizzy starts work at 9am _Fridays. «) | 14.4 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER “everyday. _|(_has || She ) breakfast | © goesto) Joe] | college | five times a week. | She has breakfast every day. © (goes to) (Dan) three times a week.) the gym] @ [once aweek. | | washes her} | Clarice { clothes © (twice a week (g0e510) (the cinema] Sam) © [Jennifer } (twice aweek, (at 10am] (get up) © (every day. } (We) (at 11:30pm | (go to bed] @ (_at7pm_} (every day. (eat dinner) (We *) B Fy ‘14.5 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS @ | go to the movies on weekend. I wakes up at 6:30am. Lwake up at 6:30am. © Bob go swimming on Thursdays. @ | play tennis on weekend. © Jane and Tom go to the gym three time a week. © Angus works from Monday on Thursday. Jim goes to the gym three times a week, True [| False [7 © Jim goes to work at 6am True [") False [| @ Jim goes to the gym on Mondays and Tuesdays. True [1] False |) © He plays soccer on Fridays. True [| False [| True [| False |") @ They go to the theater on Saturdays. True [1] False |) They go to a restaurant on Sundays. True [| False [| Ss 44 Jim and his wife get up at 10am on the weekend. © Sam goes to college Wednesdays. @ Jenny gets up in 7am every day. © Peter work from Monday to Friday. © Nina go to bed at 11pm every day. [ t J 14.6 READ THE EMAIL AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Pete SER 7 | | Subject: My ook } “) | HiPete, Let me tll you about my typical week. From Monday to Thursday, getup cary, st 6am, | eat breakfast, thom | go to work at 6:30am. On Fridays, | work at home, ke Fridays. ike ports alot | goto the gym {ice @ week, on Mondays and Tuesdays, and I go ‘Swimming on Wednesdays. | play soccer on ‘Thursdays, but | relax on Friday and read a newspaper. On the weekend, my wife and | get up at 10am, We go {0 the movies on Saturdays, and on Sundays, we goto # good restaurant. Tell me about your weekend! | ot) 14.7 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO, THEN NUMBER THE PICTURES IN THE ORDER THEY ARE DESCRIBED oo oo 14.8 LISTEN TO 14.7 AGAIN AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. Kate goes to the gym on. Monday [] Tuesday [) Friday [7 O Paulisa. farmer [| teacher [| doctor |") O Janeisa.. nurse [_] doctor [1] teacher [] © On the weekend, Jane goes to. arestaurant [| the movies || agym [| sally gets up at. 6am (] 7am [) 8am (1) © Sally goes swimming on.. Saturday || Sunday _) Thursday |) © Eric works at the. school |_| theater |_| restaurant |_| @ Eric works... a week. twice [| three days || four days | | O Chireisa. waitress [| carpenter (_) farmer [| Claire starts work at. 6am (| 4pm (] 6pm [7 45 Negatives with “to be” You make a sentence negative by using “not” or its short i” New language Negatives with ‘to be" form "-n't.” Negative sentences with the verb “to be” Aa Vocabulary 'Not* have different rules than negatives with other verbs. Be New skill Saying what things are not FJ 15.1 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER (oclock. ) (5) [not } {is } (tt | © (is ) (not } (Frank } (my } | father. | It is not 5 o'clock. © (teacher) (Paula) Coot) sJ(@J © © Cis) Cony) (aoe) Course.) Cis) © (are) (not) (England) (We) (from) @ (not) (They) (are) (engineers. ) © (my ) (this (phone. } [not] (_is_} @ (is) ( that} (_salon._} (_not_) (a) © (years } (Kirsty) {_not_} (old. (18) is} @{_Kim }(_a_} ( teacher.) ( is | ( not } *) | 15.2 FILL IN THE GAPS TO MAKE NEGATIVE SENTENCES, They cave not hairdressers. | © che 70 years old O That a castle. OYou French. @ They at school, O this my dog. @He agrandfather. @1 adoctor. Owe engineers. Or 11 o'clock «) 46 THEY ARE DESCRIBED oo on 15.3 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO, THEN NUMBER THE IMAGES IN THE ORDER. 15.4 FILLIN THE GAPS TO WRITE EACH SENTENCE THREE DIFFERENT WAYS She is not a nurse. he's not a marse. Fredo’s nota chef. Susie is not my cat. They're not at the theater. eoooo She isn't a nurse. My dad isn’t at work. 15.5 READ THE BLOG AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Mia is 45 years old. True [| False (~ © She lives in California. True 1] False 1] @ She's a waitress in a restaurant. True [| False [7] © She isn’t Mexican. True [1] False [7] @ Franco isn’t an engineer. True [] False (] © They have a daughter in college. True [] False [) ee | Mia’s blog | oc My life Hil 'm Mia and t'm 47 years old. live in Los ‘Angeles, California, and ay ''m a chef. | work in a Mexican restaurant, Alot of people think I'm from Mexico, but ''m not. Fm from Colombia. 'm married to Franco. He's a carpenter, We have a son, ‘Sam. He studies at a local college, ‘15.6 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS This aren't your cat. © Itaren'ta snake. This isn’t your cat. Q This aren't his umbrella. © My cousins isn’t 21 years old. @ Pedro aren't Spanish. © Itaren't half past si. © Pete and Terry isn't hairdressers. @ lisn’t your friend. *) [ J 15.7 READ THE BLOG AND ANSWER a = THE QUESTIONS © tt S ae tue Cl eB For learners ‘ Howe | entmse 1 asour 1 ronum true C) Fake C] H POSTED FRIDAY, JUNE 19 } INTRODUCE YOURSELF @ There isn't a learner from Spain. i TH {ERESA GEISSLER True [| False [| Hi, my name's Theresa. 'm a student | from Germany, and I'm 17 years old. | © Pablo is not a teacher. True] False LUCIA ALONSO Hello, everyone. | am from ttaly, and © Theresa is not a teacher. | my name is Lucia. | am 42, and | am an engineer. True [] False [1] - PABLO MONTOYA © Xiis nota chef. am a teacher called Pablo. | come from ® true CI False ‘Argentina. | am 51, and I have been learning English for the last six months, © Xi does not live in China. 0 True [) False [] Hello, my name is Xi, lam 32 years old, {lam a doctor, and I live with my wife and a enone 48 a | 15.8 TURN THE “YOU” STATEMENTS INTO “I” STATEMENTS, You're a nurse. You're not a doctor. Tim a nurse. I'm not a doctor. FJ ‘15.9 TURN THE “I” STATEMENTS INTO “YOU" STATEMENTS \'m French. I'm not German. You're French. You're not German. @ Youre a student. You're not a teacher. @ Im 28. 'm not 29. @ You're 30 years old. You're not 40. © I'ma scientist. 'm not a gardener. © You're a farmer. You're not a police officer. © I'm Austrian. I'm not English. © You're French. You're not English. @ I'ma contractor. I'm not an actor. @ You're an uncle, You're not a father. © I'm 16. 'm not 18. You're 18. You're not 21 © Iman uncle. 'm not a grandfather. @ You're a waitress. You're not a chef. @ ma mechanic. I'm not an engineer. © You're Spanish. You're not Italian, © I'ma police officer. I'm nota firefighter. ~) ~) THEM OUT LOUD Tina not at work, Cd 15.10 USE THE CHART TO CREATE 12 CORRECT SENTENCES AND SAY at work. an actor. ‘American. 40 years old. 49 More negatives For most verbs in English, add “do not” or “does not” @P New language Present simple negative before the verb to make it negative. This is often Aa Vocabulary Daily acivities shortened to “don't” or "doesn't.” Be New skill Saying what you don't do. Fy 16.1 FILLIN THE GAPS USING “DO NOT” OR “DOES NOT” She __does not __ play tennis on Wednesdays. Oi: get up at 7:30am. OJane walk to work. @ You have a car. © My brother watch TV. O My dad work in an office. eo read a book in the evening. @ You have a dog. Frank work at the museum. O My sister work with children. © They go dancing on the weekend. @ They live in the country. Owe goto work on Fridays. @ Freddie eat meat «) | 16.2 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER *t}| © (on-Thursdays. {soccer} (play) (We) (don't) (go Mick) on Wednesdays. || to work) does Mick doesn’t go to work on Wednesdays. @ [inNewYork,} {live} ( doesn’t } (Tony } © | German } {don't} (at school.) { 1.) learn} © (doesn't) (afarm.) (work } {on } (Sebastian } @ |_work ) (Carlo | (on Mondays.| | doesn't © (a factory. (doesn't) (uncle) (My) (in) (work) @ (don't) (at) [You] (take | {a bath | [ night. } «) Fy 16.3 WRITE TWO NEGATIVE FORMS OF EACH SENTENCE | get up at Zam. I do not get up at Jam. I dowt get up at Jam. Tim plays tennis. You have a black cat. Jules reads a book every day. Sam works in a restaurant. They play soccer. Emily works with animals. Mel and Greg have a car. eoeoec00000 80 You work in a factory. = | 16.4 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS He don't go swimming on Wednesdays. © You doesn't wake up at 6am. He doesn’t go swimming on Wednesdays. © Chloe don't play tennis with her friends. @ They doesn't eat lunch at Ipm. @ You doesn't work outside. © Virginia don't speak good English. © Sal and Doug doesn't have a car. © Trevor don't live near here. © We doesn't watch TV at home. © My dad don't live in Los Angeles. © Mrs. O’Brien don’t work in an office. @ David don't play chess. «) 51 | Aa| 16.5 MARK THE SENTENCES THAT ARE CORRECT Jenny doesn't work in a bank. Jenny don't work in a bank. @ Jean don't cycle to work. Jean doesn't cycle to work. @ They don't live in the city. They doesn't live in the city. © Mr. James don't go to the theater. Mr. James doesn't go to the theater. @ He doesn't read a newspaper. He don’t read a newspaper. © My cousins don't have tickets. My cousins doesn't have tickets 00 00 00 00 OO /O @ Sally doesn't go to the gym. Sally don't go to the gym. @ Our dog don't have a ball. Our dog doesn’t have a ball. Q | don't have a laptop. | doesn't have a laptop. © My mom doesn't get up at 7:30am. My mom don't get up at 7:30am. © You doesn't live in the country. You don't live in the country. @ Claude don't have a dictionary. Claude doesn’t have a dictionary. oo 00 oo 00 00 oo «) a . Julie is talking about things I Julie works in the museum, True (71 False [_] O Julie gets up at 7am. True [1] False [] Julie doesn’t work on Fridays. True [] False [] © Julie has lunch with her friends. True [| False [1] © Julie plays tennis on Wednesday evenings. True [1] False [| © Julie gets home at 8pm. True [| False (1) Julie doesn’t eat dinner. True [|] False [| @ Julie watches TV before she goes to bed. True] False (] E y 16.6 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS 52 16.7 READ THE ARTICLE AND. ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Who doesn't live in a city? sam (] Carla [) Greg © Who plays a sport on Thursdays? Sam (| Carla [) Greg |] © Who works in the evenings? sam [] Carla [) Greg © Who doesn't have lunch? sam (] Carla [) Greg 1) Q Who works in an office? Sam [| Carla [) Greg [| © Who doesn't work on Mondays? sam [| Carla [") Greg (| © Who starts work at Sam? sam (| Carla [) Greg |] @ Who plays basketball on Mondays? sam (| Carla [) Greg () © Who plays soccer? sam (] Carla [) Greg (1) A SAY THEM OUT LOUD I don't go 1 swinaming. Frank What | do Um water rom New Yorke my jo | ork evenings and the food i fas | wor om Tuesday to Sunday, anton work on Mondays, On Mond Monday pa ‘basketball in the afternoon, “ Carl | work in an office in Dublin. | start Work at 9am and have lunch at 1pm. I love sports. | play soccer with my colleagues on Thursday evenings, ny ve in the country in South Australia | work on a farm and start work at San, ‘have a big breakfast and a big cinner but I don't have lunch, Every weekend | play golf, , 16.8 USE THE CHART TO CREATE NINE CORRECT SENTENCES AND . go swimming. Ge havea car, joesn't speak Japanese «) 33 Simple questions To form simple questions with the verb “to be,” you 4? New language Simple questions change the order of the subject and verb. The answer Aa Vocabulary Jobs and routine activities to a simple question usually starts with “yes” or "no.” Be New skill Asking simple questions FJ ‘17.1 REWRITE THE STATEMENTS AS QUESTIONS. She is an engineer. © Those are your letters. Is she an engineer? @ This is his passport. @ She isa nurse. @ Itis 6 o'dock. © This is your snake. © Doug and Jim are hairdressers. O itis 3pm. @ These are my glasses. Q His wife is a chef. © Sally is his sister. © Katie and Jess are my friends. *) 17.2 USE THE CHART TO CREATE SIX DIFFERENT QUESTIONS AND SAY THEM OUT LOUD Are you anactor? an actor? a teacher? engineers? Fy 17.3 FILLIN THE GAPS USING “IS” OR “ARE” a Is he a police officer? o fe 7 that your bag? o BH ____ Dorota at school? o f i they your cousins? ° aa this your parrot? ° h they from France? ° fi there abanknearhere? @ Ki ij she Sam's sister? °o she you a gardener? oO aN this my burger? e f these Jean's keys? © hn there a church in this town? there a castle in yourtown? «= ® Fit those Brooke's shirts? ~) FJ 17.4 REWRITE THE QUESTIONS, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER (are }(__a__) (doctor? }(_ you} | @ (on{ there (1s (bank J your) a |(street?} Are you a doctor? @(s__|(ttalye }|_ from )(_Paula_] © your )\ Are || these } glasses? )( dad's } © (_ past_) Ltwor_) (it )Cis )Lnait) © (tris) (ts) Laptop? ) (_your_) © |_ your }{ Ronaldo || father? || Is} @ books? }| those || Katherine's }( Are | «) 55 Fy T FILL IN THE GAPS WITH “DO” OR “DOES” ae Dees Maria go swimming? o Ti you work in a hospital? © Fig your dog lke children? ® e _____ you get up at 10am on Sundays? Simone work with children? they lve in the town? ‘we finish work at 3pm today? Frank play tennis with Pete? 17.6 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORD IN EACH QUESTION Do /-Boes they play tennis together? © Do/ Does you read a newspaper every day? @ Do / Does he go to bed at 11pm? © Do / Does they live in a castle? @ Do / Does Pedro come from Bolivia? © Do/ Does she work with children? © Do / Does Claire and Sam eat lunch at 2pm? © Do/ Does your brother work with animals? © Do / Does Tim play soccer on Mondays? © Do / Does they work in a café? © Do / Does you have a shower in the evening? © Do / Does we start work at 10am on Thursdays? ® Do/ Does Pamela work in a bank? «) ‘17.7 REWRITE THE STATEMENTS. AS QUESTIONS Bill gets up at Zam. Does Bill get up at Jam? O They work in a museum. @ You work with children. © Shane lives in Sydney. © John plays tennis on Wednesdays. © Wes and Marie eat dinner at 6pm. © Seth works in a post office. *) 56 [ J 17.8 READ THE EMAIL AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Does Sam get up at 7:30am? Yes (] No © Does Sam have a bath? Yes |) No || | HiPete, © Does he eat breakfast at home? Yes [1] No [1 a ‘me ell you about life in my new town, get up at 7am and have a sh ‘ © Does he eat some fruit at work? | al breakfast at home but oda Ca “ Yes (1) No] | atwork, : ome tut } © Does he work in a bank? I | a | ees ina bank in the town. Work stats at 4m and fnishes at 6om, but Ihave lunch | © Does Sam's work finish at 6pm? 3t 1:30pm. nthe evening, | eat dinner and ves C1 NoL watch TY, } © Does he have lunch at 2:30pm? | Best wishes Yes [] Nol] Sam I © Does he watch TV in the evening? a Yes [| No[] — t J 17.9 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, FILLING IN THE GAPS. De__ you go to the movies on Saturdays? ° Sam and Doug work with animals? e @ o you go toa restaurant on Fridays? o she get up at Jam on the weekend? ° Peter live near the museum? ° they play tennis in the evening? BE) Answering questions When answering questions in English, you can often a? New language Simple answers leave out words to shorten your response. These short Aa Vocabulary Jobs and routines answers are often used in spoken English. Be New skill Answering spoken questions FJ 18.1 MARK THE BEST REPLY TO EACH QUESTION ‘Ate you Frencit Yesiam i @ os Isthisyour 8 8 Yess. 1 a recite! | RA ToS ventdoe, 2 o ° Do you Yes,tam. [) Does she Yes,sheis. — [] tive in work atthe 5 chicago? haljtad hospital? tt 4 Yes,1 do. Yes,she does. [-] e | @ 1 Are they No, they arent. [ . Yes,itis. LJ] ro 7 | Messe | a as nti No, they don't, [] F Nl No, itdoesn't, [] «) | 18.2 FILLIN THE GAPS WITH THE CORRECT SHORT ANSWERS ls this your cat? © Does Peter speak French? Yes, it is, or © Do you play golf? © Do they work at the factory? No, No, @ Is Paula your wife? @ Is Mario from Italy? Yes, Yes, «) a 18.3 READ THE EMAIL AND WRITE ANSWERS TO THE QUESTIONS. AS FULL SENTENCES. Does Helen have a new job? Yes, she does. @ Is Helen a German teacher? @ Does Helen start work at 8am? Is Helen's school small? © Does Helen finish at 4pm? © Does Helen read a book in the evening? Hikim, | |have some great news! | have a new job. I'm a French {eacher at the school on Palm Avenue. Let me tell you | about my typical day. !get up at Bam and | walk to work. The school i big and | | has 800 children. | start work at Gam and | have lunch at fp. My students are very nie! | ish work at dpm, and then | walk home, In the evening, | mark up my Students’ homework, then drink a glass of wine | and watch a movie. } Say hello to Bob! | Helen } eS oa 18.4 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS teacher. She meets Bob, another I] teacher at the school. f Sy Jane is starting anew job as a Jane is a teacher. True (7 False [] Not given [] © Bob is an English teacher. True [| False [| Notgiven |) Jane is from Dublin. True [| False [) Notgiven (| © Jane's husband is a teacher too. True ["] False [] Not given [| Jane's husband works near their house. True [| False [|] Notgiven | | © Jane's husband starts work at 8:30am. True [| False [") Notgiven |) © Bob plays tennis every weekend. True [| False [) Notgiven |] @ Jane goes to the movies a lot. True [| False [] Notgiven |] 59 WE) Asking questions Use question words such as “what,” “who,” “when,” and "where" to ask open questions that can't be answered with “yes” or “no.” @P New language Open questions Aa Vocabulary Question words Be New skill Asking for details | Aa| 19.1 MATCH THE QUESTIONS FJ 19.2 FILL IN THE GAPS TO TO THE CORRECT ANSWERS COMPLETE THE QUESTIONS When your Wes alf past How old are you? irthday? [seven Ga o does the dog keep barking? ‘Whatis your name? 's on January 24 ° Galas Monn e are your parents now? @ | Howare your ies his birthday, e is your brother? OO — ° is your name? © | whatisthe timer It’s on Saturday. ° is Carla's birthday? é ») °o is your sister's house? © | Whoisthat woman? 1m fine, thanks. \ J| |e car is yours? © | Whereis the caer es oe o are your exams? “ ° did you park the car? © | Whvissenrapnye satzotot. || | © are you sad? Which one is your ies across fom o can | go home? o brother? the bank - —EEEE oO does your brother live? @ | Fgesacted ic © is your first memory? © whenis your party? Vm twenty-three. Where When Where When, Co) J Who -Hew- Why Which When © | Howoldare you? cae a What Where Why What Where *) *) 60 E y 19.3 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS ro Greg is talking about the various members of his family, What is Greg's grandmother's name? shelley Elie x Emma oO © How old is Greg's grandmother? 84 years old 82 years old 83 years old oo00 @ Where does she live? Near the church Near the cathedral Near the supermarket ooo © Where does Greg's mother work? Ata school oO Ata museum o Ata theater oO © What does Greg's mother do? She's a cleaner o She's a receptionist o She's a teacher Qa © How old is Samantha? 2 Oo 19 Qo 23 o C wake) (da) (you (Lupe) (Lihen ) When do you wake up? FJ 19.4 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER © (you) (sie )( do) Cavtich ) Corfe?) © (bed) (you) (What) (4a) tine) (go) () © | go } (you) (Where | (swimming?) ( do_ © (son) does} go)| your} to college?) (Where) @ | start | (does }( When } work? | _Jane_) © (eet | (How |(do) | you} (to }|_work? } @ | for | (do) (What) (you) (eat) | breakfast? | *) 61 THE WORDS IN THE PANEL SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, FILLING IN THE GAPS USING What doyoude? igi] @ time do you wake up? | @ o doyoustuty? \ @ © many shits do you own? \ e doyouwant? e o do you want for lunch? a ° buildingisyourcollege? @ does the course finish? \ ° doyoulve? \ @ @ do you doin the evening? |. What What Which What When How Which © What = What Where | *) 19.6 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS Where does you work? Where do you work? © Which school do he go to? @ Why does Kevin works there? © Where do your friend live? @ Where are your car? ‘19.7 REWRITE THE SENTENCES AS QUESTIONS Jerry goes to the movies on Thursdays. When _does Jerry go to the movies? © My uncle is very well, thanks. How @ My wife is the woman with long dark hair. Which © | work at the school on Sandy Lane. Where @ The meeting is at 3:30pm. What © What do your brother do? «) @ | finish work at 7pm tonight. When «) 19.8 USE THE CHART TO CREATE 12 CORRECT SENTENCES. AND SAY THEM OUT LOUD Where does he play soccer? play soccer? live? finish work? Which country are Tim and Janet in? France (% Italy (1) © What is the name of the town? Blois [| Tours [| @ Who is Tim with? Janet |) Claire (1) © Where is their hotel? Near the castle [| Near the cathedral |_| @ What do they eat for breakfast? Cereal || French bread |_| © Where do they drink their coffee? Inthe hotel [1] Inacafé [) © What do they do in the afternoon? Explore the old town |_| Visit a restaurant [| @ How old is the castle? About 200 years old ["] About 1,000 years old (] © What can you see at the castle? Some beautiful paintings [| Historic furniture (| 19.9 READ THE EMAIL AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS To: Claire Subject: Having fun! Hello Clare, ‘We're on vacation in France this week! We're in Bicis, a small town near Tours. | am here with Janet, {an old friend from school. Our hotel is near the castle in the old town, and is not far from some nice cafés and restaurants, We eat French bread for breakfast every morning, and | buy it from a local bakery. In the morning, Janet and | go for cofee in 4 local café and eat a pastry. French pastries are elicious. In the afternoon, we walk by the river and explore the old town, There are some oxcellent Stores, $0 ll get you a present, The castle is amazing. It's about 1,000 years old and has lots of rooms with beautiful paintings. See you soon! Tim aa Vocabulary 20.1 AROUND TOWN WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL. UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES t Qcvn ( ff t supermarket pharmacy ° far hospital bus station library café BO park castle bridge factory mosque train station post office here avillage- town airport police station there bank bar near hotel school office building swimming pool restaurant «) 65 WD Talking about your town When you talk about things, you can use “there is’ for one and “there are" for more than one. "There isn't” and "there aren't” are the negatives. 21.1 FILLIN THE GAPS TO COMPLETE THE SENTENCES. Pa omit ez OFA trotters ofp Ce A ofl AatiSl tree cates “) There is acastle. station. a swimming pool. afactory, ag? New language There is / There are Aa Vocabulary Town and buildings Be New skill Describe a town 21.2 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORDS IN EACH SENTENCE There isn't / aref'ta police station, @ There isn't / aren't a restaurant. @ There isn't / aren't any schools. © There isn’t / aren't a post office. There isn't / aren't any cafés. © There isn't / aren't any bars. @ There isn't / aren't a train station, @ There isn't / aren‘ta library. © There isn't / aren't any supermarkets. There isn’t / aren't any parks. © There isn't / aren't a town hall. «) SAY EIGHT CORRECT SENTENCES USING THE WORDS IN THE CHART 66 214 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND NUMBER THE PICTURES IN THE ORDER THEY ARE DESCRIBED YF fo 4 Sai 4 ini +’ * 4 oF ft There isa theater, @ There is a school, @ There are two churches. © There is a café. @ There isa library. @ There are two airports. There are three hotels. @ There are two parks. @ There is a town hall. I FJ 21.5 REWRITE EACH SENTENCE IN THE NEGATIVE FORM There isn’t a theater. «) 67 E J 21.6 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND MARK THE CORRECT ANSWERS ‘i= Gordon is describing the town he EES] tives in with his family. Melcome isn... © In the evening Gordon goes to a. Scotland. Oo library. oO Canada. wx café. Qa England. Qo restaurant. Qo New Zealand. oO swimming pool. — [_) @ There are two...... in Melcome, © Gordon's wife works ina... post offices QO hospital. Qo banks oO theater. Qa churches a store. Qo offices oO post office. o © Gordon works ina © Gordon's son isa... museum. oO teacher. Qo café. a doctor. Oo factory. re police officer. (a primary school. Oo actor. Oo A 2 REWRITE THE SENTENCES PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER (are )(_three_) cafés. (There } | @| hotels. }( are (There }( no | There are three cafés. (supermarket. } is } (a || There ] @( There }( three }( are || schools. ) © (restaurants. |{ There }( any }{ arent) ©( is }|{ station. }{ a }{ There } bus } «) 68 [ J 21.8 READ THE EMAIL AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. | To: Christine | Subject: Vi ‘There are two beaches. True [_] False [7 @ There isn’t a castle. True (1) False (1) @ There isa park. True (] False [] © There is a supermarket. True (1) False (] There aren't any stores. True [] False [1] © There is a big restaurant. True [1] False (] © There are four cafés. True [] False [1] @ There is an airport. True [] False [7] 21 There is _alibrary. o stores, FILLING IN THE GAPS e castles. e e LOOK AT THE IMAGE AND SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOU achurch. aon ~T. ing Westport HiChristine, We are on vacation in Westport and its beautifull There's lots | {0 do here forall the family. There arent any beaches, but | ‘eres @ caste anda big park. The castle is very old and realy interesting. And the children goto the park every day. There | isn'ta supermarket here, bu thee ae lots of small stores in the center. Anne loves them, Inthe evening, | walk with Anne and the children in the conte. There i a big fish restaurant here. | ike fish alot! There are also three cafés where we relax. I's easy to get to Westport. The airports not far from the center and there's a bus station near our hotel Wish you were here! See you soon! | Tom 1 a hospital. r a ale te a post office. i 1 Et] d Using “a” and “the” Use the definite article ("the") or indefinite article 9? New language Definite and indefinite articles ('a," an’) to talk about things in specific or general Aa Vocabulary Places in town terms. Use "some" to talk about more than one thing. Be New skill Using articles FJ 22.1 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORDS IN EACH SENTENCE f Alex isa /an /the teacher. e th A/An/The gym is near Sam’s house. o a A/An/The new doctors called Hilary. © fm There is a/ an / the new café in town. e 4 Sammy is a/an / the nurse. eo & A/An/The hotel on Elm Lane is nice. o fh There is a/ an / the bank downtown. ° * A/An/ The new teacher is good. ofk Istherea/an/the hospital near here? = @ co ‘There's a/ an / the old theater in town, «) Fy 22.2 REWRITE THE SENTENCES CORRECTING THE ERRORS ‘Anew teacher is called Mr. Smith. Qik theres bank next here? The new teacher is called Mr. Smith, @ Ihave the sister and the brother. © There is an café at the bus station. @ There is the library on Queens Road. © My dadis a engineer. © | bought a apple and a orange. @ There is the cell phone on the table. *) 70 22.3 FILLIN THE GAPS USING A,” “AN,” “SOME,” OR “THE” pear Bob and Sally, we ave iw qlenmuir, ——— and im seotland, There's —— asthe OY “ cathedral here. They're weautifi castle is really old. There ich we and gre interesting stores, wit visit every day. we also have mane friend here, He's called Alfonse and he waiter iw ———— new works 8 ————— teabian vestaverant wext to ———— shopping mall. He's great! Jane \s there a /art/ any museum in Littleton? © Are there a/ an / any factories in your town? @ Is there a/an / any gym downtown? @ Ave there a/ an / any pencils in your bag? @ Isthere aan / any old church on Station Road? @ Is there a/ an / any hospital in the town? @ Isthere a/an / any salon near here? @ \sthere a/an / any apple in the basket? s 22.4 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORDS IN EACH SENTENCE © Ave there a/ an / any restaurants in your town? Qs there a/ an / any library downtown? @ Are there a/ an / any books on the table? @ ls there a/ an / any café nearby? @ Is there a/an / any cathedral in that town? @ \s there a/ an / any bank near the supermarket? © Are there a/an / any kittens here? © |s there a/ an / any school in this neighborhood? «) n | 22.5 REWRITE THE SENTENCES PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER (some }{ in _}(_town. }(are_}( my || There | banks } There are some banks in my town. Os supermarket | {_ there near_)(__a_) @ There (Beech Road. (some } {are )(_on_} © (horses }(_ on _}(_ farm) (There } (Frank's |{ are} (some _} © (airport. }{ near} { There }(_ some }{ the )( are }(_ hotels } ”) t J 22.6 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, FILLING IN THE GAPS. Are__there any stores? 0 (1 mosque in the town? @ a 0 (ss museum? @ (1s airport in Saltforth? a a @ [Are cafés? © Ar factories in Halford? a a © (Are parks near here? @ (1s castle in your town? a R t J 22.7 RESPOND OUT LOUD TO THE AUDIO, FILLING IN THE GAPS. Are there any cinemas in Littleton? No, there aren't, a © | Are there any supermarkets in the town? Yes, a @ __|sthere a church on Duke Road? No, a © | Are there any theaters near the hotel? Yes, a © (sthere a park in your town? No, © __|sthere a good restaurant near the park? Yes, © | Are there any castles near your town? No, @ | Are there any bars and cafés downtown? Yes, a & *) James is describing his life on a farm. ql Where does James live? onafarm (7 inacity [_] inatown [| © Where is the museum? Stonehill [1] Eastford (_] There isn’t one [] @ Where does James go on the weekend? theater [1] church |] museum [| © Ave there any stores in Stonehill? some [] none ["] lots [) E y 22.8 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS © What restaurant does Stonehill have? Italian [] French [") Mexican [] © Ave there any theaters in Stonehill? some [_) none [_} lots [) © How many churches are there in Eastford? two [} four (} six [) @ Are there any stores in Eastford? some [] none [] lots [1] 2B Orders and directions Use imperatives to tell someone to do something. They are also useful to give a warning, or to give directions to someone. FJ 23.1 REWRITE EACH VERB AS AN IMPERATIVE hetakes = = tke Oto put = @ I read = @sheworks = = Otostart = Oyouet = = @P New language Imperatives Aa Vocabulary Directions Be New skill Finding your way O they have MW O itstops i @towakeup = = Qvwerun = @theycome = O youare = «) Eat your breakfast. imperative (7 presentsimple @ leat my dinner at 6pm. perative [] _ present simple © Come with me. imperative [| _ presentsimple © You read your book every day. imperative [| _presentsimple Give that to me. imperative ["] _presentsimple © Read this book. imperative [] _ presentsimple © Eat your dinner. imperative [] _ presentsimple @ She goes to bed at 9pm. imperative (_] _ presentsimple I start school at 9am, imperative [] _ present simple Goto bed. imperative ["] _ presentsimple FJ 23.2 MARK WHETHER EACH SENTENCE IS IMPERATIVE OR PRESENT SIMPLE «) 4 | 23.3 MARK THE DIRECTIONS THAT LEAD YOU TO THE CORRECT PLACES malar jet f=) Fan Be) a Take the first left. The hospital is on the left Take the first left. The hospital is on the right. erst For the swimming pool. Go straight ahead. The swimming pool is opposite the castle. Go straight ahead. The swimming pool is opposite the station. oo @ For the school. Take the second left. The school is opposite the factory. Take the third left. The school is next to the factory. oo © For the church. ‘Turn right and take the second right. The church is opposite the hotel. Turn right and take the first left. The church is opposite the hotel. oo For the theater. Take the third left and go straight ahead. The theater is on the right. Take the third right and go straight ahead. The theater is on the left. o0 «) 75 Aa 23.4 MATCH THE PICTURES 23.5 MATCH THE PICTURES TO THE DIRECTIONS TO THE PREPOSITIONS OF PLACE tf. ae, ake ot o o a le Go~- | = ° He opposite E | = e f— —) o fll | we *) | 23.6 REWRITE THESE POSITIVE INSTRUCTIONS IN THE NEGATIVE FORM ive that to the teacher. ©) © Take the first left. Don't give that to the teacher. © Go straight ahead. © Turn left at the intersection @ Come with me. © Read this daily planner. *) 16 J 23.7 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND NUMBER THE DIRECTIONS IN THE ORDER YOU HEAR THEM Turn left and the theater is on your right across from the church. @ The café is on the corner next to the church. © The restaurant is on the right next to the bank. @ Go straight ahead and take the second road on your right. © Turn right, then take the first left. @ Go past the hotel and the café is on the left. @ The hospital is on the corner on the left. © Go straight ahead and it’s the fourth road on the right. © Go straight ahead and take the third left. | Aa| 23.8 LOOK AT THE PICTURES AND USE PREPOSITIONS TO COMPLETE. THE SENTENCES DOOBBoO0n The supermarket is @ The museum is @ The restaurant is next to the hotel. the library. the store. Re a? r" in front of behind next: © The hospital is, @ The post office is opposite next to the theater. the school. 77 WW} coining sentences “And” and "but" are conjunctions: words that join statements 4g New language Using “and” and “but” together. 'And” adds things to a sentence or links sentences a Vocabulary Town, jobs, and family together. "But” introduces a contrast to a sentence. Be New skill Joining sentences MATCH THE BEGINNINGS OF THE SENTENCES TO THE CORRECT ENDINGS There is a market and a bookstore in my town, aunt live in Arizona. J @ | My cousin lives and W W @ | I play soccer and works in Los Angeles. J © (reesalonryand a theater in Heswall @ | leat two eggs and basketball in the evening. @ | Pete's uncle and WNAWW J watch TV on the weekend. } J @ | I read a book and a banana for breakfast. «) 24.2 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND MATCH THE TWO PLACES THAT THE SPEAKER DESCRIBES Ha AO i ys | churen hospital supermarket restaurant mosque movie theater 8 a 24.3 MARK THE SENTENCES THAT ARE CORRECT There'sa library, astore, andamuseum. [1 ) © | play and tennis and soccer. gO There's alibrary, andastore,amuseum. \ play tennis and soccer. oO Three chefs, four waiters work in my hotel. (1 @ We have and dog and a cat. Oo Three chefs and four waiters work in my hotel. [] We have a dog and a cat. oO @ There's a park, a café, and a theater in Pella. [1] @ | read a book, take a bath on Sundays. oOo There's a park, a café, a theater in Pella, ao I read a book and take a bath on Sundays. [] © Ihave one aunt, and two sisters, andaniece. [] @ Jen speaks French, Spanish, Japanese. El | have one aunt, two sisters, and a niece. oO Jen speaks French, Spanish, and Japanese. _] @ Ben eats breakfast, and lunch and dinner. C1 @ Pete has two dogs and a cat. a Ben eats breakfast, lunch, and dinner. 1 Pete has two dogs, a cat. Qo *) E : j 24.4 REWRITE THE SENTENCES TO JOIN THEM TOGETHER USING “AND” OR “BUT” get up. | take a shower. © leat lunch every day. | don't eat breakfast. L get up and take a shower. © This is my brother. These are my sisters. @ There's a hotel. There isn'ta store. @ | speak English. | don’t speak French. @ Ihave a sandwich. | have an apple. @ I play video games. | watch TV. © This is my house. These aren't my keys. @ Ihave one uncle. | don't have any aunts. © Those are Sarah's magazines. That is her ID card. © There are two stores. There are three hotels. @ This phone is Joe's. This laptop isn't Joe's. *) 79 | 24.5 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORD IN EACH SENTENCE © I work every weekday arie-/ but not on weekends. ia Bz © There's a library, a store, and / buta café. @ ial fim] flsl @ There's a castle and a church and / but there isn’t a museum wth he © Pete eats apples and / but doesn't eat bananas. Greg reads magazines and / but a newspaper. © Ihave a calendar and / but a notebook (4) A @ He goes swimming and / but he doesn't play soccer. oe z& *) t J 24.6 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, FILLING IN THE GAPS. Mymom—____ad_dad work as doctors in the hospital. ae o Meglkes tis restaurant _____she doesnttie that café. \ e ‘There are two schools —_______________there isn'ta library in my town. |. © [have apen, a notebook, —_________acalendarin my bag. |. © _ Mysister goes to the gym on Mondays Thursdays. @ e Pedro works in aschool = heisn't a teacher. a *) 80 ws Describing places @P New language Adjectives Aa Vocabulary Place adjectives and nouns Be New skill Describing places Use adjectives to give more information about nouns, for example to describe a person, building, or place. 25.1 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, PUTTING THE WORDS IN THE CORRECT ORDER (astle. )( is }(_old }( This }( an} | © (friend) (beautiful 2 } (woman. | (My) (is } This is an ald castle. O(a )i_man | (1) (busy }(am_ | — @ (old) (cat. } (We) (a } (have } { very ) clothes} are }_new } _my || These | © (is }(a}( There } (restaurant. }( new} © *) Ss 25.2 FIND EIGHT ADJECTIVES IN THE EMAIL AND WRITE THEM OUT | To: Bruce ubject: Introducing myself H | HiBruce, | live na town in England t's cate Foxby and it's raly small. There arent any good cafés or bars here, but i's | ally beautiful There's a wonderful pak with lots of tees Its very busy in the park every weekend! Foxby has lots of Interesting buildings, too. Theres an old church and a large Caste | sometimes vst them with my family | Tellme about your town in Austral! eooooo oe FILL IN THE GAPS TO WRITE EACH SENTENCE IN TWO DIFFERENT WAYS A Parisisa beautiful city. The city is beautifid. It is beautiful. © BS Teyaresmal children e f Peter is a good waiter. ° & Fido is a big dog. © $20c8) Melby is a quiet town. «) 25.4 MATCH THE ADJECTIVES 25.5 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND TO THEIR OPPOSITES ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Braemore is a large town in Scotland. True [] False [7 Notgiven [) @ There are lots of lakes near Braemore. True [1] False [| Notgiven [} @ There are a few old buildings. True [1] False [] Notgiven (} © Braemore has only a few hotels. \ True [) False [) Notgiven [| a © © horrible Kirsty works ina large hotel. True [7 False [| Notgiven [| @ Kirsty is not very busy on weekends. True [7] False [| Notgiven [| Kirsty goes to a café with her friends. True [) False [) Notgiven [|] 25.6 SAY THE SENTENCES OUT LOUD, FILLING IN THE GAPS The lakes are beautiful__and the beaches___are__quiet. a sea blue sun hot. o a beach bus hotels. ugly. e ——_____— busy _________ ——e ae cit old buildings beautiful e ty ld$ ——— a restaurant ood waiter friendl ° good ———— friendly. ° countryside beautiful mountains large. e d town small shops uit ° ——— —— _rops ___q a *) tonto) 2 QO shops. ” - ° wees, Bat: i ° cars 4 be fin fal ° churches. eo flowerrs. ian fal aad 4. oe ° BR i © | Hlotsof some lots of a few some a few some afew | L *) 83 Giving reasons Use the conjunction "because" to give a reason for something. You can also use "because" to answer the question "Why?" @P New language ‘Because’ ‘Aa Vocabulary Places and jobs Be New skill Giving reasons 26.1 MATCH THE BEGINNINGS OF THE SENTENCES TO THE CORRECT ENDINGS |! work at night because Che'sa teacher. @ |_ Fred works outside because @ | Mick travels to Switzerland because © [saul goes to bed late because ¢ | Iget up at Sam because ¢ © | Marion goes to the library because ¢ © | Colin works with children because she's a student. Ct'ma mailman, tim a night nurse. © he goes skiing there. Che works in a restaurant. Che's a farmer. Leo uses a computer because. he works in an office [7 he works on a arm |] works outside because. he's a gardener [ | he'safarmer |_| © Mary Lou works with children because. she's ateacher |") she's anurse [_] © Carl goes to the library because. he’s astudent [] he'sa professor [) 26.2 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Sally gets up at 6am because. she goes running [_] she goesto the gym [| @ Pete works at the theater because. he’s an actor [| he's a receptionist |_| © Michael has not come to work because. he's out of town [| he has the flu [| @ Sana works in a restaurant because. she’s achef [] she’sa waitress [1 Kg 2 FILL IN THE GAPS USING THE PHRASES IN THE PANEL Hepyff fom eoesto the restaurant because it has delicious food © Hfiah Azztivesin he countryside because e iat We don't have breakfast because ° e Mr. Aspinall gets up early because WBS Mert enor o f TMNT Arnold wears a suit because e 2. Vicky works outside because. o ae, | work in a hospital because he thinks it's beautiful ithasdeteiousfood— we're very busy I'ma doctor he takes his dog for a walk he works in a bank she is a gardener «) 26.4 USE THE CHART TO CREATE SIX CORRECT SENTENCES. AND SAY THEM OUT LOUD Clava works in a theater because che is an actor. \ ~_ works ina theater isan actor. lives on a farm isa farmer. works in a hotel is a receptionist. Vocabulary 27.1 AROUND THE HOUSE WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL, UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES couch (US)/sofa(UK) —diningroom toilet. ~—_—house closet (US) / wardrobe (UK) bathroom bedroom desk chair bathtub table bookcase 86 kitchen lamp door armchair television bed study garage shower apartment block (US) / block of flats (UK) window refrigerator (US) / fridge (UK) “) 87 The things | have When you talk about things you own, such as furniture or pets, you can use the verb "have." You can also use it to talk about your qualifications and the appliances and rooms in your home. Fg 28.1 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORD IN EACH SENTENCE lim om © Soa om © Fax ° tft We have / fhas.a car in the garage. My friend have / has new glasses. John have / has two dogs. We have / has an old castle in our city. They have / has a lot of parks in their town. Ihave / has a beautiful necklace. Alex have / has a new camera. Our house have / has a lovely yard. Phil and Sue have / has four daughters. Pete have / has a new cell phone. Your town have / has a big hotel. Ihave / has a lot of friends. ”) a? New language Using "have" Aa Vocabulary Household objects Be New skill Taking about possessions Fy 28.2 FILLIN THE GAPS USING “HAS" OR “HAVE” They have _ two daughters. © Bob and Shirley a big dog. @ she _______ some new friends. © We —_____ two sons at home. James two cars, @ His house three bedrooms, © Pam —_____ lots of books at home. @ He ____ two cats. O Sally's house anew kitchen. @ You ______a beautiful house. ol three sisters. @ Kelly and Mark a microwave. @we a castle in our town. ® Sanjay acat anda dog. @ You three brothers. © Ross anew cell phone. © Our house two bathrooms. oO! a couch in my room. © Washington some lovely parks. «) 28.3 MARK THE SENTENCES THAT ARE CORRECT ‘We have apples and oranges. We apples and oranges have. @ Ihave two sisters. has two sisters, @ You has a beautiful house. You have a beautiful house. © Wea garden have. We have a garden | @ Sam and Greg have a dog. © Marlon a brother has. @ Fardale have an old castle. @ They have anew car. Sam and Greg has a dog, Marlon has a brother. Fardale has an old castle. BE Gil Be Ye They has a new car. ‘Ocean View has two bedrooms. True (] False [7 © Ocean View has a garage. True (] False [1] @ Sunny Bank has two bathrooms. True [] False [1] © There isn't a garage at Sunny Bank. True [1] False @ Belle Vue Manor has six bedrooms. True [] False [1] © Belle Vue Manor has a small yard. True [] False [1] True (] False [1] © Mossfield Cottage has a small yard. True [1] False [1] S ND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS. © Mossfield Cottage has an old kitchen. Ocean View $2,000/month 28.4 READ THE ADVERTISEMENTS me AHOCATION Al PROPERTY This beautiful house is right on the ocean. There are three bedrooms and big kitchen. It also has a lovely yard, but there is no garage. isa garage, Belle Vue Manor Sunny Bank $1,500/month ‘This modern apartment has two bedrooms and one bathroom with a bath and a shower. All the furniture is new: There isn'ta yard, but there This large house is in the center of Sunset Cove. Ithas six bedrooms, three bathrooms, and two garages, There is a big yard with lots of trees and a lake, There is a small yard with lots of beautiful flowers. | Mossfield Cottage $1300/month This small house is in the old part of Summerwood. It has two bedrooms, ‘bathroom, and a new kitchen. 89 | 28.5 REWRITE THE STATEMENTS USING CONTRACTIONS ‘Sam does not have a car. Sam doesn’t have a car. © We do not have a computer at home. © Rob's house does not have a garage. @ You do not have any sisters. © My city does not have a castle. © The village does not have any stores. ”) | 28.6 REWRITE THE STATEMENTS WITHOUT CONTRACTONS Thaven't got a dog. Lhave not got a dog. @ You've got a beautiful necklace. @ She hasn't got any sisters. © We haven't got a microwave. Greg hasn't got a bike, © My town's got two theaters. 28.7 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND MATCH THE OBJECTS WITH THEIR OWNERS bo Ue fo @ Chloe hasn't got a cat. @ They've got a new house. «) ‘Adam and | Sally and Jonathan 90 t J 28.8 USE THE CHART TO CREATE 11 CORRECT SENTENCES AND SAY THEM OUT LOUD Thave a computer. e computer. has tables. doesn't have sofa. *) | 28.9 FILL IN THE GAPS TO WRITE EACH SENTENCE THREE DIFFERENT WAYS Vhave a car. Lhave got a car. I've got a car. She has got two bedrooms. They don't have a dog. We've got some chairs. He has got a brother. Carla doesn't have a sister. You have got a car. Phil's got a dog. You have a yard. Jamal hasn't gota sofa. They have got a shower. May's got a couch. He doesn't have a cat. @eeooo00000006 a WW what do you have? Use questions with “have" to ask someone about the things they own, "Do' or “does" helps to form the question. | Aa| 29.1 MATCH THE PICTURES TO THE WORDS fork ° stove e toaster refrigerator my © oi — ° Com rec] ° kettle | ° plate 5 c . : ° sg? New language ‘Have" questions Aa Vocabulary House and furniture Be New skill Asking about household objects: FJ 29.2 REWRITE THE STATEMENTS ‘AS QUESTIONS She has a toaster. Does she have a toaster? @ The house has a yard. © Their kitchen has a refrigerator. © Bill's house has a big garage. @ You have a sofa. © Barry has a kettle. She has a barbecue at her house. @ Marge has a new washing machine. @ Jack and Marienne have a TV. @ Leela’s brother has a knife and fork. «) 92 . J 29.3 LISTEN AND MATCH THE FJ 29.4 LOOK AT THE PICTURE AND PEOPLE TO THEIR POSSESSIONS. WRITE SHORT FORM ANSWERS. TO EACH QUESTION a a Claudia an — John Do you have a plate? Colin No, I don’t, c >) @ Do you have a knife? Roberto @ Do you have a refrigerator? © Do you have a microwave? ° Paul © Do you have a kettle? ° Jenny © Do you have a fork? *) XX a . 29.5 USE THE CHART TO CREATE NINE CORRECT SENTENCES AND ry SAY THEM OUT LOUD Do you have any chairs? any chairs? any knives? arefrigerator? a «) 93 c J 29.6 RESPOND OUT LOUD TO THE AUDIO, FILLING IN THE GAPS Does Kate have a necklace? © ( Does your town have a library? No, she doesn't Yes, @ a © Does Paula have a sofa? © _ Doyour parents have a car? Yes, No, a a @ Does james have a snake? © _ Does your mom have a microwave? Yes, No, a a © © Does Keith have an umbrella? @ Does Gerald have a bottle? No, Yes, a cd *) FJ 29.7 WRITE A QUESTION TO MATCH EACH SENTENCE She has got a car © Clarissa has got a new laptop. Has she gat a car? © They have got a microwave. © Carol's house has got a big yard. @ Shaun and Shania have got a pet snake. © Your friends have got my book. © Charles has got a camera. @ Brian has got anew TV. *) | 29.8 REWRITE THE “HAVE” QUESTIONS AS “HAVE GOT” QUESTIONS Do you have a dog? Have you got a dog: © Does the kitchen have a microwave? © Does your cell phone have a camera? © Does Sam have any money? @ Does your house have a yard? © Does your town have a supermarket? @ Do the Hendersons have a car? ® Does Brian have a sister? @ Does Claire have my glasses? © Do your children have a cat? © Do your parents have a computer? © Does your husband have a camera? © Does Paul have my book? © Does your school have a library? @ Does Brian have a magazine? © Does Jane have a cell phone? © Do your neighbors have a basement? © Do the kids have their bikes? A Have you got you a refrigerator? ina a your kitchen t J 29.9 USE THE CHART TO CREATE SEVEN CORRECT SENTENCES AND. SAY THEM OUT LOUD a refrigerator? acar? any brothers or sisters? «) 95 Vocabulary 30.1 FOOD AND DRINK WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES ga S&S 2 © = pe ii o ° @ @eae=-@ © oO oO oO @ 96 - . = meat breakfast sugar _ potatoes bread fruit cheese vegetables drinks strawberry juice apple seafood butter chocolate spaghetti orange water coffee pasta. milk lunch burger eggs -food— rice fish dinner salad cereal banana cake ~) 7 Counting In English, nouns can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be individually counted, Objects that can’t be separated and counted are uncountable. 31 9? New language Uncountable nouns Aa Vocabulary Food containers Br New skill Talking about food WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL IN THE CORRECT GROUPS coffee rice apple awater- egg burger juice sandwich *) 31.2 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORD IN EACH SENTENCE La Bob hasa“/ some sugar. 31.3 WRITE OUT WHAT EACH IMAGE SHOWS one apple o 8 There is / are some orange juice. of of. Sam has some / three milk. We have a/ some salt. o ee oJ There is / are some apples. Rita has a/ some banana. I've got a/ some eggs. «) 98 | 31.4 FILL IN THE GAPS TO WRITE EACH SENTENCE IN THREE DIFFERENT WAYS Are there any apples? There are some apples. There aren't any apples. Is there any salt? There is some wine, ‘Are there any burgers? There are some cookies. ‘There aren't any pastries. Is there any bread? There is some rice. ‘There isn't any butter. Are there any pizzas? eo00ec000000 There is some cheese. E y 31.5 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Steve and Kate have three bags of flour. © They haven't got any apples. True [7 False [] True [] False (1) @ They have three bags of sugar in their cupboard. — @ Steve and Kate don't have any coffee. True [1] False 1] True [1] False (] @ Steve and Kate haven't got any tomatoes. @ Kate doesn't have any chocolate. True [| False [| True [) False (_] © They have two blocks of cheese. © Steve and Kate don't have any onions. True [1] False (1) True [1] False (] @ Steve and Kate have got two oranges. @ They have some rice. True (| False [1] True [1] False (] 99 | 31.6 FILL IN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL ° oh There's a © [7] Theresa of milk. ° = There are three of water. © BM there aretwo ofrice. =O QP There’sa of pasta. it 8h e There'sa of chocolate. WH There are two of tea, glass carton jae bow! cups bar bags bottles «) There is/ are three cartons of milk. fa There is / are a jar of coffee. 8 @ There isn't / aren't any rice. © There is / are two cartons of juice. a There is / are some meat. @ @ There is / are two bottles of wine. AA | 31.7 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORDS IN EACH SENTENCE © There isn’t / aren't any bread. © There is / area bag of flour. a O there is/are some pasta. SOSG, © There is / are two bars of chocolate. a & O There i Othereis / are some butter. oma 't /aren’t any sugar. «) 100 Aa 31.8 FIND NINE WORDS FOR, CONTAINERS IN THE GRID. KP DBOWL)YMT WOKONSSJNE ey ips BORE E JYMTALTGJH VAKLURASGE GaA GEA Bezel iG RYDCDEEHNQ NiWae Gil D) Bizac se ATLPXIMTOE EALRYTKCSS RS Gel D O15.) Aer AQUYEZDWTE NOOkOECMNNGE KBTIBARKDY YRWNGRMSLO 31.9 FILLIN THE GAPS USING "MANY" OR "MUCH" How __much _ rice is there? OHow meat is there? low cartons of milk are there’ Ou if milk are there? @ How bowls of rice are there? @ How juice is there? @ How. bread is there? O How cups of tea are there? @ How. bars of chocolate are there? @ How. coffee is there? low jars of jam are there’ On pf. there? © How. milk is there? @ How. bags of flour are there? @ How. izza is there? pi ® How eggs are there? THEM OUT LOUD ? Haw many burgers are there? \ 31.10 USE THE CHART TO CREATE SIX CORRECT SENTENCES AND SAY burgers eggs rice are there? coffee is there? people water 101 Measuring Use “enough” when you have the correct number @P New language Measurements ‘or amount of something. Use "too many” or Aa Vocabulary Ingredients and quantities "too much’ if you have more than enough: Be New skill Talking about amounts FJ 32.1 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT WORDS IN EACH SENTENCE We hhavemocimany/ ace meenicee= There are too many / too much apples. There are too many / too much pears. @ There are too many / too much tomatoes. @ There is too many / too much milk. @ | have too many / too much juice. @ She has too many / too much pasta @ There are too many / too much mushrooms @ We have too many / too much bananas. © They have too many / too much burgers. © There is too many / too much butter. @ Sue owns too many / too much shoes. *) FJ 32.2 FILLIN THE GAPS WITH “IS ENOUGH” OR "ARE ENOUGH” There___is enough _flour. QOThere oranges. O There pineapples. There bananas. @ There mangoes. © There chocolate. © There sugar, @ There eggs. There bread. @ There cheese. © There milk. © There tomatoes. There pasta, © There butter. @ There apples. © There juice. «) 102 | 32.3 FILLIN THE GAPS TO WRITE EACH SENTENCE THREE DIFFERENT WAYS We don't have enough salt. We have enough salt. We have too much salt. You don't have enough oranges. There's enough sugar. We have too much butter. There are enough eggs. There isn’t enough flour. ‘There are too many potatoes. You have enough melons. He doesn't have enough bread. There is too much tea. We have enough milk. You don’t have enough tice. There are too many mangoes. Martha has enough onions. eeeeae 0000000006 You don't have enough carrots. E y 32.4 LISTEN TO THE AUDIO AND ANSWER THE QUESTIONS Bruce and Shelley don’t have any bread. © They don't have enough salt. True [] False [7 True [| False [] @ They don’t have enough butter. @ They have enough tomatoes. True [| False [) True [) False [) @ They have too many bags of flour. © They don't have enough cheese. True (] False (] True [] False (] 103 ‘OR "TOO MUCH’ vegetable pasta soup 32.5 FILL IN THE GAPS USING “ENOUGH,” “NOT ENOUGH,” “TOO MANY,” 1 owiow 15 0z pasa 3 carrots 3 flozoil 2 potatoes 4 Loaf of bread 4 tomatoes A 104 There are tod many ‘onions. @ There are carrots. @ There are potatoes. © There are tomatoes. There is pasta, © There is oil. There is bread. Fruit cake © oz butter Eee rt and 3 eggs 6 oz sugar 1 glass of mi 2 oranges Glass of rile & FLOUR ‘Woz @thereis butter, Othereis flour Othereis_ sugar, Othereare oranges. @ There are__bananas. @Thereare ergs. Othereis milk, *» | 32.6 REWRITE THE SENTENCI ORRECTING THE ERRORS There are enough corn to make the soup. © They have too moch bread. There is enough corm to make the soup. O There aren't enough butter. © You dont have enough apples. @ There isn’t enough tomatoes. @ They have enogh flour. © There isn't enough mangoes. @® There is too many potatoes. @ You have too money bananas. ® There are too much salt. © They don't have enoug butter. © There are too much chocolate. @ There is enough onions. © There is too many mangoes. @ There aren't enough sugar. © You have enugh eggs. @ You have to many pineapples. @ There is enough oranges. *) t J 32.7 USE THE CHART TO CREATE NINE CORRECT SENTENCES. AND SAY THEM OUT LOUD There is enough enaugh butter. There is not enough There are too much, too many a Vocabulary 33.1 CLOTHES, ACCESSORIES, AND COLORS WRITE THE WORDS FROM THE PANEL UNDER THE CORRECT PICTURES i weet blouse aftied © © © ® ° = - «< = = = ua ua = — — —= = = = = = — 106 socks extra large red blue skirt suit gloves green hat large —blouse belt coat black small orange jeans boots sandals scarf shirt medium yellow purple dress shoes extra small pink “) 107 Be the shops You can use many different verbs to talk about what P New language Using ‘too" and “fit” happens when you are shopping. Use "too" and Aa Vocabulary Shopping and clothes "enough" to describe how well clothes fit you. Be New skill Describing clothes Fy 34.1 FILL IN THE GAPS USING THE WORDS IN THE PANEL. Jane___awns__ared motorcycle. © lalways clothes before | buy them. © That sweater you. It’s the right size. © Those shops very fashionable clothes. @ My mom always my dad's clothes. Qwe fruit at the market. © These jeans don't. . They're too small. oe! some shoes for my birthday. oO: 30 pairs of shoes, Q I sometimes by credit card. chooses fits. cowns- sell ~—=sppay-~—=s want’ —=—sbbuy_—‘fit’~—try on _~— own | *) RJ 34.2 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS Sally always choose her husband's clothes. Sally always chooses her husband's clothes. © Amy own a lot of fashionable clothes @ Ruth do a lot of her shopping on the internet. © We pays for our shopping with cash. @ The shop don't sell my size of clothes. @ Duncan never try on clothes before he buys them, © She wear short skirts. © My parents usually pays for my clothes. © Greg's jeans doesn't fit him. @ Peter don't own many clothes. «) 108 | 34.3 REWRITE THE SENTENCES, CORRECTING THE ERRORS Kim wanta blue skirt Kim wants a blue skirt. @ That blouse don’t fit you. © Jose own a beautiful house in France. © My jeans doesn't fit me. They're too big. @ Sue always try on her new clothes. @ Samantha choose high-quality clothes. © Rob want a new tie for Christmas, © They sells vegetables in the market. Peter buy his meat at the butcher's shop. © Do you wants anew shirt for your birthday? *) i This isa long / short dress. o oy This is a new / old T-shirt. e A These are short / long jeans. This is an cheap / expensive tie. This isa large / small sweater. ° : = > 2 This is a pink / blue dress. °o A i f f a Aa 34.4 CROSS OUT THE INCORRECT ADJECTIVE IN EACH SENTENCE 0

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