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Document Development Exposition: Workplace Correspondence

Explain in detail your document’s development from planning to finish, describing your
challenges, how you overcame them, and what you learned.

The planning for this assignment was difficult due to me not fully understanding who the email and
memo where originally to and from. I had originally created the email and memo to be from an
external source instead of an internal source which is eventually changed throughout the drafts.
However, during the planning phase I got the general structure and flow of the email and memo set
up and that remained pretty consistent throughout the drafts. I originally included phrases that I
would include a lot of color and images, but these were toned down as I created more drafts.

First Draft (for peer editing)

Due to not many examples being provided for this specific task, I had a hard time creating the memo
and email and was a little confused on exactly how to set up the email and memo. As stated before, I
had the email sent from an outside source, but then I also originally had the memo sent from that
same outside source. A majority of the information about the tsunami problems, solution, and
recommendation remained the same after this draft, but everything else was changed later.

Second Draft (for your packet)

I did not receive many revision notes for the second draft (potentially due to the lack of many
examples) so I ended up adding more color and formatting than was probably necessary. Everything
else was pretty much the same.

Final Draft (for your portfolio)

For the final draft I drastically changed who sent the emails/memos and what the company is
requesting its employees do in the memo. I ended up writing to Dana Caccasmise who was the NOAA
pacific southwest officer who in turn wrote the memo to her employees. This also changed the
purpose of the memo which is now for the employees to participate in funding meetings to fund
more tsunami projects. I also made the memo look more professional by removing the color and
fancy headers for a more straightforward approach.

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