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How to Swing a Baseball

Lakelan Rutland

Before We Begin

Prior to any physical activity, we always want to be sure that we are stretched out
and limbered up. Swinging a baseball bat uses muscles all over our bodies so we
want to avoid injury at all costs.

Step 1 - Proper Stance / Setup

When holding the bat, you want to put your left hand on the bottom of the handle and
then stack your right hand on top of that. (For lefthanders this will be opposite)
Your feet need to be under your body and in line with each other. They should be slightly
wider than shoulder width apart.
Knees should be slightly bent; one of the most important things is to create a
comfortable, athletic position for your body.
Step 2 - Beginning the Swing

You are going to place your weight on your back foot; this will load up your power for
the swing.
By taking a small step forward with your front foot only, you will begin moving the
power forward.
Your hips then need to rotate, allowing the baseball bat to follow along with them.

Step 3 - Making Contact

Most importantly, you must keep your eye on the ball at all times!
Rotate your hips completely through and your shoulders will follow; your body should
uncoil like a spring releasing all of your power through the baseball bat.
Allow the baseball bat to follow a horizontal path, this will increase your chances of
making contact (hitting) the ball.
Step 4 - Following Through the Swing

YOU DID IT! You have successfully made contact with the baseball, but the swing is not over.
Following contact, you must continue your swing until the baseball bat is extended over your
shoulder. (You will run out of rotation if your feet are still positioned correctly.
Following rotation, your upper body should be facing where the ball came from.

THAT’S IT! You have just swung and hit a baseball


Always remember, practice makes perfect in the game of baseball, and

even then, you will still mess up. To be in the Hall of Fame you only have to
be successful 3 times out of 10. Baseball is a sport made for failure so
always keep trying.

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