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AR Pilots Questionnaire co LIGHT CREW TRAINING DOCUMENTATION APRIL 95 ATR 42 PILOT'S QUESTIONNAIRE TABLE OF CONTENTS A 2 ELECTRICAL 3 FUEL <] —POWER PLANT and PROPELLER 5 -FIRE PROTECTION 6—PNEUMATIC -AIR CONDITIONING §~-PRESSURIZATION g -VENTILATION /5-ICE and RAIN a 11 HYDRAULIC /2-* LANDING GEAR 13 — FLIGHT CONTROLS 4 —FLIGHT INSTRUMENTS fs-—NAVIGATION 16—-AF.C.S. (Auto-Pilot) "O/0 Para Lee Desyrtg cere, ah Veler ty ae” vy fort ou 2 Bee (Aniben)inlbin® » ppao 24 al ADL AS" 2e feel Vas P10. ot: 01. CCAS TRIGGERS: 7° Th Be Nh 1 alert: ly. es a sual alerts only. | oe otappe cca B. Aural alerts only. ES Visual (local and central) and aural alerts. P L Visual (central but not hoce) and aural alerts. basi (602!) 02. THE MASTER QMQREON SYSTEM IS TYPICALLY IDENTIFIED WITH: A. Emergency situation. x Abnormal situation. ¢. Advisories. abarend (LOA) THE Yes, for. the ambér lights except PREC. BRK, PHS. _FAULT and VALVE PND, ¢ Bot CCAS o1=D 02=B 03=A O4=a 05=D ONLY: 06. ELECTRICAL SUPPLY BY BATTERT) A. Warning and caution alarms on C.A.P. are available. (7) vy B. Local alarms only are available. « (sf x ED 222 on C.A.P. and associated local alarms are ay 07. ANNUNCIATOR LIGHTS TEST RUNS AS SOON AS: A. ANN LT switch is in test position. ke & (any trlis in test position,Dc electrical PWR availab provided PC SVCE BUS is not shed on OVHD panel or hostess panel, aihepaila te A Ram C. ANN LT switch is in test position and engines running D. ANN LT switch is in test position and engines stopped 08. MAINT PANEL AMBER LIGHT ON C.A.P. MEANS THAT ? : in The CCAS rotary selector on left maintenance panel is not IORM FLT" position. B. The cockpit voice recorder is full at 80%. ¢. A magnetic indicator has turned to amber on one of the main tenance panels. D. One of the maintenance panel protective covers is not prope: ly closed. 09. T.0. CONFIG TEST IS USED BEFORE TAKE OFF TO CHECK: (a) PRW MGT selector in TO position. (2 Pitch trim in green sector. Cc) Flaps 15°. xX A+BHC. T.0. CONFIG TEST IS USED BEFORE TAKE OFF: To check if PRW MGT, FLAPS and PITCH TRIM are correctly set, B.) To check if aircraft configuration is correct by simulat rottles at take off position (except parking brake). Tog ‘ To perform an automatic recall. A A+B +C are correct. 6=c 07=B o8=aA 09=D 10=D 11. WHEN PRESSING "T.0.INHI” PusH-svPTON, YOU WILL LMHLBLT. A. Red and amber lights on C.A.P. as B. All amber lights on C.A.P. é Eng. oi] and smoke warning. and ¢ cautions except mis 2 3 D! All audio warfing. a as 12. THE "T.0.INHI" FUNCTION IS CANCELLED AUTOMATICALLY WHEN = i The first leg of landing gear unlocks before retraction. B. Gear is locked up. c. Gear and flaps are up. D. The first leg of landing gear and flaps are up. 13. MANUAL CANCELLATION OF "T.0.INHI" IS OBTAINED : @ ) = 94 DX mv presntnlfBl es. <2 Peyeear eu FS-7. B. By pressing CLR PB. c. By pressing T.0. INHI PB. D. By selecting PWR MGT on another position than T.0.- 44, IN CASE OF A "CAC" DIGITAL COMPUTER FAILURE OR WITH BATTERY ONLY, WHICH PART OF WARNING SYSTEM STILL FUNCTIONS : A. only local alert lights are operative. B. All CCAS operations continue via the "hardware" CAC processor. pas pea Sa ? the “hardare" CAC processor operates all "LEVEL 3" warning “lights and atdio) plus local alerts. | 45. PUSHING AN ILLUMINATED RED MASTER WARNING LIGHT WILL CANCEL WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING 2 ~ A. Any warning or caution light illuminated at that time. B. any warning light illuminated at that time. c. The WASTER WARNING light and any CAP (crew alerting panel) red light illuminated at that time. | x only the [MASTER WARNING] light and the associated aural war- ning. = = lec 12 =A 13=A 14 15=D 16. WHEN THE "EMERGENCY AUDIO CANCEL" SPRING-LOADED SWITCH IS USED TO STOP A CONTINUOUS AURAL ALERT : The specific alert is silenced fntil_ aircraft is powered up ayain except for, GEAR, VMO/VFE/VLE, | CH TRIM WHOOLER and si “STALL, 15) which will occur again when triggered. _i/ 8B. The specific alert is silenced until the alert for the same or : any other continuous audio alert occurs. c. The specific alert is silenced until RCL is pushed. D. All audio alert are inhibited as long as the switch is left at "CANCEL" position. = ARP: 17., WHICH RED CREW ALERT PANEL LIGHTSCAN BE CLEARED BY USE OF THE “ciR" BUTTON 2 ——~ x None. * a oe B. All of then. ¢. All except SMOKE and FIRE light. 18. AS SOON AS AT LEAST ONE HORN ANTI-ICING PUSH BUTTON IS SELEC- TED ON : ae A. Stall alert threshold is modified for flaps 0° only. . “ stall alert threshold is modified but not stick pusher thres: - y c. Stall alert threshold and stick pusher threshold are modified, D. only stick pusher threshold is modified. 19. STICK PUSHER IS INHIBITED : A. On ground only. B. On ground and as long as 7.0. INHI is on. on ground and for 10 seconds after lift off. eae On ground and as long as flaps are not retracted. 16 =A 17=A 1g =B i=c ‘STICK PUSHER TEST HAS TO BE PERFORMED. A. Before each flight. % Daily. (Last flight of the day) —~ ¥ c. Once a week. D. Every 200 hours. 21. STALL AURAL WARNING IS : Clacker. Ynie MS Le scomagen HOM encnQ we caltta cricket. vec (VY c. Whooler. D. Cavalry charge. 22. STICK PUSHER ACTIVATION OCOURS: Before stall warning advise. After stall warning advise (angle of attack 15°). ~ At the same time of stall warning advise (angle of attack 12°5 normal condition). para O8 3 23. ICING ANGLE OF ATTACK (AOA) ILLUMINATED, REDUCES THE ANGLE OF ATTACK THRESHOLD FOR + co ehs < heaane t : \ x Stall warning plus stick shaker. / ey TLD th HO) B. Stick pusher only. ¢. Both of the above. 24. WHEN USING nz “soxcn_pusnen WHICH OF THE FOLLOWI 4 stall cricket/and stick shaker operative, GPWS fault light CAP, chan.1 and chan.2 light after 10 seconds with stick pusher operative and stick pusher light. : gest’ Tue \'yEs” POSITION CAUSES B. Nothing except stall cricket (if blue light AOA is illumina— ted) and stick pusher. ¢. STICK PUSH FAULT amber light after 4 seconds. 20 0 o 21=8 22 = 8B 23=A 2a=A 01. THE (DC GND HDLG BUS CAN BE POWERED BY :* ¢R. HOT MAIN BAT BUS on the ground only (with the battery switch ON or even OFF, if certain doors or panel are open). B. HOT MAIN BAT BUS on the ground or in flight (with the battery switch ON, or even OFF, if certain doors or panel are open)~ “ye. External power. A and C are correct. A , 02. "Bar’ sw SELECTOR" OFF,NO ENGINE RUNNING, MEANS THAT : A. Batteries are isolated from their respective HOT BAT BUSSES. Spc ESS BUS, DC STBY BUS, INV 1 and AC STBY BUS are isolated { from the HOT MAIN BAT BUS. ‘@ DC EMER BUS is isolated from the HOT EMER BAT BUS. x B and C are correct. 03. WITH NO EXTERNAL POWER, NO ENGINE RUNNING,AND THE BAT SW OFF, WHITCH ITEMS DOES THE /DC“GND FR) BUS POWER.” 4. Refuel and defuel system, cargo door and cockpit/cabin entran- fee lighting (2 minutes when selected with the main door open). = The auxiliary hydraulic pump punsh button(PB) on pedestal. / oF 4 A + B are correct. f oe eS 04. "BAT SWI" SELECTED ON, NO ENGINE RUNNING, ALLOWS : A. ‘The complete DC and ACW systems supply for ground operation. only the complete Dc system supply for ground operation. B. X& EXT PWR operation,or a reduced DC supply for a quick Prelimi- Mary Cockpit Preparation in order to start right engine in HOTEL MODE. = t 9) w 4 a o1 02 =D os =c 04 0 0 05. THE NORMAL VOLTAGE READING FOR A BATTERY 1S : “A. For a battery without load 25-28 Volt. \UB. For a battery under load 23-28 Volt. Cc. 115 (+/- 4). A and B are correct. —~ 06. WHAT ARE THE CAPACITIES OF THE BATTERIES? + % MAIN BAT(24 3 727 or ds}, EMER BAT @y se) ee B. MAIN BAT 28.5 V / 43 Ah, EMER BAT 28-5 V / 15 Ah. c. Both batteries 24 V / 43 Ah. Avot 07. A/C ON GROUND, “EXT PWR" " Lf DC DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM YOU MUST A. Press the EXT PWR SW/LT. B. Reset the DC GEN 1 and DC GEN 2. n K Place BAT SWT selector“oN and press the EXT PWR PB. Aa 08. HOW CAN THE|DC SVCE. A. with battery only by pressing the DC GND SVCE push-button ii the cockpit and on the cabin attendant panel. ExTRIE » with Gpu, only the Dc GND SVCE push~ button on the cabi (attendant panel has control. Ne. Im HOTEL MODE by pressing the DC GRD SVCE push-button on th attendant panel and/SVCE/UTLY BUS| push-button in the cockpit. ¥ Band C are correct. — 09. HOW MANY BUS TIE CONTACTORS (BIC) ARE CONTROLLED BY THE MATH ELEC PWR PANEL "BTC" PUSH-BUTTON? = : A. one, between DC BUS 1 and DC BUS 2. . B. one, between AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2. x EN ftwo} one between DC BUS 1 and DC BUS 27 one between AC BUS4 ana aC BUS 2. 09 0 0 u a 05 =D O6 =A o7=c os 10. A/C ON GROUND, DC E: © BTC ON ISOL : T PWR ON, A. Dc BUS 1 and DC BUS 2 are isolated. x pe Bus (2) and AC BUS,2 are isolated. ee C. Batteries are isolated from their DC ESS/DC EMER BUS. yo v 11. WHEN DC GENERATOR IS FUNCTIONING AS A ‘SpaRTER DURING A BATTERY START. os x It’s electrically supplied by the /Hor Controlled from the}Dc ESS BUS} =a B. It’s electrically supplied from the DC EMER BUS by the HOT EMER BAT BUS. ¢, It’s electrically supplied from the DC BUS 1 or DC BUS 2. 12. WHAT IS THE FUNCTION OF THE |EMER BAT) WHILE THE ENG START ROTARY SELECTOR IS SET TO START OR CRANK ? A. During a battery start only, it provides backup starter power if the MAIN BAT is weak. B. During a battery start or when using the opposite GEN for a cross-start (on ground only), it provides backup starter power if the MAIN BAT is weak. Xx It provides positive power to protect critical items from power transient. It never powers the starters. v uate y 13. WHEN A DC STARTER/GENERATOR IS FUNCTIONING AS A STARTER, . HOW MANY POWER SOURCES CAN IT USE ? A. EMER BAT + EXT DC PWR. x Aircraft MAIN BAT, or EXT DC PWR, or opposite DC STARTER GEN (On ground only between 10¥and 45 % NH.}ed) glee of emanen ada, C. Aircraft MAIN BAT, or EXT DC PWR only. , tit Ver prey 33, Wo comFuapnre !" 14. ONCE THE ae peor, STARTED THE ENGINE, IT OPERATES " . IN THE GENERATOR MODE WHEN PASSING: —E— oO =B 14 =B 15. WHAT IS THE NOMINAL VOLTAGE OF THE DC GENERAYOKS; + Ww A, 115 Volt. I B. 26 Volt. : * \ | j LINE = A. be EXT PWR has no priority over ENG DC GEN. “pe EXT PR has priority over ENG Dc GEN. a c. The first on line has priority- A. From each ACW GEN. i >< Fron pe busses through two inverters. c. Directly from the batteries. 18. ASSUMING NORMAL OPERATION IN FLIGHT,’ WHEN ARE THE HOT EMER BUS AND HOT MAIN BAT BUS CONNECTED TO THEIR RESPECTIVE BATTERIES? : eee "HOT-” B. only in case of both DC GEN failure. 1 20 AOU c. Never. 19. ASSUMING NORMAL OPERATION IN FLIGHT,; WHEN ARE ‘THE (DC AND/DC ESS BUS) CONNECTED TO THE DC BUS 1\AND/OR DC BUS 2 ? t ue ; pees: A. Always directly. Sa B. only when the respective battery needs charging. always (through BAT CHG) and its respective) HOT or] HOT MAT y' paonimes Bs. = 0 a 1gsA 19 as=c 16=5 A. Ac BUS 1. x Ac BUS 1 and AC STBY BUS. ~ 2) C. AC BUS 1 and AC BUS 2 in the event of both DC BUS power lost. i) 21. DC SVCE AND UTILITY BUS [step anper LIGHT’ coMEs ON WHEN A. UTILITY BUS 1 and UTILITY BUS 2 are shed. os it least one }UTLY BUS) is disconnected from associated hain Def ooets ee C. The corresponding DC SVCE and UTILITY BUS push- button is switched off. 22. THE "EMER BAT "cHoW/ FAULT) LIGHT COMES ON WHEN : /& Battery overheat (automatic disconnection). ~~ a (B. A failure of the chargercontactor: << x Both are correct.) -——~ = 23. FOLLOWING AN INVERTER FATLURE,("INV*) LIGHT ILLUMINATED : A. Associated AC BUS is lost. B. Associated AC BUS is supplied through AC STBY BUS. &K Associated AC BUS is supplied through AC BTC by the other inv. / 1 jm DD ¢ 2) 24. IN CASE OF famw BAT OVHT WITH MAIN BAT CHG’ irons LIGHT ON, WHAT HAPPENS TO THE BUSSES POWERED BY THAT BATT iz ss ; The HOT MAIN BAT BUS is, sects AeA {bc Ess BaT BUS) is powered by BUS 1. yea F CARY ate a -}e) s —S B. They automatically transfer to EMER BAT. C. They will loose power when the battery goes below 19.5 v. VA 20 = B 21 = 8B A 23 = c¢ 24 =k 25. IN FLIGHT WITH ONE ENGINE OPERATING, WHICH INDICATION wouLD DISPLAYED ON THE SHUTDOWN ENGINE’S DC GEN PUSH-BUTTON ? White OFF if P.B. is released. 5 White OFF if P.B. is depressed (IN)- Amber FAULT if P.B. is depressed (IN). D& Aand ¢ are correct. | 26. ENGINE RESTART WITH THE DC GEN PUSH-BUTTON IN(DEPRESSED) , WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN TO THE PUSH-BUTTON LIGHT WHEN THE GENERATOR CAME UP TO NORMAL OPERATING SPEED ? YX. GEN fault anber Light should go out. B. It would go out, but only after the button was cycled. | c. White OFF light remains illuminated. A. The supply of DC STBY BUS from DC EMER BUS, according to one illuminated. Ki the supply of DC ESS or DC EMER BUS fyom the corresponding H BATTERY BUS and battery discharging. ae Cc. The supply of DC EMER BUS from DC BUS 1 or DC BUS 2 - 27. IN FLIGHT ONE ARROW ILLUMINATED ON THE EMERGENCY SUPPLY ‘ 28. THE "DC BTC" IS AUTOMATICALLY CLOSED AND THE FLOW BAR IS ILLUMINATED IN CASE OF : on | A. EXT PWR operation only. ‘ B. HOTEL MODE operation only. me | x EXT PWR operation, HOTEL MODE operation, or single engine ‘operation. 29. IN THE EVENT OF BOTH fe BUS 1} AND bc BUS 2) SUPPLY LOST : BO c™ | A. INV 1 is automatically supplied by DC SVCE BUS pat INV 1 is automatically supplied by the ioT MAIN BAT. Bs) or the HOT EMER BAT BUS in OVRD configuration ( or by FRU if equipped and selected on) © EAP RUE Fk, . c. INV 1 is not supplied. 25 =D 265A 27=8B 2c 29=8 POSSE no. Wn CRT ene NS UES SWC 2 OFAC SSseS. CANNOT BE SUPPLIED WHEN ON BATTERY ONLY ? = wK De1 - pe2 - Aci - ac2. Q : B. DCl - Dc2 - Aci - acz - ac sTBY. €. Del - Dc2 ~ De sTBY - Aci - ac2 - ac sTBY. cae Soe) NTU BATTERIES (CALE ACEBUS|VANDIAC|RUG.2(aRE 2 Ax Never supplied. B. Supplied only when BAT selector is on OVRD. C. Supplied when STBY BUS push- button is on OVRD. 32. "BAT" SELECTOR TOGGLE "SW" ON "OVRD" MEANS THAT : A. DC/AC STBY BUSSES are transferred from DC ESS BUS to DC EMER Kana about the supply, each EMER, ESS and STBY BUS are’ to“beConnected to their respective batteries, overriding logic and protection. ¢. Each BAT continues to be charged by its respective Dc BUS. 33. THE UNDV LIGHT ILLUMINATES AMBER WHEN : am De STBY BUS voltage is lower than 19.5 Volts?” B. Battery voltage is below 26.5 Volts. C. ACW GEN voltage is below 115 Volts. s Lae t 34. STBY BUS OVRD PUSH-BUTTON SET ON OVRD MEANS THAT : . we f See i aE { ae ..-DC_ST) IS and AC STBY BUS through Inv 1 are supplied from Dc, (eet mee Bus | EHER BOTT. oT : B. Dc STBY BUS and AC STBY BUS through INV 1 are supplied from Dc BUS 2. c. DC STBY BUS and AC STBY BUS through INV 1 are supplied from DC HOT MAIN BAT BUS. 30 =A 31=A 32 =8 33 =A 34 =A HOTEL MODE PROVIDE POWER FOR THE ACW SYSTEM? © ae : Yes with ENG 2 CL at MAX RPM. So 36. HOW CAN THE JAC YCE BUS|BE POWERED BY ACW EXT PWR = A. Directly from ACW EXT PWR, green AVAIL light illuminated. EXT PWR, green AVAIL light illuminated, but Directly from ACW ‘BUS SWI must be ON (light illuminated) —— F/A panel ACW SVCE F/A panel ACW SVCE BUS SW! c. From ACW BUS 1 regardless of position. ah wey 37. WHAT IS THE ae ‘PROP. GEN OPERATION ? pe A. 45 % (range of 341 to 488 Hz) B. 61.5 % ( range of 341 to 488 Hz) xX ange » 43=8 44=8 ATR 42 uv FUEL 01. WHERE IS THE REFUEL/DEFUEL PANEL ? . »* Right main gear fairing. ? B. Left main gear fairing. Ve Cc. Below captain’s window. 02. WHAT POWER SOURCE SUPPLIES THE REFUEL/DEFUEL PANEL ? A. DC SVCE BUS. * {Dé GROUND HANDLING TRANSFER BUS, va De BUS 1 from HOT MAIN BAT BUS. 03. WITH BAT SWITCH OFF AND NO EXTERNAL POWER, WHAT IS REQUIRED TO _ POWER THE REFUEL/DEFUEL SYSTEM ?. A. Turn the BAT SWT ON. B. DC SVCE BUS push-button, on the cabin attendant panel. KS open the refuel/defuel panel door. --—" 04. IF VALID EXTERNAL POWER IS PLUGGED IN ("AVAIL" LIGHT ILLUMINA- TED = A. It is necessary to select EXT PWR ON before refuel/defuel panel can be powered from EXT PWR. x The refuel/defuel system is directly powered from EXT PWR. ae c. The refuel/defuel system is powered if the BAT SWI is ON. a ia 03 =c 04 = 8 0 o ol=A 02 05. WHEN THE REFUEL/DEFUEL PANEL "FQI TEST" PUSH-BUTION 15 vErKES SED, WHAT ARE THE CORRECT INDICATIONS ? A. Display all 8 only on refuel/defuel panel fuel quantit gauges. ‘ 6. Display all 8 on the refuel/defuel panel and cockpit fue quantity gauges. — i Ne @. Blue LH and RH REFUEL VALVES shut down plus CCAS is activated mm Both B and C of the above are correct. 06. WITH THE REFUEL/DEFUEL PANEL MODE SELECTOR SWITCH AT REFUE POSITION, HOW ARE THE REFUEL VALVES OPERATED ? fe: By automatic logic if the refuel valves switches are set o NORM. 8. By manual selection of the refuel valves switches to OPEN 3 ‘SHUT. @. Automatic closure due to high level detection or overflow int surge vent tank. % All of the above are possible. 07. FUEL QUANTITY INDICATING SYSTEM : &®. The left and right fuel quantity indicating channels ar ‘independent. 3) In a level attitude (+/-2*pitch and +/-1°roll), the accurac Sf the 5 probes fuel quantity indicating system in each tank 3 +/-1% near ZERO, +/-3% at FULL. we A and B are correct. Fe 08. HOW MANY MAGNETIC LEVEL INDICATORSARE LOCATED ON THE BOTTOM ( EACH FUEL TANK ? =o = Ae C. There is no magnetic level indicator in fuel tank. 07 0 ° 05 0 0 ° a 0 0 09. FUEL QUANTITY INDICATORS DISPLAY : f uv x Fuel mass remaining on board. a7? = B. Total consumption since engines start. c. Fuel volume remaining on board. 10. THE ELECTRIC PUMP AND THE JET PUMP ARE LOCATED = Rn Both in a feeder compartment to protect against uncovering the ‘imps in case of vertical or lateral loads. B. Both in each main wing tank lower position. c. Electrical pump in lower position, jet pump in upper position of the main wing tank. 11. DUE TO FUEL PUMP NON RETURN VALVES = | Neither the electric pump nor the jet pump can circulate fuel ‘in reverse direction through the other- . EXCESS FLOW (fuel not able to” flow through the LP VALVE Cowards the HMU) from either the electric pump or jet pump, returns to an inlet supplying the feeder compartment insuring that it is always full. % A and B are correct. va 12. IN NORMAL OPERATION, THE ELECTRIC PUMP IN EACH TANK IS USED ONLY TO : xX start the engine, which pressurizes the jet pump via its HMU fuel pump for subsequent pressurization of the fuel system. B. pressurize the jet pump, which pressurizes the fuel system for engine start and subsequent normal operation. he c. Provide the additional flow required for take-off, since the jet pump alone is incapable of maintaining such a high rate of flow. o9 =A 10 =A lec 12=A Ns ‘13. THE TWO FUEL"PUMP PUSH-BUTTON"CONTROL WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING ? . Automatic starting and stopping function of the related electric pump when selected in (depressed) . |. Manual shut-off of the related electric pump when selected OFF (released) . . Closure of the related motive flow valve, thus shut-off of the ¥elated jet pump when selected OFF (released). SK A+B 4 C are correct. 14. THE ELECTRICAL PUMP NORMALLY RUNS ANYTIME THE RELATED PUMP PUSH-BUTTON IS IN (DEPRESSED) AND = %R. The jet pump pressure drops below 7 psi (500mb). 8. During crossfeed operation XFEED push-button IN (depressed). x Both A and B are correct. 15. WHEN DOES THE JET’S "MOTIVE FLOW VALVE" OPEN ? A. Anytime the related PUMP PUSH-BUTTON is IN (depressed) . Ose Anytime the related PUMP PUSH-BUTTON is IN (depressed), and ‘pressure from the HMU is sufficient to open it. | vi C. Whenever the electric pump is weak. == Zp fuel trom electrical pump. ] : 17. AT TAKE OFF POWER, HOW MANY ENGINES CAN ONE ELECTRIC PUMP SUPPLY ? . 3K onty one. va yam oudszo ) KR pe a exes | £ j} B. Both engines. v be TG: ¢. Jet pump supply is necessary for take-off. ay 13 =D 14 16=8B wz=A ‘ ee . fl a o 1 w | \ 18. WHEN " FUEL PUMP PUSH-BUTTON" IS RELEASED "OUT" : 7% / =~ vs . Electrical pump is de-activated and OFF light comes on "white" ( on PUSH-BUTTON. \\@- Jet pump MOTIVE FLOW VALVE is closed. K Both A and B are correct. 22? / lee! van fa \} ger pone) rartoRE IS DETECTED BY : ig fi ich \a.-“Tllumination of FEED LO PR and CCAS che aaa A Illumination of RUN green light in the related electric fuel ‘pump PUSH-BUTTON. ica WITH "CCAS" ACTIVATION CAN MEANS. :. “olen } 20. ENGINE RUNNING, THE ILLUMINATED LIGHT "FEED 10 PR' | { f Pressure drops below 5 psi or fuel starvation.|| B. Electrical pump failure. ~~ fr | hi c. Jet pump failure. wg SA ak 21. 0 FEED ENGINE N°1 WITH TANK N‘2, LH AND RH FUEL PUMPS RUN- NING, YOU MUST = / iu A. Open the crossfeed valve only. V Open the crossfeed valve, and select engine n*1 FUEL PUMP PB A oS c. Select sont n°l FUEL PUMP PUSH-BUTTON, and open the cross- feed valve. Z 22. DURING CROSSFEED OPERATION AFTER CROSSFEED "OPEN" AND PUMP PUSH-BUTION "OFF" IN THE SIDE WITH LEAST FUEL, HOW MANY PUMPS ARE ~ RUNNING ? —— A. One, pe jet pump in the side with the most fuel. ith the most fuel. x ive feeeeelect andl jet pumps on the side ole c. Three, both electrical pumps and the jet pump on the side with the most fuel. Lr (o) 20 1 > 21=8 23. IF NO GREEN "FLOW BAR’ WHAT DOES IT MEAN ? IS VISIBLE IN THE "XFEED" PUSH-BUTTON, A. Crossfeed valve is closed. B. Crossfeed valve is open, but no fuel is being transferred. x crossfeed valve is in transit, or a valve fault exist. 24. HOW IS THE "LP VALVE" AT THE OUTLET OF EACH TANK CONTROLLED ? A. Mechanically by the related fire handle. Electrically by the related fire handle (DC BUS 1 or 2 for the motor 1, DC EMER BUS for the motor 2). a c. By the related CONDITION LEVERS. i £.{00 Fe 25. "LO LVL" AMBER LIGHT AND "CCAS" ACTIVATED MEANS THAT : A. Fuel quantity becomes lower than 160 Kg and the fuel cross feed opens automatically. Fuel quantity becomes lower aay 160 Kg the corresponding etectrical pump runs automatically. $2 pucpiprero £7 PSL } Cc. Fuel quantity becomes lower then 500 kg. b = Zferge it. 23=¢ 24 0 wo 25=8B ATR 42 POWERPLANT AND PROPELLER 01. WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF THE "S" BEND IN THE AIR INTAKE DUCT ? . To provide uniform inlet flow to the compressor. . To protect engine inlet in case of foreign object ingestion. x A and B are correct. 02. THE ACCESSORY GEAR BOX, WHICH IS DRIVEN BY THE "HP SPOOL", CONTAINS DRIVES FOR = A. The DC STARTER/GENERATOR and ACW GENERATOR. » The DC STARTER/GENERATOR, the fuel HP PUMP and the OIL PUMP. C, The DC STARTER/GENERATOR, the ACW GENERATOR, the fuel HP PUMP and the OIL PUMP. 7 03. THE PROPELLER REDUCTION GEAR BOX DRIVES : Xa The PROPELLER CONTROL UNIT, the associated accessories and the ‘aot GEN. B. The ACW GEN, the fuel HP PUMP, the propeller and the associa- ted accessories. c. The propeller and the associated accessories, only. 04. IS THE FUEL HEATED TO PREVENT ICING ? A, Yes, by means self monitoring ECU (Electrical Control Unit). B. No, it is not necessary. Yes, by an automatic FUEL-HEATER installed at the filter foxtiet, heated by engine oil. 05. HOW ARE THE OIL PRESSURE reese DURING COLD-WEATHER START. A. By a pressure regulating valve. *~ By a"cgl@ relief valve"that bypasses the oil back to the tank. Cc. A and B are correct. 04 0 ° 05 =B 0 > ol=c 02 =B 03 06. THE ELECTRONIC CONTROL UNIT (ECU) = Om Acts on the HMU richness program. B. Controls the fuel shut-off function. . Cc. Arms auto-feather system during take-off. 07. THE ECU FUNCTION IS : . To provide up-trim in case of engine failure during take-off, ind ensure, at a given engine rating, a constant PL position. \ To control, at low thrust level, and low speed, a constant! propeller speed (for instance on ground). A and B are correct. | . THE BYDRO MECHANICAL UNIT (HMU) FUNCTIONS ARE : of ce To meter the fuel flow delivery to the engine. . To provide the motive flow to the fuel tank JET PUMP. To provide the fuel shut-off function (controlled by CL). All of the above are correct. 8 9. THE PROPELLER BRAKE IS POWERED BY : Hydraulic blue pressure. oO: B. Hydraulic green pressure. c. A separate accumulator. 10. WHAT IS THE LOGIC TO ENGAGE THE PROPELLER Z5A6K« ’ | Gear shock absorber compressed and gust lock lever engaged. &. Blue hydraulic pressure available (READY LT illuminates green). @. condition lever (CL) in fuel shut off or feather(NP signal below 22%). w~ All of the above are correct. " 0 ° o 4 > 10 4 0 o6 =A 07 08 0 a 11. WHAT HAPPENS IF THE BLUE HYD PRESSURE IS LOST DURING HOTEL MODE OPERATION ? x Propeller brake remains engaged. B. Propeller brake is released. c. Propeller brake is unsafe and PROP BRK UNLK WARNING is activa- 12. IS IT POSSIBLE TO USE PROPELLER BRAKE IN FLIGHT ? a Yes always. No. Yes, but only in case of overspeed. 13. ARE THE TORQUE, ITT, NP, NH, FUEL“FLOW/FUEL USED AND OIL SSS/OIL TEMP GAUGES ALL AVAILABLE ON \ITERY START ? is 71 A. Yes, all. é No, FUEL FLOW/FUEL USED and OIL PRESS/OIL TEMP require DCl or 2; they become "alive" at 61.5 % NH during engine start. ~ ¢. ITT and NH only. 14. DURING START SEQUENCE, THE CROSS START SYSTEM : A. Makes use of the opposite DC GEN to start. B. Makes use of the MAIN BAT until 10% NH. (‘Makes use of the MAIN BAT until 10% NH, then uses MAIN BAT and ‘opposite DC GEN (on ground only) - cS 15. WHEN SELECTING "CRANK" ON THE ENGINE PANEL, THE IGNITERS ARE ENERGIZED = A. With CL at fuel shut-off position. B. With CL at a position different than fuel shut-off. xX Never . 12 13 =B 14 1s=c 0 > 0 a 16. HOW DO YOU SHUT-OFF, NORMALLY, THE ENGINE FUEL SUPPLY ? | By the PL. By the CL. ‘ / i By HP fuel pump. 17. ON GROUND WITH GUST LOCK ENGAGED, WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM PO} AVAILABLE ? aoe ee A. Ground idle. B. Flight idle. » A few degrees forward flight idle. D. Max. take-off power. 18. WHAT IS THE MAIN ENGINE PARAMETER FOR PILOTS ? A. NP propeller RPM. B. NH high pressure spool RPM. > TQ (torque) in percentage. 19. WHICH "ATPCS" FUNCTIONS ARE AVAILABLE WHEN IT HAS BEEN FOR TAKE-OFF ? A. Up-trim only. B. Auto-feather only. RX Up-trim and auto-feather. 20. AIRCRAFT ON GROUND,"PWR MGT ON T.0.", "ATPCS" PUSH-BUTTON ON, "ATPCS" IS ARMED IF : t <3 : x Both PL above 56° ang 6S torque above 53%. B. Both PL above 65° and both CL on max.RPM. C. Both PL above 65° and both torque above 90%. Va et eo v 16 =B ay=c wwsc aoe= ac 20=A 21. WHEN THE "PWR MCT" IS SET IN TAKE-OFF POSITION : WHAT IS INDICATED BY THE TWO "AMBER TARGET BUGS" ON THE TORQUE GAUGES ? / pWR MGT amber bugs are set by FDAU (flight data acquisition t) to the reserve take-off power Setting (up-trim value). - C. At the initiation of autofeathering. Vena 20 ae 35=B 0 a 34 4 > 31 =A 32 = B 33 36. DURING AN "ATPCS" ENGINE-FAL SEQUENCE, WHEN DOES THE "ARK LIGHT EXTINGUISH ? = A. at uptrim. 3X at the end of autofeathering sequence. “ c. It doesn’t extinguish unless the PWR MGT selector is out of T.0.position. 37. HOW IS A FAILED ENGINE’S PROPELLER FEATHERED BY THE "ATPCS™ 2 x via the electric feathering pump. B. By an electrical motor which drives the blades to the feathe stop. Cc. A propeller can only be feather by “ATPCS", if the related ¢ is in feather position. 36 0 w ’ > 37 ATR 42 uw FIRE PROTECTION 01. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING AGENT IS USED IN THE TWO ENGINE FIRE BOTTLES ? ae . Freon or halon, pressurized by nitrogen. B. co2. C. Chemical powder. 02. HOW MANY ENGINE FIRE EXTINGUISHER BOTTLES ARE THERE ? A. One for each engine. B. wo for each engine. K Two common for both engines. 03. EACH ENGINE IS EQUIPPED WITH A. Two fire detection loops mounted in series. x Two fire detection loops mounted in parallel —~ C. Only one fire detection loop. 04. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING BUSSES POWERS/IHE ENGINE FIRE DETECTION ‘'SYSIEMS) THE FIRE HANDLES AND THE EXTINGUISHER BOTTLES DISCHARGE ‘SYSTEMS ? A. AC STBY BUS. B. De BUS 1 left engine and Dc BUS 2 right engine. X BeBe] brevekedeeh| —_ Coa GIVEN IN CASE OF A |FIRE WARNING} OR A |SMOKE WARNING) ? - A. Bell. RK Continuous repetitive chime. c. Cavalry charge. ' 03 = B o=c 05 = B 06. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE "SQUIB JEST" PUSH-BUTTON 7S DEPRESSED = A. DISCH illuminates amber and CCAS is activated. Discharge heads are tested and two: SQUIB lights illuminate Ainite. c. Discharge heads are tested and CCAS is activated. 07. SWITCHING THE "FIRE TEST SH" ON FAULT POSITION, ON ENGINE FIRE PANEL, WHAT HAPPENS ? _-@._ only the related Loop A and LOOP B FAULT lights illuminated, (Gren the system is supplied by battery only- 3) The related LOOP A and LOOP B FAURE lights illuminate, with Be CCAS panel LOOP light, MASTER CAUTION and aural advise (gong), in HOTEL MODE operation. ve A and B are correct. 08. A/C ON GROUND, SUPPLIED BY BATTERY ONLY, BOTH CONDITION LEVER! IN SHOT-OFF POSITION; THE FIRE TEST WILL OPERATE 2 A. Engine fire light on CAP and in fire handle, the red light it (ree an Engine fire light on CAP and in fire handle, MASTER WARNING! fand CRC in CM1 loudspeaker.’ a c. Engine fire light on caP and in fire handle, MASTER CAUTION and CRC in both loudspeakers. 09. 10 GET THE FIRE WARNING ON, IT 15 NECESSARY TO HAVE = (& Both loops ON. sone loop ON only, but the other at OFF. K A and B are correct. 10. ENGINE FIRE TEST WITH BOTH LOOP PUSB-BUTTONS DEPRESSED (IN WHAT HAPPENS IF ONLY ONE LOOP SENSES A FIRE ? : 4 a Callin rd dane peona co nach ou ¥6) < Nothing. B, "FAULT" illuminates in the associated push-button. and If amber light illuminates on CCAS panel. c. Fire warnings are initiated. 06 o7=c os = B og =c 10=A . 11. WITH ONLY ONE LOOP PUSH-BUTTON IN we OFF), WHAT HAPPENS IF IT SENSES A FIRE A. Nothing. B. "FAULT" illuminates in the associated push-button and "LOOP" amber light illuminates on CCAS panel. 74 Fire warning is initiated. — be WHEN AN ENGINE FIRE WARNING APPEARS, WHICH WARNING ARE INITIA- TED ? | A. MASTER WARNING plus CRC (aural alarm),ENG FIRE red light on CAP and Fire handle red light. E Dd Answer A plus FUEL SHUT OFF red light into the associated CL (provided CL isn’t in fuel $/0 position). > ig 13. THE FUEL SHUT OFF RED LIGHT IN TO CL ILLUMINATES + A. During fire detection test (CL at’ fuel shut-off position). & During a real fire (CL isn’t in fuel shut-off position) ae A and B are correct. 14. IS IT POSSIBLE TO DISCHARGE A FIRE BOTTLE WITHOUT PULLING THE FIRE SHUT-OFF HANDLE ? A. Yes. B. Mal 113 . ‘B,_Nanually only € No.) ) 15. WHEN YOU PULL THE ENGINE FIRE SHUT-OFF HANDLE, WHAT HAPPENS ? ler feathering, fuel engine low pressure valve closure, Yaive and HP valve Glosure, DE~ICE valvé and SHUT-OFF Prope: air blee Valve closure, electrical DC and ACW generators “deactivation, SQUIB light illumination, extinction agent push-button is activa- ted. i B. Answer A plus HYD system isolation. c. Answer A plus UPTRIM PWR on the other engine. \ ie ql=c 12 13 =B wesc = . \ 16. THE “DISCH" AMBER LIGHT INDICATES = A. A successful discharge head test. oa Fire bottle is empty (depressurized) .‘ The push-button to depress in order to discharge a bottle. 17. FIRE PROCEDURE ON LEFT ENGINE. AFTER AGENT 1 DISCHARGE, Yt SEE A. Agent 1 DISCH on left engine only. B. Agent 1 DISCH on left engine + agent 1 DISCH on right engine. X& Agent 1 DISCH on left engine + agent 2 DISCH on right engine. 18. AFTER AN ENGINE FIRE, WHEN DOES THE RED FIRE HANDLE Li EXTINGUISH ? ‘only when the temperature detected by the loops drops bel: the warning threshold. B. Either when the temperature has dropped below the trigg: level or, as soon as the fire handle has been pulled. ¢. Either when the temperature has dropped below the trigge level or, when one fire bottle has been discharged. 19. SMOKE DETECTORS ARE PROVIDED : A. In the cockpit, the cabin, the cargo compt. B. In the cockpit, the avionics compt. and the cargo compt. % In the avionics compt., the forward and after cargo compt. . A. Flight deck. a x Between the avionics compartment and the extract Aa c. Avionics compartment. wee 1g =A 19 ° 20=B 01. THE PNEUMATIC SYSTEM SUPPLIES PNEUMATIC AIR FOR : tic de-icing. » Air conditioning, pressurization and pne' B. Air conditioning, pressurization and water system pressure. c. Air conditioning, pressurization, pneumatic de-icing and engine starter. 02. THE AIR CONDITIONING AIR BLEED VALVES ARE = x Electrically controlled and pneumatically operated. B. Electrically operated. c. Pneumatically controlled. 03. THE AIR CONDITIONING BLEED AIR IS SUPPLIED BY : A. Always by engine LP stage. B. Always by engine HP stage. X Generally supplied by engine LP stage but if the air is now . s etisinit ar surge ig automatically switched to the engine HP stage ( descent flight idle, ground operation). 04. WHAT HAPPENS, IN ABSENCE OF AIR PRESSURE, WITH ENGINE BLEED SELECTED “ON" ? A —— A. Bleed valve stays open. xX Bleed valve closes automatically. ae c. Bleed valve must be closed manually. 05. TO CONDITIONING THE CABIN IN HOTEL MODE OPERATION, YOU NORMAL LY USE = eS ov 6RLID A. Right ENG AIR BLEED plus right PACK VALVE only. B. Right ENG AIR BLEED plus right PACK VALVE and, if you open the CROSS-FEED BLEED VALVE the, left PACK VALVE. X Right ENG AIR BLEED plus right PACK VALVE and via the CROSS- ED BLEED VALVE ( automatically opened ) the left PACK VALVE. . ol=A 02 =A o3 = ¢ o4 = 8B os=c vor 4h UKUSS-FEEU BLES VALVE OPENS AUTOMATICALLY A. On ground, both engines running. os On ground, when BLEED AIR is supplied from a single engine In flight single engine operation. 07. TO ENSURE A RAPID LEAK SENSING, A KEVLAR ENVELOPE IS INSTALL AROUND THE MAJOR PART OF THE HIGH TEMPERATURE BLEED DUCT : . In the wing leading edge and wing fuselage firing. ®. In the upper and lower fuselage floor. 9 ©. In the air conditioning pack area. 4 & Answers A + B + C are correct. 08. AN\OVERHEAT CONDITION DOWNSTREAM OF THE ENGINE BLEED SHUT-OFF VALVE -CAUSES~: A. Actuation of the OVHT alert only. B. Actuation of the OVHT alert and closure of ENG BLEED A’ VALVE, HP BLEED AIR VALVE and associated PACK VALVE. x Actuation of the OVHT alert and closure of the ENG BLEED \LVE only. / 09. IN WHICH CASES DOES THE ENG BLEED VALVE CLOSE AUTOMATICALLY Overheat, leak, or lack of air pressure. Fire handle actuated, and during starting sequence. | Propeller brake selected ON (for left BLEED VALVE conly). x A + B+ C are correct. 06 = B o7 =D op=c o9 =D 10. APTER ILLUMINATION OF "OVHT" OR "LEAK" LIGHT, THE RELATED “ SYSTEM MAY BE RECOVERED = e _ For OVHT only/after system cooling (no amber light). B. For LEAK only (no amber light). Cc. Never in any case. 11. (tani) BLEED LIGHT COMES ON AMBER AND THE "CCAS" IS ACTIVA- ‘TED mane ae A A. LEAK of air pressure only. B. OVHT of air pressure only. X. Disagreement between the valve and the selected position or in ise of OVHT or LEAK. 0 a 10 0 > 11 a tee fe Go 03 A. B. 04 2 B. cs ATR 42 a AIR CONDITIONING . PACKS FUNCTIONS ARE : Air pressure control only. Shut off, pressure control and hence flow control. Shut off, flow control, and temperature control. . PACKS PUSH-BUTTON "ON", MEANS THAT = Pack valve is fully open in all the cases. Pack valve is opened if the opening conditions are met or countered. Pack valve regulates pressure and airflow in all the cases. . AIR CONDITIONING PACKS ARE INSTALLED 2 Both in the left landing gear fairing. Both in the RH landing gear fairing. one in each landing gear fairing. . WHICH PACK IS THE PRIMARY SUPPLIER OF COCKPIT AIR ? ; = weft. — a] Right. There is no priority. 05. WHAT HAPPENS TO EXCESS AIR FROM THE LEFT PACK ? a It is vented overboard. x It is used to supply the cabin. 9 ~~ ol =B 02 It is used for cargo ventilation. " > & 1 o o3 =Cc 04 4 o 06. WHAT 15 ‘THis KLBCIKICAL POWEK SUPPLY PUK CHS usry rAUR £ f A. AC STBY BUS. DC BUS. . c. ACW BUS 1. 07. PACK VALVES ARE : A. Electrically operated and electrically controlled. B. Pneumatically operated and pneumatically controlled. * Pneumatically operated and electrically controlled. Ve | | 08. AIR FLOW LEVEL IS CONTROLLED : | . Automatically, according to the bleed air pressure. . By the self regulating valve that provides minimum flow oe FI). . Manually, by a single NORMAL/HIGH push-button. A+ B+ C are correct. / a IR6Sr / 0 PST 09. THE SELECTION OF AIRFLOW "NOI (IGH" FROM PACKS IS : NORMAL/HIGH™ A. Automatic, depending of PL position. B. Automatic, depending of cabin air temperature. x Manual, in any case. 2 10. WHAT HAPPENS WHEN THE "PACK FLOW" PUSH-BUTTON IS "IN", “HIG | ILLUMINATES ? ——— A. The recirculation fans start(if the buttons are IN). B. ‘The recirculation fans continue to run, but at higher speed. Both pack valves are controlled to allow approximately twi normally regulated pressure(30 instead of 17psi). o7=c os =D 09 0 ° lo=c 11. THE TEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVE IS : Controlled in automatic mode by the electronic temperature - controller. Controlled in manual mode by the COMP TEMP SELECTOR. / x A+B are correct. a 12. PROVIDED THAT THE RELATIVE PACK VALVES ARE NOT CLOSED, THE COOLING FANS ARE RUNNING : A. Automatically, on ground only. B. Automatically, on ground and manually in flight. x Automatically, on ground and in flight below 125 Kts. 13. THE COMPARTMENT TEMPERATURE SELECTOR = . When in manual, the TEMP CONT. VALVE is directly controlled by che COMP TEMP SELECTOR. 7. When in auto, the TEMP CONTROL VALVE is controlled by the COMP ‘TEMP SELECTOR through the ELECTRONIC TEMP CONTROLLER. x A + B are correct. 14. WITH THE TEMP SEL PUSH-BUTTON IN AUTO, THE ELECTRONIC TEMPERA- TURE CONTROLLER COMPUTES TEMPERATURE CONTROL VALVE POSITION TAKING IN TO ACCOUNT = G) Zone temperature demand only (COMPT TEMP SELECTOR position). B.) Duct temperature and associated compartment temperature only. x Both of the above plus A/C skin temperature. 15. THE COMPARTMENT TEMPERATURE SELECTOR IS OPERATIVE : In automatic mode. In manual mode. In both cases. a as 0 ° 14 4 as " ° 13 i o ° 16. TEMP SELECTOR PUSH-BUTTONS am peau, MODE / A. Overheat alarm is inhibited. Overheat alarm is not inhibited. . ¢, Overheat alarm depends on temperature control selector po: tion. 17. THE "COMPT TEMP" INDICATOR DISPLAYS = p A. Only the compartment temperature of the selected side. B. The Xx The 18. THE A. Are B. Are pack and duct temperatures of the selected side. compartment and duct temperatures of the selected side.. RECIRCULATION FANS \ used to improve cooling of heat exchanger on the ground. used to increase pack valve airflow when in HIGH MODE. used to recirculate a part of the cabin air, to incre: Kut esh air supply. 19. ON GROUND, THE AIR SUPPLIED TO THE AIR CONDITIONING SYSTEM } COME FROM = A. Recirculation fans. B. One pack only, in HOTEL MODE K Packs or a ground conditioning unit. 20. PACK VALVE FAULT MEANS : (®. Actual valve position disagree with the selected position. (B. overneat downstream of the compressor (T + 204°C \ 393°F) « Kat 16=B B are correct. wee esc w=c 20=¢c 21. WHEN THE BLEED VALVES ARE SELECTED "ON" AFTER TAKE OFF : A. Both pack valves open immediately. Pack 1 valve opens immediately, pack 2 valve opens after 10 s ay. A, ¢. Both pack valves open after 10s delay. 22. IF A PACK VALVE IS CLOSED OR INOPERATIVE : A. Hot air is still available from that pack via the TEMP CONTROL VALVE. The other pack supplies both compartments (cockpit, cabin) through the mix: oe ¢. The other pack supplies both compartments via PNEUMATIC CROSS- FEED. 23. IF THE RELATED ELECTRICAL SUPPLY (OR AIRFLOW) IS LOST, THE PACK VALVES = . A. Remain in the last position. PA Are spring-loaded closed. 1 C. Go in full open position. IN CASE OF PACK OVERHEAT DOWNSTREAM OF THE COMPRESSOR: ge : The pack valve on the faulty side, closes, ae Both pack valves close. C. No pack valve closes. 25. IN CASE OF ‘DUCT OVERHEAT DOWNSTREAM OF THE MIXING CHAMBER: ———— A. The pack valve on the faulty side closes. B. Both pack valves close. a No pack valve closes. y——~ 21=8 22=8 23=8 24=A 25=c 20-TKMY SELECIOR, OVHT CAUTION IS TRIGGERED WHEN : ‘dy 200°F. Cabin temperature exceeds 35°C. x Duct temperature exceeds 92 ars c. Compressor temperature exceeds 204°C. 27. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF A RECIRCULATION FAN "FAULT" LIGHT ? @®. Fan RPM too low only. 8, Fan motor overheat only. A a+ B are correct. f% 26 0 > 2=c ATR42 ei PRESSURIZATION Two: one electropneumatic and one pneumatic outflow valves. B. Two electropneumatic outflow valves. C. ‘Two pneumatic outflow valves. 02. THE PNEUMATIC OUTFLOW VALVE : A. Is always slaved to the electropneumatic outflow valve. Operates in manual mode only. Is slaved to the electropneumatic outflow valve in automatic le only. = 03. IN NORMAL OPERATION, WHITOUT FAILURE, THE DIGITAL COTROLLER- USES AS REFERENCE THE AIRCRAFT STATIC AIR PRESSURE GENERATED BY : & ADC 1 and CM 1 altimeter BARO setting. —~ B. ADC 2 and CM 1 altimeter BARO setting. C. ADC 1 and 1013 HPa. 04. WHAT ARE THE CORRECT INDICATIONS DURING A PRESSURIZATION SYSTEM TEST ? C The amber FAULT light in the MAN PB. ®. only the landing elevation indicator displays alternatively 18800 and - 8800. x A +B and the test is inhibited in flight. 05. IF AUTOMATIC PRESSURIZATION CONTROL IS DESIRED, IN WHICH POSITION SHOULD THE "MAN RATE KNOB" BE PLACED : -» norm. oz=c 03 of =c 0 > 06. WHAT DO YOU SET LN "AUTO PRESS PANEL" BEYOKE KACH FLIGHT ¢ A. Departing airport field elevation,using QNH or zero using OF B. Landing airport field pressure altitude. : * Landing airport field elevation, using QNH or zero using OFE N 07. HOW HIGH ABOVE TAKE OFF ELEVATION CAN THE AIRCRAFT BE OPERAT WITHOUT CANCELLING THE “AUTOMATIC RETURN" FEATURE ? A. 3500 feet above landing field elevation. B. 2500 feet on QNE (1013). YxC 3500 feet above take off field elevation. os. Is x x 4550 ft/min, “ B. +400 ft/min. ee c. +4500 ft/min. YTO =, ° iss 3 | 09. WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM CABIN DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE ? re Positive’s.35 PSI, limited by a manometric capsule. Negative™0.5 PSI, limited by a non return valve. x A + B are correct. 10. WHAT IS THE MAXIMUM CABIN ALTITUDE (FL250 DIFF.PRESS A. 10000 ft. pe Kw Pe ree Cc, 7640 ft. 0 wo o6 =c o7=c og =A oo =c 10 11. HOW IS THE SYSTEM PROTECTED AGAINST EXCEEDING THE MAXIMUM CABIN DIFFERENTIAL PRESSURE ? A. Both outflow valves incorporate an electrically driven torque motor designed to fully open the valve. ‘ x Both outflow valves incorporate a manometric capsule (aneroid) hold the valve open sufficiently to prevent overpressure. Cc. Only the electropneumatic valve incorporates a manometric capsule to hold the valve open sufficiently to prevent overpressu- re. WHAT IS THE HIGHEST CABIN RATE OF DESCENT AVAILABLE CENT RATE PUSH-BUTTON RELEASED (NORM) ? xX 2 we eyes NORMAL y B. - 500 ft/min. Cc. - 550 ft/min. 13. IN AUTO, WHAT IS THE HIGHEST CABIN RATE OF DESCENT AVAILABLE WITH THE DESCENT RATE PUSH-BUTTON DEPRESSED (FAST) ? <= A. - 400 ft/min. & 500 ft/min. — Cc. - 550 ft/min. y 14. WATH IS THE USE OF THE "FAST" PB ? A. Establish a 600 ft/min cabin rate of descent. B. Change the maximum cabin rate of descent from - 400 ft/min to - 550 ft/min. Change the maximum cabin rate of descent from - 400 ft/min to 00 ft/min. et ve 15. BEFORE LANDING TO AVOID A CABIN PRESSURE BUMP AT TOUCH DOWN, THE CABIN ALTITUDE IS AUTOMATICALLY MAINTAINED AT 300 FT BELOW A. Aircraft altitude. B. Theoretical cabin altitude. a x Selected landing elevation. a ce 11=B 12=A 13 =B 14sec 15 0 ao ~ 40. AFIKK LANDING, THE CABIN DEPRESSURIZATION RATE IS : A. +450 ft/min. +550 ft/min. ~.. ‘ cote +300 ft/min. 17. IN CASE OF "ADC 1" FAILURE,THE DIGITAL CONTROLLER USE: REFERENCE AIRCRAFT STATIC AIR PRESSURE GENERETED BY : A. ADC 2 and CM 1 altimeter baro setting. B. ADC 2 and CM 2 altimeter baro setting. x ADC 2 and 1013 HPa. 18. WHAT IS THE CORRECT WAY TO SWITCH FROM AUTOMATIC TO MA OPERATION ? A, Select MAN the CABIN PRESS PB turn the MAN RATE KNOB t o’clock position and operate the MAN RATE KNOB as required. ‘ = 2 >A Turn the MAN RATE KNOB to_9 o’clock position, Select MAN CABIN PRESS PB and operate the MAN RATE KNOB as required. C. Select MAN the CABIN PRESS PB and operate the MAN RATE ENO! required. 19. IN "MAN MODE", WHAT IS THE HIGHEST CABIN RATE OF DESCENT CLIMB AVAILABLE ? z go x NZ Xe in. in. Gp xer500 ft/min 42500 ft/min. a B. -2500 ft/min ; +1500 ft/min. Cc. -500 ft/min ; +1000 ft/min. 20. WHAT IS THE CORRECT WAY TO SWIICH FROM MANUAL TO AUTOM OPERATION ? c Select to AUTO MODE the CABIN PRESS PB and turn the MAN F PBop smoothly to normal position. B. Turn the MAIN RATE KNOB to NORM position and select to A MODE the CABIN PRESS PB. C. It is not possible. 16=B 17 4 a 18 4 wo 0 > 19 21. WHAT HAPPENS IN CASE OF LOSS OF ELECTRICAL SUPPLY TO THE “DIGITAL CONTROLLER", IN AUTOMATIC MODE ? A. Both outflow valves remain in the last position. B. Both outflow valves go to full open. Dx Both outflow valves go to full close. = £-~ 22. THE "CCAS" SYSTEM IS ACTIVATED WHEN THE CABIN ALTITUDE REA- CHES: A. 6740 ft. B. 11000 ft. xX 10000 ft. a 23. WHEN THE "DUMP" FUNCTION IS AVAILABLE ? A. On ground only, MAN or AUTO PRESS node. It only works in pore arsdpode. ss ¢. It only works in AUTO PRESS mode, if differential pressure is . below 1 psi. : HOW MANY OUTFLOW VALVES ARE OPENED IN "DUMP" FUNCTION ? only the pneumatic valve. bol a only the electropneumatic valve. es Both. ca aL = 2z=c 23=B 24=Cc ATR 42 ~ VENTILATION 01. HOTEL MODE NORMAL OPERATION, THE VENTILATION PANEL BEING IN AUTO CONFIGURATION : A. The OVBD valve is closed, the U/F valve is opened. px The OVBD valve is opened, the U/F valve is closed. _-— ¢. Both valves are opened. 02. THE GUARDED AVIONIC VENT PANEL “OVBD VALVE OVERRIDE CTL" SWITCH AS TO BE USED: y. To accelerate cabin heating on the ground on cold days, in ull closed position. \\_B. To overrride the OVBD VALVE logic position. Gs A + B are correct. 03. WHEN LH ENGINE START SEQUENCE IS INITIATED : : A. Extract fan stops during 10 seconds. -% Extract fan stops during 120 seconds, to avoid pressure shocks, and exhaust mode FAULT illuminates. c. Extract fan stops during 120 seconds, to avoid pressure shocks, and exhaust mode FAULT doesn’t illuminate. 04. THE "OVBD" VALVE OVERRIDE “CTL" SWITCH ON AUTO, THE "OVED" VALVE POSITION IS FUNCTION OF: The exhaust mode PB position. (B ‘tTe aircraft condition(flight or ground, ENG 1 running or not). a4 B are correct. WHEN THE AVIONICS VENT SYSTEM EXTRACT FAN SHOULD STOP ? For 120 seconds during a start sequence. When OVBD is selected on EXHAUST MODE PUSH-BUTTON. A + B are correct. ol=8 oz=c 03 =B oa =c 05 = 6 06. AIRCRAFT IN FLIGHT, OR ON GROUND TWO ENGINES RUNNING, WHAT AF THE NORMAL POSITIONS OF THE "OVBD" AND "UNDERFLOOR VALVES ? A. x Gy 07. OVBD fully closed, UNDERFLOOR fully closed. OVBD fully closed, UNDERFLOOR fully open. OVBD fully open, UNDERFLOOR fully closed. THE EXHAUST MODE "PB" IS ON "OVBD", ACTING ON THE "OVBD VALV OVRD CONTROL SWITCH : You can change the position of the valve. You cannot change the position of the valve. You can only open the valve. "EXHAUST MODE FAULT PB" IS ILLUMINATED IN CASE OF : OVBD valve position disagreement with associated control. Fan failure or over temperature ahd CCAS is activated, C. U/F valve position disagrees with associated control. 09. WHEN SHOULD THE EXHAUST MODE PUSH-BUTTON BE SET ON "OVBD" ? A. In case of an extract fan failure on ground. » In case of an extract fan failure in flight. C. For all ground operations. : 10. IN FLIGHT WITH AN EXTRACT FAN FAILURE, AVIONICS VENTILATIO! CAN BE PERFORMED BY SELECTING "OVBD" EXHAUST MODE PUSH-BUTTON : A. This assertion is correct, regardless the OVRD valve position. 2 Correct assertion,provided the OVBD valve is on auto position. C. Correct assertion,provided diff. pressure is below 1psi. o6 =B Oo7=A o8 = B o9 = 5 10=B 21. IN FLIGHT THE EXHAUST MODE Pb ON “UYEUN ruolsswn, new sue CONTROL SWITCH ON "AUTO" MODE : X Extract fan is off, U/F valve is close, OVBD valve is partial- va 1¥ open. o B. Extract fan is off, U/F valve is partially close, OVBD valve is partially open. c. Extract fan is on, U/F valve is close, OVBD valve is partially open. TON "OVBD" LIGHT,CAUSES THE GROUND MECHANIC CALL HORN TO OX Always on ground. fpr que a B. When differential pressure is less then 1 psi. 12. ILLUMINATION OF THE AVIONICS VENT PANEL EXHAUST MODE PUSH: ar SOUND} r c. on ground and in flight before to set OVBD position. 13. ON THE AVIONICS VENT PANEL,..THE "FAULT" LIGHT ILLUMINATES AMBER, WHEN = 78. On ground engine 1 not running, OVBD valve is not fully open. %. In flight or on ground 2 engines running, OVBD valve is not f ‘fully close. \6- There is any disagreement between the valve and the switch. D@ a4 B+ ¢ are correct. 14. WHAT IS THE MAX DIFF. PRESS. ALLOWED TO SELECT THE “OVBD VALVE" TO FULL OPEN POSITION ? 13.=D 14=A 1 » 1=A 12 ATR 42 ae ICE AND RAIN 01. AIRCRAFT ICE PROTECTION IS PROVIDED BY : A. Pneumatic system only B. Electrical heating only x Electrical heating/and pneumatic system 02. ANTI ICING ELECTRICAL HEATING IS PROVIDED MAINLY BY ACW CURRENT FOR : A. Propeller blades, windshields, probes, only xX Propeller blades, windshields, probes, flight control horns Ve ¢. Propeller blades, windshields, probes, engine air intakes 03. ON THE DE-ICING PANEL, THE AIR FRAME AIR BLEED PUSHBUTTON : (®. Must be IN, no OFF light, in order to operate engine and wing ‘stabilizer boots B) Can be OFF, OFF light on, in order to operate engine boots (engine de icing selected ON). x. A + B are correct. 04. THE PURPOSE OF "AIR FRAME AIR BLEED" IS ? not selected ON or only on the SHUT OFF VALVE if ENGINE DE ICE PB -~@. To act on DE ICE and SHUT OFF valves if ENGINE DE ICE PB is ( is selected on ‘ \6@ To permit a detection of an ENGINE or AIR FRAME DE ICE SYST ‘ailure XK a+ Bare correct | 05. BOTH, AIR FRAME AND ENGINE DE ICING SELECTED ON, THEY ARE ? ATR FRAME AND ENGINE BE ICING § : A. De iced simultaneously x De iced sequentially , Totally independent one from the other mee 02 =R ox=c o4=c 05 = 8B ome 06. DE ICING LIGHT ILLUMINATES ON MEMO PANEL WHEN = xX Air frame de-icing is selected ON B. Ice is detected by ICE DETECTOR syst c. Window and probe heat are ON 07. ON THE DE~ICING PANEL, WHEN SHOULD THE "MODE SEL PB" BE "ON" A. I£ SAT above -18 C; causes a cycle length of 60 sec. If SAT below -18 ¢C; causes a cycle length of 60 sec. If SAT below -18 C; causes a cycle length of 240 sec. 08. CAN YOU USE THE "PNEUMATIC DE~ICING SYST" WITH BOTH ENGIB BLEED VALVES "OFF",ENGINES RUNNING ? . Cc. Yes but except ENGINE DE ICE. 09. WITH ONE ENGINE INOPERATIVE, ARE BOTH SIDES OF THE "AIR FRAN DE ICING SYST" SUPPLIED ? A. No. X Yes. ) Yes, provide that fire handle has been pulled. 10. AIRCRAFT IN FLIGHT, IF THE "AAS"SYSTEM DETECTS ICE WHILE ICI? "AOA" GREEN LIGHT IS EXTINGUISHED = ee Se A. The amber ICING light illuminates steady, MASTER CAUTION at single chime. x& The amber ICING light illuminates flashing, MASTER CAUTION ar single chime. = oe C. The green ICING AOA illuminates. os =A o7=c op =A 09 = B 10=B 11. AIRCRAFT IN FLIGHT, IF THE "AAS" SYSTEM DETECTS ICE, "AOA" GREEN LIGHT IS ILLUMINATED : 16. WHEN DOES THE GREEN LIGHT "AOA" DISAPPEARS ? | A. Automatically, at the end of ice accretion, ICING amber lis OFF. B. Automatically, after horns anti ice OFF selection. ¢_ Manually by depressing AOA green light PB, after it visually confirmed that the aircraft is clear of any residual ic 17. TO PREVENT THE FORMATION OF ICE ON AIR DATA SENSOE ELECTRICAL PROBE HEATING IS PROVIDED FOR : A. CAPT, F/O, STBY pitot tubes (3) and static posts (6) only. CAPT, F/O, STBY pitot tubes (3) and static posts (6), CAPT a F/O angle of attack probes (2), plus TAT (total air temperatur probe (1) in flight only... ¢. Bis correct, but TAT probe is heated on ground and in fligl Me 6 18. PITOTS, PROBES AND STATIC PORTS ARE OS Heated and monitored by CCAS on ground and in flight (exce; static ports monitored by CCAS on ground only B. Heated on ground and in flight but not monitored by CCAS. C. Heated and monitored in flight only. 19. PROBES HEATING AND WINDSHIELD HEATING PUSH-BUTTONS "Ol POSITION IN HOTEL MODE OPERATION : > iow, A. Pitots, TAT, angle of attack, probes are heated. B. Windshields are heated. : xX Static ports and standby pitot are heated. -— 20. YOU CAN USE WINDSHIELD WIPERS : A. Below 180 Kts. MX Below 160 Kts. c. At any speed. 16 0 Q 17=8B 18 O > 20 " wo ATR 42 i HYDRAULIC 01. EACH HYDRAULIC SYSTEM IS MAINLY PRESSURIZED BY MEANS OF A. An engine driven pump. ACW electrical pump. alternate pump. 02. AN AUXILIARY DC ELECTRICAL PUMP IS LOCATED : x In the BLUE HYD SYST. B. In the GREEN HYD SYST. c¢. In both HYD SYST. 03. THE NORMAL HYDRAULIC PRESSURE OFTHE BLUE AND GREEN SYST IS = A. 1500 psi- B. 2000 psi. x 3000 psi. 04. THE HYDRAULIC FLUID IS CONTAINED IN = A. wo separated tanks ( BLUE in the LH landing gear fairing, GREEN in the RH lending gear firing). B. A single common pressurized tank located in the hydraulic bay (LH landing gear firing). / x» single common not pressurized tank, divided in two compart= ts BLUE and GREEN, located in the hydraulic bay (LH landing gear fairing). 0S. WHAT IS THE NORMAL ACCUMULATOR PRECHARGE PRESSURE ON THE THREE GAGES NEAR THE LEFT MAIN GEAR BAY = -——— A. 800 psi. x 1500 psi. ~~ c. 3000 psi. ol =8B oz =A o3 =c 04 o5=B 0 a 06. THE USERS OF THE BLUE HYD SYST ARE = A. Nose wheel steering, flaps, spoilers, propeller brake. *% Nose wheel steering, flaps, spoilers, propeller brake, ergency and parking brake. c. landing gear, emergency and parking brake. 07. THE USERS OF THE GREEN HYD SYST ARE = Landing gear and normal brake. B. Nose wheel steering, landing gear and normal brake. c. landing gear, normal brake and parking brake. 08. ON GROUND WITHOUT ELECTRICAL POWER (BAT SW OFF), WE CAN READ: Hydraulic pressure or gas pressure gage on the hydraulic bay Xx landing gear fairing). B. Hydraulic pressure or gas pressure gage in the cockpit. c. A+B are correct. 09. ON GROUND PUSHING THE "AUX PUMP PB" ON THE PEDESTAL, ALLOWS + a A. Mo eneraize the BUX HME, providing AIT sW ‘ow" position: x To energize the AUX PUMP, which pressurize the BLUE HYD SYST, Tigardless BATT SWT "ON" or"OFF" position. ¢. To pressurize the GREEN HYD SYST. 10. WITH AIRCRAFT ON GROUND AND RIGHT ENGINE RUNNING 2° MAX REFOLLOWING MAIN PUMPS ARE ACTIVATED = oc A. Only BLUE. f BLUE and GREEN. c. Only GREEN. 07 =A og =A oo =B 10=B

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