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NAME: Gungon, Canary Shane A. SECTION: DATE: SCORE:


By: Bee-Lan Oo, Derek S. Drew, and Goran Runeson
Background on the article:
In the construction industry, competitive bidding is used for various procurement routes available for satisfying clients’
construction needs. These include traditional procurement via design-bid-construct, and the non- traditional ones such as
the design-and-build, management contract, and build-own-operate-transfer. Though, it should be noted that contractors
do not always bid for every job that comes along but select from a continually changing array of potential projects.
Therefore, competitive bidding in construction is concerned with contractors making strategic decisions regarding project
selection whether or not to bid for a job and determine bid price if contractors opt to bid.
It has been found in many studies that there are differences in the ranking of factors that contractors consider when
making bid/no-bid and mark-up decisions. This suggests that contractors’ bidding decisions are dependent on many
individual firm-specific characteristics, including some that are unobserved, i.e., the notion of heterogeneity across
contractors. Gonzalez- Diaz et al. suggest that one may think of the unobserved heterogeneity as the management style of
a construction firm, which may include its manager's capability, the quality of its output, and its competitive strategy.
Question: Based on the background given above, which research design, in your opinion, should be used in this study?
Explain your answer.

Based on my opinion the research design should be used is experimental research because seeks to
determine a relationship between two (2) variables—the dependent variable and the independent
variable. After completing an experimental research study, a correlation between a specific aspect of
an entity and the variable being studied is either supported or rejected. Data in experimental research
must be able to be quantified, or measured. Data collected could be acidity/alkalinity, area,
circumference, density, electrical current/potential/resistance, force, growth (time, weight, volume,
length/width), heat, humidity, light intensity, mass, pressure, sound intensity, temperature, time,
velocity, volume or weight. However, the entity should be carefully observed qualitatively or described
using words and photographs.

05 Quiz 1 *Property of STI

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