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Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program

Individualized Learning Plan (ILP) – Teacher Leader Project Option

Revised 1.1.19
Directions: The ILP should be completed with Mentor input. Complete blue cells prior to classroom implementation. Complete orange cells after the POP Cycle is completed. Cells will expand as
needed. When submitting completed ILP to the instructor, please include copies of all instructional resources, including Google Survey used for assessment of audience satisfaction.
Section 1: New Teacher Information
New Teacher Email Subject Area Grade Level
Adam Garduno Math 8th
Mentor Email School/District Date
Rancho-Starbuck Intermediate
David Galli 02/28/22
Lowell Joint School District
Section 2: CSTP Areas of Inquiry
Directions: Identify 2-3 CSTP elements for ILP focus. Use most recent CSTP Assessment for Initial Rating. Identify both teacher and student rating for CSTP 1 and 2. See example.
CSTP Element Initial Rating Description Goal Rating Description
T - Guide students to think critically through use of questioning strategies, T - Facilitates systematic opportunities for students to apply critical
Promoting critical thinking posing/solving problems, and reflection on issues in content. thinking by designing structured inquiries into complex problems.
T – Applying T – Innovating
1.5 through inquiry, problem S - Students respond to varied questions or tasks designed to promote S - Students pose and answer a wide-range of complex questions and
S – Exploring S - Innovating
solving, and reflection comprehension and critical thinking in single lessons or a sequence of problems, reflect, and communicate understandings based on in depth
lessons. analysis of content learning.

Collecting and Infuses assessments strategically and

Designs and integrates an assessment
analyzing systematically throughout instruction to
plan that provides formal and informal
assessment collect ongoing assessment data
assessment data on student learning.
data from a appropriate for the range of learner
5.2 Integrating Uses data analysis of a broad range of Innovating
variety of needs. Uses results of ongoing data
assessments to provide comprehensive
sources to analysis to plan and differentiate
information to guide planning and
inform instruction for maximum academic
differentiation of instruction.
instruction success.
Facilitates collaboration with colleagues.
Collaborating Collaborates with colleagues to expand
Works to ensure the broadest positive
with colleagues impact on teacher and student learning
impact possible on instructional practice
and the broader within grade or department and school
and student achievement at school and
professional and district levels. Engages with
6.3 Integrating Innovating district levels and for the profession.
community to members of the broader professional
Initiates and develops professional
support teacher community to access resources and a
learning opportunities with the broader
and student wide range of support for teaching the
professional community focused on
learning full range of learners.
student achievement.
Section 3: Teacher Leader Inquiry Focus and Planning
Project Title Inquiry Question Project Objective(s)
Will reviewing multiple types of - Use data to increase collaboration
assessment data at the department level within the math department
Data Driven Collaboration
increase student learning outcomes in - Increase student learning outcomes in
math across the school? math across the school
Audience for Project How Project Fits into Professional Goals and/or
How Audience Satisfaction will be Assessed
(Who Participates/Who Benefits) Department/School/District Needs
Audience satisfaction will be assessed
The project will help me progress in my
The audience will include all seven members of through a Google Form that will be
professional goals of developing my
my school’s math department, my mentor completed by each audience member
skills in utilizing student assessment
teacher, and a member of the school at the conclusion of the presentation.
data. The project will help the
administration. The project will include all math The form will ask about presentation
department, school, and district by
teachers and all students at the school. feedback and perceived usefulness for
increasing student math proficiency.
future use.
Special Emphasis: Teacher Leader Model Standards and NBPTS Core Propositions
Directions: Identify at least one NBPTS and at least one Teacher Leader Model Standards that are the primary focus of your project. Explain how these standards will be incorporated.
Special Emphasis Focus How Special Emphasis will be Incorporated

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 1 of 6
Proposition 5 will be incorporated by collaborating with other professionals to improve
school effectiveness. My presentation will focus on how data can be analyzed and
utilized as a math department to collaborate on the most effective instruction for
Proposition 5: Teachers are members of
optimized student learning.
professional learning communities
Domain 2 will be incorporated by facilitating the analysis of student learning data,
Domain 2: Accesses and Uses Research to
collaborative interpretation of results, and application of findings to improve teaching
Improve Practice and Student Learning
and learning. The project will also focus on teaching and supporting colleagues to
collect, analyze, and communicate data from their classrooms to improve teaching and
Inquiry Implementation Plan
Analyze Results Discuss Results with Mentor
Milestone 1 Milestone 2 Milestone 3
Milestone 4 Milestone 5
Identify name and date for
Assessment data Analyze feedback Discuss results
presentation and Presentation
activities. collection survey results with mentor
feedback survey
3/28 – 4/1/22 4/10/22 4/11/22 4/12/22 4/13/22
Provide 1-2 sentence I will be obtaining student assessment data from all teacher’s in the math department, as well as observing
summary of your teacher teacher’s instructional practices. Then I will compile all of the data and teacher practices for a department
leader project. reflection and discussion of utilizing assessment data to inform instruction at the department level.
Summarize process for I will provide the math department with a survey at the conclusion of my presentation, so they may provide
analyzing effectiveness of feedback on the usefulness of the information and if they believe discussion of data at the department level can
leadership role. be effective in increasing department collaboration and student learning outcomes going forward.
Section 4: Inquiry Research and Exploration
Research/Professional Learning (Identify two articles that have informed inquiry focus. Provide title, URL or citation, and statement of what was learned.)
A Review of Research on the Impact of Professional Learning
Using Assessment to Individualize Early Mathematics Instruction
Communities on Teaching Practice and Student Learning
Evidence suggests that assessment-informed personalized instruction that
The concept of a PLC is based on a premise regarding the capacity of
is tailored to students' individual skills and abilities, is more effective than a
organizations to learn. After an overview of the characteristics of
more generalized approach. In the study, they evaluate the efficacy of
professional learning communities, this article presents a review of
Individualizing Student Instruction in Mathematics. Second graders
numerous studies on the impact of PLCs on teaching practices and student
received mathematics instruction in small flexible learning groups based on
learning. Although, few studies move beyond self-reports of positive
their assessed learning needs. Results of the study revealed significant
impact, some of the studies explore the impact on teaching practice and
effects on standardized mathematics assessments. The study showed that
student learning. Helping teachers rethink their practice necessitates
we can significantly improve 2nd graders' mathematics achievement,
professional development that involves teachers in both teaching and
including for children living in poverty, by using assessment data to
learning to create new visions of learning in general. Participation in
individualize the mathematics instruction they receive. ISI-Math was
learning communities impacts teaching practice as teachers become more
implemented by regular classroom teachers and it led to about an
student centered. In addition, teaching culture is improved because the
achievement advantage on standardized mathematics tests when
learning communities increase collaboration, a focus on student learning,
compared to students in control classrooms. Teachers' instructional
teacher empowerment, and continuous learning. The collective results of
practices do affect students' mathematics achievement gains, and are
all of the studies suggest that well-developed PLCs have a positive impact
more effective when individual student differences in mathematics skills
on both teaching practice and student achievement.
are considered. These results were realized within one school year.
Vescio, Vicki, Dorene Ross, and Alyson Adams. “A Review of Research on the
Connor, Carol McDonald et al. “Using Assessment to Individualize Early
Impact of Professional Learning Communities on Teaching Practice and
Mathematics Instruction.” Journal of school psychology 66 (2018): 97–113.
Student Learning.” Teaching and teacher education 24.1 (2008): 80–91.
Colleagues (Summarize how two colleagues have addressed similar leadership roles OR the status of the issue at department/school/district level.)
My school principal is a colleague who places high value on using student
According to the most recent School Accountability Report Card where the
data to inform campus decisions and when considering the implementation
data is available for Rancho-Starbuck Intermediate (2018-19), 53% of
of new learning tools. Our district started using iReady in Math and English
students meet or exceed the state grade level standards. This is in line with
classes this year. My principal keeps discovering new ways to locate,
the district 54%, and well above the state at 39%. The school percentage is
communicate, and use the data collected from the iReady program. For
slightly down from the year before, 54%. Even though the school
example, teachers are now running reports on student diagnostic tests and
percentages are above the state’s, there is still plenty of room for
personalized instruction. The teachers then review the data with the
improvement. The math department at my school currently collaborates
students so they can have further clarity on their own learning and
well on the pacing of instruction and shares materials when needed.
establish learning goals for the future. Essentially, the data is used to help
However, there is room for collaboration to be increased through the
improve student learning outcomes. This is an example of how my principal
sharing of varying types of assessment data.
leads as a data coach and as an instructional specialist.
Section 5: Results and Reflection
Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 2 of 6
Initial Revised
CSTP Element Evidence/Rationale for Rating Suggestions for Moving Forward
Rating Rating
Promoting critical To move to INNOVATING level: Consider how to increase
Teacher asked questions of analysis and evaluation.
thinking through T – Applying T – Integrating complexity of tasks beyond a single lesson so that there are
1.5 Students answered questions that included all levels of Bloom’s. Students created their own
inquiry, problem S – Exploring S - Integrating continuing opportunities for students to engage in inquiry in
math problems.
solving, and reflection complex problems. How could you extend the lesson into PBL?
Assessments should continue on a
Collecting Teacher incorporates assessments strategically and
regular basis daily from multiple
and systematically throughout instruction to collect ongoing
sources through a variety of ways.
analyzing assessment data appropriate for the range of learner
Assessment data can be used to
assessment needs. Assessments include random callers, thumbs
influence instruction in real time, as
5.2 data from a Integrating Innovating up/down, think-pair-share, table discussions, and exit
well as in planning for subsequent
variety of tickets amongst others. Also uses results of ongoing data
lessons. Data can be analyzed
sources to analysis to plan and differentiate instruction for
individual and with PLC’s to influence
inform maximum academic success based on individual student
department decisions and increase
instruction needs.
student learning outcomes.
Teacher facilitates collaboration with colleagues through Teacher will continue to compile
the compilation of data for the purpose of department department data for department
review and discussion. Also works to ensure the review and discussion on a regular
and the
broadest positive impact possible on instructional basis. The department will use the
practice and student achievement at school by aiming to data to plan and adjust curriculum
6.3 professional Integrating Innovating
accomplish goal setting with the department to increase moving forward while collaborating
student learning outcomes. Initiates and develops to implement effective instruction for
to support
professional learning opportunities with the broader the purpose of increasing student
teacher and
professional community focused on student learning goals across the school
achievement. moving forward.
Special Emphasis (Teacher Leader Model Standards or NBPTS Core Propositions
Key Learnings and New Skills/Knowledge Developed Contribution to
Product(s) Generated
by Teacher Others/Department/School/District
I learned that student assessment data can be My presentation contributed to the math
incorporated in the classroom by using it to connect department by providing insight and
with students and to use it as a springboard for - Data Driven Collaboration suggestions on incorporating the use of
collaboration. I also learned that well-developed PLCs PowerPoint presentation assessment data in the classroom, and by
can positively impact student achievement as well as - Presentation notes informing about the attributes and benefits of
teaching practice. I developed my skills of creating - Presentation handout an effective PLC. The goal of the presentation
presentations and delivering them to my colleagues. - Google Form exit survey was to increase collaboration informed by
Overall, my leadership abilities were highlighted and data at the department level, thus increasing
increased the the teacher leader project. student learning outcomes across the school.
Mentor Feedback
Directions: The Mentor should Identify strengths and areas of improvement in each of the following areas.

Effectiveness of resources designed by the Mr. Garduno’s presentation consisted of a step by step explanation of the importance and
Candidate, including presentation, notes, handouts, implementation of data analysis. He used visuals to convey challenging concepts like the
and other resources. continuous feedback loop and that helped to explain those topics more succinctly.
Effectiveness of Candidate in teaching and coaching Peers are often the hardest to teach but Mr. Garduno was able to use his relationships with his
adults. (Refer to Adult Learning Principles in FOTIP team to provide effective instruction and inspire participation. During independent practice, he
Handbook walked around and followed up with teachers who needed more support to understand the
[]. activity.

The audience was receptive to Mr. Garduno’s presentation and participated in the activities he
Value of topic for audience.
planned. They analyzed the sample data and provided feedback.

Overall delivery by Candidate of the professional

Mr. Garduno had a strong presence when presenting. His tone and volume was appropriate to
development experience, including audience
the size of the room. His knowledge and desire to teach was evident. He had to adjust his pacing
engagement, pacing, tone, and response to
as some portions of the presentation went a little long.
Analysis and Summary of Audience Assessment
Directions: Record assessment data into Assessment Data Table (see end of document). Include copies of assessment tools with submission. Include at least one graph in your summary.

Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 3 of 6
The audience of the presentation was assessed for satisfaction through the use of a Google Form exit survey. The first question of the survey asked if the
participants felt as if they learned something about using assessment data in the classroom, and 100% of the participants replied “yes”. The next question
asked how likely it is that the participants use assessment data in a new way in their classroom following the presentation, and all participants replied
“very likely”. Next, the participants were asked to rate the current effectiveness of the math department PLC on a scale of 1-5. Four participants rated the
effectiveness of the PLC as a “5” and one person rated the effectiveness as a “4”. The participants were then asked if they enjoyed viewing student
assessment data together, which was the culminating activity of the presentation. All participants replied that they did enjoy the activity. Finally, the
participants were asked if they think regularly reviewing student assessment together at the department level could increase teaching effectiveness and
student learning outcomes, and they all replied “yes”. Overall, it seemed like all participants took something away from the presentation, enjoyed the
presentation, and believed that the information could be useful moving forward as a department.

Action Items (some may not be applicable)

Curriculum design, lesson planning, and assessment planning are at the forefront of action items resulting from this
For curriculum design,
leadership project. All of these elements are a result of classroom assessment already, but will now be based upon results of
lesson planning,
data analysis and discussions at the department level. The goal is for collaboration amongst the department to increase
assessment planning
around these actions, while being informed by assessment data from each of the individual classrooms.
Assessment data as a result of formal and informal classroom assessment will continue to inform instruction planning and
For classroom practice curriculum design in order to meet the unique needs of every student. However, data will also be used to connect with
students and as a springboard for collaboration with the department.
For teaching English Teacher will continue to rely on assessment data and feedback in order to meet the unique individual needs of students who
learners, students with are English learners, those with special needs, and students with other instructional challenges. Assessment feedback from
special needs, and these students is especially important, as the data will inform whether or not individual needs are being met and if
students with other instructional accommodations and modifications are proving effective. Meeting the needs of these students should also be
instructional challenges addressed at the department level, as collaboration on best practices for these students can be very helpful for all teachers.
If data driven collaboration at the department level can increase student learning outcomes, the presentation should be
For future professional delivered and shared school wide, and possibly district wide. It is more work for teachers to copy assessment results onto a
development common document amongst their department, but the results can be well worth it. Seeing all of the data compared in one
place can lead to constructive discussions regarding curriculum design, lesson planning, and assessment planning.
One of the primary actions as a result of the data driven collaboration project is to support all department teachers. For
example, if there is a teacher with consistently lower assessment data than the rest of the department, then the department
For supporting
can collaborate together on how to best support that teacher. Reviewing data together will lead to discussions about
effective instructional strategies and improving student learning outcomes across all levels. However, what is more important
is to support students as a result of the data. Reviewing the data can help ensure that the needs of all students are being met
and that all students have access to success in each classroom.
Other Notes and Comments

I am happy that the presentation was valued by the participants, and that all members of the department want to continue to use data as a springboard
for collaboration at the department level. I am interested to see if doing so helps teachers feel more supported within the PLC and if there is a general
increase in student learning outcomes as a result.

Include a copy of Google Survey Form assessment tool.

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Individualized Learning Plan, Fullerton Online Teacher Induction Program (FOTIP), 2017 Page 6 of 6

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