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Inbreeding Depression, Environmental Stress, and

Population Size Variation in Scarlet Gilia

(Ipomopsis aggregata)
Institute for Environmental Studies, Department of Ecology, Ethology, and Evolution, University of Illinois,
1101 W. Peabody Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801, U.SA.

Abstract: Despite a large body o f theory, f e w studies have directly assessed the effects o f variation in popu.
lation size on fitness components in natural populations o f p l a n ~ We conducted studies on 10 populations
o f scarlet gilig Ipomopsis aggregata, to assess the effects o f population size and year-to-year variation in size
on the relative fitness o f plant£ We showed that seed size and germination success are significantly reduced
in smali populations (those <~lOOflowering plants) o f scariet gilia Plants f r o m small populations are also
more susceptible to environmental stres~ When plants f r o m small and large populations were subjected to
an imposed stress (combined effects o f transplanting and experimental clipping simulating ungulate her.
bivory) in a c o m m o n garden expertmeng plants f r o m small populations suffered higher mortality and were
ultimately o f smaller size than plants f r o m large populations In addition, experimental evidence indicates
that observed fitness reductions are genetic, due to the effects o f genetic drift and/or inbreeding depressiorL
When pollen was introduced f r o m dlstant populations into two small populationg seed mass and percentage
o f germination were bolsterea~ while pollen transferred into a large population had no significant effect
Year-to.year variation in population size and its effects on p l a n t fitness are also discussed. In one small
population, f o r exampl6 a substantial increase in size f r o m within did not introduce sufficient new (ar=
chived) genetic material to f u l l y overcome the effects o f inbreeding depressior~

Depresi6n de endocria, stress ambiental y variaci6n en el tamafio poblacional de.lpomopsis aggregata

R e s u m e n : A pesar de la existencia de una gran base teOrica~ son pocos los estudios que han evaluado
directamente los efectos de los cambios en el tamaf~o poblacional sobre los componentes de la condici6n de
poblaciones naturales de planta~ Conductmos estudios sobre diez poblaciones de Ipomopsis aggregata, con
e l f i n de evaluar los efectos del tama~o poblacional y su variaci6n interanual sobre la condici6n relativa de
las planta.g Demostramos que el tamafzo de las semillas y el dxito en la germinaci6n son reducidos signif-
icativamente en poblactones pequef~as (aquellas con menos de 100 plantas en floraci6n) de I aggregata. Lus
plantas de poblaciones pequefu~ son tambid,n mds suceptibles a stress ambientaL Cuando las plantas de
poblaciones pequeftas y grandes fueron sujetas a tensi6n (el efecto combinado del transplante y la poda
experimental para simular pastoreo p o r ungulados) en un experimento en vivero, las plantas de poblactones
pequefu~ sufrieron una mayor mortalidad y fueron flnalmente de menor tamaf~o que las plantas de po-
blaciones grande£ Ademdg la evidencia experimental indica que los reducciones en condici6n obsem2adas
son gen~ticag debido al efecto de la deriva gendtica y/o la depresi6n de endocria Cuando se introdujo polen
de poblaciones distantes en dos poblaciones pequefiag la masa de las semillas y la germinaci6n porcentual
fueron reforzadag mientras que el polen introducido en poblaciones grandes no tuvo ningtin efecto signi-
flcativo. Tambi&n se dtscute la fluctuaci6n interanual en el tamaf~o poblacional y los efectos resultantes
sobre la condici6n de los plantag Por ejemplo, en una poblaci6n pequefu¢ un incremento substancial en
tamaflo ortginado en f o r m a interna (crecimiento), no introdujo suflctente material gen#tico nuevo como
para contrarrestar totalmente los efectos de la depresi6n de endocricz

Paper submitted November 8, 1993; revised manuscript accepted April 5, 1994.


ConservationBiology,Pages 126-133
Volume9, No. 1, February1995
Heschd & l ~ e Fitaessand PopulaffonSize Variation 127

Introduction Whitham 1985, 1987; Paige 1992). Following seed ger-

mination, scarlet gilia develops into a leafy rosette and,
Small populations generally face appreciable risk from after 1-8 years of vegetative growth, a single paniculate-
the effects of environmental variation, demographic sto- racemose inflorescence is produced (Paige 1992). Fol-
chasticity, and reduced genetic variation (Shaffer 1981; lowing stem elongation, the plant flowers, reproduces,
Menges 1991). Each process, or the interaction of all and then dies.
three, can reduce population viability and persistence Field studies on scarlet gilia w e r e conducted during
time (Gilpin & Soul6 1986). the summers of 1991, 1992, and 1993 in 10 populations
Genetic variation, in particular, is generally regarded located along Highways 80 and 151 in the San Francisco
as important in maintaining high levels of fitness and Peaks region north of Flagstaff, Arizona. Most popula-
allowing populations to adapt to changing environmen- tions were separated by at least 2 kin, with the excep-
tal conditions. As populations b e c o m e smaller, however, tion of one population, which was located only 0.32 km
they tend to lose genetic variability due to genetic drift from another. No individuals of scarlet gilia w e r e found
( W r i g h t 1931 ). R a n d o m sampling o f successively between populations (populations are discrete), and all
smaller subsets from generation to generation can also populations o c c u r r e d within the same habitat type:
mimic the effects of nonrandom mating by increasing openings among ponderosa pine. Only flowering plants
the inbreeding coefficient (Hartl 1988). An increase in were incorporated into population counts. At the onset
the inbreeding coefficient, or level of homozygosity, can of the study, the 10 populations included 12, 31, 36, 61,
manifest itself as a loss in individual fitness (Franklin 71, 72, 189, 280, 398, and approximately 4500 flower-
1980). Thus, a given population can suffer the conse- ing individuals. Although the long-term histories of
quences of inbreeding as a result of size reduction, even these populations are u n k n o w n m w h e n and h o w they
if mating within the population is random ( C r o w 1986). w e r e established--most populations remained small
To date, most studies have focused either on the ef- ( a 100) or large ( > 100) in terms of the numbers of
fects of inbreeding on yield components in cultivated flowering individuals over the past 10 years.
species or on mating system and inbreeding depression
within natural populations of plants (for a review, see
Population Size and Fitness
Barrett & Kohn 1991). Studies of variation in population
size and measures of inbreeding depression are virtually To assess the effects of plant population size on fruit
u n d o c u m e n t e d for n a t u r a l p o p u l a t i o n s of plants production, approximately 10 plants similar in size (as
(Menges 1991), despite a large theoretical base. Only measured by stem diameter) were chosen within each
two studies (Jennerstein 1988; Menges 1991) have at- of nine populations, and the total number of fruits per
tempted to look at the effects of population size and plant were counted. These data w e r e collected at the
isolation on fitness c o m p o n e n t s in plants. However, end of the 1992 flowering season.
these studies did not ascertain w h e t h e r observed fitness To assess the effects of population size on seed mass
reductions w e r e due to genetic factors. and germination success, in September 1991 approxi-
Here w e assess the effects of varying population size mately 10 ripened fruits w e r e collected from each of 10
on relative fitness across 10 populations of scarlet gilia, haphazardly chosen plants from each of 10 populations.
lpomop$ts aggregata, ranging in size from 12 to 4500 Numbers of seeds per fruit were not assessed due to the
flowering individuals. Specifically, w e address the fol- fact that all dehiscing fruits per plant w e r e pooled upon
lowing questions: ( 1 ) What is the relationship between collection, ultimately mixing seeds. Fifty seeds w e r e
population size, seed mass, and percentage of germina- randomly chosen from each plant, and the first 10 se-
tion success? ( 2 ) Are plants from small populations lected were weighed to the nearest tenth of a milligram.
more susceptible to environmental stress than plants All seeds (50/plant) w e r e germinated under aphotic
from large populations? ( 3 ) Are observed fitness reduc- conditions at room temperature between two pieces of
tions due to genetic or ecological factors? ( 4 ) Is there moistened Whatman # 1 filter paper placed in petri
year-to-year variation in population size and, if so, what dishes over a three-week period. All seeds w e r e stored
are the consequent fitness effects? at 4°C prior to germination. These studies w e r e repli-
cated in 1992. Due to fungal attack, however, no assess-
ment of germination success was made for the largest
Methods and Materials population ( 151 ) in 1992.
Organism and Study Sites An experiment was also conducted to assess the dif-
ferential effects of stress on plants from small and large
Scarlet gilia, Ipomopsts aggregata (Polemonlaceae ), is populations. In mid-June of 1992, two (replicate) com-
a c o m m o n , monocarpic, self-incompatible, biennial/ m o n garden plots w e r e established on Fern Mountain
perennial herb of western montane regions that flowers (population size 602 in 1992). One hundred and sixty
from early/mid-July through late September (Paige & single-stemmed plants from eight p o p u l a t i o n s ( 2 0

Conservation Biology
Volume 9, No. I, February 1995
128 Fitnessand PopulationSize Vat.'on Heschel & l~ge

gtattcsdCo¢u/aciott } w e r e exam~lanced/rico orte o f two (co¢, middle, tmccom } oft a t e ~/artc, m a r k e d w / a t col-
c o m m o n garden plots ( 1 0 plants/population/plot~ o r S O o r e d thread prior to o p e n i n g caged and---when recep-
gtatlts/¢~C ~ a m / c / / ¢ ~ / ( 2 c m f r o m ate ~ase~ r e m o c / n g d e e - - g o R i a a t e d . Hartd-~olliaatioa treatmertts w e r e
approximately 9556 of the above-ground biomass to completed first, and each pollinated flower was bagged
simulate herbivory by mule deer and elk). Transplants with nylon mesh. Cages w e r e then removed, and polli-
w e r e taken from four small populations ( < 100 individ- nators w e r e allowed to c o m p l e t e the natural treatment.
uals/population) and from four large populations ( > 2 0 0 Upon dehiscence, in mid-September, seeds w e r e col-
individual#population). All plants w e r e similar in size lected, weighed, and germinated on petri plates as noted
and developmental stage. We assumed that the com- above. On average, plants p r o d u c e 10.8 seeds per fruit
bined effects of b o t h the transplant and clipping treat- (Paige 1992). The two small populations w e r e pooled
m e n t imposed a significant physiological stress. At the for analysis of germination success due to small sample

sM~ was made. Ultimate plant height was also deter- for the large ~ u l a r i o n , MNA.
mined by measuring the distance from the base of the
plant to the tip of the tallest regrowth stem. Stem diam-
~ a g

a~amexet hs a ~eha'/~vehy accuraxe m e a ~ m e ~$ 3~h~x g~xe

(~pos'nive~y c o r r d a t e d ; for example, w'n~n p~ant Me'~#at, cant seed glze var'la~on Metween p~ants v;txMm popu~a-

O.b55, n = 2 5 , p < O.ODD);$'rfiBe )992). ~aB m~v~guaXs, respectively; ~la'D~e a). ~ee~ s~ze reduc-
To determine w h e t h e r observed reductions in seed tions w e r e not further c o m p o u n d e d by reductions in
#2ze anb g e ~ i 2 ~ ) o ~ ~ c c e ~ ~ e ~ e ~ e ~o gr~eDc 5~c-
~ors,posen transferexperimems were con~ucZe~ in Au-
gust 1992 and in July and August 1993. Experiments Individual population data on seed mass and germi-
w e r e c o n d u c t e d in 1992 in two small populations (For- nation success are shown in Figures 1 and 2. O n the
est Hills and 151/80) and in 1993 in one large popula- average, in both 1991 and 1992, populations with 100
tion (Museum of Northern Arizona, MNA). Ten plants or less individual flowering plants p r o d u c e d signifi-
~:cre fan,only c~osetz "~z eac~z popu~'~on an& c~ag~
w ~ a ay~oa-~tco~ coverc~ re'we cages: T ~ e e ZreazmenZs ~.~5 ~± $ ~.E.} verszxo 1.58 ± 1>.~5 mg, p < ~.0000, ~99};
w c r c performc~ oa ca~n p~an~: p o s e n was Zrartsfetted L21 - O.O8 ~,ersus 1.5~ ± D.~7 mg, p < O.0000, 1992;
by hand from a distant large population (approximately Table 1). In addition, m e a n germination success was, on
2.0 km, 4.8 km, and 6.4 km away for MNA, Forest Hills, the average, significantly lower in populations with 100
and 151/80, respectively), pollen was transferred by or less flowering individuals (27.88 -+ 2.79 versus 38.32
hand within the population ( f r o m approximately 10 +- 2.93%, t = 2.58, df -- 1 0 4 , p = 0.011, 1991; 22.68
meters a w a y - - t h e "optimal outcrossing" distance of _+ 4.12 versus 38.57 +- 2.87%, t = 3.25, df = 7 6 , p =
scarlet gilia [Waser & Price 1989]), and pollen was 0.0017, 1992). Mean g e r m i n a t i o n success was also
transferred naturally by pollinators within the popula- found to be positively correlated with m e a n seed size
tion. Because scarlet gilla is essentially self-incompatible across populations o v e r the two-year period of this
(Hainsworth et al. 1985), a treatment assessing the ef- study (R 2 = 0.401, n = 1 9 , p = 0.0036).
fects of self-pollination was not incorporated. T w o flow- In 7 of the 10 populations studied in 1991, seed sizes
ers per treatment, for a total of six flowers per plant in w e r e not significantly different in 1992. In two of the
each population, w e r e assigned to one of three positions populations (Hart/80, n = 12 in 1991 and n = 20 in

Table 1. Nested analysis of variance for population size, population, and maternal family effects on seed mass for 1991 and 1992.

Sum of
Source of Squares df F Significance
Variation 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992 1991 1992
Seed Family
(within population) 93.06 111.87 96 79 5.32 7.93 0.0001 0.0001
Population 42.11 87.20 9 9 25.70 54.13 O.0000 0.OOOO
Small vs. Large
(~<100 vs. > 100) 4.60 7.61 1 1 25.27 42.51 0.0000 0.0000
Residual 170.94 137.35 939 768

Conservation Biology
Volume 9, No. 1, February 1995
Heschel & Paige Fitness and Population Size Vari~on 129

2.0 1991 2.,, 1992


01 ~ 1.8
E 1.6

o 1.4 1.4

t .
0.8 I I I I I I I I I 0.4 I I I I I I I I !
12 31 36 61 71 72 109 280 300 4500 20 41 42 101 137 602 714 1027 2435 2461

Population Size Population Size

Figure 1. I n d i v i d u a l p o p u l a t i o n d a t a o n seed m a s s f o r 1991 a n d 1992. M e a n s +- 1 S.E are s h o w ~

1992; Gasline, n = 72 in 1991 and n = 41 in 1992, a small population (Table 2). The other two populations
respectively), However, seed size was significantly re- (Hart/80, 1 5 1 - 1 M i ) remained either large or small
duced, and in one population (151-1Mi, n = 71 in (greater than or less than approximately 1O0 flowering
1991 and n -- 137 in 1992) seed size was significantly individuals); seed size, likewise, showed a similar pat-
larger in 1992 (Table 2). Only one of these populations, tern. Furthermore, no significant differences in germi-
Gasline, showed a decrease in population size from a nation success were found (Table 2). One population,
large population (with seed size and germination suc- Forest Hills, increased dramatically in size (approxi-
cess equivalent to a large population in 1991 ) to that of mately 12-fold, from 61 to 714 flowering individuals)

60 1991 6o 1992
55 55

50 5O

v 40

° _o
30 o 3O
° ~c
I .-- 25
L. 2o
03 20 03
(.9 15

0 I I I I I | I I I I I I I I I | |
12 31 38 61 71 72 189 280 398 4500 20 41 4.2 101 137 602 714. 1027 2435

Population Size Population Size

Figure 2. I n d i v i d u a l p o p u l a t i o n d a t a o n p e r c e n t a g e o f seed g e r m i n a t i o n success f o r 1991 a n d 1992. M e a n s +-
X £ are s h o u m (F = 1.48, d f = 9,96, p = 0.168, 1991, a l t h o u g h n o t statistically significang the t r e n d is in the
s a m e direction as seed size data~ F = 3.56, d f = 8,69, p = 0.0016, 1992).

Volume9, No. 1, February1995
130 Fitnessand Population Size Variation Heschel & Palge

Table 2. Vatta~on in poputatton size, seed mass, and h i g h e r w h e n pollen was t r a n s f e r r e d i n t o e a c h o f t h e

percentage of germination from 1991 to 1992 for 10 populations small p o p u l a t i o n s (Fig. 4). N o a s s e s s m e n t o f g e r m i n a -
of~rtet #L • t i o n s u c c e s s w a s m a d e for t h e large p o p u l a t i o n .
Seed Mass Germination
Population Year N ( ± l SF.) (% ±1 Sli )
Hart/80 1991 12 1.22 ± 0.22 b 18.97 -+ 9.81 Discussion
1992 20 0.69 +- 0.20 7.60 -+ 7.60
Hilltop 80 1991 31 1.39 ± 0.06 29.60 ± 6.72 Fitness Reductions and Plant Population Size:
1992 101 1.22 +- 0.09 23.56 +- 7.22 Genetic Effects
151/80 1991 36 1.38 -+ 0.12 25.28 -+ 6.31
1992 42 1.49 -+ 0.05 32.18 ± 7.10 A l t h o u g h t h e r e w a s significant s e e d size v a r i a t i o n a m o n g
Forest Hills 1991 61 1.07 ± 0.09 23.42 ± 7.28° plants within populations, much of the variation existed
1992 714 0.95 ± 0.05 40.60 +- 5.18
151-1Mi 1991 71 1.63 ± 0.08 ~ 23.34 +- 6.03 b e t w e e n small ( < 1 0 0 f l o w e r i n g i n d i v i d u a l s ) a n d large
1992 137 2.11 +- 0.25 24.22 +- 5.64 ( > 1 0 0 ) p o p u l a t i o n s ( T a b l e 1 ). O u r s t u d i e s also s h o w e d
Gasline 1991 72 1.78 +- 0.09 ° 41.32 ± 5.60° that s e e d g e r m i n a t i o n w a s substantially, r e d u c e d in small
1992 41 1.14 ± 0.25 17.20 ± 10.3
MNA 1991 189 1.52 ± 0.07 33.94 ± 5.70 p o p u l a t i o n s o f s c a r l e t gilia. T h e s e r e s u l t s a r e c o n s i s t e n t
1992 2435 1.34 ± 0.07 43.80 +- 5.44 w i t h t h o s e o f M e n g e s ( 1 9 9 1 ) , w h o s t u d i e d t h e effects o f
Northland 1991 280 1.47 +- 0.08 37.98 ± 5.08 p o p u l a t i o n size a n d i s o l a t i o n o n s e e d g e r m i n a t i o n in
1992 1027 1.48 ± 0.11 31.60 ± 4.07
Fern 1991 398 1.74 -+ 0.11 41.20 +- 6.66 Silene regia Menges showed that large populations
1992 602 1.63 ± 0.12 51.20 ± 8.36 ( > 150 p l a n t s ) h a d h i g h e r p e r c e n t a g e s o f s e e d g e r m i n a -
151 1991 4500 1.69 ± 0.07 39.91 - 6.55 t i o n t h a n small p o p u l a t i o n s (.those < 1 5 0 ) . A l t h o u g h
1992 2461 1.46 ± 0.16
Menges (1991) proposed several possible mechanisms
a Meafis + 1 SE. are showrk to e x p l a i n t h e o b s e r v e d p a t t e r n s , s u c h as i n b r e e d i n g
• Significant differences at the 0.05 level (LSD multiple range test).
d e p r e s s i o n , r e d u c e d p o l l i n a t o r activity, a n d c h a n g e s in
f r o m 1991 t o 1992. T h e significant i n c r e a s e in size c a m e the source of pollen (from predominantly between-
f r o m t h e large n u m b e r o f n o n f l o w e r i n g r o s e t t e s w i t h i n p l a n t t o w i t h i n - p l a n t c r o s s e s as a r e s u l t o f r e d u c e d p o p -
this p o p u l a t i o n . A l t h o u g h t h e large i n c r e a s e in p o p u l a - u i a t i o n size), h e d i d n o t a t t e m p t t o assess t h e m e c h a -
t i o n size d i d n o t a l t e r s e e d size, g e r m i n a t i o n s u c c e s s w a s nisms involved.
Here, w e p r o v i d e e x p e r i m e n t a l e v i d e n c e t h a t fitness
significantly higher.
E x p e r i m e n t s o n t h e differential effects o f stress o n
p l a n t s f r o m large a n d small p o p u l a t i o n s d e m o n s t r a t e d 2.50
t h a t p l a n t s f r o m small p o p u l a t i o n s ( < 1 0 0 ) e x p e r i e n c e d
significantly h i g h e r m o r t a l i t y t h a n p l a n t s f r o m large p o p -
u l a t i o n s ( > 2 0 0 ; 28.8% v e r s u s 12.5%, X 2 = 6.45, d f = 2.00
1 , p = 0.012). B e c a u s e t h e r e w e r e n o significant differ-
e n c e s in r e s p o n s e b e t w e e n p l o t s for p l a n t s f r o m small 1.75
p o p u l a t i o n s ( X 2 = 0.549, d f = 1 , p < 0 . 2 5 ) o r b e t w e e n 1.50
p l o t s for p l a n t s f r o m large p o p u l a t i o n s (X2 = 0.00, d f = r.n
1 , p = 1.0), p l o t s w e r e p o o l e d for analysis. In addition, 0 1.25
final p l a n t h e i g h t s w e r e significantly l o w e r for p l a n t s
f r o m small v e r s u s large p o p u l a t i o n s b y t h e e n d o f t h e "10
f l o w e r i n g s e a s o n ( 2 3 . 6 - 1.38 c m v e r s u s 27.4 -- 1.24 0 0.75
cm, F = 4.23, d r = 1 , 1 2 4 , p < 0.042). As n o t e d earlier,
s t e m d i a m e t e r w a s u s e d as a c o v a r i a t e t o a d j u s t for t h e
effects o f p l a n t size d i f f e r e n c e s o n r e g r o w t h rate. Be- 0.25
c a u s e t h e r e w e r e n o significant d i f f e r e n c e s in h e i g h t
b e t w e e n p l o t s for p l a n t s f r o m small p o p u l a t i o n s ( t =
Forest Hills 151/80 MNA
1.17, d f = 56, p > 0 . 2 5 ) o r b e t w e e n p l o t s for p l a n t s
f r o m large p o p u l a t i o n s ( t = 1.17, d f = 6 9 , p > 0.25), Figure 3. M e a n seed m a s s a s a r e s u l t o f three p o l l e n
p l o t s w e r e p o o l e d for analysis. t r a n s f e r t r e a t m e n t s i n three p o p u l a t i o n s ( F o r e s t H i l l s
At t h e p o p u l a t i o n level, s e e d size w a s significantly a n d 151/80, each w i t h less t h a n 100 f l o w e r i n g indi-
bolstered when pollen was transferred into each of the viduai,~ a n d MNA, w i t h m u c h m o r e t h a n 1 0 0 f l o w e r -
small p o p u l a t i o n s o v e r p o l l e n t r a n s f e r r e d f r o m w i t h i n i n g i n d i v i d u a l s ) o f s c a r l e t g i l i a M e a n s +- 1 S l i a r e
(Fig. 3). H o w e v e r , n o significant d i f f e r e n c e s in s e e d size s h o w n (F = 8.55, d f = 2,208, p < O.O003 f o r F o r e s t
w e r e f o u n d a m o n g t h e t h r e e t r e a t m e n t s w i t h i n t h e large Hills; F = 15.40, d f = 2,81, p < 0.0001 f o r 151/80; F
p o p u l a t i o n (Fig. 3). M e a n g e r m i n a t i o n s u c c e s s w a s also = 1.55, d f = 2,52, p = 0.221 f o r MNA).

Volume 9, No. 1, February 1995
Heschel & Paige Fitness and PopulationSize Vm'ialion 131

60 that the optimal outcrossing distance is similar to the

55 distance reported in Waser and Price (1989), which
may or may not be the case. The optimal outcrossing
50 distance likely depends upon characteristics of the in-
45 dividual population, including its density, spatial distri-
40 bution, genetic relatedness, and inbreeding history.
t- We can only surmise why only the 151/80 population
O 35 showed these treatment differences while the Forest
" E]
~ 30 Hills population did not (Fig. 3). Perhaps it is a result of
.- 25 the difference in the configuration and spacing of plants,
which could have altered pollinator behavior and levels
E 20 of outcrossing. Plants at Forest Hills w e r e in a more
15 linear array and spread out, while plants at 151/80 w e r e
10 clumped and closely distributed.
Although pollinator activity was not directly assessed,
5 mean fruit set was not significantly different among pop-
0 ulations, suggesting that pollinator activity was not re-
Natural Hand-pollination duced in smaller populations (as shown for D i a n t h u s
Pollination Within Distant deltoides, Jennerstein 1988). Numbers of seeds pro-
Figure 4. Mean germination as a result o f three pol- duced per fruit w e r e not assessed, however, which
len transfer treatments in two s m a l l p o p u l a t i o n s would provide a more accurate measure of pollinator
(Forest Hills a n d 151/80, each with less than 100 behavior and activity. Furthermore, an increase in the
f l o w e r i n g individuals) o f scarlet gilia Means +- 1 number of within-plant pollinations would not contrib-
S.E are s h o w n (F = 2.68, d f = 2,46, p - 0.079; al- ute directly to reductions in seed size or germination
though only marginally significant, the trend is in due to the fact that L aggregata is self-incompatible.
the predicted direction). Results from our c o m m o n garden experiments also
indicate that fitness reductions in small populations of
reductions observed in small populations of scarlet gilia scarlet gilia are due to genetic factors. When plants from
are, at least in part, genetic. To our knowledge, these small and large populations were subjected to an im-
results represent the first empirical evidence of geneti- posed stress (combined effects o f transplanting and ex-
cally-based fitness reductions as a result of restriction of perimental clipping, simulating ungulate herbivory) in a
population size within a species under natural condi- c o m m o n garden experiment, plants from small popula-
tions. When distant pollen was introduced into each of tions suffered higher mortality and w e r e ultimately of
two small populations (Forest Hills and 151/80), seed smaller size than plants from large populations.
size and germination success w e r e substantially bol- From a mechanistic perspective, fitness reductions
stered (Figs. 3 and 4), while pollen transferred into a are likely the result of inbreeding depression. As popu-
large population (MNA) had no significant effect (Fig. lation size decreases, sampling accidents lead increas-
3). These comparisons, however, should be viewed with ingly to random losses of genetic variation. Random
caution. Pollen transfers w e r e conducted in different sampling of successively smaller subsets from genera-
years in small and large populations, and the effects of tion to generation can also lead to an increase in the
yearly variation on the outcome of such experiments is inbreeding coefficient (Wright 1931). Thus, one possi-
at present unknown. ble effect of genetic drift is inbreeding depression due
Significant differences in seed size between natural to loss of heterozygosity and expression of deleterious
and within-hand-pollination treatments w e r e also found alleles, manifested as a loss in individual fitness (Franklin
within the 151/80 population (Fig. 3). Seeds produced 1980).
from pollen transferred by hand within the population Population differences in fitness can also result from
w e r e significantly larger than seeds p r o d u c e d from pol- the interactive effects of site and inbreeding depression
len transferred naturally by pollinators. These results (Schemske 1983; Dudash 1990). Limited results suggest
may be explained by considering pollinator behavior. there may be significant environmental differences
Less than 1% of the pollen moved by hummingbirds is among sites affecting traits such as seed size. For exam-
in excess of 5 meters (Campbell 1991). This distance is ple, seed sizes w e r e significantly different between our
less than the optimal outcrossing distance of 10 meters experimental populations even after the introduction of
(Waser & Price 1989) used in our within-hand-pol- pollen into the populations (Fig. 3). We are presently
lination treatment; thus, pollinators could act to in- conducting fertilization and pollen transfer experiments
crease the level of inbreeding. Of course this assumes in small and large populations in an effort to assess the

Conservation Biology
Volume 9, No. 1, February 1995
132 Fimessand Population Size Vari~aioo Heschel & P ~ e

interactive effects of site and inbreeding depression on Even though the Forest Hills population increased sub-
seed size and germination success in scarlet gilia. stantially in size, evidence of inbreeding depression was
still discernible (plants were still producing small seed).
But pollen transferred into the population from a distant
Changes in Population Size and Flmess
population alleviated signs of inbreeding depression
During the two-year period of this study, two popula- (seed size and germination success). In general, these
tions showed significant change in size and relative fit- results indicate that an increase in population size from
ness. One population, Gasline, decreased from a rela- within does not introduce sufficient new (archived) ge-
tively large population with large seed size and high netic material (or combinations) to fully o v e r c o m e the
germination success to a small population with signifi- effects of inbreeding depression. Of course this assumes
cantly smaller seed size and lower germination success that additional effects occur following germination be-
(Table 2). The decrease in population size was the re- cause germination success was higher following the in-
sult of human disturbance (road construction), con- crease in population size. Eldridge and Griffin ( 1 9 8 3 )
stricting the population to a small patch of plants. Be- showed that inbreeding depression increased steadily
cause the population was constricted to a small patch, with age in mountain ash (Eucalyptus regnans): by 12.5
the remaining plants w e r e likely of higher genetic sim- years inbreds had 57% p o o r e r survival and w e r e smaller
ilarity. Spatially adjacent plants are closely related as a than plants that were outcrossed. Nonetheless, it will be
result of limited seed dispersal in L aggregat~ Thus, the necessary to follow plants beyond the germination stage
observed reduction in offspring fitness is likely the re- to determine the ultimate outcome.
sult of mating# between relatives. These results are con-
sistent with the findings of Waser and Price (1989):
Evolutiona~/Conservation Implications
w h e n outcrossing of L aggregata occurs over a rela-
tively short distance (less than 10 m ) fitness declines as Overall, the results of our studies contribute to a much-
a result of inbreeding depression. needed empirical data base on natural populations of
The second population, Forrest Hills, represented a restricted size and the effects of year-to-year variation in
small population in 1991, producing seeds significantly size. Considering the sessile habit of plants and the ease
smaller with lower germination success than popula- with which they can be counted, data on variation in
tions larger in size. Pollen transfer experiments con- plant population sizes are surprisingly sparse in the lit-
ducted within this population also demonstrated a ge- erature (Barrett & Kohn 1991). Size variation may be
netic basis for observed reductions in relative fitness. important to the long-term fate of a population. For ex-
Pollen brought in from a distant population bolstered ample, populations that remain small for long periods
seed size and germination success. In 1992, however, are likely to be genetically less diverse than those that
the number of flowering individuals increased dramati- have only recently b e c o m e small and have rapidly re-
cally in size (approximately 12-fold, from 61 to 714). gained large size or those that have never experienced a
The significant increase in size came from the large substantial reduction in size (Wright 1931; Kimura &
number of nonflowering rosettes within this population. Crow 1964). In other words, it is perennial low num-
Although the large increase in population size did not bers that erode genetic variation. Although the long-
alter seed size, germination success was significantly term histories of the populations studied here are un-
higher in 1992. k n o w n - w h e n and h o w they w e r e established or the
The only plant study addressing the issue of whether long-term history of size variation--casual observation
populations can recover from the ill effects associated and observed fitness reductions suggest that most pop-
with restricted population size w h e n population size is ulations have remained perennially small ( < 1 0 0 ) or
restored to adequate levels is one conducted by Polans large ( > 1 0 0 ) for at least 10 generations (the time pe-
and Allard ( 1 9 8 9 ) on Loltum multiflorum, an out- riod for which studies have been conducted on scarlet
breeding grass. In part, they showed that restrictions in gilia; Paige, personal observations). Genetic studies are
size resulted in significant phenotypic effects. Smaller presently being conducted to directly assess levels of
populations flowered more slowly and were shorter, genetic variation among these populations.
with fewer tillers and seeds, than plants from larger pop- In addition to reducing fitness, such loss of variation is
ulations. Furthermore, w h e n sizes of experimental pop- thought to reduce the ability of populations to adapt to
ulations of Lolium w e r e increased from within, some of changing environments as well as to increase their sus-
the detrimental effects w e r e still discernible. However, ceptibility to pests, pathogens, and other stresses of the
in composite populations formed by mixing genotypes environment. The results of our studies are consistent
from several small inbred populations, the expression of with the idea that plants from small populations are
these traits recovered to levels similar to those in the more susceptible to environmental stress. Plants from
original population after a single generation of random small populations suffered higher mortality and were
mating. These results are consistent with our findings. ultimately of smaller size than plants from large popu-

Conservation Biology
Volume 9, No. 1, February 1995
Heschel & Paige Fitness and Population Size Variation 133

lations when subjected to an imposed stress in a com- (Gentianaceae~): a comparison in three environments. Evolution
mon garden setting. More recent results also indicate 44:1129-1139.
Eldridge, K.G., and A. P~ Griffin. 1983. Selflng effects in Eucalyptus
that plants from small populations are more susceptible regnanx SilvaeGenet 32:216--221.
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is limited at best. As noted earlier, less than 1% of
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Acknowledgments Menges, E.S. 1991. Seed germination percentage increases with pop-
ulation size in a fragmented prairie species. Conservation Biology
This research was supported by National Science Foun- 5:158-164.
dation grant B S R - 8 9 1 7 5 5 6 and a Research Board Award Paige, I~ N. 1992. Overcompensation in response to mammalian her-
from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign to bivory: from mutualistic to antagonistic interactions. Ecology
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their c o m m e n t s o n the manuscript and/or assistance Paige, K. N. 1994. Herbivory and Ipomopsis aggregata, differences in
response, differences in experimental protocol, a reply to Bergel-
with the research: P. Andrews, P. Gronemeyer, E.S.
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Menges, L. Mikrut, R.F. Noss, K.D. Paige, I.M. Parker, Paige, K. N., and T. G. Whitham. 1985. Individual and population shifts
J. R. Paige and V. L. Trumbull. In addition, w e w o u l d like in flower color by scarlet gilia: A mechanism for pollinator track-
to thank the Wilson Foundation and the Museum of hag. Science 227:315-317.
Northern Arizona for allowing us to c o n d u c t studies on Paige, K. N., and T. G. Whitham. 1987. Overcompensation in response
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Conservation Biology
Volume 9, No. 1, February 1995

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