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Anika Brehm- think pair share; whole group response

Problem Solving:

· Lesson 1: How can I make sense of a number sentence?

· Lesson 2: How can I use a graph that has the information needed to
answer multiplication sentences?

· Lesson 3: How do groups work in multiplication?

· Lesson 4: How can I write a number sentence when given a word


· Lesson 5: How can I write a word problem when I’m given a number


· Lesson 1: Students will be able to solve number stories using

multiplication strategies

· Lesson 2: Students will be able to use a graph to solve multiplication


· Lesson 3: Students will be able to describe how groups apply to


· Lesson 4: Students will write a number sentence when given a story


· Lesson 5: Students will write a story problem to represent a given

number sentence.

Literature: In lesson 3 we will read What Comes in 2s, 3s and 4s? By Suzanne Aker


· Lesson 1: multiplication number sentence

· Lesson 2: For these students I would use larger groups and longer
names. And maybe challenge them to use multiplication to solve

· Lesson 3: Students will use arger numbers

· Lesson 4: Students will be given larger numbers and things in bigger


· Lesson 5: Students will use larger numbers, more objects in a group or

more groups


· Lesson 1: Students will be able to work with partners and use


· Lesson 2: Students will work with manipulatives, and partners to solve

the problems.

· Lesson 3: Students will use manipulatives like the base 10 blocks, and
smaller numbers

· Lesson 4: Students will use manipulatives and visuals as well as working

with a partner to do the homework.

· Lesson 5: Students will work with a partner to solve problems.

Manipulatives: Base 10 pieces will be used in lessons 1 and 2.

Technology: The drawing app on the iPads will be used in lesson 4.


Lesson 1: Quiz problem

Lesson 2: Homework Problems

Lesson 3: Quiz
Lesson 4: Homework Problem

Lesson 5: Homework problem

Lesson 1: T-Shirt Factory Problems

Big Idea: Understand that multiplication is repeated groups.

I can statement or student objective:

The student will be able to ….. Solve number stories using multiplication strategies

Launch: Introduce the problem to be solved. Do not teach how to solve it.

Ask the students to imagine that they all are going to decorate T-Shirts with their first
names on the front. Have each student draw a picture of a t-shirt and write their first
name on the shirt. Below the drawn t-shirt, have them write the number of letters in their
first name.

“Hello friends! Today we are going to be a little creative. I want you all to imagine that
we are decorating t-shirts for our class. Each person’s t-shirt has their first name across
the front. On your paper, I want you to draw a picture of a t-shirt and write your first
name on it. When you have finished that, count the letters in your first name and write
the number at the bottom of the page.”

Model this for the class on the board as you give instructions. Draw the t-shirt and write
Ms. Brehm on the front of it. Then at the bottom put the number 7.

“Our problem for today says, Every student in your group will sew their name on a T-
shirt. At a craft store, letters cost 10 cents each. How much will it cost to buy all the
letters for your group?”

“Turn to your table partner and answer the following questions, I want you to
write them on your paper so you can go back and look at them later.”

- What action are we doing in the problem?

- Sewing their name on t-shirts
- How much does each letter cost?
- 10 cents
- How many letters are in each of your fist names?
- Students will tell each other the number in their name
- What is the problem asking us to find out?
- How much it will cost to buy all the letters for the group
Call students back together, Ask the following questions to the whole class to
avoid any confusions.

- What action are we doing in the problem?

- Sewing their name on t-shirts
- How much does each letter cost?
- 10 cents
- What is the problem asking us to find out?
- How much it will cost to buy all the letters for the group

“Now, quickly and quietly, I want you to divide into groups with people who have the
same amount of letters in their first name as you. For example, everyone who has four
letters in their name will be in a group. Now you may go find your group.”

- Can each group tell me how many letters they have in their first names?
- 3, 4, 5, 6
- And how many people are in your group”
- Hopefully 3 to 5 in each group depending on the class size

“Now that we are in our groups, we are going to be trying to solve the problem. Each
person should try to solve the problem using their own strategy and then discuss with
the whole group how much it will cost to buy the letters for the group.”

Explore: Students work in partners or small groups to solve the problem. There should
be multiple solutions or multiple ways to solve the problem.

· How will the students be grouped? Cooperative Learning- the

students are groups with other students that have the same amount of
letters in their first name

Group Goal- whole group should have the same answers

Individual Accountability- each student will have their own paper with
their answers

· Key Questions:

Clarify: what problem are we trying to solve today? How much does each
letter cost? How many people are in your group? How many letters does
each person have in their first name?

Eliciting: What did you do to solve the problem? Why did you choose to
use this strategy? Can you explain to me what you are doing?
Extending: Are there any other strategies you could have used? When
would this strategy be the best to use? Why did you use the letter blocks
like that?

· Assessment: This is what you will be looking for in the lesson to

show what the students understand.

I will walk around the classroom looking for students that are using the
letter block manipulatives, repeated additions, and skip counting by 10’s.

Summarize: Teacher guided discussion of the key math concepts from the problem.
Students share what they learned and are actively involved in the summary.

When the groups appear to be done solving and discussing, call them back to the
whole group.

Tia, I saw that you used the blocks to help you solve this problem, can you show the
class how you set it up? Can someone else describe to me how Tia used the blocks?

Tia has 2 groups with 3 base 10 sticks in each group. Can you tell me why there are
2 groups? The number of people in their group. And why are there 3 base 10 sticks
in each group? To represent the number of letters in names. Why did she use the
base 10 block? Because each letter cost 10 cents so each stick represents the 10
cents. Ok, thanks for clarifying. Then what did Tia do next? She skipped counting
each stick, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 cents. Is that the same answer the rest of her group
got? Yes. If you used a similar strategy to Tia, can you pat your head. Awesome!

Brady, can you come and show the class how you solved the problem for your group.
How many people were in your group? 5 And how many letters in everyone’s names? 5
Ok, can someone explain what Brady has written on the board? He added 10, 5 times.
Where did he get the 10 from? The cost of each letter Why did he add it 5 times?
Because that’s how many letters each person in his group had. Ok and what did
that equal? 50. Ok, what did he do next? Since his group had 5 people, he added
50+50+50+50+50. And how much was the cost of the letters for his group? 250 cents
Brady’s group is that what everyone else got? Yes If you used a similar strategy as
Brady, can you make a heart with your hands.

Alright and one more strategy, Isabel, can you come up and write on the board your
strategy. Can someone explain Isabel’s strategy to the class. First she multiplied 6 x
3. What does the 6 represent? The number of letters in her group's names. And
what does the 3 represent? The number of people in her group. What was the total
number of letters then? 18 letters Ok what did Isabel do next? She skip counted by
tens 18 times to get 180 cents. Why could she skip count by 10’s? Because each
letter cost 10 cents. Thank you everyone, if you used a strategy like Isabel’s can you
give me a wave.

Turn to a partner and share what strategy you used to solve this problem. Then discuss
which strategy you think would be the best to use to solve this type of problem.

If you think Tia’s strategy would be the best to use, raise your hand. If you think Brady’s
would be the best to use, raise your hand. If you think Isabel’s strategy would be the
best to use, raise your hand.

“Friends, can you all remind me what our big idea for our lesson today was?
Understand that multiplication is repeated groups. Wonderful, after today's lesson
can you show me how you feel with a thumbs up to your chest if you feel like you are
starting to understand, thumb in the middle if you are feeling ok about it and a thumbs
down if you feel like you need some more practice to fully understand.”

Evaluation: This is an individual assignment that is separate from what was done
during the lesson. Some examples might be homework, quiz, journal, performance
assessment, etc.

Quiz problem: Claire is buying cups for her family. There are 4 people in her family, her
dad, her mom, her sister and Claire. Each cup costs 2 dollars. How much money will it
cost Claire to buy cups for her family?


· Enrichment: What are you going to do to stretch the thinking of the

students who already understand? It should not be more work, but deeper work.

Multiplication number sentence

· Remediation: What are you going to do to help those who struggle?

Some examples are smaller numbers, shorter assignments, work with a partner,
use manipulatives, use a graphic organizer.

They could work with a partner and use manipulatives.

Lesson 2: T-Shirt Factory Problems

Big Idea: Understand that multiplication is repeated groups

I can statement or student objective:

The student will be able to ….. Solve number stories using multiplication strategies

Launch: Introduce the problem to be solved. Do not teach how to solve it.

Project on the board the T-Shirt Factory chart from the Student Guide page. Have the
following questions written on the board.

“Friends, on the board I have projected a chart. This chart is about the T-shirt problem
we went over yesterday. This chart has all the information you will need to complete the
worksheet for today. To make sure you understand how to read the chart and how to
understand the information, I want you to turn to your table partner and answer the
following questions, And I want you to discuss with your partner the answer and be
ready to share with the whole group. ” I will read the question, allow them time to think
and discuss and then ask the question to the whole group and discuss the answers

- What is the label for the horizontal axis?

- L, number of letters

Can someone tell me which axis is the horizontal axis? The bottom one, going
sideways or horizontal Can someone tell me what the label for the horizontal axis is?
L, the number of letters.

- What is the label for the vertical axis?

- S, number of students
Who can tell me where the vertical axis is? The one going up and down, or vertical
What did we discover was the label for this axis? S, the number of students

- Which numbers on the graph indicate the number of students?

- The numbers along the vertical axis

Which numbers on the graph did we discover indicate the number of students? The
numbers along the vertical axis. What is the axis counting by? Ones What is the
largest number on the chart? 11

- Which numbers on the graph indicate the number of letters in the first names?
- The numbers along the horizontal axis

Which numbers on the graph did we discover indicate the number of letters in the first
names? The numbers along the horizontal axis. What is the axis counting by? Ones
What is the largest number on the horizontal axis? 12

- How many students have 4 letters in their first names?

- 3 students

How many students have 4 letters in their first name? 3 How did you know there were
3? I used the chart and found 4 letters along the horizontal axis and then I looked
at how high the bar went and it was at the 3 on the vertical axis

- How many students have seven letters in their first names?

- 4 students

How many students have 7 letters in their first names? 4 How did you know there were
4? I found students with 7 letters in their name then I looked at how high the bar
was and it was at the 4, so I knew that there were 4.

- How many more students have 5 letters than 4 letters?

- 5 students

How many more students have 5 letters than 4? 5 How many students have 5 letters in
their names? 8 How many students have 4 letters in their names? 3 How did you know
it was 5 then? I subtracted 8-3 and knew that was 5.

- Eight students have a certain number of letters in their name. What number is it?
- 5 letters

This question is a little different from the others, how to find what group of 8 students
had a certain number of letters in it? What number was it? 5 letters. How did you know
this? I looked at what bar reached the 8 students and then I found that it was the
students with 5 letters in their names.

Explore: Students work in partners or small groups to solve the problem. There should
be multiple solutions or multiple ways to solve the problem.
· How will the students be grouped? Cooperative Learning

The students will be broken into partner groups to complete the

following worksheet. The pairs will be randomly drawn.

Group Goal: to all have the same answers for the questions on the

Individual Accountability: complete their own worksheet

· Key Questions:

Clarifying: What does the chart tell us? What action are we doing in the
problems? How much does each letter cost?
Eliciting: What did you do to solve the problem? Why did you choose to
use this strategy? Can you tell me what you are doing? Where did you get
that information?

Extending: Are there any other strategies you could have used? When
would this strategy be the best to use? Why is the chart important to
answer the questions? Is using multiplication sentences helpful to solve
these problems?

· Assessment: This is what you will be looking for in the lesson to

show what the students understand.

I will walk around the room and assess how students are
completing the worksheet and observe their explanations for their
answers. I will be looking specifically at question 4 to discuss as a whole
class. I will be looking for the problem to be modeled with by using the
base 10 blocks as manipulatives, and checking for the use of multiples
and multiplication number sentences.

Summarize: Teacher guided discussion of the key math concepts from the problem.
Students share what they learned and are actively involved in the summary.

When the groups appear to be done solving and discussing the worksheet, call them
back to the whole group.

“Friends, thank you for working so hard on this worksheet! I saw lots of really great
strategies and discussions happening. As a class, we are going to look at question 4
from the worksheet. Can anyone read the problem for class.

Each letter costs 10 cents. How much will it cost to buy all the letters for the
group with 3 letters in their names?

Thank you for reading, this problem sounds very similar to the problem we did
yesterday doesn’t it? Yes Friends, how did we know that how many people were in the
group with 3 letters in their names? We looked at the graph. So, how many people
were in that group? 2 And how much did each letter cost? 10 cents

Call a student to the board that used the manipulatives to solve.

Clara has 2 groups with 3 base 10 sticks in each group. Can you tell me why
there are 2 groups? The number of people in their group. And why are there 3 base
10 sticks in each group? To represent the number of letters in names. Why did she
use the base 10 block? Because each letter cost 10 cents so each stick represents
the 10 cents. Ok, thanks for clarifying. Then what did Clara do next? She skipped
counting each stick, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60 cents. Is that the same anwer the rest of
her group got? Yes. If you used a similar strategy to Clara, can you wiggle your fingers.

Liam, can you come to the board and show your strategy. Can someone explain what
Liam has written on the board? He added 10, 3 times. Where did he get the 10 from?
The cost of each letter Why did he add it 3 times? Because that’s how many letters
each person in his group had. Ok and what did that equal? 30. Could Liam have used
multiplication to solve this? Yes, What would the number sentence have been if he used
multiplication? 3 x 10 = 30 Ok, what did he do next? Since his group had 2 people,
he added 30 + 30. And how much was the cost of the letters? 60 cents. If you used a
similar strategy as Liam, can you show me your jazz hands.

Alright and one more strategy, Tom, can you come up and write on the board your
strategy. Can someone explain Tom’s strategy to the class. First he multiplied 3 x 2.
What does the 3 represent? The number of letters in the group's names. And what
does the 2 represent? The number of people in the group. By multiplying 3 x 2, what
information will we know? How many letters we need to buy. So, what was the total
number of letters then? 6 letters Ok what did Tom do next? He skip counted by tens 6
times to get 60 cents. Why could he skip count by 10’s? Because each letter cost 10
cents. Thank you everyone, if you used a strategy like Tom can you tap your nose.

Friends, I want you to turn to your partner and think about what strategy would be the
most efficient to use to solve this problem?

What strategy do you guys think would be best to use to solve this type of problem?
Tom’s. Why would Tom’s be the best to use? It used multiplication so it was faster
and less confusing because you didn’t have to add so many times. If our groups
were bigger and our names were longer we could be adding really big numbers, so to
avoid confusion and miscounting we can use multiplication to avoid confusion.

“Friends, can you all remind me what our big idea for our lesson today was?
Understand how to use multiplication concepts from a number story.

Evaluation: This is an individual assignment that is separate from what was done
during the lesson. Some examples might be homework, quiz, journal, performance
assessment, etc.

For homework the students will be assigned the following problem.

Your family is making t-shirts with their names on them. Draw pictures of all the t-shirts
your family will need. If each letter costs 10 cents, how much will all the letters cost?
Explain your solution.

· Enrichment: What are you going to do to stretch the thinking of the
students who already understand? It should not be more work, but deeper work.

For these students I would use larger groups and longer names. And maybe
challenge them to use multiplication to solve

· Remediation: What are you going to do to help those who struggle?

Some examples are smaller numbers, shorter assignments, work with a partner,
use manipulatives, use a graphic organizer.

For these students the could work with manipulatives, and partners to solve the

Lesson 3: In Twoes, Threes and More

Big Idea: Understand how to write a number sentence for a situation

I can statement or student objective:

I can …… write a number sentence so that I can describe a situation

Launch: Introduce the problem to be solved. Do not teach how to solve it.

To get the classes attention and get them ready for the lesson begin with this,

“Clap once if you can hear me”

- Clap

“Clap twice if you can hear me”

- Clap, clap

“Clap 3 times if you can hear me”

- Clap, clap, clap

“Alrighty friends, now that I have everyone's attention, we are going to begin our math
lesson for today. But, we are going to change it up a little bit! We are going to start by
reading a story! This story is called What Comes in 2s, 3s and 4s? By Suzanne Aker.
As I read, I want you to be thinking about some of the things you know that come in
groups for 2s, 3s and 4s.”

Read the story.

After reading about all of the things that come in groups, we are going to be solving
some multiplication problems about things in groups. On the board I have written a

We eat 21 meals a week. We eat 3 meals a day, seven days a week. Write a
multiplication sentence of this problem.

- “Friends, how many meals do we eat everyday? 3

- How many days are there in a week? 7
- How many total meals do we eat during a week? 21 meals
- How do we set up a number sentence? ____x____=Total
- “Now, turn to your table partner and I want you to work together to solve this
problem. I want you to be checking to see if you both got the same answer. I
want you to work together to come up with a multiplication number sentence. Be
prepared to share your answers with the class.”

Everyone, What multiplication sentence did you come up with? 3x7=21

What does the 3 represent? The number of meals a day

What does the 7 represent? The number of days a week

How did we get the 21? From the story problem

What does it represent in the problem? How many meal eaten in a week

Wonderful, now with your table partner you are going to work on the worksheet that I
will hand out to you. Work together and discuss how you solved the problems. Check to
make sure you both are getting the same answers and if you get different ones, go
through the problem again to double check.
Explore: Students work in partners or small groups to solve the problem. There should
be multiple solutions or multiple ways to solve the problem.

· How will the students be grouped? Cooperative Learning, they will

be grouped with their table partner

Group Goal- group will share one paper to write number sentences and
strategies on

Individual Accountability- 1 person writes the multiplication number

sentence and 1 person draws a picture or uses repeated addition. They
will switch after each problem

· Key Questions:

Clarifying: How many meals do we eat in a day? How many days in the
week? What problem are we trying to solve?

Eliciting: What strategy did you use to solve? Why did you choose to use
this strategy? Can you tell me what you are doing to solve?

Extending: How does your number sentence explain how you solved the
problem? Is there a simpler way we could write that number sentence?

· Assessment: This is what you will be looking for in the lesson to

show what the students understand.
Because the two previous days we focused on representing the problems
and strategies, for this lesson I am going to be looking specifically at their
number sentences, specifically the use of addition and multiplication

Summarize: Teacher guided discussion of the key math concepts from the problem.
Students share what they learned and are actively involved in the summary.

When the class appears to be done working on to solve the problems and discussing,
call them all back together to discuss.

“Great job working on the worksheet class, I saw some pretty great strategies and
number sentences and I heard some really good discussion. I want to go over one of
the problems from the worksheet together. Everyone look at question 3 on the
worksheet, take a minute to think through how you solved it. Molly, Chad and Tim, can
you come to the board and write your strategy on the board for the class.

Call three students that used 3 different strategies; direct model, counting and number
fact, to write their strategies and number sentences on the board. Have them return to
their seat while we discuss.

Can someone read number 3 from the worksheet for the whole class.

Tina the Tennis Pro bought five packages of tennis balls. How many tennis balls
did she buy altogether? Write a multiplication sentence that shows your answer.

Alright so we know Tina bought 5 packages, class, how many tennis balls are in each
package? 3 tennis balls. So we know there are three tennis balls in each package, let's
talk about how some of our friends solved it.

Can anyone explain Molly’s strategy for the class. Molly looked at the pictures from
the worksheet and then drew her own groups so there were only 5 packages with
3 tennis balls in each. Then she counted each tennis ball until she got to 15. Can
you demonstrate that for me? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15. Ok, what
number sentence did Molly get for her strategy? 3x5=15

What about Chad’s strategy, can someone explain his strategy to the class. Chad skip
counted by 3’s 5 times. Can you show the class how he might have done that?
Everytime he counted by threes he put up a finger until he had 5 fingers up and
that was at 15. Ok and what was the number sentence that Chad wrote? 3x5=15 Did
Molly and Chad get the same number sentence? Yes!

Ok let's look at our last strategy that Tim used and see if he got the same answer and
number sentence. Who can explain to the class how Tim solved the problem? Tim
knew that 3x4=12 and he needed 5 groups so he added 12+3 and got 15. What was
Tim’s number sentence? 3x5=15 tennis balls. Did all of these three get the same
answer? Yes Did anyone get an answer different than Molly, Tim and Chad’s? No Did
anyone get a different number sentence? Yes, I multiplied 5x3 and got 15. Class, is it
ok to multiply like this? Yes, because for multiplication the numbers can be flipped
around just like in addition.

Alright friends, turn to your partner and discuss the similarities and differences you
noticed in these strategies.

What are some things you noticed? Some used the pictures, some added, they all
had the same multiplication sentence, they all got the same answer

Alright now turn back to your neighbor and tell them our big idea for today.

Now everyone, in your deepest scariest voice, what is our big idea?
Understand how to write a number sentence for a situation

Evaluation: This is an individual assignment that is separate from what was done
during the lesson. Some examples might be homework, quiz, journal, performance
assessment, etc.

For the evaluation of this lesson, the students will answer the following questions as a
short quiz

- How many shoes are there for six children? Write a multiplication number
sentence that shows your answer.
- How many wheels are there on five cars? Write a multiplication number
sentence that shows your answer
- How many arms are there on three octopuses? Write a multiplication
number sentence that shows your answer


· Enrichment: What are you going to do to stretch the thinking of the

students who already understand? It should not be more work, but deeper work.

If students seem ready, larger numbers will be used.

Remediation: What are you going to do to help those who struggle? Some examples
are smaller numbers, shorter assignments, work with a partner, use manipulatives, use
a graphic organizer.

If students are struggling they can use manipulatives like the base 10 blocks, and
smaller numbers
Lesson 4

Big Idea: Understand how to write a number sentence for a situation

I can statement or student objective:

I can …… write a number sentence so that I can describe a situation

Launch: Introduce the problem to be solved. Do not teach how to solve it.

“Friends, do you remember the lesson we worked on yesterday? Can anyone remind
the class what problem we solved? We solved how many meals we eat in a week.
That’s right and today we are going to learn even more about solving problems like the
one we did yesterday. Today we are going to be doing some drawing in math too! Can
everyone take out their iPads and go to the drawing app on your iPad? I am going to do
my drawing on the board but you will do yours on the iPad. The problem we are going
to be solving is

How many seasons are there in three years?

3x4=12 seasons

On the board have the following image projected

With your neighbor, I want you to answer the following questions. On the top of your

- How many seasons are there in one year?

- What are the seasons?
- How many years is the problem asking us to consider?

“Friends, can you all tell me in your squeakiest voices how many seasons there are in a
year? 4 And what are those seasons? Winter, spring, summer, and fall How many
years is the problem asking us to consider? 3! Wonderful! Those were some pretty
squeaky voices. Now, I want each of you to draw your own representation of the
problem on your iPads. Under your drawing I want you to write the multiplication
sentence that goes with the image.

Give the students time to work on the problem with their partner and discuss how the
drawing represents the multiplication problem.

Allow them 10 minutes to work on their drawings. When the 10 minutes are up, ask
three students to show their drawings with the class and the multiplication sentence that
goes along with it. The multiplication sentence should be the same as the one projected
on the board.

Class, how do your drawings represent what the problem is asking? There are 4
seasons, each group represents the 4 seasons and it is over 3 years. So there are
4 groups of 3 and that equals the 12 seasons.

Where do we see the seasons represented in the multiplication sentence? The 4

represents the seasons

How do we see the number of years represented in the multiplication sentence? The 3
represents the number of years

In the multiplication sentence, what does the 12 represent? The number of seasons in
three years

With your table partner, I want you to complete the homework page together. Check
your answers with each other and be prepared to share your answers with the class.
Explore: Students work in partners or small groups to solve the problem. There should
be multiple solutions or multiple ways to solve the problem.

· How will the students be grouped? Cooperative Learning

Individual Accountability: students will do their own drawings and use

their own strategies

Group Goal: have the same answers and come up with a multiplication

· Key Questions:

Clarifying: How many seasons are there in one year? What are the
seasons? How many years is the problem asking us to consider? What
does a multiplication sentence look like?

Eliciting: What strategy did you use? How does your picture represent
what the problem is asking? What does the 3 represent? What does the 4
Extending: Does the multiplication sentence represent what you did to
solve the problem? Why did you choose to draw the picture like that? Was
your strategy similar or different from your partners?

· Assessment: This is what you will be looking for in the lesson to

show what the students understand.

Look for students who used the pictures to help them solve, look for
additional sentences, and check for correct multiplication sentences.

Summarize: Teacher guided discussion of the key math concepts from the problem.
Students share what they learned and are actively involved in the summary.

“Eyes” Click!

Alrighty everyone, we are going to go over question 5 from the worksheet as a class.
Can someone read question 5 for the class?

Hot dog buns come in packs of eight. How many buns are in three packs?

Everyone, lets unpack this problem together. How many buns are in one pack? 8 How
many packs do we have? 3 What are we trying to solve for? How many hot dog buns
we have.

Kevin I saw you drew a picture to help you solve this problem, can you share it with the
class? Kevin shows class his drawing Can someone explain Kevin’s drawing for the
class? Kevin drew three packs of hot dog buns with eight hotdogs in each pack.
Then what did he do? He counted all of the hotdog buns and got 24 hot dog buns.
Can someone else demonstrate how Kevin would have counted them out? 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 ,15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24. What multiplication
sentence did Kevin get to represent this problem? 8x3=24

Alice, I saw you did something a little different. Can you come to the front and show the
class your strategy on the board? Just write it out and I’ll have someone else explain.
Alice counted on from 8. Can you demonstrate for the class how she might have done
that? 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16. There Are 2 groups then 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24 for the third group. Is that the same answer as Kevin got? Yes What was
Alice’s number sentence? 8x3=24
June I noticed you used some multiplication facts to solve the problem. Can you write
that on the board for everyone? Who can explain June’s strategy for the class? June
knew that 8x2=16 and she needed 3 packs of buns so she added 8 more and got
24. Did all three of these strategies get the same answer? Yes What number sentence
did June get? 8x3=24. Do all of these three number sentences match? Yes.

I want you to turn to your partner and discuss where each of the numbers come from in
the number sentence 8x3=24.

What did we decide the 8 represented? The number of buns in a pack. And how
many packs did the story say we had? 3 So, when we multiplied 3x8 we got what? 24
hot dog buns. If you and your partner had the same answers as we discussed, pat
your head. Hopefully everyone has the same answer

Great job today friends. We are now one step closer to mastering our big idea! Remind
me what that is again.

Understand how to write a number sentence for a situation

Evaluation: This is an individual assignment that is separate from what was done
during the lesson. Some examples might be homework, quiz, journal, performance
assessment, etc.

For homework the students will do a homework problem

5 third-grade students are competing in a math contest. They each bought a shirt
with “math” printed on the front. Show how you solved the problem.

a. How many letters were printed in all?

b. Write a multiplication number sentence to go along with the problem.


· Enrichment: What are you going to do to stretch the thinking of the

students who already understand? It should not be more work, but deeper work.

Students will be given larger numbers and things in bigger groups

· Remediation: What are you going to do to help those who struggle?

Some examples are smaller numbers, shorter assignments, work with a partner,
use manipulatives, use a graphic organizer.

May use manipulatives and visuals as well as working with a partner to do the
Lesson 5

Big Idea: Understand how to write word problem from a number sentence

I can statement or student objective:

I can …… write a word problem that demonstrates a number sentence

Launch: Introduce the problem to be solved. Do not teach how to solve it.

Good morning friends! Let me see all of your eyes and your pretty smiles please, thank
you for your attention. Yesterday we worked on writing number sentences from word
problems. Can anyone tell me what problem we talked about yesterday? How many
seasons there are in three years? That’s right and we did some drawing and
practicing. Today we are going to do some more practicing but switching things up a bit.
On the board I have written 6x2. What kind of number sentence is this? Multiplication
And how would we read this in terms of objects and groups? 6 groups of 2. That's right,
so similar to our problem yesterday that read How many seasons are there in three
years? I want you to develop your own word problem for an object that comes in pairs.
Think back to our story about groups and some of the ideas you all had. We are all
going to be writing a story for the same multiplication number sentence.

In table groups, I want you to complete the chart that I have handed out. As a group
come up with one example to put in each of the boxes.

After the students have had time to complete the chart, about 5-10 minutes. Being class

Friends, on the board I have written the chart, now it is our time to fill it in together with
some of the ideas that you talked about with your group.
Call on students to fill in each slot of the chart, some examples may be

Groups of... Item

Two Pair of mittens

three Sides on a triangle

four Seasons in a year

five Fingers on a hand

six Cans in a 6-pack of pop

seven Days in a week

eight Legs on a spider

nine Players on a baseball team

ten Digits on a calculator

eleven Players on a football team

twelve Inches in a foot

If you had a similar item that came in a group to one that is on our class chart, show me
some quiet jazz hands. Hopefully everyone has some of the similar items.

Wonderful, now with your table groups you are going to be working on developing your
own story problem using some of the items on your list. After you have written the
problem, draw a picture and number sentence that answers your story problem.

Explore: Students work in partners or small groups to solve the problem. There should
be multiple solutions or multiple ways to solve the problem.

· How will the students be grouped? Cooperative Learning

Individual Accountability: Complete the problem on your own paper.

This includes the group word problem, a drawing and number sentence of
the problem.
Group Goal: Work together to develop a story problem to be solved,
discuss and check each other's work to get the same solution to the

· Key Questions:

Clarifying: What is your problem about? How many groups are there?
How many items are in each group?

Eliciting: Does your strategy represent what the problem is asking? How
did you solve the problem? What do the blocks in your strategy represent?
Why did you choose to do it this way?

Extending: Is your word problem similar to other groups? How is the

problem different? Why did you choose to use the tiles that way?

· Assessment: This is what you will be looking for in the lesson to

show what the students understand.

I will walk around the classroom looking at students' word problems and choosing three
that apply the best to the multiplication sentence. I am more interested to see if their
word problems apply to the number sentence than how they solved the problem. I will
also be looking for the correct answers.

Summarize: Teacher guided discussion of the key math concepts from the problem.
Students share what they learned and are actively involved in the summary.

To get the classes attention

“Clap once if you can hear me”

- Clap

“Clap twice if you can hear me”

- Clap, clap

“Clap 3 times if you can hear me”

- Clap, clap, clap

Friends, thank you for working so hard and using your creativity to come up with some
awesome word problems. If you were in Emily, Ethan or Seth’s group, can you come
write your word problems on the board for the class.

Can someone read the first word problem for me? A slice of pizza has three sides.
How many sides are there in six slices of pizza?
- How did they write their number sentence? 3x6=18
- What represents the 3 in the equation from their word problem? The number of
sides on a slice of pizza
- What does the 6 represent in this group's word problem? How slices of pizza
- Can we think of each slice of pizza as its own group? Yes
- And group, did you all get the same answer for the problem? Yes
- What did you get for your answer? 18 sides

Alright next problem, who can read this for me? (Call on a student)

How many wheels are there in 4 tricycles?

- How many wheels does a tricycle have? 3

- How many tricycles are there? 4
- How did they write their number sentence? 3x4=12
- How many wheels are there in six tricycles then? 12 wheels

Wonderful, and finally, can someone read our last word problem for the day?

A clock has an hour hand, a minute hand and a second hand. How many hands
are there on 8 clocks?

- How many hands are on the one clock? 3

- Where does the three go in the number sentence? In the first space
- How many clocks are there in the problem? 8
- Where does the 8 go in the number sentence? After the multiplication sign
- What did this group get for an answer? 24 hands
- What was this group's number sentence? 3x8=24

Now I would like you to turn to your neighbor and talk about what these word problems
have in common. What did you and your partner find they had in common? They all
have groups with three of something in them. Their number sentences match the
problem they were trying to solve. The problems are about things that come in

Those are all right! Today we practiced how to write word problems when we are given
a number sentence. Our big idea for today was to be able to understand how to write a
word problem from a multiplication number sentence. How do you all feel after
practicing those today? If you feel good about what we practiced today give me a
thumbs up, if you are just feeling ok shrug your shoulders, if you are feeling like you
need some more practice to understand show me your reindeer antlers. Good, ok,
need more practice
Evaluation: This is an individual assignment that is separate from what was done
during the lesson. Some examples might be homework, quiz, journal, performance
assessment, etc.

Write and solve their own story problem


· Enrichment: What are you going to do to stretch the thinking of the

students who already understand? It should not be more work, but deeper work.

- Larger numbers, more objects in a group or more groups

· Remediation: What are you going to do to help those who struggle?

Some examples are smaller numbers, shorter assignments, work with a partner,
use manipulatives, use a graphic organizer.

- Working with partners

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