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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards
Artifact Reflection Form

Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard #7 Planning for instruction. The teacher plans instruction that
supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of
content areas, curriculum, cross-disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge
of learners and the community context.

Course Competency The teacher develops appropriate sequencing of learning

experiences and provides multiple ways to demonstrate knowledge and skill.

Course: EDU 218

Date of Implementation: April 14th 2022

Title of Artifact: Lesson Plan Presentation
For this assignment I had the opportunity to create and present a lesson plan in the
classroom I was doing my observation in. I created a lesson plan following the Madeline
Hunter Lesson Plan template and came up with a activity for a 7th grade art class. I got to
present my lesson plan to 3 different classes and make corrections/changes as each time
to improve it. I was able to better understand how and why I would need to make
adjustments so all students could benefit from the lesson plan. After completing this
assignment, I have better understanding for InTASC stand #7 and the course competency
that goes along with this project.

This really allowed me to see how much time and effort go into making an effective
lesson plan. I got to experience first-hand what happens when something doesn’t go the
way it is planned and how to deal with it quickly. I feel like I have a better grasp on what
all needs to be included in a lesson plan for it to run as smooth as possible. I also feel
more confident in my ability to stand in the front of a classroom and present my lesson
plan to a group of students. I felt confident in giving information and answering any
questions that were asked. I think this assignment has better prepared me to have my own
class room because I now know more of what to expect then I did before this. I would
feel confident creating and presenting another effective lesson plan at any time.

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