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Des Moines Area Community College

INTASC Standards
Artifact Reflection Form

Teaching Standard/Competency/Outcome Addressed:

InTASC Standard
#3 Learning Environments- The teacher works with others to create environments that
support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social
interaction, active engagement in learning and self-motivation.

Course Competency
1-Compare the expectations/responsibilities of administrators, teachers, and students in
establishing a safe and productive classroom environment.
2-Explain strategies used to effectively manage a classroom including building positive
relationships, establishing classroom routines, developing clear classroom expectation
and the use of positive behaviors supports and token systems.
3- Express the importance of following school district and building polices within an
educational setting as it relates to classroom management.

Essential Learning Outcome

Course: EDU 218

Date of Implementation: April 5th 2022

Title of Artifact: Classroom Management
For this assignment each student got to pick from 5 different videos to watch. Each video
was specific to a certain grade and students were advised to watch a video closest to the
grade/age they want to teach. Since I am interested in teaching younger children, I
watched a video about how a teacher prepares for the first few days of second grade. I
then wrote a short paper about routines, rules and procedures that the video displayed. I
also gave my own opinion about how these things effect how a classroom will function.
By watching the video and then being able to write about what I had learned I feel I am
better understand InTASC Standard #3 and the course competencies that go along with
this assignment.
After completed this assignment, it allowed me to really think about how I would want to
start off the school in my own room. I was able to analyze different procedures and rules
and work through how that might look in my classroom. I feel more confident about
being able to carry out expectations and implementing routines in a classroom. This
assignment really emphasized making sure students know the routines, rules, and
procedures and how important it is for the students and teachers benefit.

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