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Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2

Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1

Set B
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Read Text 1 and answer questions 1-17. (42 marks)

1. What do the phrases ‘using his phone at dinner’ and ‘hitting “reply all” on emails threads’ refer to in lines 1-2?
A. digital interventions
B. social faux pas
C. personal style
D. motor skills

2. The phrase ‘a certain tech-savvy set’ (line 6) refers to …

A. people who are loyal fans of Jenna Wortham.
B. people who are well-versed in using emoticons.
C. people who make huge investments in the latest gadgets. A B C D
D. people who are well-informed about modern technology.

3. According to paragraph 3, in what ways are emoticons and emoji similar and different? (2 marks)
i) Similarity:

ii) Difference:

4. According to paragraph 4, which of the following emoji icon(s) did the woman use? Put a ‘tick’ () in the box below
the correct picture(s).
A. B. C. D.

E. F. G. H.

1 Book 4 • Set B
Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2
Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1
Set B
- for HKDSE -

5. Based on the information in paragraphs 4 and 5, what does ‘that’ (line 16) refer to?

6. Find words in paragraphs 5 and 6 with a similar meaning to each of the following. (2 marks)
i) shared
ii) confusing

7. Based on the information given in paragraph 6, do you think the writer had expected that Michael and the woman would
develop a proper romantic relationship? Support your answer with evidence from the same paragraph. (2 marks)

8. According to paragraph 6, what does the writer think about his friend’s emoji errors? They are _________.
A. humorous
B. shameful
C. alarming A B C D
D. tragic

9. i) According to paragraphs 6 and 7, what is the similarity between American and Japanese male adult users of emoji?
(1 mark)

ii) What is the reason for the similarity? (1 mark)

10. Complete the passage below based on the information given in paragraphs 8-10. Use ONE word for each blank.
(9 marks)

The history of emoji can be traced back to (i) when NTT DoCoMo, a Japanese company
specializing in telecommunication added a (ii) symbol to its (iii) .
This soon became a must-have for (iv) back then. This young
demographic readily took to the icon as it opened up the (v) of forming
(vi) expressions without the use of text.

In the United States, (vii) use only managed to establish a foothold when Apple introduced
them as an extra app that customers could (viii) in (ix) .

Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2
Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1
Set B
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11. Based on the information given in paragraph 9, name Apple’s target customers when they introduced emoji to iOS.

12. What is implied in paragraph 9?

A. Apple’s iOS 5 was designed for the tech-savvy.
B. Apple was targeting young American users in 2011.
C. Apple users in America like colourful picture icons. A B C D
D. Apple was slow to see the international appeal of emoji.

13. What does the phrase ‘lost in translation’ (line 32) mean? It means that things can be ______________.
A. annoying
B. depressing
C. stimulating A B C D
D. misinterpreted

14. Decide whether the following statements are True (T), False (F), or if the information is Not Given (NG) in paragraphs
11 and 12. Blacken ONE circle for each statement. (4 marks)

i) The original emoji icons were primarily designed with Japanese culture in mind.
ii) Designers of emoji are not impressed with American culture.
iii) Emoji icons for Japanese food and hallmark backgrounds are the most popular
icons available.
iv) Emoji have been available on all social networking sites since their launch.

15. Complete the table below about emoji use using information given in paragraphs 13 and 14. (4 marks)

Emoji use Example

In Asia: An emoji face surrounded by thick black clouds would
Emotions are conveyed by (i) _____________________ mean the user has experienced
____________________________________________ . (ii) _________________________________________ .

In the United States: An emoji face surrounded by thick black clouds

Emotions are conveyed by (iii) ____________________ (iv) _________________________________________
____________________________________________ . ____________________________________________ .

Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2
Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1
Set B
- for HKDSE -

16. Which person mentioned in the text is most likely to make each of the statements below? Choose from A-F and write
the correct letter in the box next to each person. Two of the statements are NOT used. (4 marks)

Statements Statements
‘Emoji are so expressive that they can be used ‘As a social media giant, my company needs
A to tell a story, as demonstrated in my work.’ D to figure out how cultural diversity impacts
upon emoji use.’
‘It’s natural that some adults would experience ‘The icons he used are for “bro talk”, and
B culture shock when exposed to a “foreign E hardly the same sweet nothings a man would
language”, so to speak.’ say to someone he has a crush on.’
‘More emoji should be created specially for ‘I know how to socialize in person but don’t
Indians.’ communicate quite as well via emoji.’

Michael’s date Greg Marra

Mimi Ito Fred Benenson

17. Match the main ideas with the paragraphs by writing the letters (A-F) in the table below. One of them is NOT used.
(5 marks)

Main ideas
A Cultural differences are embedded in emoji.
B Some adults find it difficult to communicate via emoji.
C Michael failed to impress his date via emoji.
D Michael still has a lot to learn about using emoji.
E Emoji spread to the United States from Japan.
F Women like talking to men via emoji.

Paragraph No(s). Main idea



Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2
Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1
Set B
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Read Text 2 and answer questions 18-29. (21 marks)

18. What kind of text is Text 2?

A. essay
B. transcript
C. short story A B C D
D. screenplay

19. According to paragraph 1, at least how old is Koren when she appears on the podcast?

20. What does ‘a destructive spiral’ (line 3) suggest about Koren’s girlhood?

21. According to paragraph 1, in what TWO ways has Koren spread her message about the dangers of alcohol abuse?
(2 marks)
i) and ii)

22. According to paragraphs 2 and 3, how has the rate of drinking amongst teenage girls changed lately?
It has …
A. risen.
B. fallen.
C. remained stable. A B C D
D. been fluctuating.

23. What does Koren mean by ‘a more “co-ed” marketing approach’ (line 9)?

24. What does ‘hooked on’ (line 11) mean?

Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2
Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1
Set B
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25. According to paragraph 5, which of the following best reflects Koren’s view on the risk of teenage binge drinking?
A. College students are a high-risk group.
B. She puts poor parenting in the cross hairs.
C. Binge drinking is all about marketers’ greed. A B C D
D. The risk affects all teens, possibly insecure ones more so.

26. What is ‘the bottle’ (line 13), and in what way is it like ‘cosmetic products and diet supplements’ (line 12)? Answer by
completing the blanks below. You may use more than one word for each blank. (2 marks)

The term ‘the bottle’ refers to (i) . It is similar to cosmetics

and diet supplements in the way that it offers hope to users and makes them believe they will
(ii) .

27. According to paragraph 7, which of the following is/are the reason(s) why Koren took up drinking? Put a ‘tick’ () next
to the one(s) mentioned in the text, and a ‘cross’ () next to the one(s) that is/are not. (5 marks)

to self-harm
to find an identity
to escape boredom
to feel more grown up
to be accepted by peers

28. According to paragraph 9, why does Koren think teens might not want to talk to their parents?

29. Complete the chart below based on the information given in paragraph 11. You may use more than one word for each
blank. (4 marks)

Compared to men, women are (i) in build.

Women (ii) in general.

Women are at higher risk of (iii) _________________________________ , which may lead to

(iv) .

End of questions for Text 2

Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2
Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1
Set B
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Read Text 3 and answer questions 30-39. (21 marks)

30. According to paragraph 13, what are the TWO reasons why people might not associate OxyContin with drug addiction?
(2 marks)

31. According to paragraph 13, which of the following is NOT a reason for OxyContin’s success?
A. It manages serious pain.
B. It cures underlying diseases.
C. It has good connection with doctors. A B C D
D. It was represented by strong salesmanship.

32. Based on the information given in paragraph 13, name ONE direct way and ONE indirect way that OxyContin can harm
addicts. (2 marks)
i) Direct:
ii) Indirect:

33. Find words in paragraph 13 with opposite meanings to each of the following: (3 marks)
i) legal
ii) pleasant
iii) mild

34. Which meaning of the word ‘highs’ is used in line 10?

A. positions above others of the same type
B. the highest temperature in a period of time
C. mental states caused by intake of substances A B C D
D. feelings of pleasure and excitement due to success

35. Complete the following sentence about the main characters in paragraph 14 using the information given in the same
paragraph. Make sure your answers are grammatically correct. (4 marks)

Desperate to get their hands on highly-addictive (i) and out of

(ii) , the couple took to (iii) while pretending to be
(iv) .

Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2
Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1
Set B
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36. According to paragraph 15, who filmed Ben: Diary of a Heroin Addict? Support your answer by quoting a phrase from
the text. (2 marks)
i) Who:
ii) Quote:

37. According to paragraph 15, did Ben manage to get rid of his addiction? Quote a sentence/phrase to support your answer.

38. According to paragraph 16, what does meth do to rural towns, and who are the addicts? (2 marks)

39. Based on the information given in Text 3, which documentary … (3 marks)

i) explores the role of the medical profession?

ii) has a specific urban setting?

iii) features an illegal drug not mentioned in the other documentaries?


Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2
Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1
Set B
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Read Text 4 and answer questions 40-60. (44 marks)

40. According to paragraph 1, the current use of the word ‘geek’ is …

A. complimentary.
B. threatening.
C. offensive.
D. neutral.

41. The main purpose of paragraph 2 is to show that …

A. geeks are born intelligent and diligent.
B. geeks are now widely accepted as trendy individuals.
C. the writer is not sure whether it is now the age of the geek. A B C D
D. the Oxford Dictionaries Online encourages people to become geeks.

42. What is the writer’s attitude towards the entertainment the geeks provided mentioned in paragraph 3?

43. i) What is the writer’s tone in the phrase ‘they had no time at all for animal interactions’ (line 13)? (1 mark)

ii) What specific ‘animal interactions’ are being referred to? (1 mark)

44. Find a phrase in paragraph 4 that means ‘insulting label’.

45. What does the writer mean when they say that the geeks’ ‘moment still had not quite arrived’ (line 14)?

46. According to paragraph 5, which of the following was NOT used to identify geeks?
A. dress habits
B. body shapes
C. habitual activities A B C D
D. behaviour towards others

Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2
Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1
Set B
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47. Find a phrase in paragraph 1 that can replace the phrase ‘most distinguished citizens’ (line 23).

48. What is implied by the claim that geeks needed tech gurus to help them ‘hold their heads up’ (line 25)?

49. Complete the diagram below showing the changes described in paragraphs 3-7. You may use more than one word
for some blanks. (9 marks)

Beginning: The term ‘geek’ originally referred to people who were (i) ______________________ .

The term became synonymous with (ii) _______________________ who performed

Early 20th century:
(iii) _______________________ .

The term represented an anti-social group who developed a technology-oriented

From the 1980s to
(iv) _______________________ . In popular media, geeks were portrayed as
the 1990s:
(v) _______________________ .

‘Geek’ spells (vi) _______________________ and (vii) _______________________

in the age of the Net. As the Internet has bloomed, being geeky has come to mean being
The 21st century:
(viii) _______________________ and fashionable. (ix) _______________________
such as Steve Jobs and Bill Gates have helped change the public’s perception of geeks.

50. According to paragraph 8, in his Daily Mail interview, Gates …

A. defended the geeks before his time.
B. applied geekiness to a new subject.
C. questioned the definition of ‘geek’. A B C D
D. proudly embraced the term ‘geek’.

51. According to paragraph 9, what was the public’s original perception of the clothing items that Steve Jobs always wore?
Why did that perception change? (2 marks)
i) What:
ii) Why:

Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2
Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1
Set B
- for HKDSE -

52. According to paragraph 9, in what way were Apple’s and Microsoft’s products geeky, and in what way were they not?
(2 marks)

53. What is ‘the ironic twist’ (line 35) about?

54. The word ‘dilettantish’ (line 37) means …

A. arrogant and wrong
B. passing and shallow
C. careful and insecure A B C D
D. serious and thorough

55. What is the writer’s opinion of the ‘wannabe geeks’ (lines 35-36)?

56. Paragraphs 10 and 11 mention what is trending amongst normies and nerds. Complete the table below using information
given in the same paragraphs. Put a ‘tick’ () in the correct boxes and fill in the blanks with one or more words.
(6 marks)

Amongst What is trending? How do they follow the trend?

normies geeky look e.g. wearing thick-framed glasses

geeky knowledge showing off (i)
and (ii)

normies engaging in (iii) (iv)


Developing Skills for HKDSE ‒ Papers 1 & 2
Book 4 (2021 Revised Edition) Mock Test 2 Paper 1
Set B
- for HKDSE -

57. Based on the information given in paragraph 12, complete the chart below showing the reasons that geeks might choose
to exercise more. You may use more than one word for each blank. (4 marks)

Reasons for geeks to exercise more

Psychological Cultural Financial

to make up for (i) _____________ influenced by California’s able to afford (iii) _____________
____________________________ (ii) _________________________ _______________ and the services
____________________________ of (iv) ______________________

58. According to paragraph 13, which of the following is/are the writer’s view(s) on the use of smart devices on social
occasions? Put a ‘tick’ () next to the one(s) mentioned in the text, and a ‘cross’ () next to the one(s) that is/are not.
(5 marks)

It is anti-social. It is mainstream behaviour.

It is a bother. It makes the person look intelligent.

It is still frowned upon.

59. According to paragraph 15, what is needed to change attitudes towards ‘Otaku’ (line 52)?

60. Do you think that geek culture has had a positive or negative effect on society? Explain your answer.



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